use std::{i32, i64, u32, u64, f32}; use std::io; use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt}; use parity_wasm::elements::ValueType; use TrapKind; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType, }, InvalidLittleEndianBuffer, } /// Runtime representation of a value. /// /// Wasm code manipulate values of the four basic value types: /// integers and floating-point (IEEE 754-2008) data of 32 or 64 bit width each, respectively. /// /// There is no distinction between signed and unsigned integer types. Instead, integers are /// interpreted by respective operations as either unsigned or signed in two’s complement representation. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum RuntimeValue { /// Value of 32-bit signed or unsigned integer. I32(i32), /// Value of 64-bit signed or unsigned integer. I64(i64), /// Value of 32-bit IEEE 754-2008 floating point number. F32(f32), /// Value of 64-bit IEEE 754-2008 floating point number. F64(f64), } /// Try to convert into trait. pub trait TryInto { /// Try to convert self into other value. fn try_into(self) -> Result; } /// Convert one type to another by wrapping. pub trait WrapInto { /// Convert one type to another by wrapping. fn wrap_into(self) -> T; } /// Convert one type to another by rounding to the nearest integer towards zero. pub trait TryTruncateInto { /// Convert one type to another by rounding to the nearest integer towards zero. fn try_truncate_into(self) -> Result; } /// Convert one type to another by extending with leading zeroes. pub trait ExtendInto { /// Convert one type to another by extending with leading zeroes. fn extend_into(self) -> T; } /// Reinterprets the bits of a value of one type as another type. pub trait TransmuteInto { /// Reinterprets the bits of a value of one type as another type. fn transmute_into(self) -> T; } /// Convert from and to little endian. pub trait LittleEndianConvert where Self: Sized { /// Convert to little endian buffer. fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec; /// Convert from little endian buffer. fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result; } /// Arithmetic operations. pub trait ArithmeticOps { /// Add two values. fn add(self, other: T) -> T; /// Subtract two values. fn sub(self, other: T) -> T; /// Multiply two values. fn mul(self, other: T) -> T; /// Divide two values. fn div(self, other: T) -> Result; } /// Integer value. pub trait Integer: ArithmeticOps { /// Counts leading zeros in the bitwise representation of the value. fn leading_zeros(self) -> T; /// Counts trailing zeros in the bitwise representation of the value. fn trailing_zeros(self) -> T; /// Counts 1-bits in the bitwise representation of the value. fn count_ones(self) -> T; /// Get left bit rotation result. fn rotl(self, other: T) -> T; /// Get right bit rotation result. fn rotr(self, other: T) -> T; /// Get division remainder. fn rem(self, other: T) -> Result; } /// Float-point value. pub trait Float: ArithmeticOps { /// Get absolute value. fn abs(self) -> T; /// Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number. fn floor(self) -> T; /// Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number. fn ceil(self) -> T; /// Returns the integer part of a number. fn trunc(self) -> T; /// Returns the nearest integer to a number. Round half-way cases away from 0.0. fn round(self) -> T; /// Returns the nearest integer to a number. Ties are round to even number. fn nearest(self) -> T; /// Takes the square root of a number. fn sqrt(self) -> T; /// Returns the minimum of the two numbers. fn min(self, other: T) -> T; /// Returns the maximum of the two numbers. fn max(self, other: T) -> T; /// Sets sign of this value to the sign of other value. fn copysign(self, other: T) -> T; } impl RuntimeValue { /// Creates new default value of given type. pub fn default(value_type: ::types::ValueType) -> Self { match value_type { ::types::ValueType::I32 => RuntimeValue::I32(0), ::types::ValueType::I64 => RuntimeValue::I64(0), ::types::ValueType::F32 => RuntimeValue::F32(0f32), ::types::ValueType::F64 => RuntimeValue::F64(0f64), } } /// Creates new value by interpreting passed u32 as f32. pub fn decode_f32(val: u32) -> Self { RuntimeValue::F32(f32_from_bits(val)) } /// Creates new value by interpreting passed u64 as f64. pub fn decode_f64(val: u64) -> Self { RuntimeValue::F64(f64_from_bits(val)) } /// Get variable type for this value. pub fn value_type(&self) -> ::types::ValueType { match *self { RuntimeValue::I32(_) => ::types::ValueType::I32, RuntimeValue::I64(_) => ::types::ValueType::I64, RuntimeValue::F32(_) => ::types::ValueType::F32, RuntimeValue::F64(_) => ::types::ValueType::F64, } } } impl From for RuntimeValue { fn from(val: i32) -> Self { RuntimeValue::I32(val) } } impl From for RuntimeValue { fn from(val: i64) -> Self { RuntimeValue::I64(val) } } impl From for RuntimeValue { fn from(val: u32) -> Self { RuntimeValue::I32(val as i32) } } impl From for RuntimeValue { fn from(val: u64) -> Self { RuntimeValue::I64(val as i64) } } impl From for RuntimeValue { fn from(val: f32) -> Self { RuntimeValue::F32(val) } } impl From for RuntimeValue { fn from(val: f64) -> Self { RuntimeValue::F64(val) } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::I32(val) => Ok(val != 0), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::I32 }), } } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::I32(val) => Ok(val), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::I32 }), } } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::I64(val) => Ok(val), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::I64 }), } } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::F32(val) => Ok(val), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::F32 }), } } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::F64(val) => Ok(val), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::F64 }), } } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::I32(val) => Ok(val as u32), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::I32 }), } } } impl TryInto for RuntimeValue { fn try_into(self) -> Result { match self { RuntimeValue::I64(val) => Ok(val as u64), _ => Err(Error::UnexpectedType { expected: ValueType::I64 }), } } } macro_rules! impl_wrap_into { ($from: ident, $into: ident) => { impl WrapInto<$into> for $from { fn wrap_into(self) -> $into { self as $into } } } } impl_wrap_into!(i32, i8); impl_wrap_into!(i32, i16); impl_wrap_into!(i64, i8); impl_wrap_into!(i64, i16); impl_wrap_into!(i64, i32); impl_wrap_into!(i64, f32); impl_wrap_into!(u64, f32); // Casting from an f64 to an f32 will produce the closest possible value (rounding strategy unspecified) // NOTE: currently this will cause Undefined Behavior if the value is finite but larger or smaller than the // largest or smallest finite value representable by f32. This is a bug and will be fixed. impl_wrap_into!(f64, f32); macro_rules! impl_try_truncate_into { ($from: ident, $into: ident) => { impl TryTruncateInto<$into, TrapKind> for $from { fn try_truncate_into(self) -> Result<$into, TrapKind> { // Casting from a float to an integer will round the float towards zero // NOTE: currently this will cause Undefined Behavior if the rounded value cannot be represented by the // target integer type. This includes Inf and NaN. This is a bug and will be fixed. if self.is_nan() || self.is_infinite() { return Err(TrapKind::InvalidConversionToInt); } // range check let result = self as $into; if result as $from != self.trunc() { return Err(TrapKind::InvalidConversionToInt); } Ok(self as $into) } } } } impl_try_truncate_into!(f32, i32); impl_try_truncate_into!(f32, i64); impl_try_truncate_into!(f64, i32); impl_try_truncate_into!(f64, i64); impl_try_truncate_into!(f32, u32); impl_try_truncate_into!(f32, u64); impl_try_truncate_into!(f64, u32); impl_try_truncate_into!(f64, u64); macro_rules! impl_extend_into { ($from: ident, $into: ident) => { impl ExtendInto<$into> for $from { fn extend_into(self) -> $into { self as $into } } } } impl_extend_into!(i8, i32); impl_extend_into!(u8, i32); impl_extend_into!(i16, i32); impl_extend_into!(u16, i32); impl_extend_into!(i8, i64); impl_extend_into!(u8, i64); impl_extend_into!(i16, i64); impl_extend_into!(u16, i64); impl_extend_into!(i32, i64); impl_extend_into!(u32, i64); impl_extend_into!(u32, u64); impl_extend_into!(i32, f32); impl_extend_into!(i32, f64); impl_extend_into!(u32, f32); impl_extend_into!(u32, f64); impl_extend_into!(i64, f64); impl_extend_into!(u64, f64); impl_extend_into!(f32, f64); macro_rules! impl_transmute_into_self { ($type: ident) => { impl TransmuteInto<$type> for $type { fn transmute_into(self) -> $type { self } } } } impl_transmute_into_self!(i32); impl_transmute_into_self!(i64); impl_transmute_into_self!(f32); impl_transmute_into_self!(f64); macro_rules! impl_transmute_into_as { ($from: ident, $into: ident) => { impl TransmuteInto<$into> for $from { fn transmute_into(self) -> $into { self as $into } } } } impl_transmute_into_as!(i8, u8); impl_transmute_into_as!(u8, i8); impl_transmute_into_as!(i32, u32); impl_transmute_into_as!(u32, i32); impl_transmute_into_as!(i64, u64); impl_transmute_into_as!(u64, i64); // TODO: rewrite these safely when `f32/f32::to_bits/from_bits` stabilized. impl TransmuteInto for f32 { fn transmute_into(self) -> i32 { unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } } } impl TransmuteInto for f64 { fn transmute_into(self) -> i64 { unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } } } impl TransmuteInto for i32 { fn transmute_into(self) -> f32 { f32_from_bits(self as _) } } impl TransmuteInto for i64 { fn transmute_into(self) -> f64 { f64_from_bits(self as _) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for i8 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { vec![self as u8] } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { buffer.get(0) .map(|v| *v as i8) .ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for u8 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { vec![self] } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { buffer.get(0) .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for i16 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(2); vec.write_i16::(self) .expect("i16 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_i16::() .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for u16 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(2); vec.write_u16::(self) .expect("u16 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_u16::() .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for i32 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(4); vec.write_i32::(self) .expect("i32 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_i32::() .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for u32 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(4); vec.write_u32::(self) .expect("u32 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_u32::() .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for i64 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(8); vec.write_i64::(self) .expect("i64 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_i64::() .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for f32 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(4); vec.write_f32::(self) .expect("f32 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_u32::() .map(f32_from_bits) .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } impl LittleEndianConvert for f64 { fn into_little_endian(self) -> Vec { let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(8); vec.write_f64::(self) .expect("i64 is written without any errors"); vec } fn from_little_endian(buffer: &[u8]) -> Result { io::Cursor::new(buffer).read_u64::() .map(f64_from_bits) .map_err(|_| Error::InvalidLittleEndianBuffer) } } // Convert u32 to f32 safely, masking out sNAN fn f32_from_bits(mut v: u32) -> f32 { const EXP_MASK: u32 = 0x7F800000; const QNAN_MASK: u32 = 0x00400000; const FRACT_MASK: u32 = 0x007FFFFF; if v & EXP_MASK == EXP_MASK && v & FRACT_MASK != 0 { // If we have a NaN value, we // convert signaling NaN values to quiet NaN // by setting the the highest bit of the fraction // TODO: remove when closed. // or `f32::from_bits` stabilized. v |= QNAN_MASK; } unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(v) } } // Convert u64 to f64 safely, masking out sNAN fn f64_from_bits(mut v: u64) -> f64 { const EXP_MASK: u64 = 0x7FF0000000000000; const QNAN_MASK: u64 = 0x0001000000000000; const FRACT_MASK: u64 = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF; if v & EXP_MASK == EXP_MASK && v & FRACT_MASK != 0 { // If we have a NaN value, we // convert signaling NaN values to quiet NaN // by setting the the highest bit of the fraction // TODO: remove when closed. // or `f64::from_bits` stabilized. v |= QNAN_MASK; } unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(v) } } macro_rules! impl_integer_arithmetic_ops { ($type: ident) => { impl ArithmeticOps<$type> for $type { fn add(self, other: $type) -> $type { self.wrapping_add(other) } fn sub(self, other: $type) -> $type { self.wrapping_sub(other) } fn mul(self, other: $type) -> $type { self.wrapping_mul(other) } fn div(self, other: $type) -> Result<$type, TrapKind> { if other == 0 { Err(TrapKind::DivisionByZero) } else { let (result, overflow) = self.overflowing_div(other); if overflow { Err(TrapKind::InvalidConversionToInt) } else { Ok(result) } } } } } } impl_integer_arithmetic_ops!(i32); impl_integer_arithmetic_ops!(u32); impl_integer_arithmetic_ops!(i64); impl_integer_arithmetic_ops!(u64); macro_rules! impl_float_arithmetic_ops { ($type: ident) => { impl ArithmeticOps<$type> for $type { fn add(self, other: $type) -> $type { self + other } fn sub(self, other: $type) -> $type { self - other } fn mul(self, other: $type) -> $type { self * other } fn div(self, other: $type) -> Result<$type, TrapKind> { Ok(self / other) } } } } impl_float_arithmetic_ops!(f32); impl_float_arithmetic_ops!(f64); macro_rules! impl_integer { ($type: ident) => { impl Integer<$type> for $type { fn leading_zeros(self) -> $type { self.leading_zeros() as $type } fn trailing_zeros(self) -> $type { self.trailing_zeros() as $type } fn count_ones(self) -> $type { self.count_ones() as $type } fn rotl(self, other: $type) -> $type { self.rotate_left(other as u32) } fn rotr(self, other: $type) -> $type { self.rotate_right(other as u32) } fn rem(self, other: $type) -> Result<$type, TrapKind> { if other == 0 { Err(TrapKind::DivisionByZero) } else { Ok(self.wrapping_rem(other)) } } } } } impl_integer!(i32); impl_integer!(u32); impl_integer!(i64); impl_integer!(u64); macro_rules! impl_float { ($type: ident, $int_type: ident) => { impl Float<$type> for $type { fn abs(self) -> $type { self.abs() } fn floor(self) -> $type { self.floor() } fn ceil(self) -> $type { self.ceil() } fn trunc(self) -> $type { self.trunc() } fn round(self) -> $type { self.round() } fn nearest(self) -> $type { let round = self.round(); if self.fract().abs() != 0.5 { return round; } use std::ops::Rem; if round.rem(2.0) == 1.0 { self.floor() } else if round.rem(2.0) == -1.0 { self.ceil() } else { round } } fn sqrt(self) -> $type { self.sqrt() } // This instruction corresponds to what is sometimes called "minNaN" in other languages. fn min(self, other: $type) -> $type { if self.is_nan() || other.is_nan() { use std::$type; return $type::NAN; } self.min(other) } // This instruction corresponds to what is sometimes called "maxNaN" in other languages. fn max(self, other: $type) -> $type { if self.is_nan() || other.is_nan() { use std::$type; return $type::NAN; } self.max(other) } fn copysign(self, other: $type) -> $type { use std::mem::size_of; if self.is_nan() { return self; } let sign_mask: $int_type = 1 << ((size_of::<$int_type>() << 3) - 1); let self_int: $int_type = self.transmute_into(); let other_int: $int_type = other.transmute_into(); let is_self_sign_set = (self_int & sign_mask) != 0; let is_other_sign_set = (other_int & sign_mask) != 0; if is_self_sign_set == is_other_sign_set { self } else if is_other_sign_set { (self_int | sign_mask).transmute_into() } else { (self_int & !sign_mask).transmute_into() } } } } } impl_float!(f32, i32); impl_float!(f64, i64);