separated a `format::scan` module from the parser.
also changes the behavior of `Numeric::Nanosecond` (`%f`) to the left-aligned digits and allows for the wider range of time zone offsets from -99:59 to +99:59.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
use std::fmt;
use std::iter;
use std::usize;
use std::error::Error;
@ -229,6 +228,18 @@ pub fn format<'a, I>(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, date: Option<&NaiveDate>, time: Opt
Item::Fixed(spec) => {
use self::Fixed::*;
fn write_local_minus_utc(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, off: Duration,
allow_zulu: bool) -> fmt::Result {
let off = off.num_minutes();
if !allow_zulu || off != 0 {
let (sign, off) = if off < 0 {('-', -off)} else {('+', off)};
write!(w, "{}{:02}{:02}", sign, off / 60, off % 60)
} else {
write!(w, "Z")
let ret = match spec {
ShortMonthName =>
|||||d| write!(w, "{}", SHORT_MONTHS[d.month0() as usize])),
@ -247,21 +258,9 @@ pub fn format<'a, I>(w: &mut fmt::Formatter, date: Option<&NaiveDate>, time: Opt
TimezoneName =>
|||||&(ref name, _)| write!(w, "{}", *name)),
TimezoneOffset =>
|||||&(_, ref local_minus_utc)| {
let off = local_minus_utc.num_minutes();
let (sign, off) = if off < 0 {('-', -off)} else {('+', off)};
write!(w, "{}{:02}{:02}", sign, off / 60, off % 60)
|||||&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(w, off, false)),
TimezoneOffsetZ =>
|||||&(_, ref local_minus_utc)| {
let off = local_minus_utc.num_minutes();
if off != 0 {
let (sign, off) = if off < 0 {('-', -off)} else {('+', off)};
write!(w, "{}{:02}{:02}", sign, off / 60, off % 60)
} else {
write!(w, "Z")
|||||&(_, off)| write_local_minus_utc(w, off, true)),
match ret {
@ -358,97 +357,8 @@ const BAD_FORMAT: ParseError = ParseError(ParseErrorKind::BadFormat);
/// - (Still) obeying the intrinsic parsing width. This allows, for example, parsing `HHMMSS`.
pub fn parse<'a, I>(parsed: &mut Parsed, mut s: &str, items: I) -> ParseResult<()>
where I: Iterator<Item=Item<'a>> {
// lowercased month and weekday names
static LONG_MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] =
["january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june",
"july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"];
static LONG_WEEKDAYS: [&'static str; 7] =
["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"];
// tries to parse the month index (0 through 11) with the first three ASCII letters.
fn parse_short_month(s: &str) -> ParseResult<u8> {
if s.len() < 3 { return Err(TOO_SHORT); }
let s = s.as_bytes();
match [s[0] | 32, s[1] | 32, s[2] | 32] {
[b'j',b'a',b'n'] => Ok(0),
[b'f',b'e',b'b'] => Ok(1),
[b'm',b'a',b'r'] => Ok(2),
[b'a',b'p',b'r'] => Ok(3),
[b'm',b'a',b'y'] => Ok(4),
[b'j',b'u',b'n'] => Ok(5),
[b'j',b'u',b'l'] => Ok(6),
[b'a',b'u',b'g'] => Ok(7),
[b's',b'e',b'p'] => Ok(8),
[b'o',b'c',b't'] => Ok(9),
[b'n',b'o',b'v'] => Ok(10),
[b'd',b'e',b'c'] => Ok(11),
_ => Err(INVALID)
// tries to parse the weekday with the first three ASCII letters.
fn parse_short_weekday(s: &str) -> ParseResult<Weekday> {
if s.len() < 3 { return Err(TOO_SHORT); }
let s = s.as_bytes();
match [s[0] | 32, s[1] | 32, s[2] | 32] {
[b'm',b'o',b'n'] => Ok(Weekday::Mon),
[b't',b'u',b'e'] => Ok(Weekday::Tue),
[b'w',b'e',b'd'] => Ok(Weekday::Wed),
[b't',b'h',b'u'] => Ok(Weekday::Thu),
[b'f',b'r',b'i'] => Ok(Weekday::Fri),
[b's',b'a',b't'] => Ok(Weekday::Sat),
[b's',b'u',b'n'] => Ok(Weekday::Sun),
_ => Err(INVALID)
// tries to consume `\s*[-+]\d\d[\s:]*\d\d` and return an offset in seconds
fn parse_timezone_offset(mut s: &str, allow_zulu: bool) -> ParseResult<(&str, i32)> {
s = s.trim_left();
// + or -, or Z/z if `allow_zulu` is true
let negative = match s.as_bytes().first() {
Some(&b'+') => false,
Some(&b'-') => true,
Some(&b'z') | Some(&b'Z') if allow_zulu => return Ok((&s[1..], 0)),
Some(_) => return Err(INVALID),
None => return Err(TOO_SHORT),
s = &s[1..];
// hours (00--24, where 24 is allowed only with 24:00)
// the range check happens later for this reason.
let hours = match s.as_bytes() {
[h1 @ b'0'...b'2', h2 @ b'0'...b'9', ..] => ((h1 - b'0') * 10 + (h2 - b'0')) as i32,
[b'3'...b'9', b'0'...b'9', ..] => return Err(OUT_OF_RANGE),
[] | [_] => return Err(TOO_SHORT),
_ => return Err(INVALID),
s = &s[2..];
// optional colons and whitespaces
s = s.trim_left_matches(|&: c: char| c == ':' || c.is_whitespace());
// minutes (00--59)
let minutes = match s.as_bytes() {
[m1 @ b'0'...b'5', m2 @ b'0'...b'9', ..] => ((m1 - b'0') * 10 + (m2 - b'0')) as i32,
[b'6'...b'9', b'0'...b'9', ..] => return Err(OUT_OF_RANGE),
[] | [_] => return Err(TOO_SHORT),
_ => return Err(INVALID),
s = &s[2..];
let seconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60;
if seconds > 86400 { return Err(OUT_OF_RANGE); } // range check for hours
Ok((s, if negative {-seconds} else {seconds}))
// compares two slice case-insensitively (in ASCII).
// assumes the `pattern` is already converted to lower case.
fn equals_ascii_nocase(s: &str, pattern: &str) -> bool {
iter::order::equals(s.as_bytes().iter().map(|&: &c| match c { b'A'...b'Z' => c + 32,
_ => c }),
macro_rules! try_consume {
($e:expr) => ({ let (s_, v) = try!($e); s = s_; v })
for item in items {
@ -483,45 +393,32 @@ pub fn parse<'a, I>(parsed: &mut Parsed, mut s: &str, items: I) -> ParseResult<(
let (width, set): (usize, fn(&mut Parsed, i64) -> ParseResult<()>) = match spec {
Year => (4, Parsed::set_year),
YearDiv100 => (2, Parsed::set_year_div_100),
YearMod100 => (2, Parsed::set_year_mod_100),
IsoYear => (4, Parsed::set_isoyear),
IsoYearDiv100 => (2, Parsed::set_isoyear_div_100),
IsoYearMod100 => (2, Parsed::set_isoyear_mod_100),
Month => (2, Parsed::set_month),
Day => (2, Parsed::set_day),
WeekFromSun => (2, Parsed::set_week_from_sun),
WeekFromMon => (2, Parsed::set_week_from_mon),
IsoWeek => (2, Parsed::set_isoweek),
NumDaysFromSun => (1, set_weekday_with_num_days_from_sunday),
WeekdayFromMon => (1, set_weekday_with_number_from_monday),
Ordinal => (3, Parsed::set_ordinal),
Hour => (2, Parsed::set_hour),
Hour12 => (2, Parsed::set_hour12),
Minute => (2, Parsed::set_minute),
Second => (2, Parsed::set_second),
Nanosecond => (9, Parsed::set_nanosecond),
Timestamp => (usize::MAX, Parsed::set_timestamp),
let (width, frac, set): (usize, bool,
fn(&mut Parsed, i64) -> ParseResult<()>) = match spec {
Year => (4, false, Parsed::set_year),
YearDiv100 => (2, false, Parsed::set_year_div_100),
YearMod100 => (2, false, Parsed::set_year_mod_100),
IsoYear => (4, false, Parsed::set_isoyear),
IsoYearDiv100 => (2, false, Parsed::set_isoyear_div_100),
IsoYearMod100 => (2, false, Parsed::set_isoyear_mod_100),
Month => (2, false, Parsed::set_month),
Day => (2, false, Parsed::set_day),
WeekFromSun => (2, false, Parsed::set_week_from_sun),
WeekFromMon => (2, false, Parsed::set_week_from_mon),
IsoWeek => (2, false, Parsed::set_isoweek),
NumDaysFromSun => (1, false, set_weekday_with_num_days_from_sunday),
WeekdayFromMon => (1, false, set_weekday_with_number_from_monday),
Ordinal => (3, false, Parsed::set_ordinal),
Hour => (2, false, Parsed::set_hour),
Hour12 => (2, false, Parsed::set_hour12),
Minute => (2, false, Parsed::set_minute),
Second => (2, false, Parsed::set_second),
Nanosecond => (9, true, Parsed::set_nanosecond),
Timestamp => (usize::MAX, false, Parsed::set_timestamp),
// strip zero or more whitespaces
s = s.trim_left();
// scan digits
let mut win = s.as_bytes();
if win.len() > width { win = &win[..width]; }
let upto = win.iter().position(|&c| c < b'0' || b'9' < c).unwrap_or(win.len());
if upto == 0 { // no digits detected
return Err(if win.is_empty() {TOO_SHORT} else {INVALID});
// overflow is possible with `Timestamp` for example
// we have no other error cause, and can safely replace the error to our version
let v = try!(s[..upto].parse().map_err(|_| OUT_OF_RANGE));
let v = try_consume!(scan::number(s.trim_left(), 1, width, frac));
try!(set(parsed, v));
s = &s[upto..];
Item::Fixed(spec) => {
@ -529,42 +426,22 @@ pub fn parse<'a, I>(parsed: &mut Parsed, mut s: &str, items: I) -> ParseResult<(
match spec {
ShortMonthName => {
let month0 = try!(parse_short_month(s));
let month0 = try_consume!(scan::short_month0(s));
try!(parsed.set_month(month0 as i64 + 1));
s = &s[3..];
LongMonthName => {
let month0 = try!(parse_short_month(s));
let long = LONG_MONTHS[month0 as usize];
// three-letter abbreviation is a prefix of the corresponding long name
if s.len() >= long.len() && equals_ascii_nocase(&s[3..long.len()],
&long[3..]) {
// *optionally* consume the long form if possible
s = &s[long.len()..];
} else {
s = &s[3..];
let month0 = try_consume!(scan::short_or_long_month0(s));
try!(parsed.set_month(month0 as i64 + 1));
ShortWeekdayName => {
let weekday = try!(parse_short_weekday(s));
let weekday = try_consume!(scan::short_weekday(s));
s = &s[3..];
LongWeekdayName => {
let weekday = try!(parse_short_weekday(s));
let long = LONG_WEEKDAYS[weekday.num_days_from_monday() as usize];
// three-letter abbreviation is a prefix of the corresponding long name
if s.len() >= long.len() && equals_ascii_nocase(&s[3..long.len()],
&long[3..]) {
// *optionally* consume the long form if possible
s = &s[long.len()..];
} else {
s = &s[3..];
let weekday = try_consume!(scan::short_or_long_weekday(s));
@ -581,10 +458,15 @@ pub fn parse<'a, I>(parsed: &mut Parsed, mut s: &str, items: I) -> ParseResult<(
TimezoneName => return Err(BAD_FORMAT),
TimezoneOffset | TimezoneOffsetZ => {
let allow_zulu = spec == TimezoneOffsetZ;
let (s_, offset) = try!(parse_timezone_offset(s, allow_zulu));
s = s_;
TimezoneOffset => {
let offset = try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset(s.trim_left(),
try!(parsed.set_offset(offset as i64));
TimezoneOffsetZ => {
let offset = try_consume!(scan::timezone_offset_zulu(s.trim_left(),
try!(parsed.set_offset(offset as i64));
@ -639,6 +521,7 @@ impl<'a, I: Iterator<Item=Item<'a>> + Clone> fmt::Display for DelayedFormat<'a,
mod scan;
pub mod parsed;
pub mod strftime;
@ -646,16 +529,20 @@ pub mod strftime;
fn test_parse() {
macro_rules! check {
($fmt:expr, $items:expr; $err:expr) => ({
assert_eq!(parse(&mut Parsed::new(), $fmt, $items.iter().cloned()), Err($err));
($fmt:expr, $items:expr; $($k:ident: $v:expr),*) => ({
// workaround for Rust issue #22255
fn parse_all(s: &str, items: &[Item]) -> ParseResult<Parsed> {
let mut parsed = Parsed::new();
assert_eq!(parse(&mut parsed, $fmt, $items.iter().cloned()), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(parsed, Parsed { $($k: Some($v),)* ..Parsed::new() });
try!(parse(&mut parsed, s, items.iter().cloned()));
macro_rules! check {
($fmt:expr, $items:expr; $err:expr) => (
assert_eq!(parse_all($fmt, &$items), Err($err))
($fmt:expr, $items:expr; $($k:ident: $v:expr),*) => (
assert_eq!(parse_all($fmt, &$items), Ok(Parsed { $($k: Some($v),)* ..Parsed::new() }))
// empty string
@ -724,7 +611,7 @@ fn test_parse() {
weekday: Weekday::Sun, ordinal: 89, hour_mod_12: 1);
check!("23 45 6 78901234 567890123",
[num!(Hour), num!(Minute), num!(Second), num!(Nanosecond), num!(Timestamp)];
hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 11, minute: 45, second: 6, nanosecond: 78_901_234,
hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 11, minute: 45, second: 6, nanosecond: 789_012_340,
timestamp: 567_890_123);
// fixed: month and weekday names
@ -788,12 +675,11 @@ fn test_parse() {
check!("-04:56", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -296 * 60);
check!("+24:00", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 24 * 60 * 60);
check!("-24:00", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -24 * 60 * 60);
check!("+24:01", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; OUT_OF_RANGE);
check!("-24:01", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; OUT_OF_RANGE);
check!("+99:59", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: (100 * 60 - 1) * 60);
check!("-99:59", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: -(100 * 60 - 1) * 60);
check!("+00:59", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; offset: 59 * 60);
check!("+00:60", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; OUT_OF_RANGE);
check!("+00:99", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; OUT_OF_RANGE);
check!("+99:00", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; OUT_OF_RANGE);
check!("#12:34", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
check!("12:34", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; INVALID);
check!("+12:34 ", [fix!(TimezoneOffset)]; TOO_LONG);
@ -839,6 +725,6 @@ fn test_parse() {
hour_div_12: 1, hour_mod_12: 3, minute: 14);
[num!(Timestamp), lit!("."), num!(Nanosecond)];
nanosecond: 56_789, timestamp: 12_345_678_901_234);
nanosecond: 567_890_000, timestamp: 12_345_678_901_234);
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
// This is a part of rust-chrono.
// Copyright (c) 2015, Kang Seonghoon.
// See and LICENSE.txt for details.
* Various scanning routines for the parser.
use std::iter;
use std::num::Int;
use Weekday;
use super::{ParseResult, TOO_SHORT, INVALID, OUT_OF_RANGE};
/// Returns true when two slices are equal case-insensitively (in ASCII).
/// Assumes that the `pattern` is already converted to lower case.
fn equals(s: &str, pattern: &str) -> bool {
iter::order::equals(s.as_bytes().iter().map(|&c| match c { b'A'...b'Z' => c + 32, _ => c }),
/// Tries to parse the non-negative number from `min` to `max` digits.
/// If `left_aligned` is true, the number is assumed to be followed by zero digits
/// so that the padded digits are exactly `max` digits long (like fractions).
/// For example, given `max` of 8, `123` is parsed as 123 when right-aligned
/// and 12300000 when left-aligned.
/// The absence of digits at all is an unconditional error.
/// More than `max` digits are consumed up to the first `max` digits.
/// Any number that does not fit in `i64` is an error.
pub fn number(s: &str, min: usize, max: usize, left_aligned: bool) -> ParseResult<(&str, i64)> {
assert!(min <= max);
// limit `s` to given number of digits
let mut window = s.as_bytes();
if window.len() > max { window = &window[..max]; }
// scan digits
let upto = window.iter().position(|&c| c < b'0' || b'9' < c).unwrap_or(window.len());
if upto < min {
return Err(if window.is_empty() {TOO_SHORT} else {INVALID});
// we can overflow here, which is the only possible cause of error from `parse`.
let mut v: i64 = try!(s[..upto].parse().map_err(|_| OUT_OF_RANGE));
// scale the number if it is left-aligned. this can also overflow.
if left_aligned {
for _ in upto..max {
v = try!(v.checked_mul(10).ok_or(OUT_OF_RANGE));
Ok((&s[upto..], v))
/// Tries to parse the month index (0 through 11) with the first three ASCII letters.
pub fn short_month0(s: &str) -> ParseResult<(&str, u8)> {
if s.len() < 3 { return Err(TOO_SHORT); }
let buf = s.as_bytes();
let month0 = match [buf[0] | 32, buf[1] | 32, buf[2] | 32] {
[b'j',b'a',b'n'] => 0,
[b'f',b'e',b'b'] => 1,
[b'm',b'a',b'r'] => 2,
[b'a',b'p',b'r'] => 3,
[b'm',b'a',b'y'] => 4,
[b'j',b'u',b'n'] => 5,
[b'j',b'u',b'l'] => 6,
[b'a',b'u',b'g'] => 7,
[b's',b'e',b'p'] => 8,
[b'o',b'c',b't'] => 9,
[b'n',b'o',b'v'] => 10,
[b'd',b'e',b'c'] => 11,
_ => return Err(INVALID)
Ok((&s[3..], month0))
/// Tries to parse the weekday with the first three ASCII letters.
pub fn short_weekday(s: &str) -> ParseResult<(&str, Weekday)> {
if s.len() < 3 { return Err(TOO_SHORT); }
let buf = s.as_bytes();
let weekday = match [buf[0] | 32, buf[1] | 32, buf[2] | 32] {
[b'm',b'o',b'n'] => Weekday::Mon,
[b't',b'u',b'e'] => Weekday::Tue,
[b'w',b'e',b'd'] => Weekday::Wed,
[b't',b'h',b'u'] => Weekday::Thu,
[b'f',b'r',b'i'] => Weekday::Fri,
[b's',b'a',b't'] => Weekday::Sat,
[b's',b'u',b'n'] => Weekday::Sun,
_ => return Err(INVALID)
Ok((&s[3..], weekday))
/// Tries to parse the month index (0 through 11) with short or long month names.
/// It prefers long month names to short month names when both are possible.
pub fn short_or_long_month0(s: &str) -> ParseResult<(&str, u8)> {
// lowercased month names, minus first three chars
static LONG_MONTH_SUFFIXES: [&'static str; 12] =
["uary", "ruary", "ch", "il", "", "e", "y", "ust", "tember", "ober", "ember", "ember"];
let (mut s, month0) = try!(short_month0(s));
// tries to consume the suffix if possible
let suffix = LONG_MONTH_SUFFIXES[month0 as usize];
if s.len() >= suffix.len() && equals(&s[..suffix.len()], suffix) {
s = &s[suffix.len()..];
Ok((s, month0))
/// Tries to parse the weekday with short or long weekday names.
/// It prefers long weekday names to short weekday names when both are possible.
pub fn short_or_long_weekday(s: &str) -> ParseResult<(&str, Weekday)> {
// lowercased weekday names, minus first three chars
static LONG_WEEKDAY_SUFFIXES: [&'static str; 7] =
["day", "sday", "nesday", "rsday", "day", "urday", "sunday"];
let (mut s, weekday) = try!(short_weekday(s));
// tries to consume the suffix if possible
let suffix = LONG_WEEKDAY_SUFFIXES[weekday.num_days_from_monday() as usize];
if s.len() >= suffix.len() && equals(&s[..suffix.len()], suffix) {
s = &s[suffix.len()..];
Ok((s, weekday))
/// Consumes any number (including zero) of colon or spaces.
pub fn colon_or_space(s: &str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
Ok(s.trim_left_matches(|c: char| c == ':' || c.is_whitespace()))
/// Tries to parse `[-+]\d\d` continued by `\d\d`. Return an offset in seconds if possible.
/// The additional `colon` may be used to parse a mandatory or optional `:`
/// between hours and minutes, and should return either a new suffix or `None` when parsing fails.
pub fn timezone_offset<F>(mut s: &str, mut colon: F) -> ParseResult<(&str, i32)>
where F: FnMut(&str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
let negative = match s.as_bytes().first() {
Some(&b'+') => false,
Some(&b'-') => true,
Some(_) => return Err(INVALID),
None => return Err(TOO_SHORT),
s = &s[1..];
// hours (00--99)
let hours = match s.as_bytes() {
[h1 @ b'0'...b'9', h2 @ b'0'...b'9', ..] => ((h1 - b'0') * 10 + (h2 - b'0')) as i32,
[] | [_] => return Err(TOO_SHORT),
_ => return Err(INVALID),
s = &s[2..];
// colons (and possibly other separators)
s = try!(colon(s));
// minutes (00--59)
let minutes = match s.as_bytes() {
[m1 @ b'0'...b'5', m2 @ b'0'...b'9', ..] => ((m1 - b'0') * 10 + (m2 - b'0')) as i32,
[b'6'...b'9', b'0'...b'9', ..] => return Err(OUT_OF_RANGE),
[] | [_] => return Err(TOO_SHORT),
_ => return Err(INVALID),
s = &s[2..];
let seconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60;
Ok((s, if negative {-seconds} else {seconds}))
/// Same to `timezone_offset` but also allows for `z`/`Z` which is same to `+00:00`.
pub fn timezone_offset_zulu<F>(s: &str, colon: F) -> ParseResult<(&str, i32)>
where F: FnMut(&str) -> ParseResult<&str> {
match s.as_bytes().first() {
Some(&b'z') | Some(&b'Z') => Ok((&s[1..], 0)),
_ => timezone_offset(s, colon),
Reference in New Issue