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// This is a part of rust-chrono.
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Kang Seonghoon.
// See and LICENSE.txt for details.
* Formatting utilities for date and time.
use std::fmt;
use std::error::Error;
use {Datelike, Timelike};
use div::{div_floor, mod_floor};
use duration::Duration;
use offset::Offset;
use naive::date::NaiveDate;
use naive::time::NaiveTime;
pub use self::strftime::StrftimeItems;
pub use self::parsed::Parsed;
pub use self::parse::parse;
/// Padding characters for numeric items.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Pad {
/// No padding.
/// Zero (`0`) padding.
/// Space padding.
/// Numeric item types.
/// They have associated formatting width (FW) and parsing width (PW).
/// The **formatting width** is the minimal width to be formatted.
/// If the number is too short, and the padding is not `Pad::None`, then it is left-padded.
/// If the number is too long or (in some cases) negative, it is printed as is.
/// The **parsing width** is the maximal width to be scanned.
/// The parser only tries to consume from one to given number of digits (greedily).
/// It also trims the preceding whitespaces if any.
/// It cannot parse the negative number, so some date and time cannot be formatted then
/// parsed with the same formatting items.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Numeric {
/// Full Gregorian year (FW=4, PW=infinity).
/// May accept years before 1 BCE or after 9999 CE, given an initial sign.
/// Gregorian year divided by 100 (century number; FW=PW=2). Implies the non-negative year.
/// Gregorian year modulo 100 (FW=PW=2). Cannot be negative.
/// Year in the ISO week date (FW=4, PW=infinity).
/// May accept years before 1 BCE or after 9999 CE, given an initial sign.
/// Year in the ISO week date, divided by 100 (FW=PW=2). Implies the non-negative year.
/// Year in the ISO week date, modulo 100 (FW=PW=2). Cannot be negative.
/// Month (FW=PW=2).
/// Day of the month (FW=PW=2).
/// Week number, where the week 1 starts at the first Sunday of January (FW=PW=2).
/// Week number, where the week 1 starts at the first Monday of January (FW=PW=2).
/// Week number in the ISO week date (FW=PW=2).
/// Day of the week, where Sunday = 0 and Saturday = 6 (FW=PW=1).
/// Day of the week, where Monday = 1 and Sunday = 7 (FW=PW=1).
/// Day of the year (FW=PW=3).
/// Hour number in the 24-hour clocks (FW=PW=2).
/// Hour number in the 12-hour clocks (FW=PW=2).
/// The number of minutes since the last whole hour (FW=PW=2).
/// The number of seconds since the last whole minute (FW=PW=2).
/// The number of nanoseconds since the last whole second (FW=PW=9).
/// The number of non-leap seconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC (FW=1, PW=infinity).
/// Fixed-format item types.
/// They have their own rules of formatting and parsing.
/// Otherwise noted, they print in the specified cases but parse case-insensitively.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Fixed {
/// Abbreviated month names.
/// Prints a three-letter-long name in the title case, reads the same name in any case.
/// Full month names.
/// Prints a full name in the title case, reads either a short or full name in any case.
/// Abbreviated day of the week names.
/// Prints a three-letter-long name in the title case, reads the same name in any case.
/// Full day of the week names.
/// Prints a full name in the title case, reads either a short or full name in any case.
/// AM/PM.
/// Prints in lower case, reads in any case.
/// AM/PM.
/// Prints in upper case, reads in any case.
/// Timezone name.
/// It does not support parsing, its use in the parser is an immediate failure.
/// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-04:00` or `+00:00`).
/// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespaces.
/// The offset is limited from `-24:00` to `+24:00`, which is same to `FixedOffset`'s range.
/// Offset from the local time to UTC (`+09:00` or `-04:00` or `Z`).
/// In the parser, the colon can be omitted and/or surrounded with any amount of whitespaces,
/// and `Z` can be either in upper case or in lower case.
/// The offset is limited from `-24:00` to `+24:00`, which is same to `FixedOffset`'s range.
/// RFC 2822 date and time syntax. Commonly used for email and MIME date and time.
/// RFC 3339 & ISO 8601 date and time syntax.
/// A single formatting item. This is used for both formatting and parsing.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub enum Item<'a> {
/// A literally printed and parsed text.
Literal(&'a str),
/// Whitespace. Prints literally but reads zero or more whitespace.
Space(&'a str),
/// Numeric item. Can be optionally padded to the maximal length (if any) when formatting;
/// the parser simply ignores any padded whitespace and zeroes.
Numeric(Numeric, Pad),
/// Fixed-format item.
/// Issues a formatting error. Used to signal an invalid format string.
macro_rules! lit { ($x:expr) => (Item::Literal($x)) }
macro_rules! sp { ($x:expr) => (Item::Space($x)) }
macro_rules! num { ($x:ident) => (Item::Numeric(Numeric::$x, Pad::None)) }
macro_rules! num0 { ($x:ident) => (Item::Numeric(Numeric::$x, Pad::Zero)) }
macro_rules! nums { ($x:ident) => (Item::Numeric(Numeric::$x, Pad::Space)) }
macro_rules! fix { ($x:ident) => (Item::Fixed(Fixed::$x)) }
/// An error from the `parse` function.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Copy)]
pub struct ParseError(ParseErrorKind);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Copy)]
enum ParseErrorKind {
/// Given field is out of permitted range.
/// There is no possible date and time value with given set of fields.
/// This does not include the out-of-range conditions, which are trivially invalid.
/// It includes the case that there are one or more fields that are inconsistent to each other.
/// Given set of fields is not enough to make a requested date and time value.
/// Note that there *may* be a case that given fields constrain the possible values so much
/// that there is a unique possible value. Chrono only tries to be correct for
/// most useful sets of fields however, as such constraint solving can be expensive.
/// The input string has some invalid character sequence for given formatting items.
/// The input string has been prematurely ended.
/// All formatting items have been read but there is a remaining input.
/// There was an error on the formatting string, or there were non-supported formating items.
/// Same to `Result<T, ParseError>`.
pub type ParseResult<T> = Result<T, ParseError>;
impl fmt::Display for ParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl Error for ParseError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match self.0 {
ParseErrorKind::OutOfRange => "input is out of range",
ParseErrorKind::Impossible => "no possible date and time matching input",
ParseErrorKind::NotEnough => "input is not enough for unique date and time",
ParseErrorKind::Invalid => "input contains invalid characters",
ParseErrorKind::TooShort => "premature end of input",
ParseErrorKind::TooLong => "trailing input",
ParseErrorKind::BadFormat => "bad or unsupported format string",
// to be used in this module and submodules
const OUT_OF_RANGE: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::OutOfRange);
const IMPOSSIBLE: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::Impossible);
const NOT_ENOUGH: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::NotEnough);
const INVALID: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::Invalid);
const TOO_SHORT: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::TooShort);
const TOO_LONG: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::TooLong);
const BAD_FORMAT: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::BadFormat);
/// Tries to format given arguments with given formatting items.
/// Internally used by `DelayedFormat`.
pub fn format<'a, I>(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, date: Option<&NaiveDate>, time: Option<&NaiveTime>,
off: Option<&(String, Duration)>, items: I) -> fmt::Result
where I: Iterator<Item=Item<'a>> {
// full and abbreviated month and weekday names
static SHORT_MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] =
["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
static LONG_MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] =
["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
static SHORT_WEEKDAYS: [&'static str; 7] =
["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"];
static LONG_WEEKDAYS: [&'static str; 7] =
["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
for item in items {
match item {
Item::Literal(s) | Item::Space(s) => try!(write!(w, "{}", s)),
Item::Numeric(spec, pad) => {
use self::Numeric::*;
let week_from_sun =
|&: d: &NaiveDate| (d.ordinal() - d.weekday().num_days_from_sunday() + 7) / 7;
let week_from_mon =
|&: d: &NaiveDate| (d.ordinal() - d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() + 7) / 7;
let (width, v) = match spec {
Year => (4,|d| d.year() as i64)),
YearDiv100 => (2,|d| div_floor(d.year() as i64, 100))),
YearMod100 => (2,|d| mod_floor(d.year() as i64, 100))),
IsoYear => (4,|d| d.isoweekdate().0 as i64)),
IsoYearDiv100 => (2,|d| div_floor(d.isoweekdate().0 as i64, 100))),
IsoYearMod100 => (2,|d| mod_floor(d.isoweekdate().0 as i64, 100))),
Month => (2,|d| d.month() as i64)),
Day => (2,|d| as i64)),
WeekFromSun => (2,|d| week_from_sun(d) as i64)),
WeekFromMon => (2,|d| week_from_mon(d) as i64)),
IsoWeek => (2,|d| d.isoweekdate().1 as i64)),
NumDaysFromSun => (1,|d| d.weekday().num_days_from_sunday() as i64)),
WeekdayFromMon => (1,|d| d.weekday().number_from_monday() as i64)),
Ordinal => (3,|d| d.ordinal() as i64)),
Hour => (2,|t| t.hour() as i64)),
Hour12 => (2,|t| t.hour12().1 as i64)),
Minute => (2,|t| t.minute() as i64)),
Second => (2,|t| (t.second() +
t.nanosecond() / 1_000_000_000) as i64)),
Nanosecond => (9,|t| (t.nanosecond() % 1_000_000_000) as i64)),
Timestamp => (1, match (date, time) {
(Some(d), Some(t)) => Some(d.and_time(*t).num_seconds_from_unix_epoch()),
(_, _) => None
if let Some(v) = v {
if (spec == Year || spec == IsoYear) && !(0 <= v && v < 10000) {
// non-four-digit years require an explicit sign as per ISO 8601
match pad {
Pad::None => try!(write!(w, "{:+}", v)),
Pad::Zero => try!(write!(w, "{:+01$}", v, width + 1)),
Pad::Space => try!(write!(w, "{:+1$}", v, width + 1)),
} else {
match pad {
Pad::None => try!(write!(w, "{}", v)),
Pad::Zero => try!(write!(w, "{:01$}", v, width)),
Pad::Space => try!(write!(w, "{:1$}", v, width)),
} else {
return Err(fmt::Error); // insufficient arguments for given format
Item::Fixed(spec) => {
use self::Fixed::*;
/// Prints an offset from UTC in the format of `+HHMM` or `+HH:MM`.
/// `Z` instead of `+00[:]00` is allowed when `allow_zulu` is true.
fn write_local_minus_utc(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, off: Duration,
allow_zulu: bool, use_colon: bool) -> fmt::Result {
let off = off.num_minutes();
if !allow_zulu || off != 0 {
let (sign, off) = if off < 0 {('-', -off)} else {('+', off)};
if use_colon {
write!(w, "{}{:02}:{:02}", sign, off / 60, off % 60)
} else {
write!(w, "{}{:02}{:02}", sign, off / 60, off % 60)
} else {
write!(w, "Z")
let ret = match spec {
ShortMonthName =>|d| write!(w, "{}", SHORT_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize])),
LongMonthName =>|d| write!(w, "{}", LONG_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize])),
ShortWeekdayName =>|d| write!(w, "{}",
SHORT_WEEKDAYS[d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as usize])),
LongWeekdayName =>|d| write!(w, "{}",
LONG_WEEKDAYS[d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as usize])),
LowerAmPm =>|t| write!(w, "{}", if t.hour12().0 {"pm"} else {"am"})),
UpperAmPm =>|t| write!(w, "{}", if t.hour12().0 {"PM"} else {"AM"})),
TimezoneName =>|&(ref name, _)| write!(w, "{}", *name)),
TimezoneOffset =>|&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(w, off, false, false)),
TimezoneOffsetZ =>|&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(w, off, true, false)),
RFC2822 => // same to `%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z`
if let (Some(d), Some(t), Some(&(_, off))) = (date, time, off) {
try!(write!(w, "{}, {:2} {} {:04} {:02}:{:02}:{:02} ",
SHORT_WEEKDAYS[d.weekday().num_days_from_monday() as usize],, SHORT_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize], d.year(),
t.hour(), t.minute(), t.second()));
Some(write_local_minus_utc(w, off, false, false))
} else {
RFC3339 => // (almost) same to `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z`
if let (Some(d), Some(t), Some(&(_, off))) = (date, time, off) {
// reuse `Debug` impls which already print ISO 8601 format.
// this is faster in this way.
try!(write!(w, "{:?}T{:?}", d, t));
Some(write_local_minus_utc(w, off, false, true))
} else {
match ret {
Some(ret) => try!(ret),
None => return Err(fmt::Error), // insufficient arguments for given format
Item::Error => return Err(fmt::Error),
pub mod parsed;
// due to the size of parsing routines, they are in separate modules.
mod scan;
mod parse;
pub mod strftime;
/// A *temporary* object which can be used as an argument to `format!` or others.
/// This is normally constructed via `format` methods of each date and time type.
pub struct DelayedFormat<'a, I: Iterator<Item=Item<'a>> + Clone> {
/// The date view, if any.
date: Option<NaiveDate>,
/// The time view, if any.
time: Option<NaiveTime>,
/// The name and local-to-UTC difference for the offset (timezone), if any.
off: Option<(String, Duration)>,
/// An iterator returning formatting items.
items: I,
impl<'a, I: Iterator<Item=Item<'a>> + Clone> DelayedFormat<'a, I> {
/// Makes a new `DelayedFormat` value out of local date and time.
pub fn new(date: Option<NaiveDate>, time: Option<NaiveTime>, items: I) -> DelayedFormat<'a, I> {
DelayedFormat { date: date, time: time, off: None, items: items }
/// Makes a new `DelayedFormat` value out of local date and time and UTC offset.
pub fn new_with_offset<Off>(date: Option<NaiveDate>, time: Option<NaiveTime>,
offset: &Off, items: I) -> DelayedFormat<'a, I>
where Off: Offset + fmt::Display {
let name_and_diff = (offset.to_string(), offset.local_minus_utc());
DelayedFormat { date: date, time: time, off: Some(name_and_diff), items: items }
impl<'a, I: Iterator<Item=Item<'a>> + Clone> fmt::Display for DelayedFormat<'a, I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
format(f,, self.time.as_ref(),, self.items.clone())