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This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
- [Introduction](./
- [Introduction](./
- [eBook Download](./
- [eBook Download](./
- [Glossary](./
- [Redditulpas Glossary](./
- [Common Glossary](./
- [Frequently Asked Questions](./
- [Frequently Asked Questions](./
- [An Addendum to Tulpamancy Guides](./
- [An Addendum to Tulpamancy Guides](./
- [Things to Ask Yourself Before You Make a Tulpa](./
- [Things to Ask Yourself Before You Make a Tulpa](./
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
- [When Then Zen: Anapana](./
- [When Then Zen: Anapana](./
- [Quantum Pause](./
- [Quantum Pause](./
- [Tulpas and Vipassana](./
- [Tulpas and Vipassana](./
- [Foghorn Meditation](./
- [Creation](./
- [Creation](./
- [A Tulpa Creation Guide by Sygma](./
- [A Tulpa Creation Guide by Sygma](./
- [May the Force be with You](./
- [May the Force be with You](./
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@
- [Overcoming Parrotnoia](./
- [Overcoming Parrotnoia](./
- [King of the Vandenreich's Prism](./
- [King of the Vandenreich's Prism](./
- [Chupi on Vocalization](./
- [Chupi on Vocalization](./
- [Easy Guide on How to Hear Your Tulpa](./
- [Imposition](./
- [Imposition](./
- [q2's Guide to a Huggable Tulpa](./
- [q2's Guide to a Huggable Tulpa](./
- [Possession](./
- [Possession](./
@ -43,6 +46,7 @@
- [Immersion](./
- [Immersion](./
- [Wonderland Immersion](./
- [Wonderland Immersion](./
- [Five Stages of Visualization](./
- [Five Stages of Visualization](./
- [How to Refocus on your Wonderland](./
- [When Things Go Wrong in Your Imagination and How To Fix Them so They Don't](./
- [When Things Go Wrong in Your Imagination and How To Fix Them so They Don't](./
- [Parapsychological](./
- [Parapsychological](./
- [Metaphysical Creation](./
- [Metaphysical Creation](./
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## The Common Glossary of Tulpa and Other Plurality-Related Terms
Co-authored and organized by the Felight and Bethel systems
### Systems and Members
**Alter/split**: A thoughtform that functions as an independent, separate personality from the original, with its own opinions and capabilities. Usually sprouts from the host as a result of severe trauma at a young age, and are not intentionally created.
**Body “OS”/autopilot**: The tendency for the body to move automatically and seemingly without input of any system members. Sometimes viewed as a servitor that exists for the most basic survival.
**Endogenic**: A plural system that developed unintentionally but without trauma. This could mean a variety of things, a common example being an imaginary friend that grows into a systemmate.
**Factive**: A thoughtform based entirely on a particular real-life person. This term usually refers to thoughtforms that truly believe they are whatever character they portray and may believe they have lived out the past of whoever they are mimicking.
**Fictive**: As factive, but based on a fictional character.
**Host/original**: The first person born in the body. The creator of the tulpas and/or originator of alters. Host specifically can sometimes instead refer to someone who fronts on behalf of the system for the majority of the time.
**Median**: A group of systemmates who function dependently on one another, with a strong reliance on each other. Their thoughts and identities of the thoughtforms may be more melded and blended, rather than fully separate.
**Multiple/plural**: The state of having more than one functioning conscious entity inside a single mind, either through alters, splits, tulpas, or other means.
**Servitor**: A non-sentient entity created to fulfill an automated mental task.
**Singlet**: Someone without additional thoughtforms or alters.
**Soulbond**: A thoughtform with origins in a fictional story, often written by the host, caused by the host thinking about it often and thus unintentionally developing a tulpa
**System**: The group of people living in a single body. Usually only refers to those who are sentient and consistently active.
**Systemmate/headmate**: General term for a sentient thoughtform in your head.
**Thoughtform**: Any separate agent within your mind that can performs tasks. Includes servitors.
**Traumagenic**: A system that developed as a survival method to help someone cope with trauma, usually at a young age, usually unintentionally. Commonly associated with mental disorders such as DID.
**Tulpa**: An intentionally-created sentient thoughtform that functions independently of the original personality/host.
**Tulpamancer**: Anyone who creates a tulpa.
**Walk-in**: A seemingly spontaneous or unexpected systemmate.
### Forcing
**Deviation**: The process of a tulpa changing in personality, form, or any other way unintended or unexpected by the other members.
**Forcing**: Any interaction with or thinking about one’s tulpa, usually with the intent of improving their growth or reaching goals.
**Active Forcing**: Forcing a tulpa without any outside distractions, devoting one’s entire focus to their tulpa.
**Passive Forcing**: Thinking about or interacting with one’s tulpa while doing or focusing on something else.
**Head pressure**: A sensation that is brought about by forcing. The specific feeling of “pressure” is unique to most people. Some systems use it as a form of communication.
**Narration**: A form of forcing that resembles a heavily one-sided conversation in which a headmate talks to the tulpa about any subject they choose.
**Symbolism**: Using mental imagery to represent something else. Often used to assist forcing, vocality, possession, switching, and so forth.
**Parroting/puppeting**: Taking “control” of your tulpa, pretending it is talking and moving on its own. Parroting refers to their voice, while puppeting refers to their movements.
**Tulpamancy**: The practice/process of creating a tulpa
### States of Being/Thought
**Blending**: When the thoughts of two or more systemmates are blurred or construed in a way that makes it difficult to tell who originated the thought. Can also be shared thoughts, or thoughts that occur at the same time.
**Co-fronting**: When multiple members of a system are are all ready to speak and move, and able to present themselves as the front.
**Dissipation**: When a systemmate gradually fades out of existence through the lack of stimulation and interaction for an extended period of time.
**Dissociation**: “A disruption of and/or discontinuity in the normal integration of consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control, and behavior” - DSM-V.
More commonly in the community, this refers to loss of immediate awareness of what is going on in front of or around you and also a loss of identification with the body. Usually seen as a step towards switching.
**Eclipsing**: When the thoughts of one systemmate unintentionally affect the thoughts/actions of another.
**Egocide**: The shattering, fragmenting, or breaking of one’s identity. Commonly used as a term meaning “mental suicide.”
**Fronting**: When a systemmate presents themselves as the “front.” This usually takes the form of someone full-body possessing and speaking.
**Merging/fusing**: When two or more thoughtforms act and think together as one. Sometimes symbolically enhanced by combining forms.
**Parallel processing**: The talent of two headmates thinking or performing separate actions simultaneously, within the limits of the brain’s neurology.
**Possession**: The state in which a tulpa controls the physical body. Can refer to either partial control, such as a limb, or full control of the body.
**Sentience**: The state in which a thoughtform can perceive and feel things.
**Splitting**: The undoing of a merge, or fragmenting of a thoughtform/identity into multiple entities.
**Switching**: The act of a headmate becoming the main fronter in place of another headmate, usually with the previous main fronter receding into the background.
### Imagination/Visualization
**Form**: An imaginary avatar used by a systemmate.
**Imposition**: The ability to intentionally hallucinate one’s tulpa or other things upon their senses.
**Visualization**: Imagining things, such as your tulpa’s form.
**Wonderland/mindscape**: An imaginary world which can be used as an environment during interactions and forcing sessions with one’s system.
### Communication
**Emotional bleed**: When a thoughtform’s emotions are being felt by the other members of the system
**Mindvoice**: The inner voice that a headmate produces with word-based thought.
**Proxying**: The process of a host (or other fronter) relaying the words, thoughts, or actions of other systemmates, usually through typing, speaking out loud, or performing actions on their behalf..
**Tulpish**: Any general unstructured thought not yet formulated into coherent words or sentences. Can be a method of communication for non-vocal tulpas.
**Vocality**: The ability for a tulpa to communicate with words.
### Other
**System name**: A moniker used for the entire system, like a surname.
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## Easy Guide on How to Hear Your Tulpa
This is how I first heard my tulpa's thoughts. It's a simple method that I find really useful.
### Before we begin (Host)
- You must believe in tulpamancy, in your tulpa's existence and in their ability to think to themselves.
- Your tulpa is never too young to communicate unless you think they are.
- Read this post to your tulpa or explain it to them using words which you know they understand. Basically let them know what you're going to do.
- Tell your tulpa to always use your name when talking to you, even if it feels repetitive.
- Ask your tulpa to talk to you during this exercise, as well as whenever they can, randomly.
### Before we begin (Tulpa)
- During this exercise, talk to your host by thinking to yourself instead of trying other ways such as using your body to make any sounds (you don't need a body if you don't have one but I recommend it)
- You and your host share a physical brain. In the same way that you can hear your host's thoughts, they can hear yours. You can't do it "wrong" so don't get discouraged!
### The actual exercise (Tulpa)
- For the whole length of the exercise, simply repeat your host's name and add short, encouraging sentences in between (such as "I love you" or "You can do it!")
### The actual exercise (Host)
- First of all, get yourself ready. Prepare yourself physically. Be as comfortable as you can without falling asleep. Make sure there will be no disturbances and it's as quiet as possible around you.
- Prepare yourself mentally. You're about to do a tricky exercise to get to hear your tulpa, but it can be very exhausting. Remember to always tell your tulpa that you're going to listen for them!
- Here we go. I'm sure your mind is filled with racing thoughts right now. Just block them all. No matter what they say, BLOCK.
- This is the exhausting part, you have to keep on blocking thoughts nonstop until your mind is absolutely clear. Don't give up unless you need to rest. It's fine. With some practice, you'll be able to complete this step in no time! Did it on your first try? Congratulations, keep going.
- Now that your mind is absolutely clear, RELEASE. Stop blocking and try not to think of any words, but most importantly, don't block a single thought. It is recommended that your tulpa has a form and that you visualize it in your head now.
- Be patient for a little, this is very tricky, you have to listen for your tulpa without blocking anything, if any thought popped into your mind out of nowhere THAT WAS YOUR TULPA. Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you, but you made no actual effort to think it. Hence it's not you.
- If no thought pops out of nowhere after a little and your mind is racing again, stop visualization and go back to blocking. You might have to repeat it. Simply try again, block, release and listen, block, release and listen.
### How it works:
We're so used to hearing our own thoughts and classifying any thoughts in our own heads as "ours". Adittionally, our minds are usually racing with unwanted thoughts. This means that normally, first our tulpa's thoughts have to be strong enough to overpower every other, and then we have to realize that we're not the ones thinking that. The former is achieved with forcing, the later usually requires countless tries from our tulpa until we realize and get in the right mindset. While I don't encourage being a lazy host and obviously not parrotnoia, this method is intended for those especially. This exercise skips a lot of the forcing necessary to be able to hear our tulpa, allowing us to hear much weaker thoughts from them. Also, by emptying our minds, we're making it easier for ourselves to differentiate whose thought is each of them, since we have less thoughts to classify at a time. We're trying our best not to actively think of anything but the image of our tulpa, distracting us away from thinking any words which could make us be mistaken about who thought this and who thought that, while still actively listening for them.
TL;DR: Block all thoughts until mind is clear, then stop blocking completely and listen for tulpa. Repeat as necessary.
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## Foghorn Meditation
Reposting this from the .info Discord in a bit more of a clear fashion. This is a method to enter a state of mind conductive to tulpaforcing.
1. Sit up straight, erect your spine and relax. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
2. Listen closely in the distance for the sound of a blaring foghorn. You’ll never actually hear the sound, but listening for it will cause your sense of space around you to “shift” and expand.
3. Once this happens, maintain awareness of this feeling.
4. In this sort of focused, steady state, now would be a good time to imagine your tulpa, thinking and ruminating on them. Visualization, narration, whatever. Regardless, if you patiently performed the first 3 steps, maintaining an acute sense about your tulpa should be easier without risking your concentration being shattered.
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## How to Refocus on Your Wonderland
This guide expands on concepts described in Chupi’s and Nikodemos’s guides by explaining when and how to apply those skills in order to focus and achieve better visualization of your wonderland. I will briefly summarize the concepts described in these guides as I describe the following method, however these guides go more in depth on how to practice the skills used for this method.
This guide assumes you have a wonderland, but this method can also be applied to visualizing objects in a void. This method works best when active forcing, the process of providing your un-divided attention to your Tulpa, to minimize distractions.
### Introduction
I used to tell people my visualization was bad because I struggled to get a clear image of my Tulpa and my wonderland most of the time. I eventually realized that my ability to focus greatly impacted my ability to visualize my wonderland, and all of the black voids and blurry imagery were a result of poor focus. I put this guide together because this strategy really helped me to the point where I can confidently visualize my wonderland at any time and not get frustrated by it anymore.
### The Process In Short
This method is slowly drawing your attention away from distractions and towards your wonderland. You start with setting your mind on visualizing a simple object and slowly working your way up, visualizing more complex objects one at a time until you become satisfied with your visualization.
### Summary of the Visualization Skill
This skill is all about looking at an object and asking yourself how it should look, feel, take up space, etc. For example, if you have grass in your wonderland, one could ask about the color of the grass, the height and shape of the blades, what species of grass it is, if it’s made out of cotton candy, the texture of the grass, how it feels when you walk in it, etc. The more questions you can answer, the more information you will have about that particular object. Having more information allows you to visualize the details of that object more effectively and thus requiring a lot of your attention to create the object’s image.
### A Detailed Walkthrough
Before you sit down to visualize your wonderland, your images may be foggy and you may have a bunch of distracting thoughts that are far more interesting than blurry, incomprehensible images. In this state, remember that your visualization is not bad, you’re just distracted and your visualization will get better.
The first step is to get in a comfortable position and think about slowing down. If you want to, doing a form of relaxation breathing may be helpful for getting settled.
Next, start with taking a simple object such as a sphere or a cube. What color is the sphere? Is it smooth or bumpy? Is it soft and squishy or firm like a billiard ball? What is the temperature of the sphere? Continue to visualize your simple object until you are satisfied and or bored.
Next, slowly move onto the next object. Suppose the next object is a tree. Is it a real tree or a fantasy creation? How tall is it? Could you climb it if you wanted to? Is the season changing the colors of the leaves? Is there a tree shape that “feels right?” As you visualize more and more details, your tree will feel more and more real.
If you feel satisfied with your visualization, then congratulations, you achieve better visualization! If you still feel like your visualization is still fuzzy or you are bored, slowly move onto an even more sophisticated object or instead look around you and visualize the ground, the sky, your Tulpa, any other neighboring objects, etc.
### Suggestions
The key to this method is slowing down and shifting your attention to what you are visualizing. If you get bored and you warp yourself to a parade or a war zone, that can lead you to getting distracted again.
More complex objects are supposed to be interesting for you to look at. If a tree isn’t to your taste, you could also do furniture, a vending machine, a weapon, etc. I recommend picking something you find interesting, because why have it in your wonderland if you don’t like it?
Visualizing moving objects are fine as long as it is not your starting object. I don’t recommend loud or overwhelming objects because the point is to calm down and focus, not feel overwhelmed and become distracted.
Unless you are really comfortable with what your Tulpa’s form looks like, I don’t recommend starting off with that. Like any other complex object, their form may be too much for you to focus on right now, but it won’t be after you built your way up to that level of complexity.
If your Tulpa is sentient, they can guide you to look at certain things, or they may ask for you to visualize something for them. Why not, right? They may surprise you with a real treat!
### In Conclusion
Once you feel comfortable with your visualization, have fun! Now that your visualizations are stable, you can go ahead and visualize exciting things like flying on dragons or shooting aliens in space since your mind is so focused on the wonderland you most likely forgot about whatever else was distracting you and your immediate surroundings in real life.
Reference in New Issue