
1.2 KiB


Ponychat-ircd is a high performance, lightweight and scalable IRC daemon. It has its roots in ShadowIRCd and Charybdis and offers channel operators more options as well as for server administrators to have better separation of power and allows for easier management. It the preferred IRC daemon for PonyChat.

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
    • Debian
    • Centos/Amazon Linux
    • Alpine Linux
  • FreeBSD

Build Directions

  1. Ensure your system has the equivalents of openssl-dev, flex, bison, and the compiler toolkit.
  2. Download the stable tarball and extract it somewhere on your system.
  3. ./configure --prefix=$HOME/ircd
  4. make
  5. make install
  6. Copy the example config example.conf to ircd.conf in ~/ircd/etc
  7. Edit the configuration to match your needs
  8. Run bin/ircd and have people connect up as normal


Our support channel is #rainbow-factory on irc.ponychat.net. If you like you can join us on our webchat by clicking here.

Please note that running ponychat-ircd in weird or otherwise insane configurations may make us unable to help you.