nix flakes post: fix boo-boos

Signed-off-by: Xe Iaso <>
This commit is contained in:
Cadey Ratio 2022-02-21 20:49:34 -05:00
parent 7a0fcf88ec
commit 92f2472411
1 changed files with 21 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ flakes:
- Flakes let you define system configuration alongside your application code
- Flakes let you embed the git hash of your configurations repository into
machines you deploy
[Something that may also help you understand why flakes matter is that Nix by
itself is more akin to Dockerfiles. Dockerfiles help you build the software, but
they don't really help you run or operate the software. Nix flakes is more akin
to docker-compose, they help you compose packages written in Nix to run across
## Project Templates
@ -76,9 +82,9 @@ or `/etc/nix/nix.conf` and add the following line to it:
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
[You may need to restart the Nix daemon here, but if you are unsure how Nix was
set up on that non-NixOS machine feel free to totally restart your
[You may need to restart the Nix daemon here with `sudo systemctl restart
nix-daemon.service`, but if you are unsure how Nix was set up on that non-NixOS
machine feel free to totally restart your computer.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
Now go to a temporary folder and run these commands to make a folder and create
a new flake from a template:
@ -365,7 +371,8 @@ example of a flake that uses this library, see [this
bot that lives in [`#xeserv`](
[Adapting this trivial example to use `flake-utils` is an excellent exercise for
the reader!](conversation://Mara/happy)
the reader! This library should really be shipped with flakes by
## Backwards Compatibility
@ -376,24 +383,13 @@ graft in a Nix flakes project to one without flakes enabled. There is a library
called [flake-compat]( that makes this
Add the following to your flake inputs:
inputs.flake-compat = {
url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
flake = false;
And then create `default.nix` with the following contents:
Create `default.nix` with the following contents:
(import (
lock = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock);
in fetchTarball {
url = "${lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.narHash; }
fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "0x2jn3vrawwv9xp15674wjz9pixwjyj3j771izayl962zziivbx2"; }
) {
src = ./.;
@ -403,11 +399,9 @@ And `shell.nix` with the following contents:
(import (
lock = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock);
in fetchTarball {
url = "${lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.rev}.tar.gz";
sha256 = lock.nodes.flake-compat.locked.narHash; }
fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "0x2jn3vrawwv9xp15674wjz9pixwjyj3j771izayl962zziivbx2"; }
) {
src = ./.;
@ -431,6 +425,9 @@ ssh+git://
was never really clear to me _how_ you end up doing
[I'm told you can bash Niv into shape enough to do this, but yeah it's never
really been clear how you do this.](conversation://Mara/hmm)
## Embed NixOS Modules in Flakes
The biggest ticket item for me is that it lets you embed NixOS modules in flakes