
6.3 KiB

kadis Leader Macros

Sequence Mnemonic Description
P C Proxy Cadey Proxytag for Cadey
P N Proxy Nicole Proxytag for Nicole
P J Proxy Jessie Proxytag for Jessie
P A Proxy Ashe Proxytag for Ashe
P S Proxy Sephie Proxytag for Sephie
P M Proxy Mai Proxytag for Mai
C D Combo Disable Disables keyboard combos
C E Combo Enable Enables keyboard combos
A T Autoshift Toggle
A E Autoshift Enable
A D Autoshift Disable
G I E Go If Err Inserts an if err != nil sequence
G B Go Build go build
G B A Go Build All go build ./...
G T Go Test go test
G T A Go Test All go test ./...
D L F Dwm Layout Float triggers floating mode in dwm
D L T Dwm Layout Tile triggers tiling mode in dwm
D L M Dwm Layout Monocle triggers monocle mode in dwm
D L B Dwm Layout Bstack triggers bottom-stack mode in dwm
D L O Dwm Layout Otherbstack triggers the other bstack mode in dwm
D S E Dwm Spawn Emacs opens a new emacs frame
D S T Dwm Spawn Terminal opens a new terminal window
D S Dwm Spawn opens a new program by name
D C Dwm Close closes the active window
D ENTER Dwm Entersnap makes the current window the primary focus
D Q L Dwm Quit Logout kills dwm and returns to the login screen
N B Nix Build nix-build
N B D Nix Build Docker nix-build docker.nix
N O R Nix Os Rebuild sudo nixos-rebuild switch
N O U Nix Os Upgrade sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
N N P Nix New Project new project boilerplate
K G D Kube Get Deployments Gets kubectl deployments
K G P Kube Get Pods Gets kubectl pods
K G S Kube Get Services Gets kubectl services
K G I Kube Get Ingresses Gets kubectl ingresses
K G N Kube Get Nodes Gets kubectl nodes
K L Kube Logs Gets kubectl logs
K L D Kube Logs Deployment Gets kubectl logs for a deployment
K V Kube Version kubectl version
K I Kube Interactive kubectl exec -it
K E Kube Edit kubectl edit
K E D Kube Edit Deployment kubectl edit deployment/
K D Kube Describe kubectl describe
K N Kube Namespace kubens
K C Kube Context kubectx
G P Git Push
G F P Git Force-Push
G U Git Update runs git pull
G A Git Add git add .
G D Git Diff
G D S Git Diff Staged
G L Git Log
G L O Git Log Oneline
G O Git checkOut
G O B Git checkOut new-Branch
G S Git Status
G C Git Commit
G C A Git Commit Amend
E X Emacs alt-X opens the M-x menu
P N B Pasta Non-Binary
P B M Pasta Breathe Manually
S R Systemctl Restart
S R U Systemctl Restart User
S E Systemctl Enable
S E U Systemctl Enable User
S D Systemctl Disable
S D U Systemctl Disable User
S S Systemctl Stop
S S U Systemctl Stop User
S K Systemctl Kill
S K U Systemctl Kill User
M H Mara Hacker
M W Mara What
M T Mara Thonk