use super::{validate_module, ValidatedModule}; use isa; use parity_wasm::builder::module; use parity_wasm::elements::{ deserialize_buffer, BlockType, External, GlobalEntry, GlobalType, ImportEntry, InitExpr, Instruction, Instructions, MemoryType, Module, TableType, ValueType, }; use wabt; #[test] fn empty_is_valid() { let module = module().build(); assert!(validate_module(module).is_ok()); } #[test] fn limits() { let test_cases = vec![ // min > max (10, Some(9), false), // min = max (10, Some(10), true), // table/memory is always valid without max (10, None, true), ]; for (min, max, is_valid) in test_cases { // defined table let m = module().table().with_min(min).with_max(max).build().build(); assert_eq!(validate_module(m).is_ok(), is_valid); // imported table let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "core".into(), "table".into(), External::Table(TableType::new(min, max)), )).build(); assert_eq!(validate_module(m).is_ok(), is_valid); // defined memory let m = module() .memory() .with_min(min) .with_max(max) .build() .build(); assert_eq!(validate_module(m).is_ok(), is_valid); // imported table let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "core".into(), "memory".into(), External::Memory(MemoryType::new(min, max)), )).build(); assert_eq!(validate_module(m).is_ok(), is_valid); } } #[test] fn global_init_const() { let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::I32Const(42), Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_ok()); // init expr type differs from declared global type let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I64, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::I32Const(42), Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); } #[test] fn global_init_global() { let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "env".into(), "ext_global".into(), External::Global(GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, false)), )).with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::GetGlobal(0), Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_ok()); // get_global can reference only previously defined globals let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::GetGlobal(0), Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); // get_global can reference only const globals let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "env".into(), "ext_global".into(), External::Global(GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true)), )).with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::GetGlobal(0), Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); // get_global in init_expr can only refer to imported globals. let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, false), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::I32Const(0), Instruction::End]), )).with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::GetGlobal(0), Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); } #[test] fn global_init_misc() { // without delimiting End opcode let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::I32Const(42)]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); // empty init expr let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); // not an constant opcode used let m = module() .with_global(GlobalEntry::new( GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true), InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::Unreachable, Instruction::End]), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); } #[test] fn module_limits_validity() { // module cannot contain more than 1 memory atm. let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "core".into(), "memory".into(), External::Memory(MemoryType::new(10, None)), )).memory() .with_min(10) .build() .build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); // module cannot contain more than 1 table atm. let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "core".into(), "table".into(), External::Table(TableType::new(10, None)), )).table() .with_min(10) .build() .build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); } #[test] fn funcs() { // recursive function calls is legal. let m = module() .function() .signature() .return_type() .i32() .build() .body() .with_instructions(Instructions::new(vec![ Instruction::Call(1), Instruction::End, ])).build() .build() .function() .signature() .return_type() .i32() .build() .body() .with_instructions(Instructions::new(vec![ Instruction::Call(0), Instruction::End, ])).build() .build() .build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_ok()); } #[test] fn globals() { // import immutable global is legal. let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "env".into(), "ext_global".into(), External::Global(GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, false)), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_ok()); // import mutable global is invalid. let m = module() .with_import(ImportEntry::new( "env".into(), "ext_global".into(), External::Global(GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true)), )).build(); assert!(validate_module(m).is_err()); } #[test] fn if_else_with_return_type_validation() { let m = module() .function() .signature() .build() .body() .with_instructions(Instructions::new(vec![ Instruction::I32Const(1), Instruction::If(BlockType::NoResult), Instruction::I32Const(1), Instruction::If(BlockType::Value(ValueType::I32)), Instruction::I32Const(1), Instruction::Else, Instruction::I32Const(2), Instruction::End, Instruction::Drop, Instruction::End, Instruction::End, ])).build() .build() .build(); validate_module(m).unwrap(); } fn validate(wat: &str) -> ValidatedModule { let wasm = wabt::wat2wasm(wat).unwrap(); let module = deserialize_buffer::(&wasm).unwrap(); let validated_module = validate_module(module).unwrap(); validated_module } fn compile(module: &ValidatedModule) -> (Vec, Vec) { let code = &module.code_map[0]; let mut instructions = Vec::new(); let mut pcs = Vec::new(); let mut iter = code.iterate_from(0); loop { let pc = iter.position(); if let Some(instruction) = { instructions.push(instruction.clone()); pcs.push(pc); } else { break; } } (instructions, pcs) } macro_rules! targets { ($($target:expr),*) => { ::isa::BrTargets::from_internal( &[$($target,)*] .iter() .map(|&target| ::isa::InstructionInternal::BrTableTarget(target)) .collect::>()[..] ) }; } #[test] fn implicit_return_no_value() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, })] ) } #[test] fn implicit_return_with_value() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (result i32) i32.const 0 ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(0), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), ] ) } #[test] fn implicit_return_param() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::None, }),] ) } #[test] fn get_local() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) (result i32) get_local 0 ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::GetLocal(1), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), ] ) } #[test] fn explicit_return() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) (result i32) get_local 0 return ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::GetLocal(1), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), ] ) } #[test] fn add_params() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) (param i32) (result i32) get_local 0 get_local 1 i32.add ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ // This is tricky. Locals are now loaded from the stack. The load // happens from address relative of the current stack pointer. The first load // takes the value below the previous one (i.e the second argument) and then, it increments // the stack pointer. And then the same thing hapens with the value below the previous one // (which happens to be the value loaded by the first get_local). isa::Instruction::GetLocal(2), isa::Instruction::GetLocal(2), isa::Instruction::I32Add, isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 2, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), ] ) } #[test] fn drop_locals() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) (local i32) get_local 0 set_local 1 ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::GetLocal(2), isa::Instruction::SetLocal(1), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 2, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn if_without_else() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) (result i32) i32.const 1 if i32.const 2 return end i32.const 3 ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfEqz(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[4], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, // 1 param keep: isa::Keep::Single, // 1 result }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(3), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), ] ) } #[test] fn if_else() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (local i32) i32.const 1 if i32.const 2 set_local 0 else i32.const 3 set_local 0 end ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfEqz(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[5], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::SetLocal(1), isa::Instruction::Br(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[7], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(3), isa::Instruction::SetLocal(1), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn if_else_returns_result() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") i32.const 1 if (result i32) i32.const 2 else i32.const 3 end drop ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfEqz(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[4], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::Br(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[5], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(3), isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn if_else_branch_from_true_branch() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") i32.const 1 if (result i32) i32.const 1 i32.const 1 br_if 0 drop i32.const 2 else i32.const 3 end drop ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfEqz(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[8], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfNez(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[9], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }, }), isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::Br(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[9], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(3), isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn if_else_branch_from_false_branch() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") i32.const 1 if (result i32) i32.const 1 else i32.const 2 i32.const 1 br_if 0 drop i32.const 3 end drop ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfEqz(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[4], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::Br(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[9], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfNez(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[9], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }, }), isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::I32Const(3), isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn loop_() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") loop (result i32) i32.const 1 br_if 0 i32.const 2 end drop ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfNez(isa::Target { dst_pc: 0, drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn loop_empty() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") loop end ) ) "#, ); let (code, _) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }),] ) } #[test] fn brtable() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") block $1 loop $2 i32.const 0 br_table $2 $1 end end ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(0), isa::Instruction::BrTable(targets![ isa::Target { dst_pc: 0, drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }, isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[2], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, } ]), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn brtable_returns_result() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") block $1 (result i32) block $2 (result i32) i32.const 0 i32.const 1 br_table $2 $1 end unreachable end drop ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); println!("{:?}", (&code, &pcs)); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::I32Const(0), isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::BrTable(targets![ isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[3], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }, }, isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[4], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { keep: isa::Keep::Single, drop: 0, }, } ]), isa::Instruction::Unreachable, isa::Instruction::Drop, isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }), ] ) } #[test] fn wabt_example() { let module = validate( r#" (module (func (export "call") (param i32) (result i32) block $exit get_local 0 br_if $exit i32.const 1 return end i32.const 2 return ) ) "#, ); let (code, pcs) = compile(&module); assert_eq!( code, vec![ isa::Instruction::GetLocal(1), isa::Instruction::BrIfNez(isa::Target { dst_pc: pcs[4], drop_keep: isa::DropKeep { drop: 0, keep: isa::Keep::None, }, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(1), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, // 1 parameter keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), isa::Instruction::I32Const(2), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), isa::Instruction::Return(isa::DropKeep { drop: 1, keep: isa::Keep::Single, }), ] ) }