#!/bin/bash # This is the script that's executed by travis, you can run it yourself to run # the exact same suite set -e DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" channel() { if [ -n "${TRAVIS}" ]; then if [ "${TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION}" = "${CHANNEL}" ]; then pwd (set -x; cargo "$@") fi elif [ -n "${APPVEYOR}" ]; then if [ "${APPVEYOR_RUST_CHANNEL}" = "${CHANNEL}" ]; then pwd (set -x; cargo "$@") fi else pwd (set -x; cargo "+${CHANNEL}" "$@") fi } build_and_test() { # interleave building and testing in hope that it saves time # also vary the local time zone to (hopefully) catch tz-dependent bugs # also avoid doc-testing multiple times---it takes a lot and rarely helps cargo clean channel build -v TZ=ACST-9:30 channel test -v --lib channel build -v --features rustc-serialize TZ=EST4 channel test -v --features rustc-serialize --lib channel build -v --features serde TZ=UTC0 channel test -v --features serde --lib channel build -v --features serde,rustc-serialize TZ=Asia/Katmandu channel test -v --features serde,rustc-serialize } build_only() { # Rust 1.13 doesn't support custom derive, so, to avoid doctests which # validate that, we just build there. cargo clean channel build -v channel build -v --features rustc-serialize channel build -v --features 'serde bincode' } run_clippy() { # cached installation will not work on a later nightly if [ -n "${TRAVIS}" ] && ! cargo install clippy --debug --force; then echo "COULD NOT COMPILE CLIPPY, IGNORING CLIPPY TESTS" exit fi cargo clippy --features 'serde bincode rustc-serialize' -- -Dclippy } rustc --version cargo --version CHANNEL=nightly if [ "x${CLIPPY}" = xy ] ; then run_clippy else build_and_test fi CHANNEL=beta build_and_test CHANNEL=stable build_and_test CHANNEL=1.13.0 build_only