sina: package tracking via orangeconnex

Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <>
This commit is contained in:
Cadey Ratio 2020-12-30 23:23:12 -05:00
parent 3521b125cf
commit 97d5e9e9c2
11 changed files with 261 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,21 @@ pub fn track(conn: MainDatabase, tn: StringBody, tok: paseto::Token) -> Result<S
Ok(format!("now tracking package {}", tn)) Ok(format!("now tracking package {}", tn))
} }
#[instrument(skip(conn), err)]
pub fn list(
conn: MainDatabase,
tok: paseto::Token,
) -> Result<Json<Vec<models::OrangeConnexPackage>>> {
use schema::orangeconnex_packages;
#[get("/packages/orangeconnex/status?<tn>")] #[get("/packages/orangeconnex/status?<tn>")]
#[instrument(skip(conn), err)] #[instrument(skip(conn), err)]
pub fn status( pub fn status(
@ -29,10 +44,11 @@ pub fn status(
tn: String, tn: String,
tok: paseto::Token, tok: paseto::Token,
) -> Result<Json<Vec<models::OrangeConnexTrace>>> { ) -> Result<Json<Vec<models::OrangeConnexTrace>>> {
use schema::orangeconnex_traces; use schema::orangeconnex_traces::dsl::*;
Ok(Json( Ok(Json(
orangeconnex_traces::table orangeconnex_traces
.load::<models::OrangeConnexTrace>(&*conn) .load::<models::OrangeConnexTrace>(&*conn)
.map_err(Error::Database)?, .map_err(Error::Database)?,
)) ))

View File

@ -70,9 +70,10 @@ fn main() -> Result<()> {
.mount( .mount(
"/api", "/api",
routes![ routes![
api::package_tracking::orangeconnex::track, api::package_tracking::orangeconnex::list,
api::package_tracking::orangeconnex::recieved, api::package_tracking::orangeconnex::recieved,
api::posse::notify, api::posse::notify,
api::posse::refresh_blog, api::posse::refresh_blog,
api::switch::current_front, api::switch::current_front,

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ pub struct Blogpost {
pub title: String, pub title: String,
} }
#[derive(Queryable, Associations, Insertable, AsChangeset)] #[derive(Queryable, Associations, Insertable, AsChangeset, Serialize)]
#[table_name = "orangeconnex_packages"] #[table_name = "orangeconnex_packages"]
pub struct OrangeConnexPackage { pub struct OrangeConnexPackage {
pub tracking_number: String, pub tracking_number: String,
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ impl OrangeConnexTrace {
country: t.opr_country, country: t.opr_country,
time_recorded: t.opr_time, time_recorded: t.opr_time,
time_zone: t.opr_time_zone, time_zone: t.opr_time_zone,
ts: t.opr_timestamp, ts: t.opr_timestamp.try_into().unwrap_or(1337),
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ pub struct Trace {
pub opr_country: String, pub opr_country: String,
pub opr_time: String, pub opr_time: String,
pub opr_time_zone: String, pub opr_time_zone: String,
pub opr_timestamp: i32, pub opr_timestamp: i64,
} }
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)] #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)]

View File

@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ template title body =
, a [ href "/posse" ] [ text "POSSE" ] , a [ href "/posse" ] [ text "POSSE" ]
, text " - " , text " - "
, a [ href "/switches" ] [ text "Switches" ] , a [ href "/switches" ] [ text "Switches" ]
, text " - "
--, text " - " , a [ href "/packages" ] [ text "Packages" ]
--, a [ href "/webmentions" ] [ text "WebMentions" ] , text " - "
, a [ href "/webmentions" ] [ text "WebMentions" ]
] ]
, h1 [] [ text title ] , h1 [] [ text title ]
] ]

View File

@ -9,11 +9,14 @@ import Http
import Json.Decode import Json.Decode
import Layout import Layout
import Mi import Mi
import Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex
import Mi.Switch import Mi.Switch
import Mi.WebMention import Mi.WebMention
import Model exposing (Model, Msg(..), get, init) import Model exposing (Model, Msg(..), get, init)
import Page.Index import Page.Index
import Page.Login import Page.Login
import Page.OrangeConnex
import Page.Packages
import Page.SwitchInfo import Page.SwitchInfo
import Page.Switches import Page.Switches
import Route exposing (Route(..), routeParser) import Route exposing (Route(..), routeParser)
@ -73,6 +76,20 @@ update msg model =
Json.Decode.list Mi.Switch.decoder Json.Decode.list Mi.Switch.decoder
) )
FetchOCPackages ->
( model
, get model Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex.packageListURL <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateOCPackages <|
Json.Decode.list Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex.decodePackage
FetchOCTraces trackingID ->
( { model | ocTrackingID = Just trackingID }
, get model (Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex.packageStatusURL trackingID) <|
Mi.expectJson ValidateOCTraces <|
Json.Decode.list Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex.decodeTrace
ValidateSwitchByID result -> ValidateSwitchByID result ->
if_okay result <| if_okay result <|
\data -> \data ->
@ -95,6 +112,16 @@ update msg model =
, Nav.pushUrl model.navKey "/" , Nav.pushUrl model.navKey "/"
) )
ValidateOCPackages result ->
if_okay result <|
\data ->
( { model | ocPackages = Just data }, Cmd.none )
ValidateOCTraces result ->
if_okay result <|
\data ->
( { model | ocTraces = Just data }, Cmd.none )
ClickLink urlRequest -> ClickLink urlRequest ->
case urlRequest of case urlRequest of
Internal url -> Internal url ->
@ -124,6 +151,15 @@ view model =
SwitchID _ -> SwitchID _ ->
Page.SwitchInfo.view model Page.SwitchInfo.view model
Packages ->
OCPackages ->
Page.OrangeConnex.viewList model
OCPackage packageID ->
Page.OrangeConnex.viewPackage { model | ocTrackingID = Just packageID }
_ -> _ ->
Layout.template "Oh noes" [ p [] [ text "todo: implement this 404 page" ] ] Layout.template "Oh noes" [ p [] [ text "todo: implement this 404 page" ] ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
import Url.Builder as UB
type alias Package =
{ tracking_number : String
, recieved : Bool
decodePackage : D.Decoder Package
decodePackage =
D.map2 Package
(D.field "tracking_number" D.string)
(D.field "recieved" D.bool)
type alias Trace =
{ id : String
, tracking_number : String
, description : String
, city : Maybe String
, country : String
, time_recorded : String
, time_zone : String
, ts : Int
decodeTrace : D.Decoder Trace
decodeTrace =
D.map8 Trace
(D.field "id" D.string)
(D.field "tracking_number" D.string)
(D.field "description" D.string)
(D.field "city" (D.nullable D.string))
(D.field "country" D.string)
(D.field "time_recorded" D.string)
(D.field "time_zone" D.string)
(D.field "ts"
packageListURL : String
packageListURL =
[ "api", "packages", "orangeconnex" ]
packageStatusURL : String -> String
packageStatusURL trackingNumber =
[ "api", "packages", "orangeconnex", "status" ]
[ UB.string "tn" trackingNumber ]
markRecievedURL : String -> String
markRecievedURL trackingNumber =
[ "api", "packages", "orangeconnex", "delivered" ]
[ UB.string "tn" trackingNumber ]

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Http import Http
import Mi import Mi
import Mi.POSSE import Mi.POSSE
import Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex as OrangeConnex
import Mi.Switch exposing (Switch) import Mi.Switch exposing (Switch)
import Mi.WebMention exposing (WebMention) import Mi.WebMention exposing (WebMention)
import Route exposing (Route, routeParser) import Route exposing (Route, routeParser)
@ -26,6 +27,9 @@ type alias Model =
, switchByID : Maybe Switch , switchByID : Maybe Switch
, webMentionByID : Maybe WebMention , webMentionByID : Maybe WebMention
, post : Mi.POSSE.Post , post : Mi.POSSE.Post
, ocTrackingID : Maybe String
, ocPackages : Maybe (List OrangeConnex.Package)
, ocTraces : Maybe (List OrangeConnex.Trace)
} }
@ -47,10 +51,14 @@ type Msg
| FetchSwitch String | FetchSwitch String
| NextSwitchesPage | NextSwitchesPage
| PrevSwitchesPage | PrevSwitchesPage
| FetchOCPackages
| FetchOCTraces String
| ValidateToken (Result Http.Error Mi.TokenData) | ValidateToken (Result Http.Error Mi.TokenData)
| ValidateSwitchByID (Result Http.Error Switch) | ValidateSwitchByID (Result Http.Error Switch)
| ValidateFront (Result Http.Error Switch) | ValidateFront (Result Http.Error Switch)
| ValidateSwitches (Result Http.Error (List Switch)) | ValidateSwitches (Result Http.Error (List Switch))
| ValidateOCPackages (Result Http.Error (List OrangeConnex.Package))
| ValidateOCTraces (Result Http.Error (List OrangeConnex.Trace))
| ClearError | ClearError
@ -69,6 +77,9 @@ init _ url key =
, switchByID = Nothing , switchByID = Nothing
, webMentionByID = Nothing , webMentionByID = Nothing
, post = Mi.POSSE.init , post = Mi.POSSE.init
, ocTrackingID = Nothing
, ocPackages = Nothing
, ocTraces = Nothing
} }
, Nav.pushUrl key "/login" , Nav.pushUrl key "/login"
) )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Page.OrangeConnex exposing (viewList, viewPackage)
import Browser exposing (Document)
import Html exposing (a, br, button, h2, img, p, span, table, td, text, th, tr)
import Html.Attributes exposing (height, href, src, style, width)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Iso8601
import Layout exposing (template)
import Mi.PackageTracking.OrangeConnex exposing (Package, Trace)
import Model exposing (Msg(..))
type alias Model a =
{ a
| ocTrackingID : Maybe String
, ocPackages : Maybe (List Package)
, ocTraces : Maybe (List Trace)
viewList : Model a -> Document Msg
viewList { ocPackages } =
case ocPackages of
Nothing ->
Layout.template "Loading" [ text "please wait..." ]
Just packages ->
heading =
[ th [] [ text "ID" ]
, th [] [ text "recieved" ]
stringFromBool value =
if value then
rowify data =
[ td
[ a
[ href <| "/packages/orangeconnex/" ++ data.tracking_number, onClick <| FetchOCTraces data.tracking_number ]
[ text data.tracking_number ]
, td [] [ text <| stringFromBool data.recieved ]
contents = rowify packages
Layout.template "OrangeConnex Packages"
[ table [] <| [ heading ] ++ contents ]
viewPackage : Model a -> Document Msg
viewPackage { ocTraces, ocTrackingID } =
case ocTraces of
Nothing ->
Layout.template "Loading..." [ span [] [] ]
Just traces ->
heading =
[ th [] [ text "Message" ]
, th [] [ text "City" ]
, th [] [ text "Country" ]
rowify data =
[ td [] [ text data.description ]
, td [] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" ]
, td [] [ text ]
contents = rowify traces
title =
"Info on package " ++ Maybe.withDefault "" ocTrackingID
Layout.template title [ table [] <| [ heading ] ++ contents ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Page.Packages exposing (view)
import Browser exposing (Document)
import Html exposing (a, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Iso8601
import Layout exposing (basic, template)
import Mi
import Model exposing (Msg(..))
view : Document Msg
view =
"Package Deliveries"
[ a [ href "/packages/orangeconnex", onClick FetchOCPackages ] [ text "OrangeConnex" ] ]

View File

@ -12,16 +12,22 @@ type Route
| MakeSwitch | MakeSwitch
| WebMentionLog | WebMentionLog
| WebMentionID String | WebMentionID String
| Packages
| OCPackages
| OCPackage String
routeParser : Parser (Route -> a) a routeParser : Parser (Route -> a) a
routeParser = routeParser =
oneOf oneOf
[ map Index (s "") [ map Index <| s ""
, map Login (s "login") , map Login <| s "login"
, map SwitchLog (s "switches") , map SwitchLog <| s "switches"
, map SwitchID (s "switches" </> string) , map SwitchID <| s "switches" </> string
, map MakeSwitch (s "switches" </> s "log") , map MakeSwitch <| s "switches" </> s "log"
, map WebMentionLog (s "webmentions") , map WebMentionLog <| s "webmentions"
, map WebMentionID (s "webmentions" </> string) , map WebMentionID <| s "webmentions" </> string
, map Packages <| s "packages"
, map OCPackages <| s "packages" </> s "orangeconnex"
, map OCPackage <| s "packages" </> s "orangeconnex" </> string
] ]