//! Tests of `num_traits::cast`. #![no_std] #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[macro_use] extern crate std; extern crate num_traits; use num_traits::cast::*; use core::{i8, i16, i32, i64, isize}; use core::{u8, u16, u32, u64, usize}; use core::{f32, f64}; #[cfg(has_i128)] use core::{i128, u128}; use core::mem; use core::num::Wrapping; #[test] fn to_primitive_float() { let f32_toolarge = 1e39f64; assert_eq!(f32_toolarge.to_f32(), None); assert_eq!((f32::MAX as f64).to_f32(), Some(f32::MAX)); assert_eq!((-f32::MAX as f64).to_f32(), Some(-f32::MAX)); assert_eq!(f64::INFINITY.to_f32(), Some(f32::INFINITY)); assert_eq!((f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_f32(), Some(f32::NEG_INFINITY)); assert!((f64::NAN).to_f32().map_or(false, |f| f.is_nan())); } #[test] fn wrapping_to_primitive() { macro_rules! test_wrapping_to_primitive { ($($t:ty)+) => { $({ let i: $t = 0; let w = Wrapping(i); assert_eq!(i.to_u8(), w.to_u8()); assert_eq!(i.to_u16(), w.to_u16()); assert_eq!(i.to_u32(), w.to_u32()); assert_eq!(i.to_u64(), w.to_u64()); assert_eq!(i.to_usize(), w.to_usize()); assert_eq!(i.to_i8(), w.to_i8()); assert_eq!(i.to_i16(), w.to_i16()); assert_eq!(i.to_i32(), w.to_i32()); assert_eq!(i.to_i64(), w.to_i64()); assert_eq!(i.to_isize(), w.to_isize()); assert_eq!(i.to_f32(), w.to_f32()); assert_eq!(i.to_f64(), w.to_f64()); })+ }; } test_wrapping_to_primitive!(usize u8 u16 u32 u64 isize i8 i16 i32 i64); } #[test] fn wrapping_is_toprimitive() { fn require_toprimitive(_: &T) {} require_toprimitive(&Wrapping(42)); } #[test] fn wrapping_is_fromprimitive() { fn require_fromprimitive(_: &T) {} require_fromprimitive(&Wrapping(42)); } #[test] fn wrapping_is_numcast() { fn require_numcast(_: &T) {} require_numcast(&Wrapping(42)); } #[test] fn as_primitive() { let x: f32 = (1.625f64).as_(); assert_eq!(x, 1.625f32); let x: f32 = (3.14159265358979323846f64).as_(); assert_eq!(x, 3.1415927f32); let x: u8 = (768i16).as_(); assert_eq!(x, 0); } #[test] fn float_to_integer_checks_overflow() { // This will overflow an i32 let source: f64 = 1.0e+123f64; // Expect the overflow to be caught assert_eq!(cast::(source), None); } #[test] fn cast_to_int_checks_overflow() { let big_f: f64 = 1.0e123; let normal_f: f64 = 1.0; let small_f: f64 = -1.0e123; assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as isize), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as i8), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as i16), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as i32), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as i64), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); } #[test] fn cast_to_unsigned_int_checks_overflow() { let big_f: f64 = 1.0e123; let normal_f: f64 = 1.0; let small_f: f64 = -1.0e123; assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as usize), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as u8), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as u16), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as u32), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as u64), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); } #[test] #[cfg(has_i128)] fn cast_to_i128_checks_overflow() { let big_f: f64 = 1.0e123; let normal_f: f64 = 1.0; let small_f: f64 = -1.0e123; assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(big_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as i128), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(Some(normal_f as u128), cast::(normal_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); assert_eq!(None, cast::(small_f)); } #[cfg(feature = "std")] fn dbg(args: ::core::fmt::Arguments) { println!("{}", args); } #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] fn dbg(_: ::core::fmt::Arguments) {} // Rust 1.8 doesn't handle cfg on macros correctly macro_rules! dbg { ($($tok:tt)*) => { dbg(format_args!($($tok)*)) } } macro_rules! float_test_edge { ($f:ident -> $($t:ident)+) => { $({ dbg!("testing cast edge cases for {} -> {}", stringify!($f), stringify!($t)); let small = if $t::MIN == 0 || mem::size_of::<$t>() < mem::size_of::<$f>() { $t::MIN as $f - 1.0 } else { ($t::MIN as $f).raw_offset(1).floor() }; let fmin = small.raw_offset(-1); dbg!(" testing min {}\n\tvs. {:.0}\n\tand {:.0}", $t::MIN, fmin, small); assert_eq!(Some($t::MIN), cast::<$f, $t>($t::MIN as $f)); assert_eq!(Some($t::MIN), cast::<$f, $t>(fmin)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>(small)); let (max, large) = if mem::size_of::<$t>() < mem::size_of::<$f>() { ($t::MAX, $t::MAX as $f + 1.0) } else { let large = $t::MAX as $f; // rounds up! let max = large.raw_offset(-1) as $t; // the next smallest possible assert_eq!(max.count_ones(), $f::MANTISSA_DIGITS); (max, large) }; let fmax = large.raw_offset(-1); dbg!(" testing max {}\n\tvs. {:.0}\n\tand {:.0}", max, fmax, large); assert_eq!(Some(max), cast::<$f, $t>(max as $f)); assert_eq!(Some(max), cast::<$f, $t>(fmax)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>(large)); dbg!(" testing non-finite values"); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>($f::NAN)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>($f::INFINITY)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>($f::NEG_INFINITY)); })+} } trait RawOffset: Sized { type Raw; fn raw_offset(self, offset: Self::Raw) -> Self; } impl RawOffset for f32 { type Raw = i32; fn raw_offset(self, offset: Self::Raw) -> Self { unsafe { let raw: Self::Raw = mem::transmute(self); mem::transmute(raw + offset) } } } impl RawOffset for f64 { type Raw = i64; fn raw_offset(self, offset: Self::Raw) -> Self { unsafe { let raw: Self::Raw = mem::transmute(self); mem::transmute(raw + offset) } } } #[test] fn cast_float_to_int_edge_cases() { float_test_edge!(f32 -> isize i8 i16 i32 i64); float_test_edge!(f32 -> usize u8 u16 u32 u64); float_test_edge!(f64 -> isize i8 i16 i32 i64); float_test_edge!(f64 -> usize u8 u16 u32 u64); } #[test] #[cfg(has_i128)] fn cast_float_to_i128_edge_cases() { float_test_edge!(f32 -> i128 u128); float_test_edge!(f64 -> i128 u128); } macro_rules! int_test_edge { ($f:ident -> { $($t:ident)+ } with $BigS:ident $BigU:ident ) => { $({ fn test_edge() { dbg!("testing cast edge cases for {} -> {}", stringify!($f), stringify!($t)); match ($f::MIN as $BigS).cmp(&($t::MIN as $BigS)) { Greater => { assert_eq!(Some($f::MIN as $t), cast::<$f, $t>($f::MIN)); } Equal => { assert_eq!(Some($t::MIN), cast::<$f, $t>($f::MIN)); } Less => { let min = $t::MIN as $f; assert_eq!(Some($t::MIN), cast::<$f, $t>(min)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>(min - 1)); } } match ($f::MAX as $BigU).cmp(&($t::MAX as $BigU)) { Greater => { let max = $t::MAX as $f; assert_eq!(Some($t::MAX), cast::<$f, $t>(max)); assert_eq!(None, cast::<$f, $t>(max + 1)); } Equal => { assert_eq!(Some($t::MAX), cast::<$f, $t>($f::MAX)); } Less => { assert_eq!(Some($f::MAX as $t), cast::<$f, $t>($f::MAX)); } } } test_edge(); })+} } #[test] fn cast_int_to_int_edge_cases() { use core::cmp::Ordering::*; macro_rules! test_edge { ($( $from:ident )+) => { $({ int_test_edge!($from -> { isize i8 i16 i32 i64 } with i64 u64); int_test_edge!($from -> { usize u8 u16 u32 u64 } with i64 u64); })+} } test_edge!(isize i8 i16 i32 i64); test_edge!(usize u8 u16 u32 u64); } #[test] #[cfg(has_i128)] fn cast_int_to_128_edge_cases() { use core::cmp::Ordering::*; macro_rules! test_edge { ($( $t:ident )+) => { $( int_test_edge!($t -> { i128 u128 } with i128 u128); )+ int_test_edge!(i128 -> { $( $t )+ } with i128 u128); int_test_edge!(u128 -> { $( $t )+ } with i128 u128); } } test_edge!(isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128); test_edge!(usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128); }