## My request to the blogs, website, and other tulpa-related resources\! 05/18/2012 07:13:00 AM [●](http://blog.tulpa.info/post/23290257771) In the mighty words of my announcement on the Tulpa.info Forums: **[It’s time to get serious](http://tulpa.info/forums/Announcement-It-s-time-to-get-serious "Time to get serious")**.  Actually, first and foremost, I ask that everyone go over to that announcement and read it.  It involves FAQ man, fellow blogs, and this community as a whole. For those who don’t want to read it, I’m just going to cut to the chase and post an email from Dane/FAQ man’s: > You caught me just as I was checking this email for the last time. > Make it so you can google anything with the word tulpa in it and get > tulpa.info we need to be more searchable on google as a main priority. > Tulpa FAQ, tulpa creation, anything with tulpa needs to yeild > tulpa.info as a first. That should be your priority. It’s been about three days since I posted that announcement, and I’ve been spending most of my time recoding the website to make it SEO-friendly.  I’ve also optimized the forums and set up a sitemap system, so that’s all good.  But of course, googling “what is a tupla?” will still fail to bring up the the latest [What is a Tulpa?](http://www.tulpa.info/guides/what-is-a-tulpa.html "What is a Tulpa?") guide.  Instead, it bats between our guides that haven’t been updated since Feb/March, or other websites that scream from the top of their lunges, “TULPAS ARE DANGEROUS\!” Yes, this means that tulpa.info is trying to compete in the ranks for the very own guides we host; I wouldn’t be concerned about that if it wasn’t for the fact that these guides we’re losing the ranks to are outdated (e.g. “TULPA SEX, RUN\!” or “Personality.. whut?”), and in the end, when questions make it to Dane or on the forums, usually we have to take the time to link them to updated guides.  A great example is that when I google “What is a tupla?,” the old guide from Louderthanpi comes up on the first page – tupa.info is nowhere to be seen. For example, another member was recently telling me about a thread on DreamViews (Lucid Dreams site), where they’re talking about tulpae.  The people in the thread are reading and referring to guides on Tulparangers (that dropbox website), and when this guy posted tulpa.info, everyone said that the months-old .png images and dropbox websites were the better alternatives. I was talking about this with some guys in the IRC, and there is a way to fix this though: centralize.  If I google “What is a tulpa?” Louderthanthunder comes up on page 2, havesomepi comes up on page 8, and Tulpa.info comes up on page 12. However, what if lounderthanthunder and havesompi linked to tulpa.info?  Well, google should put tupla.info higher in the ranks.  What ifeveryone of these dropbox sites and side-folders in this new tulpa movement changed their site to be SEO-friendly towards tulpa.info – the only dedicated domain to this community? I have a feeling that google will realize they say we’re an authority on the subject, and when people search for tulpa, they’ll find us and the latest guides.  That means when those people make threads like the one on DreamViews, they would end up linking to tulpa.info in their OP and throughout the thread, instead of linking to various images and outdated guides.  Google, will in turn see that tulpa.info is more relevant when talking about tulpae, and will increase our page rank, helping even more people find information. **Where I’m getting at.** With all that being said, I have a request to the websites such as Havesomepi, Tulparangers, etc. I ask that you do one of the following: - If you are already actively maintaining your website and don’t want to remove anything, and if you want to continue to compete with us for pagerank, then I at least ask that you update to the latest guides.  Note that if you have any of Dane/FAQ Man’s guides, he requests that you link back to the page you got it from (so if you update your site with the latest Frequently Asked Questions, provide a link back to the [Frequently Asked Questions](http://www.tulpa.info/guides/frequently-asked-questions.html "Frequently Asked Questions") page). - If you don’t feel like updating your guides, I ask that you add this to the top of each guide: **\Please note that this guide is outdated and no longer maintained.  You can find the latest copy of the guide on this page:\TITLE OF THAT GUIDE\\** So, if you have an old version of “What is a Tulpa?"  You would post: **\Please note that this guide is outdated and no longer maintained.  You can find the latest copy of the guide on this page: \