extends KinematicBody2D class_name PlatformerController2D # Set these to the name of your action (in the Input Map) export var input_left : String = "move_left" export var input_right : String = "move_right" export var input_jump : String = "jump" # The max jump height in pixels (holding jump) export var max_jump_height = 150 setget set_max_jump_height # The minimum jump height (tapping jump) export var min_jump_height = 40 setget set_min_jump_height # The height of your jump in the air export var double_jump_height = 100 setget set_double_jump_height # How long it takes to get to the peak of the jump in seconds export var jump_duration = 0.3 setget set_jump_duration # Multiplies the gravity by this while falling export var falling_gravity_multiplier = 1.5 # Set to 2 for double jump export var max_jump_amount = 1 export var max_acceleration = 4000 export var friction = 8 export var can_hold_jump : bool = false # You can still jump this many seconds after falling off a ledge export var coyote_time : float = 0.1 # Only neccessary when can_hold_jump is off # Pressing jump this many seconds before hitting the ground will still make you jump export var jump_buffer : float = 0.1 # not used var max_speed = 100 var acceleration_time = 10 # These will be calcualted automatically var default_gravity : float var jump_velocity : float var double_jump_velocity : float # Multiplies the gravity by this when we release jump var release_gravity_multiplier : float var jumps_left : int var holding_jump := false var vel = Vector2() var acc = Vector2() onready var coyote_timer = Timer.new() onready var jump_buffer_timer = Timer.new() func _init(): default_gravity = calculate_gravity(max_jump_height, jump_duration) jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity(max_jump_height, jump_duration) double_jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity2(double_jump_height, default_gravity) release_gravity_multiplier = calculate_release_gravity_multiplier( jump_velocity, min_jump_height, default_gravity) func _ready(): add_child(coyote_timer) coyote_timer.wait_time = coyote_time coyote_timer.one_shot = true add_child(jump_buffer_timer) jump_buffer_timer.wait_time = jump_buffer jump_buffer_timer.one_shot = true func _physics_process(delta): acc.x = 0 if is_on_floor(): coyote_timer.start() if not coyote_timer.is_stopped(): jumps_left = max_jump_amount if Input.is_action_pressed(input_left): acc.x = -max_acceleration if Input.is_action_pressed(input_right): acc.x = max_acceleration # Check for ground jumps when we can hold jump if can_hold_jump: if Input.is_action_pressed(input_jump): # Dont use double jump when holding down if is_on_floor(): jump() # Check for ground jumps when we cannot hold jump if not can_hold_jump: if not jump_buffer_timer.is_stopped() and is_on_floor(): jump() # Check for jumps in the air if Input.is_action_just_pressed(input_jump): holding_jump = true jump_buffer_timer.start() # Only jump in the air when press the button down, code above already jumps when we are grounded if not is_on_floor(): jump() if Input.is_action_just_released(input_jump): holding_jump = false var gravity = default_gravity if vel.y > 0: # If we are falling gravity *= falling_gravity_multiplier if not holding_jump and vel.y < 0: # if we released jump and are still rising if not jumps_left < max_jump_amount - 1: # Always jump to max height when we are using a double jump gravity *= release_gravity_multiplier # multiply the gravity so we have a lower jump acc.y = -gravity vel.x *= 1 / (1 + (delta * friction)) vel += acc * delta vel = move_and_slide(vel, Vector2.UP) func calculate_gravity(p_max_jump_height, p_jump_duration): # Calculates the desired gravity by looking at our jump height and jump duration # Formula is from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG9SzQxaCm8 return (-2 *p_max_jump_height) / pow(p_jump_duration, 2) func calculate_jump_velocity(p_max_jump_height, p_jump_duration): # Calculates the desired jump velocity by lookihg at our jump height and jump duration return (2 * p_max_jump_height) / (p_jump_duration) func calculate_jump_velocity2(p_max_jump_height, p_gravity): # Calculates jump velocity from jump height and gravity # formula from # https://sciencing.com/acceleration-velocity-distance-7779124.html#:~:text=in%20every%20step.-,Starting%20from%3A,-v%5E2%3Du return sqrt(-2 * p_gravity * p_max_jump_height) func calculate_release_gravity_multiplier(p_jump_velocity, p_min_jump_height, p_gravity): # Calculates the gravity when the key is released based on the minimum jump height and jump velocity # Formula is from this website https://sciencing.com/acceleration-velocity-distance-7779124.html var release_gravity = 0 - pow(p_jump_velocity, 2) / (2 * p_min_jump_height) return release_gravity / p_gravity func calculate_friction(time_to_max): # Formula from https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/bdbery/comment/ekxw9g4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 # this friction will hit 90% of max speed after the accel time return 1 - (2.30259 / time_to_max) func calculate_speed(p_max_speed, p_friction): # Formula from https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/bdbery/comment/ekxw9g4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 return (p_max_speed / p_friction) - p_max_speed func jump(): if jumps_left == max_jump_amount and coyote_timer.is_stopped(): # Your first jump must be used when on the ground # If you fall off the ground and then jump you will be using you second jump jumps_left -= 1 if jumps_left > 0: if jumps_left < max_jump_amount: # If we are double jumping vel.y = -double_jump_velocity else: vel.y = -jump_velocity jumps_left -= 1 coyote_timer.stop() func set_max_jump_height(value): max_jump_height = value default_gravity = calculate_gravity(max_jump_height, jump_duration) jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity(max_jump_height, jump_duration) double_jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity2(double_jump_height, default_gravity) release_gravity_multiplier = calculate_release_gravity_multiplier( jump_velocity, min_jump_height, default_gravity) func set_jump_duration(value): jump_duration = value default_gravity = calculate_gravity(max_jump_height, jump_duration) jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity(max_jump_height, jump_duration) double_jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity2(double_jump_height, default_gravity) release_gravity_multiplier = calculate_release_gravity_multiplier( jump_velocity, min_jump_height, default_gravity) func set_min_jump_height(value): min_jump_height = value release_gravity_multiplier = calculate_release_gravity_multiplier( jump_velocity, min_jump_height, default_gravity) func set_double_jump_height(value): double_jump_height = value double_jump_velocity = calculate_jump_velocity2(double_jump_height, default_gravity)