Add thorough tests of float to int edge cases

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Josh Stone 2018-03-10 23:05:02 -08:00
parent b025c273c7
commit f6dc4d29a4
1 changed files with 69 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -711,3 +711,72 @@ fn cast_to_unsigned_int_checks_overflow() {
assert_eq!(None, cast::<f64, u32>(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<f64, u32>(small_f));
assert_eq!(None, cast::<f64, u64>(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<f64, u64>(small_f));
} }
fn cast_float_to_int_edge_cases() {
use core::mem::transmute;
trait RawOffset: Sized {
type Raw;
fn raw_offset(self, offset: Self::Raw) -> Self;
impl RawOffset for f32 {
type Raw = i32;
fn raw_offset(self, offset: Self::Raw) -> Self {
unsafe {
let raw: Self::Raw = transmute(self);
transmute(raw + offset)
impl RawOffset for f64 {
type Raw = i64;
fn raw_offset(self, offset: Self::Raw) -> Self {
unsafe {
let raw: Self::Raw = transmute(self);
transmute(raw + offset)
macro_rules! test_edge {
($f:ident -> $($t:ident)+) => { $({
println!("testing cast edge cases for {} -> {}", stringify!($f), stringify!($t));
let small = if $t::MIN == 0 || size_of::<$t>() < size_of::<$f>() {
$t::MIN as $f - 1.0
} else {
($t::MIN as $f).raw_offset(1).floor()
let fmin = small.raw_offset(-1);
println!(" testing min {}\n\tvs. {:.16}\n\tand {:.16}", $t::MIN, fmin, small);
assert_eq!(Some($t::MIN), cast::<$f, $t>($t::MIN as $f));
assert_eq!(Some($t::MIN), cast::<$f, $t>(fmin));
assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>(small));
let (max, large) = if size_of::<$t>() < size_of::<$f>() {
($t::MAX, $t::MAX as $f + 1.0)
} else {
let large = $t::MAX as $f; // rounds up!
let max = large.raw_offset(-1) as $t; // the next smallest possible
assert_eq!(max.count_ones(), $f::MANTISSA_DIGITS);
(max, large)
let fmax = large.raw_offset(-1);
println!(" testing max {}\n\tvs. {:.16}\n\tand {:.16}", max, fmax, large);
assert_eq!(Some(max), cast::<$f, $t>(max as $f));
assert_eq!(Some(max), cast::<$f, $t>(fmax));
assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>(large));
println!(" testing non-finite values");
assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>($f::NAN));
assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>($f::INFINITY));
assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>($f::NEG_INFINITY));
test_edge!(f32 -> isize i8 i16 i32 i64);
test_edge!(f32 -> usize u8 u16 u32 u64);
test_edge!(f64 -> isize i8 i16 i32 i64);
test_edge!(f64 -> usize u8 u16 u32 u64);