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# April, 2013
## Day 224 - vegetarian path
04/03/2013 07:04:00 PM
I made the choice that am going to cut out meats from my diet. this is something that i plan to do gradually. cuting more and more meat from my diet until theres none left.
the reason why am doing this slowly is because Koomer has Zero intention of becoming a vegetarian. hes all like “Meat forever!”, and such. while i do respect his wishs am afraid i wont be able to satisfy it for much longer.
after i completely remove meat from my diet. if koomer whats beef/chicken then hes going to have to put his imagination to work and tulpaforce these things.
## 04/05/2013 05:01:22 PM
ramen goodness, this was my first time having real ramen. it was everything i imagined it even had those iconic white things with the pink swirls ( I loved that ).
I seen this dish in many anime, which i tend to watch in my free time. and i always wonder how it tasted, Now i know.
This is something everyone needs to try at least once.
## Day 228 - Meeting with a medium aka psychic
04/07/2013 05:32:00 PM
This is something we wanted to do for a long time, and now we finally got the chance to do it.
I learned about this women at a local Spa, and i quickly set up a reading from her a few weeks in advance, Today was finally the day and i came back very satisfied
She can see people Auras, all the time. auras is like your energy or essences and they come in different colors depending on your personality or current state of mind.
I did not know whether or not we can change our aura by just switching around. so we experimented with the Psychic to see if she can detect a difference.
We switched around with 4 different tulpas including myself and the host koomer. We found out that Auras did in-fact change depending on the tulpa thats using the body at the moment.
- my aura was very loving and Intuitive with a love for music.
- my host was very analytic and creative, (lots of yellow)
The Psychic was Very surprised that we was able to do this in the first place. and she ended up asking us a couple questions.
"Does it hurt to change your aura like that?“
"Does it make you tired?”
we said that it didnt took too much effort to pull off.
I told her that it was possible because of “Tulpas”, i briefly explained to her what it meant and that theres a whole community out their that lives this stuff. anyone with a tulpa that also knows possession can pull this off.
The meeting i had with the psychic was short however (only 30mins), thats what i paid for. but for the most part she is very talented.
## Slice of life.
04/19/2013 12:08:00 AM
I suppose i should make a “normal” post every once in awhile.
Today we attended class as usual. when we came back home. I decided to give our messy bedroom a make over. now its clean and orderly. I even moved the bed and computer to a new spot.
However Ive broke the internet modem while cleaning ( A simple 12 cm drop broke the thing, You cant be serious! )
Thats 70 dollars down the drain. ugh, I already spent too much money this month. But internet nowadays is as important as food and water so i guess am going have to sell drugs or something to buy another one.
I was joking about the durgs, and dont do drugs tulpas!