361 lines
8.9 KiB
361 lines
8.9 KiB
use std::ops::{Not, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Shl, Shr};
use {Num, NumCast};
use bounds::Bounded;
use ops::checked::*;
use ops::saturating::Saturating;
pub trait PrimInt
: Sized
+ Copy
+ Num + NumCast
+ Bounded
+ PartialOrd + Ord + Eq
+ Not<Output=Self>
+ BitAnd<Output=Self>
+ BitOr<Output=Self>
+ BitXor<Output=Self>
+ Shl<usize, Output=Self>
+ Shr<usize, Output=Self>
+ CheckedAdd<Output=Self>
+ CheckedSub<Output=Self>
+ CheckedMul<Output=Self>
+ CheckedDiv<Output=Self>
+ Saturating
/// Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0b01001100u8;
/// assert_eq!(n.count_ones(), 3);
/// ```
fn count_ones(self) -> u32;
/// Returns the number of zeros in the binary representation of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0b01001100u8;
/// assert_eq!(n.count_zeros(), 5);
/// ```
fn count_zeros(self) -> u32;
/// Returns the number of leading zeros in the binary representation
/// of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0b0101000u16;
/// assert_eq!(n.leading_zeros(), 10);
/// ```
fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32;
/// Returns the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation
/// of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0b0101000u16;
/// assert_eq!(n.trailing_zeros(), 3);
/// ```
fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32;
/// Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount amount, `n`, wrapping
/// the truncated bits to the end of the resulting integer.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// let m = 0x3456789ABCDEF012u64;
/// assert_eq!(n.rotate_left(12), m);
/// ```
fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> Self;
/// Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount amount, `n`, wrapping
/// the truncated bits to the beginning of the resulting integer.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// let m = 0xDEF0123456789ABCu64;
/// assert_eq!(n.rotate_right(12), m);
/// ```
fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> Self;
/// Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount amount, `n`, filling
/// zeros in the least significant bits.
/// This is bitwise equivalent to signed `Shl`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// let m = 0x3456789ABCDEF000u64;
/// assert_eq!(n.signed_shl(12), m);
/// ```
fn signed_shl(self, n: u32) -> Self;
/// Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount amount, `n`, copying
/// the "sign bit" in the most significant bits even for unsigned types.
/// This is bitwise equivalent to signed `Shr`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0xFEDCBA9876543210u64;
/// let m = 0xFFFFEDCBA9876543u64;
/// assert_eq!(n.signed_shr(12), m);
/// ```
fn signed_shr(self, n: u32) -> Self;
/// Shifts the bits to the left by a specified amount amount, `n`, filling
/// zeros in the least significant bits.
/// This is bitwise equivalent to unsigned `Shl`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFi64;
/// let m = 0x3456789ABCDEF000i64;
/// assert_eq!(n.unsigned_shl(12), m);
/// ```
fn unsigned_shl(self, n: u32) -> Self;
/// Shifts the bits to the right by a specified amount amount, `n`, filling
/// zeros in the most significant bits.
/// This is bitwise equivalent to unsigned `Shr`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0xFEDCBA9876543210i64;
/// let m = 0x000FEDCBA9876543i64;
/// assert_eq!(n.unsigned_shr(12), m);
/// ```
fn unsigned_shr(self, n: u32) -> Self;
/// Reverses the byte order of the integer.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// let m = 0xEFCDAB8967452301u64;
/// assert_eq!(n.swap_bytes(), m);
/// ```
fn swap_bytes(self) -> Self;
/// Convert an integer from big endian to the target's endianness.
/// On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
/// assert_eq!(u64::from_be(n), n)
/// } else {
/// assert_eq!(u64::from_be(n), n.swap_bytes())
/// }
/// ```
fn from_be(x: Self) -> Self;
/// Convert an integer from little endian to the target's endianness.
/// On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
/// assert_eq!(u64::from_le(n), n)
/// } else {
/// assert_eq!(u64::from_le(n), n.swap_bytes())
/// }
/// ```
fn from_le(x: Self) -> Self;
/// Convert `self` to big endian from the target's endianness.
/// On big endian this is a no-op. On little endian the bytes are swapped.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
/// assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n)
/// } else {
/// assert_eq!(n.to_be(), n.swap_bytes())
/// }
/// ```
fn to_be(self) -> Self;
/// Convert `self` to little endian from the target's endianness.
/// On little endian this is a no-op. On big endian the bytes are swapped.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// let n = 0x0123456789ABCDEFu64;
/// if cfg!(target_endian = "little") {
/// assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n)
/// } else {
/// assert_eq!(n.to_le(), n.swap_bytes())
/// }
/// ```
fn to_le(self) -> Self;
/// Raises self to the power of `exp`, using exponentiation by squaring.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use num_traits::PrimInt;
/// assert_eq!(2i32.pow(4), 16);
/// ```
fn pow(self, mut exp: u32) -> Self;
macro_rules! prim_int_impl {
($T:ty, $S:ty, $U:ty) => (
impl PrimInt for $T {
fn count_ones(self) -> u32 {
fn count_zeros(self) -> u32 {
fn leading_zeros(self) -> u32 {
fn trailing_zeros(self) -> u32 {
fn rotate_left(self, n: u32) -> Self {
<$T>::rotate_left(self, n)
fn rotate_right(self, n: u32) -> Self {
<$T>::rotate_right(self, n)
fn signed_shl(self, n: u32) -> Self {
((self as $S) << n) as $T
fn signed_shr(self, n: u32) -> Self {
((self as $S) >> n) as $T
fn unsigned_shl(self, n: u32) -> Self {
((self as $U) << n) as $T
fn unsigned_shr(self, n: u32) -> Self {
((self as $U) >> n) as $T
fn swap_bytes(self) -> Self {
fn from_be(x: Self) -> Self {
fn from_le(x: Self) -> Self {
fn to_be(self) -> Self {
fn to_le(self) -> Self {
fn pow(self, exp: u32) -> Self {
<$T>::pow(self, exp)
// prim_int_impl!(type, signed, unsigned);
prim_int_impl!(u8, i8, u8);
prim_int_impl!(u16, i16, u16);
prim_int_impl!(u32, i32, u32);
prim_int_impl!(u64, i64, u64);
prim_int_impl!(usize, isize, usize);
prim_int_impl!(i8, i8, u8);
prim_int_impl!(i16, i16, u16);
prim_int_impl!(i32, i32, u32);
prim_int_impl!(i64, i64, u64);
prim_int_impl!(isize, isize, usize);