
224 lines
6.7 KiB

//! This module generates a trait implementation for `Externals` on the target type.
//! It also generates a function called `resolve` that returns a `ModuleImportResolved`.
//! The code generation is rather simple but it relies heavily on type inference.
use crate::parser::{FuncDef, ImplBlockDef};
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
pub fn codegen(ext_def: &ImplBlockDef, to: &mut TokenStream) {
let mut externals = TokenStream::new();
let mut module_resolver = TokenStream::new();
derive_externals(ext_def, &mut externals);
derive_module_resolver(ext_def, &mut module_resolver);
let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = ext_def.generics.split_for_impl();
let ty = &ext_def.ty;
(quote! {
impl #impl_generics #ty #where_clause {
const __WASMI_DERIVE_IMPL: () = {
extern crate wasmi as _wasmi;
use _wasmi::{
Trap, RuntimeValue, RuntimeArgs, Externals, ValueType, ModuleImportResolver,
Signature, FuncRef, Error, FuncInstance,
fn materialize_arg_ty<W: IntoWasmValue>(_w: Option<W>) -> ValueType {
fn materialize_ret_type<W: IntoWasmResult>(_w: Option<W>) -> Option<ValueType> {
fn emit_dispatch_func_arm(func: &FuncDef) -> TokenStream {
let index = func.index as usize;
let return_ty_span = func.return_ty.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| Span::call_site());
let mut unmarshall_args = TokenStream::new();
for param in &func.params {
let param_span = param.ident.span();
let ident = &param.ident;
(quote_spanned! {param_span=>
let #ident =
.and_then(|rt_val| rt_val.try_into())
.to_tokens(&mut unmarshall_args);
let prologue = quote! {
let mut args = args.as_ref().iter();
let epilogue = quote_spanned! {return_ty_span=>
let call = {
let params = func.params.iter().map(|param| param.ident.clone());
let name = Ident::new(&func.name, Span::call_site());
quote! {
#name( #(#params),* )
(quote! {
#index => {
let r = self.#call;
fn derive_externals(ext_def: &ImplBlockDef, to: &mut TokenStream) {
let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = ext_def.generics.split_for_impl();
let ty = &ext_def.ty;
let mut match_arms = vec![];
for func in &ext_def.funcs {
(quote::quote! {
impl #impl_generics Externals for #ty #where_clause {
fn invoke_index(
&mut self,
index: usize,
args: RuntimeArgs,
) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, Trap> {
match index {
_ => panic!("fn with index {} is undefined", index),
// ...
fn emit_resolve_func_arm(func: &FuncDef) -> TokenStream {
let index = func.index as usize;
let string_ident = &func.name;
let return_ty_span = func.return_ty.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| Span::call_site());
let call = {
let params = func.params.iter().map(|param| {
let ident = param.ident.clone();
let span = param.ident.span();
quote_spanned! {span=> #ident.unwrap() }
let name = Ident::new(&func.name, Span::call_site());
quote! {
Self::#name( panic!(), #(#params),* )
let init = func
.map(|param| {
let ident = &param.ident;
quote! {
let #ident = None;
let params_materialized_tys = func
.map(|param| {
let ident = &param.ident;
let span = param.ident.span();
quote_spanned! {span=> materialize_arg_ty(#ident) }
let materialized_return_ty = quote_spanned! { return_ty_span=>
quote! {
if name == #string_ident {
// initialize variables
let return_val = if false {
// calling self for typeinference
} else {
// at this point types of all variables and return_val are inferred.
if signature.params() != &[#(#params_materialized_tys),*]
|| signature.return_type() != #materialized_return_ty
return Err(Error::Instantiation(
format!("Export {} has different signature {:?}", #string_ident, signature),
return Ok(FuncInstance::alloc_host(signature.clone(), #index));
fn derive_module_resolver(ext_def: &ImplBlockDef, to: &mut TokenStream) {
let (impl_generics, _, where_clause) = ext_def.generics.split_for_impl();
let ty = &ext_def.ty;
let mut match_arms = vec![];
for func in &ext_def.funcs {
(quote::quote! {
impl #impl_generics #ty #where_clause {
fn resolver() -> impl ModuleImportResolver {
// Use a closure to have an ability to use `Self` type
let resolve_func = |name: &str, signature: &Signature| -> Result<FuncRef, Error> {
format!("Export {} not found", name),
struct Resolver(fn(&str, &Signature) -> Result<FuncRef, Error>);
impl ModuleImportResolver for Resolver {
fn resolve_func(&self, name: &str, signature: &Signature) -> Result<FuncRef, Error> {
(self.0)(name, signature)