## Update 05/03/2012 07:52:00 AM [●](http://blog.tulpa.info/post/22321428608) Since the last update, I’ve been intently constructing the personality.  I started with a huge list of traits, and then I slowly organized them by the Big Five Personality Traits, then further organized them into trait and inverse traits.  I created tables, emotions, linked emotions with traits, created a table of likes and dislikes, all that good stuff. I still haven’t narrated the traits to the tulpa yet (I’m actually going to start that today\!), but something very interesting happened this morning.  I was sitting in my bed for about an hour thinking about random stuff, when I decided to start thinking about a name for the Tulpa.  I was just going around in my head, “Maybe I should call it X, or Y, or..” Then another thought came in; it was something like, “Don’t forget the name from your story: X."  For the record, the name & story was the furthest thing on my mind; I’ve all but forgotten it. This thought wasn’t like my inner-voice; it felt completely foreign; I’ve had stray thoughts and let my mind wonder before, and I’ve even rationalized things in my head and thought out loud before; but this felt alien, it didn’t feel like it came from my train of thought. The thing is, if you asked me how many hours in I was, I couldn’t really tell you, because I wasn’t even logging the hours.  Everything I’ve done so far (the thinking and writing about the personality).  As it stands, I still don’t have a body, or even a gender in mind for my Tulpa; just the personality. I asked Dane (FAQ Man) about it this morning, he called it a "false vocal session,” where the creators would hear the Tulpa early on, but then not again until it’s actually vocal, later in the process.  Apparently it’s happened to a few people, including Irish. Either way, things just got very interesting.