
565 lines
19 KiB

use std::env;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::fs::File;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use serde_json;
use super::test;
use wasmi::{
Error as InterpreterError, Externals, FuncRef,
GlobalInstance, GlobalRef, ImportResolver, ImportsBuilder,
MemoryInstance, MemoryRef, ModuleImportResolver, ModuleInstance,
ModuleRef, RuntimeValue, TableInstance, TableRef, ValueType,
load_from_buffer, LoadedModule, Signature, MemoryDescriptor,
TableDescriptor, GlobalDescriptor, FuncInstance,
enum Error {
impl From<InterpreterError> for Error {
fn from(e: InterpreterError) -> Error {
struct SpecModule {
table: TableRef,
memory: MemoryRef,
global_i32: GlobalRef,
global_i64: GlobalRef,
global_f32: GlobalRef,
global_f64: GlobalRef,
impl SpecModule {
fn new() -> Self {
SpecModule {
table: TableInstance::alloc(10, Some(20)).unwrap(),
memory: MemoryInstance::alloc(1, Some(2)).unwrap(),
global_i32: GlobalInstance::alloc(RuntimeValue::I32(666), false),
global_i64: GlobalInstance::alloc(RuntimeValue::I64(666), false),
global_f32: GlobalInstance::alloc(RuntimeValue::F32(666.0), false),
global_f64: GlobalInstance::alloc(RuntimeValue::F64(666.0), false),
const PRINT_FUNC_INDEX: usize = 0;
impl Externals for SpecModule {
fn invoke_index(
&mut self,
index: usize,
args: &[RuntimeValue],
) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, InterpreterError> {
match index {
println!("print: {:?}", args);
_ => panic!("SpecModule doesn't provide function at index {}", index),
impl ModuleImportResolver for SpecModule {
fn resolve_func(
field_name: &str,
func_type: &Signature,
) -> Result<FuncRef, InterpreterError> {
if field_name == "print" {
if func_type.return_type().is_some() {
return Err(InterpreterError::Instantiation(
"Function `print` have unit return type".into(),
let func = FuncInstance::alloc_host(func_type.clone(), PRINT_FUNC_INDEX);
return Ok(func);
format!("Unknown host func import {}", field_name),
fn resolve_global(
field_name: &str,
global_type: &GlobalDescriptor,
) -> Result<GlobalRef, InterpreterError> {
if field_name == "global" {
return match global_type.value_type() {
ValueType::I32 => Ok(self.global_i32.clone()),
ValueType::I64 => Ok(self.global_i64.clone()),
ValueType::F32 => Ok(self.global_f32.clone()),
ValueType::F64 => Ok(self.global_f64.clone()),
format!("Unknown host global import {}", field_name),
fn resolve_memory(
field_name: &str,
_memory_type: &MemoryDescriptor,
) -> Result<MemoryRef, InterpreterError> {
if field_name == "memory" {
return Ok(self.memory.clone());
format!("Unknown host memory import {}", field_name),
fn resolve_table(
field_name: &str,
_table_type: &TableDescriptor,
) -> Result<TableRef, InterpreterError> {
if field_name == "table" {
return Ok(self.table.clone());
format!("Unknown host table import {}", field_name),
struct SpecDriver {
spec_module: SpecModule,
instances: HashMap<String, ModuleRef>,
impl SpecDriver {
fn new() -> SpecDriver {
SpecDriver {
spec_module: SpecModule::new(),
instances: HashMap::new(),
fn spec_module(&mut self) -> &mut SpecModule {
&mut self.spec_module
fn add_module(&mut self, name: String, module: ModuleRef) {
self.instances.insert(name, module);
fn module(&self, name: &str) -> Result<ModuleRef, InterpreterError> {
self.instances.get(name).cloned().ok_or_else(|| {
InterpreterError::Instantiation(format!("Module not registered {}", name))
impl ImportResolver for SpecDriver {
fn resolve_func(
module_name: &str,
field_name: &str,
func_type: &Signature,
) -> Result<FuncRef, InterpreterError> {
if module_name == "spectest" {
self.spec_module.resolve_func(field_name, func_type)
} else {
.resolve_func(field_name, func_type)
fn resolve_global(
module_name: &str,
field_name: &str,
global_type: &GlobalDescriptor,
) -> Result<GlobalRef, InterpreterError> {
if module_name == "spectest" {
self.spec_module.resolve_global(field_name, global_type)
} else {
.resolve_global(field_name, global_type)
fn resolve_memory(
module_name: &str,
field_name: &str,
memory_type: &MemoryDescriptor,
) -> Result<MemoryRef, InterpreterError> {
if module_name == "spectest" {
self.spec_module.resolve_memory(field_name, memory_type)
} else {
.resolve_memory(field_name, memory_type)
fn resolve_table(
module_name: &str,
field_name: &str,
table_type: &TableDescriptor,
) -> Result<TableRef, InterpreterError> {
if module_name == "spectest" {
self.spec_module.resolve_table(field_name, table_type)
} else {
.resolve_table(field_name, table_type)
fn try_load_module(base_dir: &Path, module_path: &str) -> Result<LoadedModule, Error> {
use std::io::prelude::*;
let mut wasm_path = PathBuf::from(base_dir.clone());
let mut file = File::open(wasm_path).unwrap();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
file.read_to_end(&mut buf).unwrap();
load_from_buffer(buf).map_err(|e| Error::Load(e.to_string()))
fn try_load(
base_dir: &Path,
module_path: &str,
spec_driver: &mut SpecDriver,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let module = try_load_module(base_dir, module_path)?;
let instance = ModuleInstance::new(&module, &ImportsBuilder::default())?;
fn load_module(
base_dir: &Path,
path: &str,
name: &Option<String>,
spec_driver: &mut SpecDriver,
) -> ModuleRef {
let module =
try_load_module(base_dir, path).expect(&format!("Wasm file {} failed to load", path));
let instance = ModuleInstance::new(&module, spec_driver)
.expect("Instantiation failed")
.expect("Run start failed");
let module_name = name.as_ref()
.map(|s| s.as_ref())
spec_driver.add_module(module_name.to_owned(), instance.clone());
fn runtime_value(test_val: &test::RuntimeValue) -> RuntimeValue {
match test_val.value_type.as_ref() {
"i32" => {
let unsigned: u32 = test_val.value.parse().expect("Literal parse error");
RuntimeValue::I32(unsigned as i32)
"i64" => {
let unsigned: u64 = test_val.value.parse().expect("Literal parse error");
RuntimeValue::I64(unsigned as i64)
"f32" => {
let unsigned: u32 = test_val.value.parse().expect("Literal parse error");
"f64" => {
let unsigned: u64 = test_val.value.parse().expect("Literal parse error");
_ => panic!("Unknwon runtime value type"),
fn runtime_values(test_vals: &[test::RuntimeValue]) -> Vec<RuntimeValue> {
fn run_action(
program: &mut SpecDriver,
action: &test::Action,
) -> Result<Option<RuntimeValue>, InterpreterError> {
match *action {
test::Action::Invoke {
ref module,
ref field,
ref args,
} => {
let module = module.clone().unwrap_or("wasm_test".into());
let module = module.trim_left_matches('$');
let module = program.module(&module).expect(&format!(
"Expected program to have loaded module {}",
test::Action::Get {
ref module,
ref field,
} => {
let module = module.clone().unwrap_or("wasm_test".into());
let module = module.trim_left_matches('$');
let module = program.module(&module).expect(&format!(
"Expected program to have loaded module {}",
let field = jstring_to_rstring(&field);
let global = module
.ok_or_else(|| {
InterpreterError::Global(format!("Expected to have export with name {}", field))
.ok_or_else(|| {
InterpreterError::Global(format!("Expected export {} to be a global", field))
pub struct FixtureParams {
failing: bool,
json: String,
pub fn run_wast2wasm(name: &str) -> FixtureParams {
let outdir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let mut wast2wasm_path = PathBuf::from(outdir.clone());
let mut json_spec_path = PathBuf::from(outdir.clone());
json_spec_path.push(&format!("{}.json", name));
let wast2wasm_output = Command::new(wast2wasm_path)
.arg(&format!("./wabt/third_party/testsuite/{}.wast", name))
.expect("Failed to execute process");
FixtureParams {
json: json_spec_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
failing: {
if !wast2wasm_output.status.success() {
println!("wasm2wast error code: {}", wast2wasm_output.status);
"wasm2wast stdout: {}",
"wasm2wast stderr: {}",
} else {
pub fn failing_spec(name: &str) {
let fixture = run_wast2wasm(name);
if !fixture.failing {
panic!("wasm2wast expected to fail, but terminated normally");
pub fn spec(name: &str) {
let tmpdir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let fixture = run_wast2wasm(name);
if fixture.failing {
panic!("wasm2wast terminated abnormally, expected to success");
let mut f =
File::open(&fixture.json).expect(&format!("Failed to load json file {}", &fixture.json));
let spec: test::Spec =
serde_json::from_reader(&mut f).expect("Failed to deserialize JSON file");
let mut spec_driver = SpecDriver::new();
let mut last_module = None;
for command in &spec.commands {
println!("command {:?}", command);
match command {
&test::Command::Module {
ref name,
ref filename,
} => {
last_module = Some(load_module(tmpdir.as_ref(), &filename, &name, &mut spec_driver));
&test::Command::AssertReturn {
ref action,
ref expected,
} => {
let result = run_action(&mut spec_driver, action);
match result {
Ok(result) => {
let spec_expected = runtime_values(expected);
let actual_result = result.into_iter().collect::<Vec<RuntimeValue>>();
for (actual_result, spec_expected) in
assert_eq!(actual_result.value_type(), spec_expected.value_type());
// f32::NAN != f32::NAN
match spec_expected {
&RuntimeValue::F32(val) if val.is_nan() => match actual_result {
&RuntimeValue::F32(val) => assert!(val.is_nan()),
_ => unreachable!(), // checked above that types are same
&RuntimeValue::F64(val) if val.is_nan() => match actual_result {
&RuntimeValue::F64(val) => assert!(val.is_nan()),
_ => unreachable!(), // checked above that types are same
spec_expected @ _ => assert_eq!(actual_result, spec_expected),
println!("assert_return at line {} - success", line);
Err(e) => {
panic!("Expected action to return value, got error: {:?}", e);
&test::Command::AssertReturnCanonicalNan { line, ref action } |
&test::Command::AssertReturnArithmeticNan { line, ref action } => {
let result = run_action(&mut spec_driver, action);
match result {
Ok(result) => {
for actual_result in result.into_iter().collect::<Vec<RuntimeValue>>() {
match actual_result {
RuntimeValue::F32(val) => if !val.is_nan() {
panic!("Expected nan value, got {:?}", val)
RuntimeValue::F64(val) => if !val.is_nan() {
panic!("Expected nan value, got {:?}", val)
val @ _ => {
panic!("Expected action to return float value, got {:?}", val)
println!("assert_return_nan at line {} - success", line);
Err(e) => {
panic!("Expected action to return value, got error: {:?}", e);
&test::Command::AssertExhaustion {
line, ref action, ..
} => {
let result = run_action(&mut spec_driver, action);
match result {
Ok(result) => panic!("Expected exhaustion, got result: {:?}", result),
Err(e) => println!("assert_exhaustion at line {} - success ({:?})", line, e),
&test::Command::AssertTrap {
line, ref action, ..
} => {
let result = run_action(&mut spec_driver, action);
match result {
Ok(result) => {
"Expected action to result in a trap, got result: {:?}",
Err(e) => {
println!("assert_trap at line {} - success ({:?})", line, e);
&test::Command::AssertInvalid {
line, ref filename, ..
} |
&test::Command::AssertMalformed {
line, ref filename, ..
} |
&test::Command::AssertUnlinkable {
line, ref filename, ..
} => {
let module_load = try_load(tmpdir.as_ref(), filename, &mut spec_driver);
match module_load {
Ok(_) => panic!("Expected invalid module definition, got some module!"),
Err(e) => println!("assert_invalid at line {} - success ({:?})", line, e),
&test::Command::AssertUninstantiable {
line, ref filename, ..
} => match try_load(tmpdir.as_ref(), &filename, &mut spec_driver) {
Ok(_) => panic!("Expected error running start function at line {}", line),
Err(e) => println!("assert_uninstantiable - success ({:?})", e),
&test::Command::Register {
ref name,
ref as_name,
} => {
match name {
&Some(ref name) => assert_eq!(name.trim_left_matches('$'), as_name), // we have already registered this module without $ prefix
&None => spec_driver.add_module(
.expect("Last module must be set for this command"),
&test::Command::Action { line, ref action } => {
match run_action(&mut spec_driver, action) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("Failed to invoke action at line {}: {:?}", line, e),
// Convert json string to correct rust UTF8 string.
// The reason is that, for example, rust character "\u{FEEF}" (3-byte UTF8 BOM) is represented as "\u00ef\u00bb\u00bf" in spec json.
// It is incorrect. Correct BOM representation in json is "\uFEFF" => we need to do a double utf8-parse here.
// This conversion is incorrect in general case (casting char to u8)!!!
fn jstring_to_rstring(jstring: &str) -> String {
let jstring_chars: Vec<u8> = jstring.chars().map(|c| c as u8).collect();
let rstring = String::from_utf8(jstring_chars).unwrap();