
1.4 KiB


Feelings in L'ewa are marked with a family of particles called "WI". These can also be modified with other particles. Here are the emotional markers:

L'ewa English
a'a attentive
a'e alertness
ai intent
a'i effort
a'o hope
au desire
a'u interest
e'a permission
e'e competence
ei obligation
e'i constraint
e'o request
e'u suggestion
ia belief
i'a acceptance
ie agreement
i'e approval
ii fear
i'i togetherness
io respect
i'o appreciation
iu love
i'u familiarity
o'a pride
o'e closeness
oi complaint/pain
o'i caution
o'o patience
o'u relaxation
ua discovery
u'a gain
ue surprise
u'e wonder
ui happiness
u'i amusement
uo completion
u'o courage
uu pity
u'u repentant

If an emotion is unknown in a conversation, you can ask with kei:

<Mai> xoi, so kei?
      hi,  what-verb what-feeling?

<Cadey> madsa ui
        eating :D