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# PlatformerController2D
A 2D platformer class for godot.
## Changelog
### Version 1.0.1
- Updated to Godot 3.4
- Fixed division by zero error when changing min jump height
- Other minor fixes
## Installation
1. Add to your project
2. Type `extends PlatformerController2D` to the top of your script
3. Add these input mappings in your project settings (or you can change the input variables in the inspector)
- "move_left"
- "move_right"
- "jump"
## Features
- Double jump
- Coyote time
- Jump buffer
- Hold jump to go higher
- Defining jump height and duration (as opposed to setting gravity and jump velocity)
- Assymetrical jumps (falling faster than rising)
<img src="" width="500">| <img src="" width="500"> | <img src="" width="500">
## Customization / Export variables
Here are the values that you can change in the inspector:
### max_jump_height
The max jump height in pixels. You reach this when you hold down jump.
### Min Jump Height
The minimum jump height (tapping jump).
### Double Jump Height
The height of your jump in the air (i.e. double jump, triple jump etc.).
### Jump Duration
How long it takes to get to the peak of the jump (in seconds).
### Falling Gravity Multiplier
Multiplies the gravity by this while falling.
### Max Jump Amount
How many times you can jump before hitting the ground. Set this to 2 for a double jump.
### Max Acceleration
How much you accelerate when you hold left or right (in pixels/sec^2).
### Friction
The higher this number, the more friction is on your character.
### Can Hold Jump
If this is off, you have to press jump down every time you land. If its on you can keep it held.
### Coyote Time
You can still jump this many seconds after falling off a ledge.
### Jump Buffer
Pressing jump this many seconds before hitting the ground will still make you jump.\
Note: This is only needed when can_hold_jump is off.
### Input Variables
Set these to the names of your actions in the Input Map