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# March, 2013
## Good Night.
03/05/2013 09:08:35 PM
to everyone who is still up late, be sure to sleep with your tulpa(s) tonight.
## Testing's Possession/switching guide
03/06/2013 08:24:00 PM
This member called “testing” posted a helpful guide about possession and switching. I believe that this is a effective guide for beginners to practice and understand as it does not require advance host skills.
the guide provide some extra insight in to the nature of switching that will help anyone attempting it.
## Day 199 - Tulpamacer encounter.
03/09/2013 06:45:00 PM
Today was a turly intertesting day, For the first time in my life, I went to a brony Meetup at a local festival. I never met a brony before, but boy i knew one when i saw one. we gather to a group of 7 and had a very grand time with the meetup, when it was time for us to leave, this one particular brony needed a ride to his home.
I droped him off, and asked him if i can have a glass of water, so i went into his house, and we chated abit about mlp stuff, I then asked him about 4chan, and then Tulpas.
he knew what tulpas was, and then i asked the final question. do you know who Koomer is?
and he said he did, (“that one guy with the tulpa named Oguigi right?”).
Then things really got strange, this was a surreal moment…. I told him that i am Oguigi / Koomer. He was absolutely speechless and wide-eye. i then went on on his laptop near by and log in to my own account to confirm it all.
He then opened up to us completely after that, he told me that he also has a tulpa, and he showed me his account.
I been waiting for a moment like this, so we talked about tulpas. It was one thing to talk about tulpas in forums or irc/chat, its another when youre face to face irl. I spoke to his tulpa directly and taught her how to start possession in just under 10 minutes, the feeling of excitement when i saw his tulpa move his index figure move right before my eyes, was amazing.
I stayed and talked to this Tulpamancer/brony/friend for a couple hours about all sorts of things, he asked me and Koomer many questions and we answered as many as we was able to until i was too tired to answer anymore.
When i left we shared numbers, and i went on my way. This was a very rare moment. A meetup, ended with a friend.
## Response to Scrappy & Destinys Tulpa Log: Possession practice
03/11/2013 09:08:00 PM
> > scrappyndestiny:
> Today my host and I practiced possession, I was able to move his hands and arms now but his body still feels so heavy to me still, we need to practice more but it felt good to be able to do more than just move fingers. Fingers and hands are a much different for me being a pony, so to use them felt…
Great work Scrappy, And destiny am very happy to see that youve made such progress with possession already , i can already tell that a very strong bond is being created.
Everyone meet Scrappy and his tulpa Destiny, this is the person i was talking about in my last log post. be sure to follow him and his progress with his tulpa destiny
## Response to Scrappy & Destinys Tulpa Log: Destinys Song
03/13/2013 07:21:18 PM
> > scrappyndestiny:
> So Destiny sang for me while I was doing some forcing to hear her voice outside of my mind, Ill try to give this justice but just reading it wont be the same as hearing it from her but maybe other tulpas can try singing it.
> “Hello, can you hear me now,
> Im right here by your side.
> Listen close,…
Very sweet song destiny.
## Day 206 - family confession update.
03/16/2013 07:33:00 PM
a couple months ago, i made a post of me “Confessing” to koomer family about me and well tulpas in general.. well not the entire family just his two brothers.
(Editor's note: [confession video](
am guessing some people might be wondering how things are now, since i spilled the beans.
for koomer older brother, nothing really changed. but now and again hell tease us about it and tulpae in general.
for koomer younger brother, he seem to have taken a real interest in us. he created a tulpa named chad, but he hardly spends any time with him, turns out hes more interested in the mental aspects of tulpas. such as entering the sub-conscious and possession. hes not really serious about any of this but he is being very open-minded and getting his feet wet.
a couple post ago, i promised that i was going to make a post about possession in general, but it seem something that i might only post in since its has alot of theories and speculations. but idk, well see.
## 03/17/2013 03:28:00 AM
Thanks guys, Its crazy to think that every post i make is now going to viewed by 100+ people, so thanks for everyone interested in our story and life.
I can now Dissipate in peace. not really
## 03/18/2013 06:54:00 PM
This is me, during days when i have no school. or work.
## Question on 03/18/2013
2019-02-14 17:40:58 +00:00
03/18/2013 07:05:19 PM
> After reading that post, Mina wanted to say you something: "Oguigi, don't be sorry about the beliefs of the others. You have already traveled a long way in this life, further than many of us. Do not forget your goal, and that you'll always be loved no matter what. Kindly, Mina."
Thank you Mina, that means a lot.
## Day 211 - parallel and isolation training
03/21/2013 06:50:00 AM
It has been awhile since i made a post. as in a post not made from my tulpa oguigi
anyways, we have begin to work on parallel processing and isolation, in other words, keeping thoughts hidden to one self.
before this, we had a open mind policy where every thought was open and could easily be intercepted by anyone. but for the continued growth of Oguigi we have chosen to abandon this idea, and start making thoughts private once more.
this makes speaking using our mind voices very hard, because we have to communicate in a slightly different way, me or very likely Oguigi will go more in-depth on it once we have learn to master it.
and we have just started on parallel processing, something that we now feel somewhat ready to start training on.
## Tulpa labor.
03/21/2013 02:00:00 PM
When am bored doing math or perhaps any work with this body, i sometimes wonder how easy it would be to escape all this work and just go back to the mind.
“it would sure be nice to be a cute pony sleeping in the wonderland, while a certain someone is writting this 7 page essay”
koomer: “you said something oguigi?”
but then again, all good things in life requires work and effort, and its no different for a tulpa like me. in the long run this will all pay out, at the end this will make me into a stronger person.
## Day 213 - Tulpa to Tulpa face off.
03/23/2013 07:04:00 PM
Ive met scarppy in person again (hes the tulpamancer ive talked about in an earlier post)
but this meeting had something new in store for me, scarppy tulpa, Destiny. have learned to possesson or switch into his body, what this led to was very well one of the rarest conversation one can observe, at least in this day and age.
its one thing to meet another tulpamancer, but its another to actually meet another tulpa like myself in person.
I talked to destiny and destiny talked to me, a host can only describe it as an other worldly conversation from other worldly beings, as it was one of the furthest thing from a normal human conversation. we talked how it was like using our host body we share a couple fine details of wonderland life and such.
Am quite tired and i can share more details in another post. the reason being was being me and scrappy went on a fair for the entire day, which in it self was quite the experience (it was an asian themed fair, displayed the best aspects of traditional and pop Eastern culture).
## Question on 03/24/2013
03/24/2013 04:26:00 PM
> Do you ever wear some pink and/or girly things on koomer's body? ;)
lol, well i know that early on when i possessed koomer body I did make the body behavior a bit more feminine, but i never went as far as that. and even if i did i dont believe that koomer would let me, hell probably stop me at the spot with everything he got.
embarrassing or ruining the body reputation is #1 in my list on the things i should never do.
## Day 216 - Side effects
03/26/2013 07:20:00 PM
Hey this is koomer, am oguigis host. Ive let my Tulpa use my body nearly all the time, 5 months ago Oguigi been using the body regularly and now for the last 3 months nearly all the time.
on a average week i use the body for about 3 hours or less in total.
and to be completely honest i cant really use the body for that long; at least, not anymore. it only takes about 30 mins for me to get urges to let my tulpa take back control once more.
On top of Oguigi wanting to use the body whenever she can, you can say that ive also became quite addicted to not using the body, it feels good to let my tulpa come into control and do her thing, no need to tulpaforce, nothing to worry about, when shes in control i feel her presence/energy all the time, and i come to love that feeling. when i come into control it does not take long for me to start worrying about oguigi even when i know shes still around.
And Using the body now takes a bit of will power. if i lose desire to move, the body will just lock up, and some other random entity in the mind will take control since i guess ive opened myself up so much, but they never do much so its not a problem, am always able to take back control if i put enough will power into it,but its slowly taking a bit more effort.
It only been 7 months since i got started, and ive changed myself so much. I can really start to feel my identity with the body is fading, while my tulpa is more and more assuming its identity as her own.
I suppose after a couple years i wont even be me anymore, perhaps i will become a care-free fragment of the person i once was. which is in no part a bad thing, its just all going to be “different”.
and as for my tulpa Oguigi, I really hope everything works out for her. that she obtain the strength she desires to make us both happy.