## On Personality --again 05/09/2012 06:17:00 AM [●](http://blog.tulpa.info/post/22713954889) Some people have been requesting the ‘snippets’ of my personality thing that I’ve sent FAQ Man and posted on the IRC, so I figure I’d post them up here (inb4 “your handwriting is terrible, why religious, etc, etc.). Basically, what I did, was go to [This Website](http://www.gurusoftware.com/GuruNet/Personal/Factors.htm) and start copying every trait I liked into a raw list.  I ended up with about 75 or so traits. Afterwards, I organized each trait into one of the Big Five Personality Factors.  Here’s a picture of the completed list (yes, resolution sucks, the pic is to show you the structure, not the traits themselves): ![Personality Factors](http://i.imgur.com/rFNPZ.jpg) Next, I went to [This Page](http://changingminds.org/explanations/emotions/basic%20emotions.htm) and started writing down/organizing every emotion I thought would be good to include in the personality; I was left with this: ![](http://i.imgur.com/0SLqZ.jpg) And finally, I went over attributes; likes, dislikes, hobbies, topics of interest, and tabled them: ![](http://i.imgur.com/YJRAC.jpg) Now, when I work on personality, I basically sit down in a chair and tell the tulpa about itself.  I go through trait-by-trait, and rationalize the following: ![](http://i.imgur.com/Ok7f9.jpg) In case you can’t see the last two entries, they say: "How would the tulpa handle each emotion, based on the trait?"  and ”\<\