forked from cadey/xesite
blog: add some older articles from my medium blog
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
title: My Experience with Atom as A Vim User
date: 2014-11-18
from: medium
My Experience with Atom as A Vim User
Historically, I am a Vim user. People know me as a very very heavy vim
user. I have spent almost the last two years customizing [my .vimrc
file]( and I have parts
of it mapped to the ways I think. Recently I have acquired both a Mac Pro
and a Surface Pro 3, and my vim configuration didn't work on them. For a
while I had used Docker and the image I made of my preferred dev
environment to shim and hack around this.
Then I took a fresh look at [Atom]({.markup--anchor
.markup--p-anchor}, Github's text editor that claims to be a replacment
for Sublime. Since then I have moved to using Atom as my main text
editor for programming in OSX and Windows, but still using my fine-tuned
vim setup in Linux. I like how I have Atom set up. It uses a lot of (but
not all sadly) the features I have come to love in my vim setup.
I also like that I can have the same setup on both my Mac and in
Windows. I have the same
[vim-mode]( bindings on both my machines
(I only customize so far as to add :w and :q bindings), and easily jump
from one to the other with Synergy and have little to no issues with
editor differences. I typically end up taking my surface out with me to
a lot of places and will code some new ideas on the bus or in the food
court of the mall.
Atom gets a lot of things right with the plugins I have. I have
Autocomplete+ and a plugin for it that uses GoCode for autocompletion as
I type like I have with vim-go and YouCompleteMe in Vim. Its native
pacakge support and extensibility is bar none the easiest way to be able
to add things to the editor I have ever seen.
But there are problems with Atom that are mostly based on my usage of
text editors and my understanding of programming with Javascript,
Coffeescript, HTML and CSS. Atom is a mostly Coffeescript editor, it
does mean that at runtime I can customize almost any aspect of the
editor, but I would have to learn one if not 5 more languages to be able
to describe the layouts or interfaces I would like to add to this
editor. It also being a hybrid between a web application and a normal
desktop application means that I am afraid to add things I normally
would such as raw socket support for being able to collaborate on a
single document, PiratePad style. Additionally, the Vim emulation mode
in Atom doesn't support ex-style :-commands nor \<Leader\>, meaning that
a fair bit of my editing is toned down and done more manually to make up
for this.
I wish I could just use vim natively with my preferred setup on Windows,
OSX and Linux, but for now Atom is the lesser of all the evils.
Update: I am now atom-free on my surface pro 3
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
title: Web Application Development with Beego
date: 2014-11-28
Web Application Development with Beego
Beego is a fantastic web application framework from the Go China
community. It currently powers some of the biggest websites in China,
and thus the world.
Let's get started. For now I am going to assume you are running OSX or
Linux. Getting Beego set up on Windows with the sqlite driver is
nontrivial at best due to Windows being terrible.
### Installing Beego
The Beego developers have made a tool called bee for easier managing of
Beego projects. To install it, run:
go get
go get
The `bee` tool will be present in `$GOPATH/bin`. Please make sure this
folder is in your `$PATH` or things will not work.
### Creating a Project
Navigate to a directory in your `$GOPATH` and run the command `bee new

The `bee` tool created all the scaffolding we needed for our example
program. Change into that directory and run `bee run`. Your
application will be served on port 8080.

Now let's take a look at the parts of Beego that are in use. Beego is a
typical MVC style framework so there are 3 basic places you may need to
edit code:
The Models are Beego's powerful database-backed models (we'll get into
those in a little bit), the Views are normal Go
[html/template](, and
the Controllers are the Go code that controls the Views based on the Models.

New Beego projects use Beego's default HTTP router, which is similar to
Sinatra or Tornado. The default router is very simple. It will only
route `/` to the MainController that was generated for you:

The main file will shadow-include the router package which will seed the
Beego router with your paths and site content. The MainController will
embed beego.Controller so it acquires all instance methods that a Beego
controller needs. Beego's controllers offer many methods that could be
used based on different HTTP verbs, but this simple example only
overrides the GET verb to serve the site. The data that will be passed
to the template is a `map[string]interface{}` as c.Data. The last line
tells Beego what template to render for the page, in this case
"index.tpl". If you don't set the template it will default to
"controller/method\_name.tpl" where method\_name is the method that was
called on the controller. In this example it would be
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
title: Dependency Hell
date: 2014-11-20
Dependency Hell
A lot of the problem that I have run into when doing development with
nearly any stack I have used is dependency management. This relatively
simple-looking problem just becomes such an evil, evil thing to tackle.
There are several schools of thought to this. The first is that
dependencies need to be frozen the second you ever see them and are only
upgraded once in a blue moon when upstream introduces a feature you need
or has a CVE released. The second is to have competent maintainers
upstream that follow things like semantic versioning.
### Ruby
Let's take a look at how the Ruby community solves this problem.
One job I had made us need to install **five** versions of the Ruby
interpreter in order to be compatible with all the different projects
they wrote. To manage the five versions of the Ruby interpreter, they
suggested using a widely known tool called
This isn't actually the full list of rubies that job required. I have
decided not to reveal that out of interest of privacy as well as the
fact that even Gentoo did not ship a version of gcc old enough to build
the oldest ruby.
After all this, of course, all the dependencies are locked using the gem
tool and another helper called bundler. It's just a mess.
There are also language design features of ruby that really do not help
with this all that just make simple things like "will this code run or
not" be determined at runtime. To be fair, Python is the same way, as is
nearly every other scripting language. In the case of Lua this is
*beyond vital* because of the fact that Lua is designed to be embedded
into pretty much anything, with arbitrary globals being set willy-nilly.
Consequently this is why you can't make an autocomplete for lua without
executing the code in its preferred environment (unless you really just
guess based on the requires and other files present in the directory).
### Python
The Python community has largely copied the ruby pattern for this, but
they advocate creating local, project-specific prefixes with all of the
packages/eggs you installed and a list of them instead of compiling an
entire Python interpreter per project. With the Python 2-\>3 change a
lot of things did break. This is okay. There was a major version bump.
Of course compiled modules would need to be redone after a change like
that. I think the way that Python handles Unicode in version 3 is ideal
and should be an example for other languages.
Virtualenv and pip is not as bad as using bundler and gem for Ruby.
Virtualenv very clearly makes changes to your environment variables that
are easy to compare and inspect. This is in contrast to the ruby tools
that encourage global modifications of your shell and supercede the
packaged versions of the language interpreter.
The sad part is that I see [this pattern of senseless locking of
versions continuing
elsewhere]( instead of proper
maintenance of libraries and projects.
### Insanity
To make matters worse, people suggest you actually embed all the source
code for every dependency inside the repository. Meaning your commit
graphs and code line counts are skewed based on the contents of your
upstream packages instead of just the code you wrote. Admittedly,
locking dependencies like this does mean that fantastic language level
tools such as [go
work again, but overall it is just not worth the pain
of having to manually merge in patches from upstream (but if you do
think it is worth the pain contact me, I'm open for contract work)
making sure to change the file paths to match your changes.
### The Solution
I believe the solution to all this and something that needs to be a
wider community effort for users of all programming languages is the use
of a technique called [semantic
versioning]( In
some lanaguages like Go where the [import paths are based on repository
paths](, this may mean that
a new major version has a different repository. This is okay. Backward
compatability is good. After you make a stable (1.0 or whathaveyou)
release, nothing should be ever taken away or changed in the public API.
If there needs to be a change in how something in the public API works,
you must keep backwards compatabilty. As soon as you take away or modify
something in the public API, you have just made a significant enough
change worthy of a major release.
We need to make semver a de-facto standard in the community instead of
freezing things and making security patches hard to distribute.
Also, use the standard library more. It's there for a reason. It doesn't
change much so the maintainers are assumed to be sane if you trust the
stability of the language.
This is just my \$0.02.
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
title: Instant Development Environments in Docker
date: 2014-10-24
Instant Development Environments in Docker
I have been using a few shell scripts for turbocharging development
using Docker and today I have released the first version of a simple
tool I call "[dev](". Usage is very very simple.
$ dev up
Starting up container for spike
spike-dev (43c5c1) running!
To use this container please attach to it with:
$ docker attach spike-dev
$ docker attach spike-dev
docker:dev:spike ~
I have made a simple [asciinema
recording]( describing the process of setting up and tearing down
these containers. The development environments have the code you are
working on mounted to \~/dev in the container.
The containers are defined by a simple manifest file in yaml:
base: xena/base
golang: false
ssh: true
user: xena
projname: test
Right now dev is a very immature tool and currently Works For Me ™. If
you have any issues with it or questions about it, please open an issue
on its [GitHub issue
Thanks for taking a look at it and please let me know if it works for
you too!
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
title: MPD Via Docker
date: 2014-10-20
MPD Via Docker
Today I got mpd set up inside docker to replace running it locally.
Being the perfectionist I am, I also got a simple web UI for mpd
([ympd]( set up.
You can find the source repos here:
- [<>\
The ympd web frontend]
- [<>\
A good friend's patchset to mpd in the form of a docker
- [<>\
ncmpcpp for controlling mpd from the command line]
Readmes will be in each repository shortly.
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
title: Old Articles Recovered
date: 2019-01-17
# Old Articles Recovered
I found an old backup that contained a few articles from my old [Medium]( blog. I have converted them to markdown and added them to the blog archives:
- 2014-11-28 - [Web Application Development with Beego](
- 2014-11-20 - [Dependency Hell](
- 2014-11-18 - [My Experience with Atom as A Vim User](
- 2014-10-24 - [Instant Development Environments in Docker](
- 2014-10-20 - [MPD Via Docker](
I hope these are at all useful.
Reference in New Issue