• 0.1.0 67f44de162

    cadey released this 2020-05-31 18:13:49 +00:00 | 57 commits to main since this release

    This is the first release of gitea-release!

    $ gitea-release release --help
    gitea-release-release 0.1.0
    Create a new tag and release on Gitea
        gitea-release release [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --auth-user <auth-user> --owner <owner> --repo <repo> --server <server> --token <token>
            --draft          Draft release
        -h, --help           Prints help information
        -p, --pre-release    Pre-release (not suitable for production)
        -V, --version        Prints version information
        -a, --auth-user <auth-user>    The gitea user to authenticate as [env: GITEA_AUTH_USER=cadey]
        -c, --changelog <changelog>    Changelog file to read from to create the release description [default:
        -n, --name <name>              Release name
        -o, --owner <owner>            The owner of the gitea repo [env: GITEA_OWNER=]
        -r, --repo <repo>              The gitea repo to operate on [env: GITEA_REPO=]
        -s, --server <server>          The gitea server to connect to [env: GITEA_SERVER=https://tulpa.dev]
            --token <token>            The gitea token to authenticate with [env: GITEA_TOKEN=]


    • Basic functionality