
166 lines
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//! Traits for generically calculating distances between values.
//! This is often necessary in generic numeric algorithms to determine if
//! the demanded precision is reached.
use std::ops::{Sub, Div, DivAssign};
use {Num};
/// The abstract notion of the distance between two values.
/// This can be used to calculate the distance between two arbitrary
/// values even if there is no sensible definition of a norm of these.
pub trait Distance {
/// The resulting type of the distance function.
/// Mathematically, a norm is a mapping from 2-tuples of vectors of a vector space _V_
/// into the non-negative real numbers, so `Output` will usually be a floating point type
/// or in some cases an unsigned integer type.
type Output: Num;
/// Calculates the distance between `self` and `other`.
fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> Self::Output;
/// The abstract notion of the norm of a vector.
/// If `Self` is `Copy` and implements `Sub`, then `Distance` will
/// be generically implemented for it. The `distance` function
/// of this generic implementation will calculate the norm of the difference
/// of the two arguments.
pub trait Norm: Sized {
/// The resulting type of the norm function.
/// Mathematically, a norm is a mapping from a vector space _V_ into the non-negative
/// real numbers, so `Output` will usually be a floating point type
/// or in some cases an unsigned integer type.
type Output: Num;
/// Calculates the norm of `self`.
/// On signed integer and floating point values, it calls the `abs` function.
/// On unsigned integer values, it simply returns the original value.
fn norm(&self) -> <Self as Norm>::Output;
/// Normalizes the vector `v`, i.e. divides it by its norm.
/// As long as the implementations of `Div` and `DivAssign` on `T` match,
/// `v` will be equal to `normalized(v)` after calling this function.
/// ## Attention
/// Due to numerical errors, `v` is *not* guaranteed to have exactly norm `1`
/// after calling this function.
/// On integer types this function will do complete nonsense since
/// `DivAssign` is implemented as an integer division for integers.
pub fn normalize<T: Norm<Output=R> + DivAssign<R>, R: Num>(v: &mut T) {
*v /= v.norm();
/// Normalizes the normalized vector of `v`, i.e. `v` divided by its norm.
/// ## Attention
/// Due to numerical errors, the result is *not* guaranteed to have exactly norm `1`
/// after calling this function.
/// On integer types this function will do complete nonsense since
/// `Div` is implemented as an integer division for integers.
pub fn normalized<T: Norm<Output=R> + Div<R, Output=T>, R: Num>(v: T) -> T {
let norm = v.norm();
v / norm
impl<T: Copy + Norm + Sub<Self, Output=Self>> Distance for T{
type Output = <Self as Norm>::Output;
fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> <Self as Distance>::Output {
(*self - *other).norm()
/// Generically implements `Norm` for the unsigned integer types
/// by simply returning the original value.
macro_rules! norm_impl_self {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
impl Norm for $t {
type Output = Self;
fn norm(&self) -> <Self as Norm>::Output {
/// Generically implements `Norm` for types with an `abs` function
/// by returning the result of this function.
macro_rules! norm_impl_abs {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
impl Norm for $t {
type Output = Self;
fn norm(&self) -> <Self as Norm>::Output {
/// Generically implements `Norm` for the signed integer types
/// by calling their `abs` function and casting to the corresponding unsinged
/// integer type.
macro_rules! norm_impl_unsigned_output {
($($t:ty, $out:ty);*) => ($(
impl Norm for $t {
type Output = $out;
fn norm(&self) -> <Self as Norm>::Output {
self.abs() as $out
norm_impl_abs!(f32 f64);
norm_impl_unsigned_output!(i8, u8; i16, u16; i32, u32; i64, u64; isize, usize);
norm_impl_self!(u8 u16 u32 u64 usize);
norm_impl_unsigned_output!(i128, u128);
fn norm_floating_point() {
assert_eq!((-2.0f32).norm(), 2.0);
assert_eq!((-3.0f64).norm(), 3.0);
fn distance_floating_point() {
assert_eq!((5.0f32).distance(&3.0), 2.0);
assert_eq!((2.0f32).distance(&-3.0), 5.0);
assert_eq!((1.0f64).distance(&4.0), 3.0);
fn norm_unsigned_integer() {
assert_eq!(2u8.norm(), 2);
assert_eq!(3u16.norm(), 3);
assert_eq!(4u32.norm(), 4);
assert_eq!(5u64.norm(), 5);
assert_eq!(6usize.norm(), 6);
fn norm_signed_integer() {
assert_eq!((-2i8).norm(), 2);
assert_eq!((-3i16).norm(), 3);
assert_eq!((-4i32).norm(), 4);
assert_eq!((-5i64).norm(), 5);
assert_eq!((-6isize).norm(), 6);