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//! Complex numbers.
#![doc(html_logo_url = "",
html_favicon_url = "",
html_root_url = "",
html_playground_url = "")]
extern crate num_traits as traits;
#[cfg(feature = "rustc-serialize")]
extern crate rustc_serialize;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
extern crate serde;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash;
use std::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Sub, Rem};
use std::str::FromStr;
use traits::{Zero, One, Num, Float};
// FIXME #1284: handle complex NaN & infinity etc. This
// probably doesn't map to C's _Complex correctly.
/// A complex number in Cartesian form.
/// ## Representation and Foreign Function Interface Compatibility
/// `Complex<T>` is memory layout compatible with an array `[T; 2]`.
/// Note that `Complex<F>` where F is a floating point type is **only** memory
/// layout compatible with C's complex types, **not** necessarily calling
/// convention compatible. This means that for FFI you can only pass
/// `Complex<F>` behind a pointer, not as a value.
/// ## Examples
/// Example of extern function declaration.
/// ```
/// use num_complex::Complex;
/// use std::os::raw::c_int;
/// extern "C" {
/// fn zaxpy_(n: *const c_int, alpha: *const Complex<f64>,
/// x: *const Complex<f64>, incx: *const c_int,
/// y: *mut Complex<f64>, incy: *const c_int);
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash, Debug, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "rustc-serialize", derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable))]
pub struct Complex<T> {
/// Real portion of the complex number
pub re: T,
/// Imaginary portion of the complex number
pub im: T
pub type Complex32 = Complex<f32>;
pub type Complex64 = Complex<f64>;
impl<T: Clone + Num> Complex<T> {
/// Create a new Complex
pub fn new(re: T, im: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex { re: re, im: im }
/// Returns imaginary unit
pub fn i() -> Complex<T> {
Self::new(T::zero(), T::one())
/// Returns the square of the norm (since `T` doesn't necessarily
/// have a sqrt function), i.e. `re^2 + im^2`.
pub fn norm_sqr(&self) -> T { * + *
/// Multiplies `self` by the scalar `t`.
pub fn scale(&self, t: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( * t.clone(), * t)
/// Divides `self` by the scalar `t`.
pub fn unscale(&self, t: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( / t.clone(), / t)
impl<T: Clone + Num + Neg<Output = T>> Complex<T> {
/// Returns the complex conjugate. i.e. `re - i im`
pub fn conj(&self) -> Complex<T> {
/// Returns `1/self`
pub fn inv(&self) -> Complex<T> {
let norm_sqr = self.norm_sqr();
Complex::new( / norm_sqr.clone(), / norm_sqr)
impl<T: Clone + Float> Complex<T> {
/// Calculate |self|
pub fn norm(&self) -> T {
/// Calculate the principal Arg of self.
pub fn arg(&self) -> T {
/// Convert to polar form (r, theta), such that `self = r * exp(i
/// * theta)`
pub fn to_polar(&self) -> (T, T) {
(self.norm(), self.arg())
/// Convert a polar representation into a complex number.
pub fn from_polar(r: &T, theta: &T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new(*r * theta.cos(), *r * theta.sin())
/// Computes `e^(self)`, where `e` is the base of the natural logarithm.
pub fn exp(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: e^(a + bi) = e^a (cos(b) + i*sin(b))
// = from_polar(e^a, b)
Complex::from_polar(&, &
/// Computes the principal value of natural logarithm of `self`.
/// This function has one branch cut:
/// * `(-∞, 0]`, continuous from above.
/// The branch satisfies `-π ≤ arg(ln(z)) ≤ π`.
pub fn ln(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: ln(z) = ln|z| + i*arg(z)
let (r, theta) = self.to_polar();
Complex::new(r.ln(), theta)
/// Computes the principal value of the square root of `self`.
/// This function has one branch cut:
/// * `(-∞, 0)`, continuous from above.
/// The branch satisfies `-π/2 ≤ arg(sqrt(z)) ≤ π/2`.
pub fn sqrt(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: sqrt(r e^(it)) = sqrt(r) e^(it/2)
let two = T::one() + T::one();
let (r, theta) = self.to_polar();
Complex::from_polar(&(r.sqrt()), &(theta/two))
/// Raises `self` to a floating point power.
pub fn powf(&self, exp: T) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: x^y = (ρ e^(i θ))^y = ρ^y e^(i θ y)
// = from_polar(ρ^y, θ y)
let (r, theta) = self.to_polar();
Complex::from_polar(&r.powf(exp), &(theta*exp))
/// Returns the logarithm of `self` with respect to an arbitrary base.
pub fn log(&self, base: T) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: log_y(x) = log_y(ρ e^(i θ))
// = log_y(ρ) + log_y(e^(i θ)) = log_y(ρ) + ln(e^(i θ)) / ln(y)
// = log_y(ρ) + i θ / ln(y)
let (r, theta) = self.to_polar();
Complex::new(r.log(base), theta / base.ln())
/// Raises `self` to a complex power.
pub fn powc(&self, exp: Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: x^y = (a + i b)^(c + i d)
// = (ρ e^(i θ))^c (ρ e^(i θ))^(i d)
// where ρ=|x| and θ=arg(x)
// = ρ^c e^(d θ) e^(i c θ) ρ^(i d)
// = p^c e^(d θ) (cos(c θ)
// + i sin(c θ)) (cos(d ln(ρ)) + i sin(d ln(ρ)))
// = p^c e^(d θ) (
// cos(c θ) cos(d ln(ρ)) sin(c θ) sin(d ln(ρ))
// + i(cos(c θ) sin(d ln(ρ)) + sin(c θ) cos(d ln(ρ))))
// = p^c e^(d θ) (cos(c θ + d ln(ρ)) + i sin(c θ + d ln(ρ)))
// = from_polar(p^c e^(d θ), c θ + d ln(ρ))
let (r, theta) = self.to_polar();
&(r.powf( * ( * theta).exp()),
&( * theta + * r.ln()))
/// Raises a floating point number to the complex power `self`.
pub fn expf(&self, base: T) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: x^(a+bi) = x^a x^bi = x^a e^(b ln(x) i)
// = from_polar(x^a, b ln(x))
Complex::from_polar(&base.powf(, &( * base.ln()))
/// Computes the sine of `self`.
pub fn sin(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: sin(a + bi) = sin(a)cosh(b) + i*cos(a)sinh(b)
Complex::new( *, *
/// Computes the cosine of `self`.
pub fn cos(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: cos(a + bi) = cos(a)cosh(b) - i*sin(a)sinh(b)
Complex::new( *, *
/// Computes the tangent of `self`.
pub fn tan(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: tan(a + bi) = (sin(2a) + i*sinh(2b))/(cos(2a) + cosh(2b))
let (two_re, two_im) = ( +, +;
Complex::new(two_re.sin(), two_im.sinh()).unscale(two_re.cos() + two_im.cosh())
/// Computes the principal value of the inverse sine of `self`.
/// This function has two branch cuts:
/// * `(-∞, -1)`, continuous from above.
/// * `(1, ∞)`, continuous from below.
/// The branch satisfies `-π/2 ≤ Re(asin(z)) ≤ π/2`.
pub fn asin(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: arcsin(z) = -i ln(sqrt(1-z^2) + iz)
let i = Complex::<T>::i();
-i*((Complex::<T>::one() - self*self).sqrt() + i*self).ln()
/// Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine of `self`.
/// This function has two branch cuts:
/// * `(-∞, -1)`, continuous from above.
/// * `(1, ∞)`, continuous from below.
/// The branch satisfies `0 ≤ Re(acos(z)) ≤ π`.
pub fn acos(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: arccos(z) = -i ln(i sqrt(1-z^2) + z)
let i = Complex::<T>::i();
-i*(i*(Complex::<T>::one() - self*self).sqrt() + self).ln()
/// Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent of `self`.
/// This function has two branch cuts:
/// * `(-∞i, -i]`, continuous from the left.
/// * `[i, ∞i)`, continuous from the right.
/// The branch satisfies `-π/2 ≤ Re(atan(z)) ≤ π/2`.
pub fn atan(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: arctan(z) = (ln(1+iz) - ln(1-iz))/(2i)
let i = Complex::<T>::i();
let one = Complex::<T>::one();
let two = one + one;
if *self == i {
return Complex::new(T::zero(), T::infinity());
else if *self == -i {
return Complex::new(T::zero(), -T::infinity());
((one + i * self).ln() - (one - i * self).ln()) / (two * i)
/// Computes the hyperbolic sine of `self`.
pub fn sinh(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: sinh(a + bi) = sinh(a)cos(b) + i*cosh(a)sin(b)
Complex::new( *, *
/// Computes the hyperbolic cosine of `self`.
pub fn cosh(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: cosh(a + bi) = cosh(a)cos(b) + i*sinh(a)sin(b)
Complex::new( *, *
/// Computes the hyperbolic tangent of `self`.
pub fn tanh(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: tanh(a + bi) = (sinh(2a) + i*sin(2b))/(cosh(2a) + cos(2b))
let (two_re, two_im) = ( +, +;
Complex::new(two_re.sinh(), two_im.sin()).unscale(two_re.cosh() + two_im.cos())
/// Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic sine of `self`.
/// This function has two branch cuts:
/// * `(-∞i, -i)`, continuous from the left.
/// * `(i, ∞i)`, continuous from the right.
/// The branch satisfies `-π/2 ≤ Im(asinh(z)) ≤ π/2`.
pub fn asinh(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: arcsinh(z) = ln(z + sqrt(1+z^2))
let one = Complex::<T>::one();
(self + (one + self * self).sqrt()).ln()
/// Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic cosine of `self`.
/// This function has one branch cut:
/// * `(-∞, 1)`, continuous from above.
/// The branch satisfies `-π ≤ Im(acosh(z)) ≤ π` and `0 ≤ Re(acosh(z)) < ∞`.
pub fn acosh(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: arccosh(z) = 2 ln(sqrt((z+1)/2) + sqrt((z-1)/2))
let one = Complex::one();
let two = one + one;
two * (((self + one)/two).sqrt() + ((self - one)/two).sqrt()).ln()
/// Computes the principal value of inverse hyperbolic tangent of `self`.
/// This function has two branch cuts:
/// * `(-∞, -1]`, continuous from above.
/// * `[1, ∞)`, continuous from below.
/// The branch satisfies `-π/2 ≤ Im(atanh(z)) ≤ π/2`.
pub fn atanh(&self) -> Complex<T> {
// formula: arctanh(z) = (ln(1+z) - ln(1-z))/2
let one = Complex::one();
let two = one + one;
if *self == one {
return Complex::new(T::infinity(), T::zero());
else if *self == -one {
return Complex::new(-T::infinity(), T::zero());
((one + self).ln() - (one - self).ln()) / two
/// Checks if the given complex number is NaN
pub fn is_nan(self) -> bool { ||
/// Checks if the given complex number is infinite
pub fn is_infinite(self) -> bool {
!self.is_nan() && ( ||
/// Checks if the given complex number is finite
pub fn is_finite(self) -> bool { &&
/// Checks if the given complex number is normal
pub fn is_normal(self) -> bool { &&
impl<T: Clone + Num> From<T> for Complex<T> {
fn from(re: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex { re: re, im: T::zero() }
impl<'a, T: Clone + Num> From<&'a T> for Complex<T> {
fn from(re: &T) -> Complex<T> {
macro_rules! forward_ref_ref_binop {
(impl $imp:ident, $method:ident, $($dep:ident),*) => {
impl<'a, 'b, T: Clone + Num $(+ $dep)*> $imp<&'b Complex<T>> for &'a Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn $method(self, other: &Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
macro_rules! forward_ref_val_binop {
(impl $imp:ident, $method:ident, $($dep:ident),*) => {
impl<'a, T: Clone + Num $(+ $dep)*> $imp<Complex<T>> for &'a Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn $method(self, other: Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
macro_rules! forward_val_ref_binop {
(impl $imp:ident, $method:ident, $($dep:ident),*) => {
impl<'a, T: Clone + Num $(+ $dep)*> $imp<&'a Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn $method(self, other: &Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
macro_rules! forward_all_binop {
(impl $imp:ident, $method:ident, $($dep:ident),*) => {
forward_ref_ref_binop!(impl $imp, $method, $($dep),*);
forward_ref_val_binop!(impl $imp, $method, $($dep),*);
forward_val_ref_binop!(impl $imp, $method, $($dep),*);
/* arithmetic */
forward_all_binop!(impl Add, add, );
// (a + i b) + (c + i d) == (a + c) + i (b + d)
impl<T: Clone + Num> Add<Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn add(self, other: Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( +, +
forward_all_binop!(impl Sub, sub, );
// (a + i b) - (c + i d) == (a - c) + i (b - d)
impl<T: Clone + Num> Sub<Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn sub(self, other: Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( -, -
forward_all_binop!(impl Mul, mul, );
// (a + i b) * (c + i d) == (a*c - b*d) + i (a*d + b*c)
impl<T: Clone + Num> Mul<Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn mul(self, other: Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
let re = * - *;
let im = * + *;
Complex::new(re, im)
forward_all_binop!(impl Div, div, );
// (a + i b) / (c + i d) == [(a + i b) * (c - i d)] / (c*c + d*d)
// == [(a*c + b*d) / (c*c + d*d)] + i [(b*c - a*d) / (c*c + d*d)]
impl<T: Clone + Num> Div<Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn div(self, other: Complex<T>) -> Complex<T> {
let norm_sqr = other.norm_sqr();
let re = * + *;
let im = * - *;
Complex::new(re / norm_sqr.clone(), im / norm_sqr)
forward_all_binop!(impl Rem, rem, PartialOrd);
// Attempts to identify the gaussian integer whose product with `modulus`
// is closest to `self`.
impl<T: Clone + Num + PartialOrd> Rem<Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn rem(self, modulus: Complex<T>) -> Self {
let Complex { re, im } = self.clone() / modulus.clone();
// This is the gaussian integer corresponding to the true ratio
// rounded towards zero.
let (re0, im0) = (re.clone() - re % T::one(), im.clone() - im % T::one());
let zero = T::zero();
let one = T::one();
let neg = zero.clone() - one.clone();
// Traverse the 3x3 square of gaussian integers surrounding our
// current approximation, and select the one whose product with
// `modulus` is closest to `self`.
let mut bestrem = self.clone() - modulus.clone() *
Complex::new(re0.clone(), im0.clone());
let mut bestnorm = bestrem.norm_sqr();
for &(dr, di) in
vec![(&one, &zero), (&one, &one), (&zero, &one), (&neg, &one),
(&neg, &zero), (&neg, &neg), (&zero, &neg), (&one, &neg)]
.iter() {
let newrem = self.clone() - modulus.clone() *
Complex::new(re0.clone() + dr.clone(),
im0.clone() + di.clone());
let newnorm = newrem.norm_sqr();
if newnorm < bestnorm {
bestrem = newrem;
bestnorm = newnorm;
// Op Assign
mod opassign {
use std::ops::{AddAssign, SubAssign, MulAssign, DivAssign, RemAssign};
use traits::NumAssign;
use Complex;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> AddAssign for Complex<T> {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Complex<T>) { +=; +=;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> SubAssign for Complex<T> {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Complex<T>) { -=; -=;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> MulAssign for Complex<T> {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Complex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() * other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> DivAssign for Complex<T> {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Complex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() / other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign + PartialOrd> RemAssign for Complex<T> {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: Complex<T>) {
*self = self.clone() % other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> AddAssign<T> for Complex<T> {
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: T) { += other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> SubAssign<T> for Complex<T> {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: T) { -= other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> MulAssign<T> for Complex<T> {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: T) { *= other.clone(); *= other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign> DivAssign<T> for Complex<T> {
fn div_assign(&mut self, other: T) { /= other.clone(); /= other;
impl<T: Clone + NumAssign + PartialOrd> RemAssign<T> for Complex<T> {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: T) {
*self = self.clone() % other;
macro_rules! forward_op_assign {
(impl $imp:ident, $method:ident) => {
impl<'a, T: Clone + NumAssign> $imp<&'a Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
fn $method(&mut self, other: &Complex<T>) {
impl<'a, T: Clone + NumAssign> $imp<&'a T> for Complex<T> {
fn $method(&mut self, other: &T) {
forward_op_assign!(impl AddAssign, add_assign);
forward_op_assign!(impl SubAssign, sub_assign);
forward_op_assign!(impl MulAssign, mul_assign);
forward_op_assign!(impl DivAssign, div_assign);
impl<'a, T: Clone + NumAssign + PartialOrd> RemAssign<&'a Complex<T>> for Complex<T> {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: &Complex<T>) {
impl<'a, T: Clone + NumAssign + PartialOrd> RemAssign<&'a T> for Complex<T> {
fn rem_assign(&mut self, other: &T) {
impl<T: Clone + Num + Neg<Output = T>> Neg for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn neg(self) -> Complex<T> {
impl<'a, T: Clone + Num + Neg<Output = T>> Neg for &'a Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn neg(self) -> Complex<T> {
macro_rules! real_arithmetic {
(@forward $imp:ident::$method:ident for $($real:ident),*: $($dep:ident),*) => (
impl<'a, T: Clone + Num $(+ $dep)*> $imp<&'a T> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn $method(self, other: &T) -> Complex<T> {
impl<'a, T: Clone + Num $(+ $dep)*> $imp<T> for &'a Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn $method(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
impl<'a, 'b, T: Clone + Num $(+ $dep)*> $imp<&'a T> for &'b Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn $method(self, other: &T) -> Complex<T> {
impl<'a> $imp<&'a Complex<$real>> for $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn $method(self, other: &Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
impl<'a> $imp<Complex<$real>> for &'a $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn $method(self, other: Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
impl<'a, 'b> $imp<&'a Complex<$real>> for &'b $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn $method(self, other: &Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
($($real:ident),*) => (
real_arithmetic!(@forward Add::add for $($real),*: );
real_arithmetic!(@forward Sub::sub for $($real),*: );
real_arithmetic!(@forward Mul::mul for $($real),*: );
real_arithmetic!(@forward Div::div for $($real),*: );
real_arithmetic!(@forward Rem::rem for $($real),*: PartialOrd);
impl Add<Complex<$real>> for $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn add(self, other: Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
Complex::new(self +,
impl Sub<Complex<$real>> for $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn sub(self, other: Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
Complex::new(self -, $real::zero() -
impl Mul<Complex<$real>> for $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn mul(self, other: Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
Complex::new(self *, self *
impl Div<Complex<$real>> for $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn div(self, other: Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
// a / (c + i d) == [a * (c - i d)] / (c*c + d*d)
let norm_sqr = other.norm_sqr();
Complex::new(self * / norm_sqr.clone(),
$real::zero() - self * / norm_sqr)
impl Rem<Complex<$real>> for $real {
type Output = Complex<$real>;
fn rem(self, other: Complex<$real>) -> Complex<$real> {
Complex::new(self, Self::zero()) % other
impl<T: Clone + Num> Add<T> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn add(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( + other,
impl<T: Clone + Num> Sub<T> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn sub(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( - other,
impl<T: Clone + Num> Mul<T> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn mul(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( * other.clone(), * other)
impl<T: Clone + Num> Div<T> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn div(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new( / other.clone(), / other)
impl<T: Clone + Num + PartialOrd> Rem<T> for Complex<T> {
type Output = Complex<T>;
fn rem(self, other: T) -> Complex<T> {
self % Complex::new(other, T::zero())
real_arithmetic!(usize, u8, u16, u32, u64, isize, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64);
/* constants */
impl<T: Clone + Num> Zero for Complex<T> {
fn zero() -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new(Zero::zero(), Zero::zero())
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { &&
impl<T: Clone + Num> One for Complex<T> {
fn one() -> Complex<T> {
Complex::new(One::one(), Zero::zero())
macro_rules! write_complex {
($f:ident, $t:expr, $prefix:expr, $re:expr, $im:expr, $T:ident) => {{
let abs_re = if $re < Zero::zero() { $T::zero() - $re.clone() } else { $re.clone() };
let abs_im = if $im < Zero::zero() { $T::zero() - $im.clone() } else { $im.clone() };
let real: String;
let imag: String;
if let Some(prec) = $f.precision() {
real = format!(concat!("{:.1$", $t, "}"), abs_re, prec);
imag = format!(concat!("{:.1$", $t, "}"), abs_im, prec);
else {
real = format!(concat!("{:", $t, "}"), abs_re);
imag = format!(concat!("{:", $t, "}"), abs_im);
let prefix = if $f.alternate() { $prefix } else { "" };
let sign = if $re < Zero::zero() {
} else if $f.sign_plus() {
} else {
let complex = if $im < Zero::zero() {
format!("{}{pre}{re}-{pre}{im}i", sign, re=real, im=imag, pre=prefix)
else {
format!("{}{pre}{re}+{pre}{im}i", sign, re=real, im=imag, pre=prefix)
if let Some(width) = $f.width() {
write!($f, "{0: >1$}", complex, width)
else {
write!($f, "{}", complex)
/* string conversions */
impl<T> fmt::Display for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::Display + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "", "",,, T)
impl<T> fmt::LowerExp for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::LowerExp + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "e", "",,, T)
impl<T> fmt::UpperExp for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::UpperExp + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "E", "",,, T)
impl<T> fmt::LowerHex for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::LowerHex + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "x", "0x",,, T)
impl<T> fmt::UpperHex for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::UpperHex + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "X", "0x",,, T)
impl<T> fmt::Octal for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::Octal + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "o", "0o",,, T)
impl<T> fmt::Binary for Complex<T> where
T: fmt::Binary + Num + PartialOrd + Clone
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write_complex!(f, "b", "0b",,, T)
fn from_str_generic<T, E, F>(s: &str, from: F) -> Result<Complex<T>, ParseComplexError<E>>
where F: Fn(&str) -> Result<T, E>, T: Clone + Num
let imag = match s.rfind('j') {
None => 'i',
_ => 'j'
let mut b = String::with_capacity(s.len());
let mut first = true;
let char_indices = s.char_indices();
let mut pc = ' ';
let mut split_index = s.len();
for (i, cc) in char_indices {
if cc == '+' && pc != 'e' && pc != 'E' && i > 0 {
// ignore '+' if part of an exponent
if first {
split_index = i;
first = false;
// don't carry '+' over into b
pc = ' ';
} else if cc == '-' && pc != 'e' && pc != 'E' && i > 0 {
// ignore '-' if part of an exponent or begins the string
if first {
split_index = i;
first = false;
// DO carry '-' over into b
if pc == '-' && cc == ' ' && !first {
// ignore whitespace between minus sign and next number
if !first {
pc = cc;
// split off real and imaginary parts, trim whitespace
let (a, _) = s.split_at(split_index);
let a = a.trim_right();
let mut b = b.trim_left();
// input was either pure real or pure imaginary
if b.is_empty() {
b = match a.ends_with(imag) {
false => "0i",
true => "0"
let re;
let im;
if a.ends_with(imag) {
im = a; re = b;
} else if b.ends_with(imag) {
re = a; im = b;
} else {
return Err(ParseComplexError::new());
// parse re
let re = try!(from(re).map_err(ParseComplexError::from_error));
// pop imaginary unit off
let mut im = &im[];
// handle im == "i" or im == "-i"
if im.is_empty() || im == "+" {
im = "1";
} else if im == "-" {
im = "-1";
// parse im
let im = try!(from(im).map_err(ParseComplexError::from_error));
Ok(Complex::new(re, im))
impl<T> FromStr for Complex<T> where
T: FromStr + Num + Clone
type Err = ParseComplexError<T::Err>;
/// Parses `a +/- bi`; `ai +/- b`; `a`; or `bi` where `a` and `b` are of type `T`
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>
from_str_generic(s, T::from_str)
impl<T: Num + Clone + PartialOrd> Num for Complex<T> {
type FromStrRadixErr = ParseComplexError<T::FromStrRadixErr>;
/// Parses `a +/- bi`; `ai +/- b`; `a`; or `bi` where `a` and `b` are of type `T`
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::FromStrRadixErr>
from_str_generic(s, |x| -> Result<T, T::FromStrRadixErr> {
T::from_str_radix(x, radix) })
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl<T> serde::Serialize for Complex<T>
where T: serde::Serialize
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> where
S: serde::Serializer
(&, &
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
impl<T> serde::Deserialize for Complex<T> where
T: serde::Deserialize + Num + Clone
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where
D: serde::Deserializer,
let (re, im) = try!(serde::Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer));
Ok(Complex::new(re, im))
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParseComplexError<E>
kind: ComplexErrorKind<E>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ComplexErrorKind<E>
impl<E> ParseComplexError<E>
fn new() -> Self {
ParseComplexError {
kind: ComplexErrorKind::ExprError,
fn from_error(error: E) -> Self {
ParseComplexError {
kind: ComplexErrorKind::ParseError(error),
impl<E: Error> Error for ParseComplexError<E>
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match self.kind {
ComplexErrorKind::ParseError(ref e) => e.description(),
ComplexErrorKind::ExprError => "invalid or unsupported complex expression"
impl<E: Error> fmt::Display for ParseComplexError<E>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hash<T: hash::Hash>(x: &T) -> u64 {
use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hasher};
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
let mut hasher = <RandomState as BuildHasher>::Hasher::new();
x.hash(&mut hasher);
mod test {
use super::{Complex64, Complex};
use std::f64;
use std::str::FromStr;
use traits::{Zero, One, Float, Num};
pub const _0_0i : Complex64 = Complex { re: 0.0, im: 0.0 };
pub const _1_0i : Complex64 = Complex { re: 1.0, im: 0.0 };
pub const _1_1i : Complex64 = Complex { re: 1.0, im: 1.0 };
pub const _0_1i : Complex64 = Complex { re: 0.0, im: 1.0 };
pub const _neg1_1i : Complex64 = Complex { re: -1.0, im: 1.0 };
pub const _05_05i : Complex64 = Complex { re: 0.5, im: 0.5 };
pub const all_consts : [Complex64; 5] = [_0_0i, _1_0i, _1_1i, _neg1_1i, _05_05i];
pub const _4_2i : Complex64 = Complex { re: 4.0, im: 2.0 };
fn test_consts() {
// check our constants are what Complex::new creates
fn test(c : Complex64, r : f64, i: f64) {
assert_eq!(c, Complex::new(r,i));
test(_0_0i, 0.0, 0.0);
test(_1_0i, 1.0, 0.0);
test(_1_1i, 1.0, 1.0);
test(_neg1_1i, -1.0, 1.0);
test(_05_05i, 0.5, 0.5);
assert_eq!(_0_0i, Zero::zero());
assert_eq!(_1_0i, One::one());
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "x86", ignore)]
// FIXME #7158: (maybe?) currently failing on x86.
fn test_norm() {
fn test(c: Complex64, ns: f64) {
assert_eq!(c.norm_sqr(), ns);
assert_eq!(c.norm(), ns.sqrt())
test(_0_0i, 0.0);
test(_1_0i, 1.0);
test(_1_1i, 2.0);
test(_neg1_1i, 2.0);
test(_05_05i, 0.5);
fn test_scale_unscale() {
assert_eq!(_05_05i.scale(2.0), _1_1i);
assert_eq!(_1_1i.unscale(2.0), _05_05i);
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
assert_eq!(c.scale(2.0).unscale(2.0), c);
fn test_conj() {
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
assert_eq!(c.conj(), Complex::new(,;
assert_eq!(c.conj().conj(), c);
fn test_inv() {
assert_eq!(_1_1i.inv(), _05_05i.conj());
assert_eq!(_1_0i.inv(), _1_0i.inv());
fn test_divide_by_zero_natural() {
let n = Complex::new(2, 3);
let d = Complex::new(0, 0);
let _x = n / d;
fn test_inv_zero() {
// FIXME #20: should this really fail, or just NaN?
fn test_arg() {
fn test(c: Complex64, arg: f64) {
assert!((c.arg() - arg).abs() < 1.0e-6)
test(_1_0i, 0.0);
test(_1_1i, 0.25 * f64::consts::PI);
test(_neg1_1i, 0.75 * f64::consts::PI);
test(_05_05i, 0.25 * f64::consts::PI);
fn test_polar_conv() {
fn test(c: Complex64) {
let (r, theta) = c.to_polar();
assert!((c - Complex::from_polar(&r, &theta)).norm() < 1e-6);
for &c in all_consts.iter() { test(c); }
fn close(a: Complex64, b: Complex64) -> bool {
close_to_tol(a, b, 1e-10)
fn close_to_tol(a: Complex64, b: Complex64, tol: f64) -> bool {
// returns true if a and b are reasonably close
(a == b) || (a-b).norm() < tol
fn test_exp() {
assert!(close(_1_0i.exp(), _1_0i.scale(f64::consts::E)));
assert!(close(_0_0i.exp(), _1_0i));
assert!(close(_0_1i.exp(), Complex::new(1.0.cos(), 1.0.sin())));
assert!(close(_05_05i.exp()*_05_05i.exp(), _1_1i.exp()));
assert!(close(_0_1i.scale(-f64::consts::PI).exp(), _1_0i.scale(-1.0)));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// e^conj(z) = conj(e^z)
assert!(close(c.conj().exp(), c.exp().conj()));
// e^(z + 2 pi i) = e^z
assert!(close(c.exp(), (c + _0_1i.scale(f64::consts::PI*2.0)).exp()));
fn test_ln() {
assert!(close(_1_0i.ln(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_0_1i.ln(), _0_1i.scale(f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
assert!(close(_0_0i.ln(), Complex::new(f64::neg_infinity(), 0.0)));
assert!(close((_neg1_1i * _05_05i).ln(), _neg1_1i.ln() + _05_05i.ln()));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// ln(conj(z() = conj(ln(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().ln(), c.ln().conj()));
// for this branch, -pi <= arg(ln(z)) <= pi
assert!(-f64::consts::PI <= c.ln().arg() && c.ln().arg() <= f64::consts::PI);
fn test_powc()
let a = Complex::new(2.0, -3.0);
let b = Complex::new(3.0, 0.0);
assert!(close(a.powc(b), a.powf(;
assert!(close(b.powc(a), a.expf(;
let c = Complex::new(1.0 / 3.0, 0.1);
assert!(close_to_tol(a.powc(c), Complex::new(1.65826, -0.33502), 1e-5));
fn test_powf()
let c = Complex::new(2.0, -1.0);
let r = c.powf(3.5);
assert!(close_to_tol(r, Complex::new(-0.8684746, -16.695934), 1e-5));
fn test_log()
let c = Complex::new(2.0, -1.0);
let r = c.log(10.0);
assert!(close_to_tol(r, Complex::new(0.349485, -0.20135958), 1e-5));
fn test_some_expf_cases()
let c = Complex::new(2.0, -1.0);
let r = c.expf(10.0);
assert!(close_to_tol(r, Complex::new(-66.82015, -74.39803), 1e-5));
let c = Complex::new(5.0, -2.0);
let r = c.expf(3.4);
assert!(close_to_tol(r, Complex::new(-349.25, -290.63), 1e-2));
let c = Complex::new(-1.5, 2.0 / 3.0);
let r = c.expf(1.0 / 3.0);
assert!(close_to_tol(r, Complex::new(3.8637, -3.4745), 1e-2));
fn test_sqrt() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.sqrt(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.sqrt(), _1_0i));
assert!(close(Complex::new(-1.0, 0.0).sqrt(), _0_1i));
assert!(close(Complex::new(-1.0, -0.0).sqrt(), _0_1i.scale(-1.0)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.sqrt(), _05_05i.scale(2.0.sqrt())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// sqrt(conj(z() = conj(sqrt(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().sqrt(), c.sqrt().conj()));
// for this branch, -pi/2 <= arg(sqrt(z)) <= pi/2
assert!(-f64::consts::PI/2.0 <= c.sqrt().arg() && c.sqrt().arg() <= f64::consts::PI/2.0);
// sqrt(z) * sqrt(z) = z
assert!(close(c.sqrt()*c.sqrt(), c));
fn test_sin() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.sin(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI*2.0).sin(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_0_1i.sin(), _0_1i.scale(1.0.sinh())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// sin(conj(z)) = conj(sin(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().sin(), c.sin().conj()));
// sin(-z) = -sin(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).sin(), c.sin().scale(-1.0)));
fn test_cos() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.cos(), _1_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI*2.0).cos(), _1_0i));
assert!(close(_0_1i.cos(), _1_0i.scale(1.0.cosh())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// cos(conj(z)) = conj(cos(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().cos(), c.cos().conj()));
// cos(-z) = cos(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).cos(), c.cos()));
fn test_tan() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.tan(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI/4.0).tan(), _1_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI).tan(), _0_0i));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// tan(conj(z)) = conj(tan(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().tan(), c.tan().conj()));
// tan(-z) = -tan(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).tan(), c.tan().scale(-1.0)));
fn test_asin() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.asin(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.asin(), _1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(-1.0).asin(), _1_0i.scale(-f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.asin(), _0_1i.scale((1.0 + 2.0.sqrt()).ln())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// asin(conj(z)) = conj(asin(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().asin(), c.asin().conj()));
// asin(-z) = -asin(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).asin(), c.asin().scale(-1.0)));
// for this branch, -pi/2 <= asin(z).re <= pi/2
assert!(-f64::consts::PI/2.0 <= c.asin().re && c.asin().re <= f64::consts::PI/2.0);
fn test_acos() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.acos(), _1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
assert!(close(_1_0i.acos(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(-1.0).acos(), _1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.acos(), Complex::new(f64::consts::PI/2.0, (2.0.sqrt() - 1.0).ln())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// acos(conj(z)) = conj(acos(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().acos(), c.acos().conj()));
// for this branch, 0 <= acos(z).re <= pi
assert!(0.0 <= c.acos().re && c.acos().re <= f64::consts::PI);
fn test_atan() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.atan(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.atan(), _1_0i.scale(f64::consts::PI/4.0)));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(-1.0).atan(), _1_0i.scale(-f64::consts::PI/4.0)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.atan(), Complex::new(0.0, f64::infinity())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// atan(conj(z)) = conj(atan(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().atan(), c.atan().conj()));
// atan(-z) = -atan(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).atan(), c.atan().scale(-1.0)));
// for this branch, -pi/2 <= atan(z).re <= pi/2
assert!(-f64::consts::PI/2.0 <= c.atan().re && c.atan().re <= f64::consts::PI/2.0);
fn test_sinh() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.sinh(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.sinh(), _1_0i.scale((f64::consts::E - 1.0/f64::consts::E)/2.0)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.sinh(), _0_1i.scale(1.0.sin())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// sinh(conj(z)) = conj(sinh(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().sinh(), c.sinh().conj()));
// sinh(-z) = -sinh(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).sinh(), c.sinh().scale(-1.0)));
fn test_cosh() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.cosh(), _1_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.cosh(), _1_0i.scale((f64::consts::E + 1.0/f64::consts::E)/2.0)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.cosh(), _1_0i.scale(1.0.cos())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// cosh(conj(z)) = conj(cosh(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().cosh(), c.cosh().conj()));
// cosh(-z) = cosh(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).cosh(), c.cosh()));
fn test_tanh() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.tanh(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.tanh(), _1_0i.scale((f64::consts::E.powi(2) - 1.0)/(f64::consts::E.powi(2) + 1.0))));
assert!(close(_0_1i.tanh(), _0_1i.scale(1.0.tan())));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// tanh(conj(z)) = conj(tanh(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().tanh(), c.conj().tanh()));
// tanh(-z) = -tanh(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).tanh(), c.tanh().scale(-1.0)));
fn test_asinh() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.asinh(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.asinh(), _1_0i.scale(1.0 + 2.0.sqrt()).ln()));
assert!(close(_0_1i.asinh(), _0_1i.scale(f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
assert!(close(_0_1i.asinh().scale(-1.0), _0_1i.scale(-f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// asinh(conj(z)) = conj(asinh(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().asinh(), c.conj().asinh()));
// asinh(-z) = -asinh(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).asinh(), c.asinh().scale(-1.0)));
// for this branch, -pi/2 <= asinh(z).im <= pi/2
assert!(-f64::consts::PI/2.0 <= c.asinh().im && c.asinh().im <= f64::consts::PI/2.0);
fn test_acosh() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.acosh(), _0_1i.scale(f64::consts::PI/2.0)));
assert!(close(_1_0i.acosh(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_1_0i.scale(-1.0).acosh(), _0_1i.scale(f64::consts::PI)));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// acosh(conj(z)) = conj(acosh(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().acosh(), c.conj().acosh()));
// for this branch, -pi <= acosh(z).im <= pi and 0 <= acosh(z).re
assert!(-f64::consts::PI <= c.acosh().im && c.acosh().im <= f64::consts::PI && 0.0 <= c.cosh().re);
fn test_atanh() {
assert!(close(_0_0i.atanh(), _0_0i));
assert!(close(_0_1i.atanh(), _0_1i.scale(f64::consts::PI/4.0)));
assert!(close(_1_0i.atanh(), Complex::new(f64::infinity(), 0.0)));
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// atanh(conj(z)) = conj(atanh(z))
assert!(close(c.conj().atanh(), c.conj().atanh()));
// atanh(-z) = -atanh(z)
assert!(close(c.scale(-1.0).atanh(), c.atanh().scale(-1.0)));
// for this branch, -pi/2 <= atanh(z).im <= pi/2
assert!(-f64::consts::PI/2.0 <= c.atanh().im && c.atanh().im <= f64::consts::PI/2.0);
fn test_exp_ln() {
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// e^ln(z) = z
assert!(close(c.ln().exp(), c));
fn test_trig_to_hyperbolic() {
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// sin(iz) = i sinh(z)
assert!(close((_0_1i * c).sin(), _0_1i * c.sinh()));
// cos(iz) = cosh(z)
assert!(close((_0_1i * c).cos(), c.cosh()));
// tan(iz) = i tanh(z)
assert!(close((_0_1i * c).tan(), _0_1i * c.tanh()));
fn test_trig_identities() {
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// tan(z) = sin(z)/cos(z)
assert!(close(c.tan(), c.sin()/c.cos()));
// sin(z)^2 + cos(z)^2 = 1
assert!(close(c.sin()*c.sin() + c.cos()*c.cos(), _1_0i));
// sin(asin(z)) = z
assert!(close(c.asin().sin(), c));
// cos(acos(z)) = z
assert!(close(c.acos().cos(), c));
// tan(atan(z)) = z
// i and -i are branch points
if c != _0_1i && c != _0_1i.scale(-1.0) {
assert!(close(c.atan().tan(), c));
// sin(z) = (e^(iz) - e^(-iz))/(2i)
assert!(close(((_0_1i*c).exp() - (_0_1i*c).exp().inv())/_0_1i.scale(2.0), c.sin()));
// cos(z) = (e^(iz) + e^(-iz))/2
assert!(close(((_0_1i*c).exp() + (_0_1i*c).exp().inv()).unscale(2.0), c.cos()));
// tan(z) = i (1 - e^(2iz))/(1 + e^(2iz))
assert!(close(_0_1i * (_1_0i - (_0_1i*c).scale(2.0).exp())/(_1_0i + (_0_1i*c).scale(2.0).exp()), c.tan()));
fn test_hyperbolic_identites() {
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
// tanh(z) = sinh(z)/cosh(z)
assert!(close(c.tanh(), c.sinh()/c.cosh()));
// cosh(z)^2 - sinh(z)^2 = 1
assert!(close(c.cosh()*c.cosh() - c.sinh()*c.sinh(), _1_0i));
// sinh(asinh(z)) = z
assert!(close(c.asinh().sinh(), c));
// cosh(acosh(z)) = z
assert!(close(c.acosh().cosh(), c));
// tanh(atanh(z)) = z
// 1 and -1 are branch points
if c != _1_0i && c != _1_0i.scale(-1.0) {
assert!(close(c.atanh().tanh(), c));
// sinh(z) = (e^z - e^(-z))/2
assert!(close((c.exp() - c.exp().inv()).unscale(2.0), c.sinh()));
// cosh(z) = (e^z + e^(-z))/2
assert!(close((c.exp() + c.exp().inv()).unscale(2.0), c.cosh()));
// tanh(z) = ( e^(2z) - 1)/(e^(2z) + 1)
assert!(close((c.scale(2.0).exp() - _1_0i)/(c.scale(2.0).exp() + _1_0i), c.tanh()));
// Test both a + b and a += b
macro_rules! test_a_op_b {
($a:ident + $b:expr, $answer:expr) => {
assert_eq!($a + $b, $answer);
assert_eq!({ let mut x = $a; x += $b; x}, $answer);
($a:ident - $b:expr, $answer:expr) => {
assert_eq!($a - $b, $answer);
assert_eq!({ let mut x = $a; x -= $b; x}, $answer);
($a:ident * $b:expr, $answer:expr) => {
assert_eq!($a * $b, $answer);
assert_eq!({ let mut x = $a; x *= $b; x}, $answer);
($a:ident / $b:expr, $answer:expr) => {
assert_eq!($a / $b, $answer);
assert_eq!({ let mut x = $a; x /= $b; x}, $answer);
($a:ident % $b:expr, $answer:expr) => {
assert_eq!($a % $b, $answer);
assert_eq!({ let mut x = $a; x %= $b; x}, $answer);
// Test both a + b and a + &b
macro_rules! test_op {
($a:ident $op:tt $b:expr, $answer:expr) => {
test_a_op_b!($a $op $b, $answer);
test_a_op_b!($a $op &$b, $answer);
mod complex_arithmetic {
use super::{_0_0i, _1_0i, _1_1i, _0_1i, _neg1_1i, _05_05i, _4_2i, all_consts};
use traits::Zero;
fn test_add() {
test_op!(_05_05i + _05_05i, _1_1i);
test_op!(_0_1i + _1_0i, _1_1i);
test_op!(_1_0i + _neg1_1i, _0_1i);
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
test_op!(_0_0i + c, c);
test_op!(c + _0_0i, c);
fn test_sub() {
test_op!(_05_05i - _05_05i, _0_0i);
test_op!(_0_1i - _1_0i, _neg1_1i);
test_op!(_0_1i - _neg1_1i, _1_0i);
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
test_op!(c - _0_0i, c);
test_op!(c - c, _0_0i);
fn test_mul() {
test_op!(_05_05i * _05_05i, _0_1i.unscale(2.0));
test_op!(_1_1i * _0_1i, _neg1_1i);
// i^2 & i^4
test_op!(_0_1i * _0_1i, -_1_0i);
assert_eq!(_0_1i * _0_1i * _0_1i * _0_1i, _1_0i);
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
test_op!(c * _1_0i, c);
test_op!(_1_0i * c, c);
fn test_div() {
test_op!(_neg1_1i / _0_1i, _1_1i);
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
if c != Zero::zero() {
test_op!(c / c, _1_0i);
fn test_rem() {
test_op!(_neg1_1i % _0_1i, _0_0i);
test_op!(_4_2i % _0_1i, _0_0i);
test_op!(_05_05i % _0_1i, _05_05i);
test_op!(_05_05i % _1_1i, _05_05i);
assert_eq!((_4_2i + _05_05i) % _0_1i, _05_05i);
assert_eq!((_4_2i + _05_05i) % _1_1i, _05_05i);
fn test_neg() {
assert_eq!(-_1_0i + _0_1i, _neg1_1i);
assert_eq!((-_0_1i) * _0_1i, _1_0i);
for &c in all_consts.iter() {
assert_eq!(-(-c), c);
mod real_arithmetic {
use super::super::Complex;
use super::_4_2i;
fn test_add() {
test_op!(_4_2i + 0.5, Complex::new(4.5, 2.0));
assert_eq!(0.5 + _4_2i, Complex::new(4.5, 2.0));
fn test_sub() {
test_op!(_4_2i - 0.5, Complex::new(3.5, 2.0));
assert_eq!(0.5 - _4_2i, Complex::new(-3.5, -2.0));
fn test_mul() {
assert_eq!(_4_2i * 0.5, Complex::new(2.0, 1.0));
assert_eq!(0.5 * _4_2i, Complex::new(2.0, 1.0));
fn test_div() {
assert_eq!(_4_2i / 0.5, Complex::new(8.0, 4.0));
assert_eq!(0.5 / _4_2i, Complex::new(0.1, -0.05));
fn test_rem() {
assert_eq!(_4_2i % 2.0, Complex::new(0.0, 0.0));
assert_eq!(_4_2i % 3.0, Complex::new(1.0, -1.0));
assert_eq!(3.0 % _4_2i, Complex::new(-1.0, -2.0));
fn test_to_string() {
fn test(c : Complex64, s: String) {
assert_eq!(c.to_string(), s);
test(_0_0i, "0+0i".to_string());
test(_1_0i, "1+0i".to_string());
test(_0_1i, "0+1i".to_string());
test(_1_1i, "1+1i".to_string());
test(_neg1_1i, "-1+1i".to_string());
test(-_neg1_1i, "1-1i".to_string());
test(_05_05i, "0.5+0.5i".to_string());
fn test_string_formatting() {
let a = Complex::new(1.23456, 123.456);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "1.23456+123.456i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2}", a), "1.23+123.46i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:.2e}", a), "1.23e0+1.23e2i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:+20.2E}", a), " +1.23E0+1.23E2i");
let b = Complex::new(0x80, 0xff);
assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", b), "80+FFi");
assert_eq!(format!("{:#x}", b), "0x80+0xffi");
assert_eq!(format!("{:+#b}", b), "+0b10000000+0b11111111i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:+#16o}", b), " +0o200+0o377i");
let c = Complex::new(-10, -10000);
assert_eq!(format!("{}", c), "-10-10000i");
assert_eq!(format!("{:16}", c), " -10-10000i");
fn test_hash() {
let a = Complex::new(0i32, 0i32);
let b = Complex::new(1i32, 0i32);
let c = Complex::new(0i32, 1i32);
assert!(::hash(&a) != ::hash(&b));
assert!(::hash(&b) != ::hash(&c));
assert!(::hash(&c) != ::hash(&a));
fn test_hashset() {
use std::collections::HashSet;
let a = Complex::new(0i32, 0i32);
let b = Complex::new(1i32, 0i32);
let c = Complex::new(0i32, 1i32);
let set: HashSet<_> = [a, b, c].iter().cloned().collect();
assert!(!set.contains(&(a + b + c)));
fn test_is_nan() {
let a = Complex::new(f64::NAN, f64::NAN);
fn test_is_nan_special_cases() {
let a = Complex::new(0f64, f64::NAN);
let b = Complex::new(f64::NAN, 0f64);
fn test_is_infinite() {
let a = Complex::new(2f64, f64::INFINITY);
fn test_is_finite() {
fn test_is_normal() {
let a = Complex::new(0f64, f64::NAN);
let b = Complex::new(2f64, f64::INFINITY);
fn test_from_str() {
fn test(z: Complex64, s: &str) {
assert_eq!(FromStr::from_str(s), Ok(z));
test(_0_0i, "0 + 0i");
test(_0_0i, "0+0j");
test(_0_0i, "0 - 0j");
test(_0_0i, "0-0i");
test(_0_0i, "0i + 0");
test(_0_0i, "0");
test(_0_0i, "-0");
test(_0_0i, "0i");
test(_0_0i, "0j");
test(_0_0i, "+0j");
test(_0_0i, "-0i");
test(_1_0i, "1 + 0i");
test(_1_0i, "1+0j");
test(_1_0i, "1 - 0j");
test(_1_0i, "+1-0i");
test(_1_0i, "-0j+1");
test(_1_0i, "1");
test(_1_1i, "1 + i");
test(_1_1i, "1+j");
test(_1_1i, "1 + 1j");
test(_1_1i, "1+1i");
test(_1_1i, "i + 1");
test(_1_1i, "1i+1");
test(_1_1i, "+j+1");
test(_0_1i, "0 + i");
test(_0_1i, "0+j");
test(_0_1i, "-0 + j");
test(_0_1i, "-0+i");
test(_0_1i, "0 + 1i");
test(_0_1i, "0+1j");
test(_0_1i, "-0 + 1j");
test(_0_1i, "-0+1i");
test(_0_1i, "j + 0");
test(_0_1i, "i");
test(_0_1i, "j");
test(_0_1i, "1j");
test(_neg1_1i, "-1 + i");
test(_neg1_1i, "-1+j");
test(_neg1_1i, "-1 + 1j");
test(_neg1_1i, "-1+1i");
test(_neg1_1i, "1i-1");
test(_neg1_1i, "j + -1");
test(_05_05i, "0.5 + 0.5i");
test(_05_05i, "0.5+0.5j");
test(_05_05i, "5e-1+0.5j");
test(_05_05i, "5E-1 + 0.5j");
test(_05_05i, "5E-1i + 0.5");
test(_05_05i, "0.05e+1j + 50E-2");
fn test_from_str_radix() {
fn test(z: Complex64, s: &str, radix: u32) {
let res: Result<Complex64, <Complex64 as Num>::FromStrRadixErr>
= Num::from_str_radix(s, radix);
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), z)
test(_4_2i, "4+2i", 10);
test(Complex::new(15.0, 32.0), "F+20i", 16);
test(Complex::new(15.0, 32.0), "1111+100000i", 2);
test(Complex::new(-15.0, -32.0), "-F-20i", 16);
test(Complex::new(-15.0, -32.0), "-1111-100000i", 2);
fn test_from_str_fail() {
fn test(s: &str) {
let complex: Result<Complex64, _> = FromStr::from_str(s);
test("0 + 2.718");
test("1 - -2i");
test("4.3j - i");
test("1i - 2i");
test("+ 1 - 3.0i");