/* Hi, If you are reading this, you have found this script in the referenced scripts for pages on this site. I know you're gonna have to take me at my word on this, but I'm literally using this to collect how much time people spend reading my webpages. See metrics here: https://christine.website/metrics If you have the "do not track" setting enabled in your browser, this code will be ineffectual. */ (function() { let dnt = navigator.doNotTrack; if (dnt === "1") { return; } let startTime = new Date(); function logTime() { let stopTime = new Date(); window.navigator.sendBeacon("/api/pageview-timer", JSON.stringify({ "path": window.location.pathname, "start_time": startTime.toISOString(), "end_time": stopTime.toISOString() })); } window.addEventListener("pagehide", logTime, false); })();