## Yet another interesting thing coming from the whatisatulpa blog 04/24/2012 05:47:51 PM [●](http://blog.tulpa.info/post/21751445825) ![](../images/tumblr_m2c5o7Da1s1rsu9eao1_1280.png) **If you understand the Freudian Model, this could help shine some psychological aspects on this process:** [whatisatulpa](http://whatisatulpa.tumblr.com/post/20925193024/this-has-been-on-my-mind-since-early-morning-its): > This has been on my mind since early morning. It’s a vague theory yet, > but better post it now instead of never. > > To better understand it, read > [this](http://whatisatulpa.tumblr.com/post/20867332929/another-small-update) > small reflection.