use std::rc::Rc; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::fmt; use std::collections::HashMap; use parity_wasm::elements::{External, InitExpr, Internal, Opcode, ResizableLimits, Type}; use {Module, Error, Signature, MemoryInstance, RuntimeValue, TableInstance}; use imports::ImportResolver; use global::{GlobalInstance, GlobalRef}; use func::{FuncRef, FuncBody, FuncInstance}; use table::TableRef; use memory::MemoryRef; use host::Externals; use common::{DEFAULT_MEMORY_INDEX, DEFAULT_TABLE_INDEX}; use types::{GlobalDescriptor, TableDescriptor, MemoryDescriptor}; /// Reference to a [`ModuleInstance`]. /// /// This reference has a reference-counting semantics. /// /// [`ModuleInstance`]: struct.ModuleInstance.html #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ModuleRef(pub(crate) Rc); impl ::std::ops::Deref for ModuleRef { type Target = ModuleInstance; fn deref(&self) -> &ModuleInstance { &self.0 } } /// An external value is the runtime representation of an entity that can be imported or exported. pub enum ExternVal { Func(FuncRef), Table(TableRef), Memory(MemoryRef), Global(GlobalRef), } impl Clone for ExternVal { fn clone(&self) -> Self { match *self { ExternVal::Func(ref func) => ExternVal::Func(func.clone()), ExternVal::Table(ref table) => ExternVal::Table(table.clone()), ExternVal::Memory(ref memory) => ExternVal::Memory(memory.clone()), ExternVal::Global(ref global) => ExternVal::Global(global.clone()), } } } impl fmt::Debug for ExternVal { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "ExternVal {{ {} }}", match *self { ExternVal::Func(_) => "Func", ExternVal::Table(_) => "Table", ExternVal::Memory(_) => "Memory", ExternVal::Global(_) => "Global", } ) } } impl ExternVal { /// Get underlying function reference if this `ExternVal` contains /// a function, or `None` if it is some other kind. pub fn as_func(&self) -> Option<&FuncRef> { match *self { ExternVal::Func(ref func) => Some(func), _ => None, } } /// Get underlying table reference if this `ExternVal` contains /// a table, or `None` if it is some other kind. pub fn as_table(&self) -> Option<&TableRef> { match *self { ExternVal::Table(ref table) => Some(table), _ => None, } } /// Get underlying memory reference if this `ExternVal` contains /// a memory, or `None` if it is some other kind. pub fn as_memory(&self) -> Option<&MemoryRef> { match *self { ExternVal::Memory(ref memory) => Some(memory), _ => None, } } /// Get underlying global variable reference if this `ExternVal` contains /// a global, or `None` if it is some other kind. pub fn as_global(&self) -> Option<&GlobalRef> { match *self { ExternVal::Global(ref global) => Some(global), _ => None, } } } /// A module instance is the runtime representation of a [module][`Module`]. /// /// It is created by instantiating a [module][`Module`], and collects runtime representations /// of all entities that are imported or defined by the module, namely: /// /// - [functions][`FuncInstance`], /// - [memories][`MemoryInstance`], /// - [tables][`TableInstance`], /// - [globals][`GlobalInstance`], /// /// In order to instantiate a module you need to provide entities to satisfy /// every module's imports (i.e. wasm modules don't have optional imports). /// /// After module is instantiated you can start invoking it's exported functions with [`invoke_export`]. /// /// [`Module`]: struct.Module.html /// [`FuncInstance`]: struct.FuncInstance.html /// [`MemoryInstance`]: struct.MemoryInstance.html /// [`TableInstance`]: struct.TableInstance.html /// [`GlobalInstance`]: struct.GlobalInstance.html /// [`invoke_export`]: #method.invoke_export #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ModuleInstance { signatures: RefCell>>, tables: RefCell>, funcs: RefCell>, memories: RefCell>, globals: RefCell>, exports: RefCell>, } impl ModuleInstance { fn default() -> Self { ModuleInstance { funcs: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), signatures: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), tables: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), memories: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), globals: RefCell::new(Vec::new()), exports: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), } } pub(crate) fn memory_by_index(&self, idx: u32) -> Option { self.memories.borrow_mut().get(idx as usize).cloned() } pub(crate) fn table_by_index(&self, idx: u32) -> Option { self.tables.borrow_mut().get(idx as usize).cloned() } pub(crate) fn global_by_index(&self, idx: u32) -> Option { self.globals.borrow_mut().get(idx as usize).cloned() } pub(crate) fn func_by_index(&self, idx: u32) -> Option { self.funcs.borrow().get(idx as usize).cloned() } pub(crate) fn signature_by_index(&self, idx: u32) -> Option> { self.signatures.borrow().get(idx as usize).cloned() } fn push_func(&self, func: FuncRef) { self.funcs.borrow_mut().push(func); } fn push_signature(&self, signature: Rc) { self.signatures.borrow_mut().push(signature) } fn push_memory(&self, memory: MemoryRef) { self.memories.borrow_mut().push(memory) } fn push_table(&self, table: TableRef) { self.tables.borrow_mut().push(table) } fn push_global(&self, global: GlobalRef) { self.globals.borrow_mut().push(global) } fn insert_export>(&self, name: N, extern_val: ExternVal) { self.exports.borrow_mut().insert(name.into(), extern_val); } fn alloc_module( loaded_module: &Module, extern_vals: &[ExternVal] ) -> Result { let module = loaded_module.module(); let instance = ModuleRef(Rc::new(ModuleInstance::default())); for &Type::Function(ref ty) in module.type_section().map(|ts| ts.types()).unwrap_or(&[]) { let signature = Rc::new(Signature::from_elements(ty)); instance.push_signature(signature); } { let imports = module.import_section().map(|is| is.entries()).unwrap_or( &[], ); if imports.len() != extern_vals.len() { return Err(Error::Instantiation( "extern_vals length is not equal to import section entries".to_owned() )); } for (import, extern_val) in Iterator::zip(imports.into_iter(), extern_vals.into_iter()) { match (import.external(), extern_val) { (&External::Function(fn_type_idx), &ExternVal::Func(ref func)) => { let expected_fn_type = instance.signature_by_index(fn_type_idx).expect( "Due to validation function type should exists", ); let actual_fn_type = func.signature(); if &*expected_fn_type != actual_fn_type { return Err(Error::Instantiation(format!( "Expected function with type {:?}, but actual type is {:?} for entry {}", expected_fn_type, actual_fn_type, import.field(), ))); } instance.push_func(func.clone()) } (&External::Table(ref tt), &ExternVal::Table(ref table)) => { match_limits(table.limits(), tt.limits())?; instance.push_table(table.clone()); } (&External::Memory(ref mt), &ExternVal::Memory(ref memory)) => { match_limits(memory.limits(), mt.limits())?; instance.push_memory(memory.clone()); } (&External::Global(ref gl), &ExternVal::Global(ref global)) => { if gl.content_type() != global.elements_value_type() { return Err(Error::Instantiation(format!( "Expect global with {:?} type, but provided global with {:?} type", gl.content_type(), global.value_type(), ))); } instance.push_global(global.clone()); } (expected_import, actual_extern_val) => { return Err(Error::Instantiation(format!( "Expected {:?} type, but provided {:?} extern_val", expected_import, actual_extern_val ))); } } } } let labels = loaded_module.labels(); { let funcs = module.function_section().map(|fs| fs.entries()).unwrap_or( &[], ); let bodies = module.code_section().map(|cs| cs.bodies()).unwrap_or(&[]); debug_assert!( funcs.len() == bodies.len(), "Due to validation func and body counts must match" ); for (index, (ty, body)) in Iterator::zip(funcs.into_iter(), bodies.into_iter()).enumerate() { let signature = instance.signature_by_index(ty.type_ref()).expect( "Due to validation type should exists", ); let labels = labels.get(&index).expect( "At func validation time labels are collected; Collected labels are added by index; qed", ).clone(); let func_body = FuncBody { locals: body.locals().to_vec(), opcodes: body.code().clone(), labels: labels, }; let func_instance = FuncInstance::alloc_internal(Rc::downgrade(&instance.0), signature, func_body); instance.push_func(func_instance); } } for table_type in module.table_section().map(|ts| ts.entries()).unwrap_or(&[]) { let table = TableInstance::alloc( table_type.limits().initial(), table_type.limits().maximum(), )?; instance.push_table(table); } for memory_type in module.memory_section().map(|ms| ms.entries()).unwrap_or( &[], ) { let memory = MemoryInstance::alloc( memory_type.limits().initial(), memory_type.limits().maximum() )?; instance.push_memory(memory); } for global_entry in module.global_section().map(|gs| gs.entries()).unwrap_or( &[], ) { let init_val = eval_init_expr(global_entry.init_expr(), &*instance); let global = GlobalInstance::alloc( init_val, global_entry.global_type().is_mutable(), ); instance.push_global(global); } for export in module.export_section().map(|es| es.entries()).unwrap_or( &[], ) { let field = export.field(); let extern_val: ExternVal = match *export.internal() { Internal::Function(idx) => { let func = instance.func_by_index(idx).expect( "Due to validation func should exists", ); ExternVal::Func(func) } Internal::Global(idx) => { let global = instance.global_by_index(idx).expect( "Due to validation global should exists", ); ExternVal::Global(global) } Internal::Memory(idx) => { let memory = instance.memory_by_index(idx).expect( "Due to validation memory should exists", ); ExternVal::Memory(memory) } Internal::Table(idx) => { let table = instance.table_by_index(idx).expect( "Due to validation table should exists", ); ExternVal::Table(table) } }; instance.insert_export(field, extern_val); } Ok(instance) } fn instantiate_with_externvals( loaded_module: &Module, extern_vals: &[ExternVal], ) -> Result { let module = loaded_module.module(); let module_ref = ModuleInstance::alloc_module(loaded_module, extern_vals)?; for element_segment in module.elements_section().map(|es| es.entries()).unwrap_or( &[], ) { let offset_val = match eval_init_expr(element_segment.offset(), &module_ref) { RuntimeValue::I32(v) => v as u32, _ => panic!("Due to validation elem segment offset should evaluate to i32"), }; let table_inst = module_ref.table_by_index(DEFAULT_TABLE_INDEX).expect( "Due to validation default table should exists", ); for (j, func_idx) in element_segment.members().into_iter().enumerate() { let func = module_ref.func_by_index(*func_idx).expect( "Due to validation funcs from element segments should exists", ); table_inst.set(offset_val + j as u32, Some(func))?; } } for data_segment in module.data_section().map(|ds| ds.entries()).unwrap_or(&[]) { let offset_val = match eval_init_expr(data_segment.offset(), &module_ref) { RuntimeValue::I32(v) => v as u32, _ => panic!("Due to validation data segment offset should evaluate to i32"), }; let memory_inst = module_ref.memory_by_index(DEFAULT_MEMORY_INDEX).expect( "Due to validation default memory should exists", ); memory_inst.set(offset_val, data_segment.value())?; } Ok(module_ref) } /// Instantiate a [module][`Module`]. /// /// Note that in case of successful instantiation this function returns a reference to /// a module which `start` function is not called. /// In order to complete instantiatiation `start` function must be called. However, there are /// situations where you might need to do additional setup before calling `start` function. /// For such sitations this separation might be useful. /// /// See [`NotStartedModuleRef`] for details. /// /// # Errors /// /// Returns `Err` if the module cannot be instantiated. /// /// This can happen if one of the imports can't /// be satisfied (e.g module isn't registered in `imports` [resolver][`ImportResolver`]) or /// there is a mismatch between requested import and provided (e.g. module requested memory with no /// maximum size limit, however, was provided memory with the maximum size limit). /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust /// use wasmi::{ModuleInstance, ImportsBuilder, NopExternals}; /// # fn func() -> Result<(), ::wasmi::Error> { /// # let module = wasmi::Module::from_buffer(&[0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]).unwrap(); /// /// // ModuleInstance::new returns instance which `start` function isn't called. /// let not_started = ModuleInstance::new( /// &module, /// &ImportsBuilder::default() /// )?; /// // Call `start` function if any. /// let instance = not_started.run_start(&mut NopExternals)?; /// /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` /// /// If you sure that the module doesn't have `start` function you can use [`assert_no_start`] to get /// instantiated module without calling `start` function. /// /// ```rust /// use wasmi::{ModuleInstance, ImportsBuilder, NopExternals}; /// # fn func() -> Result<(), ::wasmi::Error> { /// # let module = wasmi::Module::from_buffer(&[0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]).unwrap(); /// /// // This will panic if the module actually contain `start` function. /// let not_started = ModuleInstance::new( /// &module, /// &ImportsBuilder::default() /// )?.assert_no_start(); /// /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` /// /// [`Module`]: struct.Module.html /// [`NotStartedModuleRef`]: struct.NotStartedModuleRef.html /// [`ImportResolver`]: trait.ImportResolver.html /// [`assert_no_start`]: struct.NotStartedModuleRef.html#method.assert_no_start pub fn new<'m, I: ImportResolver>( loaded_module: &'m Module, imports: &I, ) -> Result, Error> { let module = loaded_module.module(); let mut extern_vals = Vec::new(); for import_entry in module.import_section().map(|s| s.entries()).unwrap_or(&[]) { let module_name = import_entry.module(); let field_name = import_entry.field(); let extern_val = match *import_entry.external() { External::Function(fn_ty_idx) => { let types = module.type_section().map(|s| s.types()).unwrap_or(&[]); let &Type::Function(ref func_type) = types .get(fn_ty_idx as usize) .expect("Due to validation functions should have valid types"); let signature = Signature::from_elements(func_type); let func = imports.resolve_func(module_name, field_name, &signature)?; ExternVal::Func(func) } External::Table(ref table_type) => { let table_descriptor = TableDescriptor::from_elements(table_type); let table = imports.resolve_table(module_name, field_name, &table_descriptor)?; ExternVal::Table(table) } External::Memory(ref memory_type) => { let memory_descriptor = MemoryDescriptor::from_elements(memory_type); let memory = imports.resolve_memory(module_name, field_name, &memory_descriptor)?; ExternVal::Memory(memory) } External::Global(ref global_type) => { let global_descriptor = GlobalDescriptor::from_elements(global_type); let global = imports.resolve_global(module_name, field_name, &global_descriptor)?; ExternVal::Global(global) } }; extern_vals.push(extern_val); } let instance = Self::instantiate_with_externvals(loaded_module, &extern_vals)?; Ok(NotStartedModuleRef { loaded_module, instance, }) } /// Invoke exported function by a name. /// /// This function finds exported function by a name, and calls it with provided arguments and /// external state. /// /// # Errors /// /// Returns `Err` if: /// /// - there are no export with a given name or this export is not a function, /// - given arguments doesn't match to function signature, /// - trap occured at the execution time, /// /// # Examples /// /// Invoke a function that takes two numbers and returns sum of them. /// /// ```rust /// # extern crate wasmi; /// # extern crate wabt; /// # use wasmi::{ModuleInstance, ImportsBuilder, NopExternals, RuntimeValue}; /// # fn main() { /// # let wasm_binary: Vec = wabt::wat2wasm( /// # r#" /// # (module /// # (func (export "add") (param i32 i32) (result i32) /// # get_local 0 /// # get_local 1 /// # i32.add /// # ) /// # ) /// # "#, /// # ).expect("failed to parse wat"); /// # let module = wasmi::Module::from_buffer(&wasm_binary).expect("failed to load wasm"); /// # let instance = ModuleInstance::new( /// # &module, /// # &ImportsBuilder::default() /// # ).expect("failed to instantiate wasm module").assert_no_start(); /// assert_eq!( /// instance.invoke_export( /// "add", /// &[RuntimeValue::I32(5), RuntimeValue::I32(3)], /// &mut NopExternals, /// ).expect("failed to execute export"), /// Some(RuntimeValue::I32(8)), /// ); /// # } /// ``` pub fn invoke_export( &self, func_name: &str, args: &[RuntimeValue], externals: &mut E, ) -> Result, Error> { let extern_val = self.export_by_name(func_name).ok_or_else(|| { Error::Function(format!("Module doesn't have export {}", func_name)) })?; let func_instance = match extern_val { ExternVal::Func(func_instance) => func_instance, unexpected => { return Err(Error::Function(format!( "Export {} is not a function, but {:?}", func_name, unexpected ))); } }; FuncInstance::invoke(&func_instance, args, externals) } /// Find export by a name. /// /// Returns `None` if there is no export with such name. pub fn export_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option { self.exports.borrow().get(name).cloned() } } /// Mostly instantiated [`ModuleRef`]. /// /// The last step of instantiation is call to `start` function (if any). /// To get [fully instantiated module instance][`ModuleRef`], [running `start` function][`run_start`] is required. /// /// If you sure, that there is no `start` function (e.g. because you created it without one), you can /// call [`assert_no_start`] which returns [`ModuleRef`] without calling `start` function. However, /// it will panic if module contains `start` function. /// /// [`ModuleRef`]: struct.ModuleRef.html /// [`run_start`]: #method.run_start /// [`assert_no_start`]: #method.assert_no_start pub struct NotStartedModuleRef<'a> { loaded_module: &'a Module, instance: ModuleRef, } impl<'a> NotStartedModuleRef<'a> { pub fn not_started_instance(&self) -> &ModuleRef { &self.instance } pub fn run_start(self, state: &mut E) -> Result { if let Some(start_fn_idx) = self.loaded_module.module().start_section() { let start_func = self.instance.func_by_index(start_fn_idx).expect( "Due to validation start function should exists", ); FuncInstance::invoke(&start_func, &[], state)?; } Ok(self.instance) } pub fn assert_no_start(self) -> ModuleRef { assert!(self.loaded_module.module().start_section().is_none()); self.instance } } fn eval_init_expr(init_expr: &InitExpr, module: &ModuleInstance) -> RuntimeValue { let code = init_expr.code(); debug_assert!( code.len() == 2, "Due to validation `code`.len() should be 2" ); match code[0] { Opcode::I32Const(v) => v.into(), Opcode::I64Const(v) => v.into(), Opcode::F32Const(v) => RuntimeValue::decode_f32(v), Opcode::F64Const(v) => RuntimeValue::decode_f64(v), Opcode::GetGlobal(idx) => { let global = module.global_by_index(idx).expect( "Due to validation global should exists in module", ); global.get() } _ => panic!("Due to validation init should be a const expr"), } } fn match_limits(l1: &ResizableLimits, l2: &ResizableLimits) -> Result<(), Error> { if l1.initial() < l2.initial() { return Err(Error::Instantiation(format!( "trying to import with limits l1.initial={} and l2.initial={}", l1.initial(), l2.initial() ))); } match (l1.maximum(), l2.maximum()) { (_, None) => (), (Some(m1), Some(m2)) if m1 <= m2 => (), _ => { return Err(Error::Instantiation(format!( "trying to import with limits l1.max={:?} and l2.max={:?}", l1.maximum(), l2.maximum() ))) } } Ok(()) } pub fn check_limits(limits: &ResizableLimits) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Some(maximum) = limits.maximum() { if maximum < limits.initial() { return Err(Error::Instantiation(format!( "maximum limit {} is less than minimum {}", maximum, limits.initial() ))); } } Ok(()) }