ChangeLog for Chrono ==================== This documents all notable changes to [Chrono]( Chrono obeys the principle of [Semantic Versioning]( There were/are numerous minor versions before 1.0 due to the language changes. Versions with only mechnical changes will be omitted from the following list. ## 0.2.24 (2016-08-04) ### Added - Serde 0.8 is now supported. 0.7 also remains supported. (#86) ### Fixed - The deserialization implementation for rustc-serialize now properly verifies the input. All serialization codes are also now thoroughly tested. (#42) ## 0.2.23 (2016-08-03) ### Added - The documentation was greatly improved for several types, and tons of cross-references have been added. (#77, #78, #80, #82) - `DateTime::timestamp_subsec_{millis,micros,nanos}` methods have been added. (#81) ### Fixed - When the system time records a leap second, the nanosecond component was mistakenly reset to zero. (#84) - `Local` offset misbehaves in Windows for August and later, due to the long-standing libtime bug (dates back to mid-2015). Workaround has been implemented. (#85) ## 0.2.22 (2016-04-22) ### Fixed - `%.6f` and `%.9f` used to print only three digits when the nanosecond part is zero. (#71) - The documentation for `%+` has been updated to reflect the current status. (#71) ## 0.2.21 (2016-03-29) ### Fixed - `Fixed::LongWeekdayName` was unable to recognize `"sunday"` (whoops). (#66) ## 0.2.20 (2016-03-06) ### Changed - `serde` dependency has been updated to 0.7. (#63, #64) ## 0.2.19 (2016-02-05) ### Added - The documentation for `Date` is made clear about its ambiguity and guarantees. ### Fixed - `DateTime::date` had been wrong when the local date and the UTC date is in disagreement. (#61) ## 0.2.18 (2016-01-23) ### Fixed - Chrono no longer pulls a superfluous `rand` dependency. (#57) ## 0.2.17 (2015-11-22) ### Added - Naive date and time types and `DateTime` now have a `serde` support. They serialize as an ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 string just like `Debug`. (#51) ## 0.2.16 (2015-09-06) ### Added - Added `%.3f`, `%.6f` and `%.9f` specifier for formatting fractional seconds up to 3, 6 or 9 decimal digits. This is a natural extension to the existing `%f`. Note that this is (not yet) generic, no other value of precision is supported. (#45) ### Changed - Forbade unsized types from implementing `Datelike` and `Timelike`. This does not make a big harm as any type implementing them should be already sized to be practical, but this change still can break highly generic codes. (#46) ### Fixed - Fixed a broken link in the ``. (#41) ## 0.2.15 (2015-07-05) ### Added - Padding modifiers `%_?`, `%-?` and `%0?` are implemented. They are glibc extensions which seem to be reasonably widespread (e.g. Ruby). - Added `%:z` specifier and corresponding formatting items which is essentially same to `%z` but with a colon. - Added a new specifier `%.f` which precision adapts from the input. This was added as a response to the UX problems in the original nanosecond specifier `%f`. ### Fixed - `Numeric::Timestamp` specifier (`%s`) was ignoring the time zone offset when provided. - Improved the documentation and associated tests for `strftime`. ## 0.2.14 (2015-05-15) ### Fixed - `NaiveDateTime +/- Duration` or `NaiveTime +/- Duration` could have gone wrong when the `Duration` to be added is negative and has a fractional second part. This was caused by an underflow in the conversion from `Duration` to the parts; the lack of tests for this case allowed a bug. (#37) ## 0.2.13 (2015-04-29) ### Added - The optional dependency on `rustc_serialize` and relevant `Rustc{En,De}codable` implementations for supported types has been added. This is enabled by the `rustc-serialize` Cargo feature. (#34) ### Changed - `chrono::Duration` reexport is changed to that of `time` crate. This enables Rust 1.0 beta compatibility. ## 0.2.4 (2015-03-03) ### Fixed - Clarified the meaning of `Date` and fixed unwanted conversion problem that only occurs with positive UTC offsets. (#27) ## 0.2.3 (2015-02-27) ### Added - `DateTime` and `Date` is now `Copy`/`Send` when `Tz::Offset` is `Copy`/`Send`. The implementations for them were mistakenly omitted. (#25) ### Fixed - `Local::from_utc_datetime` didn't set a correct offset. (#26) ## 0.2.1 (2015-02-21) ### Changed - `DelayedFormat` no longer conveys a redundant lifetime. ## 0.2.0 (2015-02-19) ### Added - `Offset` is splitted into `TimeZone` (constructor) and `Offset` (storage) types. You would normally see only the former, as the latter is mostly an implementation detail. Most importantly, `Local` now can be used to directly construct timezone-aware values. Some types (currently, `UTC` and `FixedOffset`) are both `TimeZone` and `Offset`, but others aren't (e.g. `Local` is not what is being stored to each `DateTime` values). - `LocalResult::map` convenience method has been added. - `TimeZone` now allows a construction of `DateTime` values from UNIX timestamp, via `timestamp` and `timestamp_opt` methods. - `TimeZone` now also has a method for parsing `DateTime`, namely `datetime_from_str`. - The following methods have been added to all date and time types: - `checked_add` - `checked_sub` - `format_with_items` - The following methods have been added to all timezone-aware types: - `timezone` - `with_timezone` - `naive_utc` - `naive_local` - `parse_from_str` method has been added to all naive types and `DateTime`. - All naive types and instances of `DateTime` with time zones `UTC`, `Local` and `FixedOffset` implement the `FromStr` trait. They parse what `std::fmt::Debug` would print. - `chrono::format` has been greatly rewritten. - The formatting syntax parser is modular now, available at `chrono::format::strftime`. - The parser and resolution algorithm is also modular, the former is available at `chrono::format::parse` while the latter is available at `chrono::format::parsed`. - Explicit support for RFC 2822 and 3339 syntaxes is landed. - There is a minor formatting difference with atypical values, e.g. for years not between 1 BCE and 9999 CE. ### Changed - Most uses of `Offset` are converted to `TimeZone`. In fact, *all* user-facing code is expected to be `Offset`-free. - `[Naive]DateTime::*num_seconds_from_unix_epoch*` methods have been renamed to simply `timestamp` or `from_timestamp*`. The original names have been deprecated. ### Removed - `Time` has been removed. This also prompts a related set of methods in `TimeZone`. This is in principle possible, but in practice has seen a little use because it can only be meaningfully constructed via an existing `DateTime` value. This made many operations to `Time` unintuitive or ambiguous, so we simply let it go. In the case that `Time` is really required, one can use a simpler `NaiveTime`. `NaiveTime` and `NaiveDate` can be freely combined and splitted, and `TimeZone::from_{local,utc}_datetime` can be used to convert from/to the local time. - `with_offset` method has been removed. Use `with_timezone` method instead. (This is not deprecated since it is an integral part of offset reform.) ## 0.1.14 (2015-01-10) ### Added - Added a missing `std::fmt::String` impl for `Local`. ## 0.1.13 (2015-01-10) ### Changed - Most types now implement both `std::fmt::Show` and `std::fmt::String`, with the former used for the stricter output and the latter used for more casual output. ### Removed - `Offset::name` has been replaced by a `std::fmt::String` implementation to `Offset`. ## 0.1.12 (2015-01-08) ### Removed - `Duration + T` no longer works due to the updated impl reachability rules. Use `T + Duration` as a workaround. ## 0.1.4 (2014-12-13) ### Fixed - Fixed a bug that `Date::and_*` methods with an offset that can change the date are off by one day. ## 0.1.3 (2014-11-28) ### Added - `{Date,Time,DateTime}::with_offset` methods have been added. - `LocalResult` now implements a common set of traits. - `LocalResult::and_*` methods have been added. They are useful for safely chaining `LocalResult>` methods to make `LocalResult>`. ### Changed - `Offset::name` now returns `SendStr`. - `{Date,Time} - Duration` overloadings are now allowed. ## 0.1.2 (2014-11-24) ### Added - `Duration + Date` overloading is now allowed. ### Changed - Chrono no longer needs `num` dependency. ## 0.1.0 (2014-11-20) The initial version that was available to ``.