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Cadey Ratio 2020-01-04 20:47:39 +00:00
commit dd793853b5
6 changed files with 777 additions and 0 deletions

26 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#+TITLE: Export HTML
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq org-publish-project-alist
:base-directory "~/project/usill"
:base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory "~/public_html/project/usill"
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
:auto-preamble t
:auto-sitemap t
:sitemap-filename ""
:sitemap-title "Sitemap"
("usill" :components ("usill-notes"))
(org-publish-project "usill")
: t

13 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#+TITLE: Usill
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
Welcome to the world of Usill!
[[][World Information]]
* Languages
+ [[file:lang/][L'ewa]]
* Meta
+ [[][Export as HTML]]

lang/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
#+TITLE: L'ewa
* Info
Natively known as: L'ewa
\frasl{}...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...\frasl{}\\
*pa* *au* *moiyig* *wua* *spum* *ehuz* *plekuonho* *pa* *gaim* *hu* *yaiguewa* *aig* *wua* *spum* *wei*
*Pronunciation*: \frasl{}pa au moijig wua spum ɛhuʒ plɛkuonho pa gaim hujaiguewa aig wua spum wɛi\frasl{}
*L'ewa word order*: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned
This is the language of the Kala (a race of anthropomorphic orca-people) in Usill.
* Spelling & Phonology
** Consonants
*Consonant inventory*: \frasl{}d g h j k l m n p q s t w ʃ ʒ ʔ ʙ̥\frasl{}
| Manner\frasl{}Place | Bilabial | Alveolar | Palato-alveolar | Palatal | Velar | Labio-velar | Uvular | Glottal |
| Nasal | m | n | | | | | | |
| Stop | p | t d | | | k g | | q | ʔ |
| Fricative | | s | ʃ ʒ | | | | | h |
| Approximant | | | | j | | w | | |
| Trill | ʙ̥ | | | | | | | |
| Lateral approximant | | l | | | | | | |
** Vowels
*Vowel inventory*: \frasl{}a au i o oi u ua ue uo ai ɛ ɛi\frasl{}\\
*Diphthongs*: au, oi, ua, ue, uo, ai, ɛi
| | Front | Back |
| High | i | u |
| High-mid | | o |
| Low-mid | ɛ | |
| Low | a | |
** Phonotactics
*** Syllable structure
*** Stress pattern
Initial --- stress is on the first syllable
*** Word initial consonants
d, g, h, j, k, kl, l, m, n, p, pl, q, s, sh, sn, sp, st, t, ts, w, ʃ, ʒ, ʔ, ʙ̥
*** Mid-word consonants
d, g, gm, h, j, jk, k, kn, l, lk, m, n, nh, nl, ns, p, pl, q, s, sp, t, tg, tk, tw, w, ʃ, ʒ, ʔ, ʙ̥
*** Word final consonants
d, g, k, l, m, n, p, q, s, ʃ, ʒ, ʙ̥
** Spelling rules
| Pronunciation | Spelling |
| j | *y* |
| ɛ | *e* |
| ʃ | *sh* |
| ʒ | *z* |
| ʔ | *'* |
| ʙ̥ | *b* |
* Grammar
*Main word order*:
"Mary opened the door with a key" turns into \frasl{}Mary with a key the door opened\frasl{}.
*Adjective order*:
Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
** Noun
Nouns have two cases:
*Nominative* is the doer of a verb: *dog* bites man\\
*Accusative* is the done-to of a verb: man bites *dog*
| *Nominative* | No affix |
| | *hoknaim* \frasl{}hoknaim\frasl{} |
| *Accusative* | If ends with vowel: Suffix -tgi |
| | Else: Suffix -otgi |
| | *hoknaimotgi* \frasl{}hoknaimotgi\frasl{} |
*** Articles
| | Definite | Indefinite |
| *Singular* | *bue* \frasl{}ʙ̥ue\frasl{} | *tau* \frasl{}tau\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}the\frasl{} | \frasl{}a\frasl{} |
| *Plural* | *spol* \frasl{}spol\frasl{} | *taiz* \frasl{}taiʒ\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}the\frasl{} | \frasl{}some\frasl{} |
*** Pronouns
| | Nominative | Accusative |
| *1st singular* | *yau* \frasl{}jau\frasl{} | *stau* \frasl{}stau\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}I\frasl{} | \frasl{}me\frasl{} |
| *2nd singular* | *shei* \frasl{}shɛi\frasl{} | *hu* \frasl{}hu\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}you\frasl{} | \frasl{}you\frasl{} |
| *3rd singular* | *au* \frasl{}au\frasl{} | *spum* \frasl{}spum\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}he, she, it\frasl{} | \frasl{}him, her, it\frasl{} |
| *1st plural* | *luen* \frasl{}luen\frasl{} | *bue* \frasl{}ʙ̥ue\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}we\frasl{} | \frasl{}us\frasl{} |
| *2nd plural* | *gaib* \frasl{}gaiʙ̥\frasl{} | *nua* \frasl{}nua\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}you (all)\frasl{} | \frasl{}you (all)\frasl{} |
| *3rd plural* | *plen* \frasl{}plɛn\frasl{} | *si* \frasl{}si\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}they\frasl{} | \frasl{}them\frasl{} |
*** Possessive determiners
| *1st singular* | *zuoq* \frasl{}ʒuoq\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}my\frasl{} |
| *2nd singular* | *da* \frasl{}da\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}your\frasl{} |
| *3rd singular* | *ple* \frasl{}plɛ\frasl{} |
| *1st plural* | *pa* \frasl{}pa\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}our\frasl{} |
| *2nd plural* | *dad* \frasl{}dad\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}your\frasl{} |
| *3rd plural* | *tosh* \frasl{}toʃ\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}their\frasl{} |
** Verbs
Past tense may be indicated with the word:
| *Past particle* | *shoiq* \frasl{}shoiq\frasl{} |
| | \frasl{}past tense particle\frasl{} |
| *Future* | If ends with vowel: Suffix -ha |
| | Else: Suffix -oha |
| | *quopuha* \frasl{}quopuha\frasl{} |
*** Imperfective aspect
The 'imperfective' aspect refers to ongoing actions, such as \frasl{}I am studying\frasl{},
and habitual actions, such as \frasl{}I study (every night)\frasl{}.
It is indicated with the affix -buo:
| *Imperfect* | If ends with vowel: Suffix -buo |
| | Else: Suffix -abuo |
| | *quopubuo* \frasl{}quopuʙ̥uo\frasl{} |
*** Perfect aspect
Perfect aspect in English is exemplified in 'I have read this book', which
expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an
effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
In L'ewa, the perfect is constructed with an affix 
| *Perfect* | Suffix -au |
| | *quopuau* \frasl{}quopuau\frasl{} |
* Derivational morphology
*Adjective → adverb* = If ends with vowel: Suffix -tka\\
Else: Suffix -itka
*Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj])* = Suffix -o\\
*Adjective → verb (to make something [adj])* = If ends with vowel:
Suffix -m\\
Else: Suffix -im
*Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun])* = If ends with vowel:
Suffix -p\\
Else: Suffix -aip
*Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic)* = Suffix
*Noun → verb (to create [noun])* = If ends with vowel: Suffix -knua\\
Else: Suffix -iknua
*Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb])* = If ends with vowel: Suffix
Else: Suffix -u'u
*Verb → adjective (likely to do [verb])* = Suffix -uo
*Verb → noun (the act of [verb])* = Suffix -ɛid
*Verb → noun that verb physically produces (e.g. build → building)* = Suffix -ɛm
*One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter)* = Suffix -ɛp
*Place of (e.g. wine → winery)* = Suffix -uap
*Diminutive* = If ends with vowel: Suffix -wɛ\\
Else: Suffix -awɛ
*Augmentative* = Suffix -ɛ
* Vocabulary
| L'ewa | Pronunciation | Part of speech | English |
| 'a | \frasl{}ʔa\frasl{} | v | may |
| 'an | \frasl{}ʔan\frasl{} | adv | always |
| 'an | \frasl{}ʔan\frasl{} | adv | all the time |
| 'ebaio | \frasl{}ʔɛʙ̥aio\frasl{} | n | anger |
| 'enho | \frasl{}ʔɛnho\frasl{} | n | bottom (lowest part) |
| 'eqetauk | \frasl{}ʔɛqɛtauk\frasl{} | n | psychology |
| ab | \frasl{}aʙ̥\frasl{} | n | health |
| aq | \frasl{}aq\frasl{} | n | west |
| auk | \frasl{}auk\frasl{} | v | create |
| az | \frasl{}aʒ\frasl{} | n | distance |
| aie | \frasl{}aiɛ\frasl{} | n | dragon |
| ail | \frasl{}ail\frasl{} | adj | important |
| ainuadi | \frasl{}ainuadi\frasl{} | adj | middle |
| aishoq | \frasl{}aiʃoq\frasl{} | n | powder |
| aiwetka | \frasl{}aiwɛtka\frasl{} | adv | suddenly |
| boai | \frasl{}ʙ̥oai\frasl{} | v | please |
| boai | \frasl{}ʙ̥oai\frasl{} | v | satisfy |
| bohez | \frasl{}ʙ̥ohɛʒ\frasl{} | n | elbow |
| bopal | \frasl{}ʙ̥opal\frasl{} | v | nod |
| botwaus | \frasl{}ʙ̥otwaus\frasl{} | num | ten |
| bozug | \frasl{}ʙ̥oʒug\frasl{} | adv | rather |
| buash | \frasl{}ʙ̥uaʃ\frasl{} | n | middle class |
| bued | \frasl{}ʙ̥ued\frasl{} | v | waste |
| buez | \frasl{}ʙ̥ueʒ\frasl{} | n | politics |
| buog | \frasl{}ʙ̥uog\frasl{} | det | what |
| buok | \frasl{}ʙ̥uok\frasl{} | adj | violet |
| buonsualun | \frasl{}ʙ̥uonsualun\frasl{} | n | girl |
| buonsualun | \frasl{}ʙ̥uonsualun\frasl{} | n | female |
| buoso | \frasl{}ʙ̥uoso\frasl{} | n | truth |
| buoyalitka | \frasl{}ʙ̥uojalitka\frasl{} | adv | probably |
| buoyalitka | \frasl{}ʙ̥uojalitka\frasl{} | adv | likely |
| da | \frasl{}da\frasl{} | v | give |
| dan | \frasl{}dan\frasl{} | n | armor |
| ded | \frasl{}dɛd\frasl{} | n | control |
| demoip | \frasl{}dɛmoip\frasl{} | adj | messy |
| depe | \frasl{}dɛpɛ\frasl{} | n | class |
| despi | \frasl{}dɛspi\frasl{} | n | back (of body) |
| despi | \frasl{}dɛspi\frasl{} | n | back (reverse side) |
| ea | \frasl{}ɛa\frasl{} | n | pump |
| edi | \frasl{}ɛdi\frasl{} | n | effort |
| eid | \frasl{}ɛid\frasl{} | v | go |
| eiq | \frasl{}ɛiq\frasl{} | v | guess |
| eiq | \frasl{}ɛiq\frasl{} | v | predict |
| eknim | \frasl{}ɛknim\frasl{} | n | woman |
| eno | \frasl{}ɛno\frasl{} | n | guide |
| esh | \frasl{}ɛʃ\frasl{} | v | kick |
| eykiz | \frasl{}ɛjkiʒ\frasl{} | v | become |
| eykiz | \frasl{}ɛjkiʒ\frasl{} | v | get |
| gauko | \frasl{}gauko\frasl{} | n | strength |
| gai | \frasl{}gai\frasl{} | v | provide |
| gail | \frasl{}gail\frasl{} | v | behave (well) |
| gaimuenha | \frasl{}gaimuenha\frasl{} | v | warn |
| gaiq | \frasl{}gaiq\frasl{} | v | follow |
| gaiwi | \frasl{}gaiwi\frasl{} | n | shame |
| gaiwi | \frasl{}gaiwi\frasl{} | n | stigma |
| gum | \frasl{}gum\frasl{} | v | burn |
| gum | \frasl{}gum\frasl{} | v | cook (heat food) |
| hish | \frasl{}hiʃ\frasl{} | n | vagina |
| hok | \frasl{}hok\frasl{} | n | hair (of body) |
| hol | \frasl{}hol\frasl{} | adj | ancient |
| hol | \frasl{}hol\frasl{} | adj | antique |
| hop | \frasl{}hop\frasl{} | n | belly (stomach area) |
| hotwupep | \frasl{}hotwupɛp\frasl{} | n | dancer |
| hud | \frasl{}hud\frasl{} | adj | dry |
| huz | \frasl{}huʒ\frasl{} | n | device |
| huz | \frasl{}huʒ\frasl{} | n | appliance |
| huz | \frasl{}huʒ\frasl{} | n | accessory |
| ik | \frasl{}ik\frasl{} | n | shade |
| iz | \frasl{}iʒ\frasl{} | n | research |
| kala | \frasl{}kala\frasl{} | n | orca, Kala |
| kei | \frasl{}kɛi\frasl{} | v | say |
| keip | \frasl{}kɛip\frasl{} | n | image |
| klak | \frasl{}klak\frasl{} | n | water |
| klak | \frasl{}klak\frasl{} | n | liquid |
| kluab | \frasl{}kluaʙ̥\frasl{} | v | wonder |
| klue | \frasl{}klue\frasl{} | adj | long |
| kluem | \frasl{}kluem\frasl{} | v | hate |
| kluo'a | \frasl{}kluoʔa\frasl{} | adv | actually |
| kluog | \frasl{}kluog\frasl{} | n | credit (of money) |
| kluoknas | \frasl{}kluoknas\frasl{} | n | milk |
| kluolul | \frasl{}kluolul\frasl{} | n | table |
| kluonhoo | \frasl{}kluonhoo\frasl{} | n | sadness |
| kluonhoo | \frasl{}kluonhoo\frasl{} | n | sorrow |
| kluoplibep | \frasl{}kluopliʙ̥ɛp\frasl{} | n | lover |
| kluosoi | \frasl{}kluosoi\frasl{} | n | river |
| kluosoi | \frasl{}kluosoi\frasl{} | n | stream |
| kluoyez | \frasl{}kluojɛʒ\frasl{} | n | sponge |
| koie | \frasl{}koiɛ\frasl{} | v | marry |
| koikau | \frasl{}koikau\frasl{} | adj | fair |
| koikau | \frasl{}koikau\frasl{} | adj | just |
| koina | \frasl{}koina\frasl{} | v | remember |
| koiplab | \frasl{}koiplaʙ̥\frasl{} | v | pull |
| koishuomaiknua | \frasl{}koiʃuomaiknua\frasl{} | v | weigh |
| koiwi | \frasl{}koiwi\frasl{} | n | fruit |
| koiwi | \frasl{}koiwi\frasl{} | n | seed |
| kua | \frasl{}kua\frasl{} | n | area |
| kuap | \frasl{}kuap\frasl{} | adj | subtle |
| kuek | \frasl{}kuek\frasl{} | n | base |
| la | \frasl{}la\frasl{} | n | ear |
| lueb | \frasl{}lueʙ̥\frasl{} | v | fire |
| lueq | \frasl{}lueq\frasl{} | v | live |
| luodaua | \frasl{}luodaua\frasl{} | adj | personal |
| luoka | \frasl{}luoka\frasl{} | v | tread |
| luoka | \frasl{}luoka\frasl{} | v | step on |
| luon | \frasl{}luon\frasl{} | n | machine |
| luosep | \frasl{}luosɛp\frasl{} | n | vendor |
| luotgi | \frasl{}luotgi\frasl{} | adj | cool (slightly cold) |
| maub | \frasl{}mauʙ̥\frasl{} | v | visit |
| mauq | \frasl{}mauq\frasl{} | v | take out |
| meipeid | \frasl{}mɛipɛid\frasl{} | n | thought |
| moiha | \frasl{}moiha\frasl{} | n | book |
| moin | \frasl{}moin\frasl{} | n | sport |
| moiyig | \frasl{}moijig\frasl{} | n | hat |
| noimu | \frasl{}noimu\frasl{} | n | boat |
| noisheiq | \frasl{}noiʃɛiq\frasl{} | adv | that |
| nual | \frasl{}nual\frasl{} | num | hundred |
| nuek | \frasl{}nuek\frasl{} | v | balance |
| obua | \frasl{}oʙ̥ua\frasl{} | adj | criminal |
| oid | \frasl{}oid\frasl{} | v | shoot |
| oin | \frasl{}oin\frasl{} | conj | if |
| oin | \frasl{}oin\frasl{} | conj | whether |
| oitki | \frasl{}oitki\frasl{} | n | fish |
| oknin | \frasl{}oknin\frasl{} | conj | while |
| on | \frasl{}on\frasl{} | v | test |
| opi | \frasl{}opi\frasl{} | adj | poor |
| opi | \frasl{}opi\frasl{} | adj | weak |
| owoi | \frasl{}owoi\frasl{} | n | bitch |
| pad | \frasl{}pad\frasl{} | v | appear |
| pad | \frasl{}pad\frasl{} | v | reveal |
| paq | \frasl{}paq\frasl{} | n | child |
| pebol | \frasl{}pɛʙ̥ol\frasl{} | v | search |
| pebol | \frasl{}pɛʙ̥ol\frasl{} | v | look up |
| peknos | \frasl{}pɛknos\frasl{} | v | wave (salutation) |
| penauap | \frasl{}pɛnauap\frasl{} | n | chemist |
| peplaiuap | \frasl{}pɛplaiuap\frasl{} | n | cafe |
| pespei | \frasl{}pɛspɛi\frasl{} | n | heaven |
| pespei | \frasl{}pɛspɛi\frasl{} | n | paradise |
| pi | \frasl{}pi\frasl{} | adv | how |
| pip | \frasl{}pip\frasl{} | n | fact |
| plab | \frasl{}plaʙ̥\frasl{} | adj | hard |
| plas | \frasl{}plas\frasl{} | n | plane |
| plebuokuo | \frasl{}plɛʙ̥uokuo\frasl{} | prep | beyond |
| plehei | \frasl{}plɛhɛi\frasl{} | n | leather |
| plelkog | \frasl{}plɛlkog\frasl{} | adj | good |
| plelkog | \frasl{}plɛlkog\frasl{} | adj | hot (attractive) |
| plen | \frasl{}plɛn\frasl{} | v | hit |
| plen | \frasl{}plɛn\frasl{} | v | punch |
| plen | \frasl{}plɛn\frasl{} | v | beat (strike) |
| plen | \frasl{}plɛn\frasl{} | v | slap |
| plensuepub | \frasl{}plɛnsuepuʙ̥\frasl{} | v | approach |
| pleqeisaip | \frasl{}plɛqɛisaip\frasl{} | adj | risky |
| pleqeisaip | \frasl{}plɛqɛisaip\frasl{} | adj | dangerous |
| pletwoil | \frasl{}plɛtwoil\frasl{} | v | agree |
| pleykem | \frasl{}plɛjkɛm\frasl{} | n | reference |
| plik | \frasl{}plik\frasl{} | n | pen |
| plis | \frasl{}plis\frasl{} | v | cover |
| plis | \frasl{}plis\frasl{} | v | protect |
| pospi | \frasl{}pospi\frasl{} | v | grab |
| pospi | \frasl{}pospi\frasl{} | v | grasp |
| pospi | \frasl{}pospi\frasl{} | v | grip |
| qal | \frasl{}qal\frasl{} | n | song |
| qash | \frasl{}qaʃ\frasl{} | v | show |
| qash | \frasl{}qaʃ\frasl{} | v | demonstrate |
| queqeid | \frasl{}queqɛid\frasl{} | n | training |
| quoda | \frasl{}quoda\frasl{} | v | hurt |
| quoda | \frasl{}quoda\frasl{} | v | injure |
| quol | \frasl{}quol\frasl{} | n | guest |
| quop | \frasl{}quop\frasl{} | n | birth |
| quosoitka | \frasl{}quosoitka\frasl{} | adv | recently |
| seb | \frasl{}sɛʙ̥\frasl{} | n | detail |
| seq | \frasl{}sɛq\frasl{} | adj | round |
| shauk | \frasl{}shauk\frasl{} | v | regulate |
| shauz | \frasl{}shauʒ\frasl{} | n | cigarette |
| shaibausho | \frasl{}shaiʙ̥auʃo\frasl{} | n | difference |
| shaimau | \frasl{}shaimau\frasl{} | n | task |
| shaishaimeid | \frasl{}shaiʃaimɛid\frasl{} | n | decision |
| shaiyaq | \frasl{}shaijaq\frasl{} | adj | silent |
| shebod | \frasl{}ʃɛʙ̥od\frasl{} | n | information |
| sheig | \frasl{}shɛig\frasl{} | adj | empty |
| sheig | \frasl{}shɛig\frasl{} | adj | naked |
| sheig | \frasl{}shɛig\frasl{} | adj | nude |
| sheis | \frasl{}shɛis\frasl{} | n | size |
| shenei | \frasl{}ʃɛnɛi\frasl{} | n | flavor |
| shensai | \frasl{}ʃɛnsai\frasl{} | v | affect |
| sheshi | \frasl{}ʃɛʃi\frasl{} | n | son |
| sheyak | \frasl{}ʃɛjak\frasl{} | v | cough |
| shib | \frasl{}ʃiʙ̥\frasl{} | v | meet |
| shin | \frasl{}ʃin\frasl{} | adj | right (direction) |
| shoibuanha | \frasl{}shoiʙ̥uanha\frasl{} | n | pig |
| shoibuanha | \frasl{}shoiʙ̥uanha\frasl{} | n | pork |
| shoilin | \frasl{}shoilin\frasl{} | n | fire |
| shoinsi | \frasl{}shoinsi\frasl{} | v | see |
| shoinsi | \frasl{}shoinsi\frasl{} | v | witness |
| shoinsi | \frasl{}shoinsi\frasl{} | v | detect |
| shoinsi | \frasl{}shoinsi\frasl{} | v | perceive |
| shoiq | \frasl{}shoiq\frasl{} | part | past tense particle |
| shoiwua | \frasl{}shoiwua\frasl{} | n | uniform |
| shoiwua | \frasl{}shoiwua\frasl{} | n | costume |
| shuag | \frasl{}shuag\frasl{} | v | mark |
| shuash | \frasl{}shuaʃ\frasl{} | n | slave |
| shuash | \frasl{}shuaʃ\frasl{} | n | servant |
| sim | \frasl{}sim\frasl{} | adj | late |
| sneid | \frasl{}snɛid\frasl{} | n | moon |
| sneiz | \frasl{}snɛiʒ\frasl{} | adj | massive |
| sneiz | \frasl{}snɛiʒ\frasl{} | adj | immense |
| sneiz | \frasl{}snɛiʒ\frasl{} | adj | enormous |
| snoigma | \frasl{}snoigma\frasl{} | n | magazine |
| snoima'u | \frasl{}snoimaʔu\frasl{} | adj | dead |
| snoipaug | \frasl{}snoipaug\frasl{} | v | treat |
| snoisub | \frasl{}snoisuʙ̥\frasl{} | n | volume |
| snoisub | \frasl{}snoisuʙ̥\frasl{} | n | capacity |
| snoiyuash | \frasl{}snoijuaʃ\frasl{} | n | trousers |
| snoiyuash | \frasl{}snoijuaʃ\frasl{} | n | pants |
| snuas | \frasl{}snuas\frasl{} | n | glove |
| spaiz | \frasl{}spaiʒ\frasl{} | n | design |
| spem | \frasl{}spɛm\frasl{} | n | jar |
| spib | \frasl{}spiʙ̥\frasl{} | det | any |
| spipiknua | \frasl{}spipiknua\frasl{} | v | authorize |
| spo eish | \frasl{}spo ɛiʃ\frasl{} | n | university |
| spoho | \frasl{}spoho\frasl{} | v | escape |
| spoho | \frasl{}spoho\frasl{} | v | flee |
| spoho | \frasl{}spoho\frasl{} | v | retreat |
| spome | \frasl{}spomɛ\frasl{} | n | acid |
| sposh | \frasl{}spoʃ\frasl{} | n | corner |
| spowo | \frasl{}spowo\frasl{} | n | cake |
| spu | \frasl{}spu\frasl{} | adj | tired |
| spun | \frasl{}spun\frasl{} | n | mirror |
| staub | \frasl{}stauʙ̥\frasl{} | n | mother |
| staun | \frasl{}staun\frasl{} | n | basket |
| staib | \frasl{}staiʙ̥\frasl{} | prep | during |
| staie | \frasl{}staiɛ\frasl{} | v | starve |
| staihue'a | \frasl{}staihueʔa\frasl{} | n | cord |
| stain | \frasl{}stain\frasl{} | adj | native |
| stainsei | \frasl{}stainsɛi\frasl{} | adj | foreign |
| staish | \frasl{}staiʃ\frasl{} | adj | clean |
| staitwuotkau | \frasl{}staitwuotkau\frasl{} | n | carcass |
| stug | \frasl{}stug\frasl{} | n | grass |
| taub | \frasl{}tauʙ̥\frasl{} | v | let |
| taub | \frasl{}tauʙ̥\frasl{} | v | allow |
| taub | \frasl{}tauʙ̥\frasl{} | v | permit |
| taub | \frasl{}tauʙ̥\frasl{} | v | enable |
| taub | \frasl{}tauʙ̥\frasl{} | v | approve |
| tai snuag | \frasl{}tai snuag\frasl{} | n | menu |
| taigai | \frasl{}taigai\frasl{} | n | direction |
| taimau | \frasl{}taimau\frasl{} | n | guy |
| taipuensuo | \frasl{}taipuensuo\frasl{} | v | miss (long for) |
| taiweieid | \frasl{}taiwɛiɛid\frasl{} | n | response |
| tohoi | \frasl{}tohoi\frasl{} | n | station |
| tonlaiq | \frasl{}tonlaiq\frasl{} | det | these |
| tosh | \frasl{}toʃ\frasl{} | det | their |
| toykuoloid | \frasl{}tojkuoloid\frasl{} | n | chicken |
| toykuoloid | \frasl{}tojkuoloid\frasl{} | n | fowl |
| tsiq | \frasl{}tsiq\frasl{} | n | crack |
| tsob | \frasl{}tsoʙ̥\frasl{} | n | heart |
| tsoguespe | \frasl{}tsoguespɛ\frasl{} | v | polish |
| tsoloik yaitge | \frasl{}tsoloik jaitgɛ\frasl{} | n | peninsula |
| tsopoiz | \frasl{}tsopoiʒ\frasl{} | v | swallow |
| tsowi | \frasl{}tsowi\frasl{} | n | liver |
| tsuk | \frasl{}tsuk\frasl{} | adj | pink |
| tue | \frasl{}tuɛ\frasl{} | n | mansion |
| u | \frasl{}u\frasl{} | conj | but |
| up | \frasl{}up\frasl{} | n | cotton |
| weid | \frasl{}wɛid\frasl{} | n | metal |
| woig | \frasl{}woig\frasl{} | n | period |
| woikuetwaip | \frasl{}woikuetwaip\frasl{} | v | freeze |
| woimuoda | \frasl{}woimuoda\frasl{} | adj | light blue |
| woipeg | \frasl{}woipɛg\frasl{} | n | verse |
| woispau | \frasl{}woispau\frasl{} | v | suggest |
| woizos | \frasl{}woiʒos\frasl{} | n | city |
| woizos | \frasl{}woiʒos\frasl{} | n | metropolis |
| wuam | \frasl{}wuam\frasl{} | v | wiggle |
| yaug | \frasl{}jaug\frasl{} | n | trunk (of tree) |
| yaug | \frasl{}jaug\frasl{} | n | stem |
| yai'ai | \frasl{}jaiʔai\frasl{} | adj | last |
| yai'ai | \frasl{}jaiʔai\frasl{} | adj | previous |
| yai'ai | \frasl{}jaiʔai\frasl{} | adj | former |
| yaidau | \frasl{}jaidau\frasl{} | adj | buxom |
| yaim | \frasl{}jaim\frasl{} | n | town |
| yaim | \frasl{}jaim\frasl{} | n | population |
| yaim | \frasl{}jaim\frasl{} | n | village |
| yaipu | \frasl{}jaipu\frasl{} | n | horn |
| yaiwau | \frasl{}jaiwau\frasl{} | adv | somehow |
| yeim | \frasl{}jɛim\frasl{} | v | take |
| zam | \frasl{}ʒam\frasl{} | v | cry |
| zam | \frasl{}ʒam\frasl{} | v | shout |
| zam | \frasl{}ʒam\frasl{} | v | sob |
| zam | \frasl{}ʒam\frasl{} | v | mourn |
| zuob | \frasl{}ʒuoʙ̥\frasl{} | v | send |
| zuogmau tu | \frasl{}ʒuogmau tu\frasl{} | n | pub |
| zuom | \frasl{}ʒuom\frasl{} | adj | direct |
| zuoploknua | \frasl{}ʒuoploknua\frasl{} | v | assassinate |
| zuotwib | \frasl{}ʒuotwiʙ̥\frasl{} | prep | into |

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#+TITLE: Sitemap
- [[][Export HTML]]
- [[][Usill]]
- [[][Usill]]
- [[][template]]
- lang
- [[file:lang/][L'ewa]]

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#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/gruvbox.css" />
#+OPTIONS: toc:2
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#+LINK_UP: index.html

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#+TITLE: World
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
Usill is a kingdom placed on the island of Mains. There are other continents on
the planet, but only Mains is relevant here.
* The Natural World
Mains is an island on the planet.
** Stars, suns, moons, and planets
*** Stars
There are approximately 5,000 stars in the sky. There are some constellations
that haven't been fully described yet.
*** Sun
The sun of the planet is named Sel (cf. seli, hot).
*** Moon
There is a moon named Lu (cf. Luna) that orbits the planet every month. These
months have been called cycles by the Kala.
*** TODO Planets
** Oceans and/or major bodies of water
Mains is placed in the middle of Tel (cf. telo, water). It is a salty ocean that
is seen as the mother of life.
There are rivers and lakes on Mains. See the map for more information.
** Mountains, woods, and/or other prominent features of the landscape
*** Mt. Cold
This mountain is southeast of Usill and a religious site for the Sneps. It is
the equivalent of Mecca for them. There is a small town there.
*** Other minor mountains along the chakras of Mains
** Common plants
*** Grass
Standard grass, grows to a maximum of 5 inches.
*** Sweetgrass
Grows two feet tall, slight sweet scent and flavor.
*** Red flowers
Spicy flavor. Used in cooking. Favorite of the Kala.
*** Hamnat Corn
Standard corn, but it's green instead of yellow.
*** Rugvines
Vines used in construction
*** Ferns
*** Pine trees
*** Oak trees
** Rare plants
*** Red oak
*** Birch trees
** Poisonous and/or medicinal plants
*** Psylocybin Mushrooms
*** Cannabis
** Common animals/creatures
*** Seals
One of the main food sources of the Kala.
** Rare animals/creatures
* Locations
** Natural formations
** Monuments
** Government buildings/castles
** Train stations/airports/subways/launch pads/highways
** Shops/stores
** Houses/apartments
** Countries/states/cities/planets
* Travel
** Restrictions on travel
** Dangerous locations
** Luxury/vacation locations
** Immigration/emigration
** Travel times between locations
** Common methods of travel
** Affordability of travel
* Architecture & Infrastructure
** Common building materials
** Expensive building materials
** Appearance and layout of typical houses
** Appearance and layout of expensive houses
** Appearance and layout of typical shops/stores
** Streets and sidewalks (brick, cobblestone, dirt, etc.)
** Availability of plumbing and sewage
** Garbage collection
** Distribution of energy
** Burial practices
* Medicine
** Curable diseases
** Incurable diseases
** Common diseases
** Rare diseases
** Availability of medicine
** Cost of medicine
** Legal drugs/potions/substances
** Illegal drugs/potions/substances
* Professions
** Common professions
** Less common professions
** Rare professions
** Gender/racial/species/education restrictions of professions
** Unemployment rate
* Economy
** Distribution of wealth
** Lifestyle of average income earners
** Lifestyle of the poor
** Lifestyle of the rich
** Money system or bartering system
* History
** Major world events
** Major wars
** Major natural disasters
** Age of civilization
** Previous leaders/rulers
** Recent cultural shifts/changes
* Clothing
** Cheap fabrics
** expensive fabrics
** Lower class clothing styles
** Middle class clothing styles
** Upper class clothing styles
** Differences in clothing between genders
** Differences in clothing between regions
** Differences in clothing between cultural groups or species
* Food
** Staple foods
** Luxury foods
** Availability of food
** Local/regional dishes
* Entertainment
** Professional sports
** Hobby/schoolyard sports
** Board games and/or card games
** Music styles
** Common instruments
** Common themes and subject matter of fiction
** Government/legal/regional restrictions on films, plays, novels, music
** Affordability of films, sports games, board games, instruments, books, etc.
* Law
** Criminal justice system
** Minor crimes
** Major crimes
** Laws impacting daily life
** Common sentences for crimes (prison, labor, execution, etc.)
** Police behavior, uniform, practices, powers
** Prison conditions
** Public opinion of law enforcement
* Politics
** Political parties
** Ruler/King/Queen/President/Prime Minister
** Prominent Members of Court/Government
** Secret government agencies and/or organizations
** Public opinion of the ruler/government
** Ideologies
** Political system(s)
** Spies
* Magic
** Common spells
** Rare spells
** Restrictions on spells
** Common magical skills
** Rare magical skills
** Restrictions on magical skills
** Common potions
** Rare potions
** Restrictions on potions
** Prevalence of magic users
** Societys perception of magic
** Requirements of using magic
* Technology
** Availability of technology
** Capabilities of technology
** Weapon technology
** Entertainment technology
** Energy creation technology
** Transportation technology
* Religion
** Major religions
** Dynamics between religious groups
** Places of worship
** Religious holidays
** Morals and beliefs
** Origin of religion
** Prevalence of religion
** Separation (or lack of separation) between church and government
** Supersitions
* Cosmology
** Origin of the cosmos
** Structure or model of the cosmos
** How the cosmos will end, if ever
* Family
** Typical age of marriage
** Typical number of children
** Typical family dynamic/structure
** Attitudes towards children
** Attitudes towards the elderly
** Attitudes towards romantic love
** Care for elderly relatives (in-home, nursing homes, etc.)
** Care for children (traditional parenting, nannies, boarding school, etc.)
** Gender roles (or lack of gender roles)
** Importance of birth order to family roles, inheritance, profession
* Education
** Typical education level
** School subjects
** School environment (strict, lenient, etc.)
** Availability of schooling/education
** Cost of education
** Restrictions on education due to gender, abilities, species, etc.
* Language
** Primary/major languages
** Regional/minor languages
** Prevalence of multilingual/bilingual people
** Colloquial phrases, slang, and curses
** Body language
** Common translation problems/misunderstandings
* Races & Species
** Primary/major races and/or species
*** Kala
Anthropomorphic orca/dragon hybrid people, they live in warm areas and near the
beach. Peaceful, magical and wise.
They have a logical language.
*** Snep
Anthropomorphic snow leopard people, producers of textiles. Loyal, spiritual and
** Minority races and/or species
*** Human
** Dynamics between species and/or races
The Kala and Snep are close allies. They both mildly dislike humans but can
tolerate them.
** Cultural disconnects between species and/or races
** Commonalities between species and/or races
** Significant physical features
* Weather
** Typical weather
** Atypical weather
** Seasonal variations in weather (or lack of variation)
** Clothes for each season
** Heating & cooling homes