# Creator's Landing Creator's Landing is a small coastal town that happens to be one of the main ports of the island. It has some local significance that gives residents pride in their town, but it is not a very popular destination on its own. ## Flavor text You step off the boat and look out at the area below, the smell of salt still in the air. You see Creator's Landing, the port city of the province of Usill. Hundreds of people work and live here, helping in their own way to help the city work in harmony. There is a small house to the left that has a golden star over the door. There is a path in either direction leading to separate parts of the downtown area. ## Upper Downtown Upper downtown has some of the most popular shops in Creator's Landing. There is a blacksmith, an alchemist and an enchanter. The hustle and bustle of the civilians and merchants creates a happy yet chaotic vibe. ### Besla's Furnace (Blacksmith) You enter Besla's domain. She is an older Cetacean blacksmith, but she still has a knack for forging the finest weapons and armor out of things that others would discard. She is a master at her craft, and the walls of the shop are decorated with weapons of every kind. You can hear her banging away at a molten sword. Items: Steel Flail 11 gold +1 damage Wooden Quarterstaff 1 gold +0 damage, can be used to focus magic Iron Buckler (shield) 4 gold +1 armor, limits you to one-handed weapons while held Bladed Longbow 1500 gold Gives +2 on dexterity rolls when shooting at bladed enemies Iron Dagger 1 gold +0 damage, allows a second strength attack Iron Spear 1 gold +0 damage, pierces armor, can be thrown Studded Leather Armor 40 gold +1 armor ### Potions of Legend (Alchemist) The dark and dusty potion shop has case after case of potions. The proprietor Selbo (an older male shark) has been honing his craft for years (though a lot of the stuff looks notably dated) and has set up a small binder on the main desk for people to look through. He does not wave at you or notice you coming in. Items: Rest in a Bottle 65 gold Consuming this potion replaces sleep Elixir of Increased Supreme Health 1500 gold Increases max health by 5d6 for one day Potion of Cat Agility 175 gold Increases your dexterity to 14 for 1 hour Potion of Giant Strength 175 gold Increases your strength to 14 for 1 hour Spell Weaver Brew 2500 gold Restores all of your spells and lets you pick 3 more to use for 1 hour ### The Enchanter's Arcane Gifts Walking into the shop, you feel in awe. The owner of this shop means business. The walls are not coated in inventory like the other shops, but what is there is of the highest quality. There is a painting of a large tree on the wall framed in gold. Kasula, a muscular middle-aged Elf, runs this shop and continues to work on new and fantastic wonders. Items: Frost Arrow 5 gold (5 for 20 gold) When the arrow hits its target, it deals an additional 1d4 cold damage, on 4 the enemy is frozen. One use each Heartwood Armor 125 gold +2 armor at the weight of light armor, does not have disadvantage on stealth checks Charged Sword 135 gold Has 1d4 charges, when a charge is used the weapon gives you +1 to attack and damage rolls for that turn. When all charges are expended it becomes a normal weapon that gives no distinct bonuses Blade of Olympus 1000 gold This greatsword weighs 3 slots, but gives d6 extra damage against huge enemies (and +3 otherwise) Shield of Absorption 80 gold Has 1d4 charges, when a charge is used the shield gives you elemental resistance for a turn Hydrokinetic Wand 500 gold This wand has three charges (that restore every day), while holding it you can shoot a torrent of water at a target. On success, deal 2d6 bludgeoning damage ## Lower Downtown There is an open-air market in the lower parts of downtown. There is a a church to the east that has a reputation for being welcoming and friendly. There is a tavern to the south named The Scarlet Dragon. People of all kinds and species walk in and out of it happy. ### Administrative Building The administrative building is here, it stands tall and proud. There are flags for both the Cetacean Hedgemony and for the province of Usill flying in front of it. The town premier is standing outside the front of it, sadly sighing and looking like something is very very wrong. Quest giver for exploring the sewers to find out why the rats are so aggressive. Upon finding out (through either scouting or exploration), the administrator will give you a quest to put an end to the madness. ### The Scarlet Dragon When you walk into The Scarlet Dragon, you are greeted by the sounds of dancing, singing and merriment. The barkeep is a young elf named Aildred. There are open seats at the bar that look like they are waiting for you to sit in them. You never know who you may see in a bar like this! Pitcher of Wine 1 gold -4 dex, +3 cha for 1 hour, comes with 4 mugs Cheese Wheel Quarter 5 gold +5 hp Loaf of Bread 10 gold +10 hp Extra Mugs 1 gold (free with drink purchase) can be used as a bludgeoning weapon or to activate traps Gallon of Ale 1 gold -4 dex, +3 cha for 1 hour, comes with 4 mugs Refills 1 gold Limit 4 ### The Church of Divae This church was established in the honor of a legendary hero named Divae that managed to ascend to godhood, if the legends are to be believed. The church has stained glass murals of important events in Cetacean history: the creation myth, the story of finding the island, the taming of the sharks, the airships from the north and so many others. There is a cleric that is willing to help answer questions. The cleric here is a quest giver for investigating the sewers for a monument to Divae beneath the town. It's been rumored this exists, but nobody has really found any evidence of it. Maybe you will change this. Whoever find this monument will help save the island. ## Sewers The sewers of Creator's Landing have a notable but ignorable smell. There are goblins, rats and more. There is a goblin hideout here, they are feeding the rats corrupted strength potions and making them angry. They completely avoid the monument though, almost like an instinctive fear. Take inspiration from Colossal Cave Adventure for descriptions of the sewers. The star denotes where the main plot of the campaign gets told, visit from the goddess Divae that tells of eight kingdoms on the island that have all fallen into various kinds of disorder and chaos. Help them and get their heart-gems to place in the eight slots. The first slot is a gem that belongs to the Miau. Have the goddess bless the party and answer any questions. > Travelers below heed this tale: recover the eight hearts of legend and restore the island to harmony. I am one of the heroes of the island, my power is weak, but I have enough to get you this message. Help us. The Miau in the desert have suffered for so long under the threat of sandstorms cutting them off from us all. Help them and you help us all. The island is more powerful than you think. Your magic may be strong, your courage may be placed in the right hands, but this will be your ultimate test. Come back with the heart and I will give you some of the island's power. > Please help me. I want to see this succeed. > I'll be here waiting for you. If you need to reach out to me, head to a statue and speak my name into it. I will show up to give you guidance. My power is limited, so please do not use this frivilously. --- => . Go back