## [Bluesleeve's Tulpa Blog: Imaginary Companions and the Children who Create Them - Implications on Tulpas](http://whatisatulpa.tumblr.com/post/21400525999/imaginary-companions-and-the-children-who-create-them) 04/21/2012 04:18:58 PM [●](http://blog.tulpa.info/post/21531018191) Nice post going over the difference between imaginary friends and a tulpae. [whatisatulpa](http://whatisatulpa.tumblr.com/post/21400525999/imaginary-companions-and-the-children-who-create-them): > **Yay or nay?** > > Just a week ago, I got myself a copy of “Imaginary Companions and the > Children who create them”. > > About 15 minutes ago , I finished reading it and - who would have > thought it - it was a very insightful book indeed. Some parts really > made me giggle and the book as a whole has a very…