let # Manage this with https://github.com/nmattia/niv # or define { nixpkgs = ...; nixpkgs-mozilla = ...; } # yourself. sources = import ./sources.nix; rustChannelsOverlay = import "${sources.nixpkgs-mozilla}/rust-overlay.nix"; # Useful if you also want to provide that in a nix-shell since some rust tools depend # on that. rustChannelsSrcOverlay = import "${sources.nixpkgs-mozilla}/rust-src-overlay.nix"; in import sources.nixpkgs { overlays = [ rustChannelsOverlay rustChannelsSrcOverlay (self: super: { # Replace "latest.rustChannels.stable" with the version of the rust tools that # you would like. Look at the documentation of nixpkgs-mozilla for examples. # # NOTE: "rust" instead of "rustc" is not a typo: It will include more than needed # but also the much needed "rust-std". rustc = super.latest.rustChannels.nightly.rust; inherit (super.latest.rustChannels.nightly) cargo rust rust-fmt rust-std clippy; }) ]; }