## [Chupi's Tulpa Log: WARNING: The evils of FAQ\_man's hour counts](http://chupitulpa.tumblr.com/post/29003607860) 08/12/2012 10:10:53 AM [●](http://blog.tulpa.info/post/29271700636) [chupitulpa](http://chupitulpa.tumblr.com/post/29003607860): > **Simply put, the hour estimates in [FAQ\_man’s > guide](http://tulpa.info/guides/faqman-creation-guide.html) are tulpa > poison.** THIS is why my hour counter is so high and my progress is so > slow. Incoming rant… *PLEASE* read this if you’re making a tulpa. It > could save you months of grief. > > When I started on Lyra (on April 17), our community was much…