3.4 KiB
3.4 KiB
Run the full testsuite (
tests\testament\tester all
) and ensure it's green; actually ensure travis is green (Usually the case these days) -
Update news.txt
write a news ticker entry
Update the version
- In system.nim
- In compiler.nimble
- In lib/stdlib.nimble
Recompile koch!
Generate the full docs; koch web0
Generate the installers
- koch csource -d:release
- koch xz
- koch nsis
Test the installers: koch testinstall
Tag the release
Merge devel into master
Update csources
To build the Windows release, currently this .bat file is used which is rather tied to my computer.
set NIMVER=0.14.2
Rem Build -docs file:
koch web0
cd web\upload
7z a -tzip docs-%NIMVER%.zip *.html
move /y docs-%NIMVER%.zip download
cd ..\..
Rem Build .zip file:
REm koch csources -d:release
rem koch xz -d:release
rem move /y build\nim-%NIMVER%.zip web\upload\download
ReM Build Win32 version:
set PATH=C:\Users\Anwender\projects\nim\dist\mingw\bin;%PATH%
cd build
call build.bat
cd ..
nim c koch || exit /b
koch boot -d:release || exit /b
cd ..\nimsuggest
nim c -d:release --noNimblePath --path:..\nim nimsuggest || exit /b
copy /y nimsuggest.exe ..\nim\bin || exit /b
cd ..\nim
koch nsis -d:release || exit /b
move /y build\nim_%NIMVER%.exe web\upload\download\nim-%NIMVER%_x32.exe || exit /b
ReM Build Win64 version:
set PATH=C:\Users\Anwender\projects\win-builds\bin;%PATH%
cd build
call build64.bat
cd ..
nim c koch || exit /b
koch boot -d:release || exit /b
cd ..\nimsuggest
nim c -d:release --noNimblePath --path:..\nim nimsuggest || exit /b
copy /y nimsuggest.exe ..\nim\bin || exit /b
cd ..\nim
koch nsis -d:release || exit /b
move /y build\nim_%NIMVER%.exe web\upload\download\nim-%NIMVER%_x64.exe || exit /b
Shell script, work in progress:
set -eu
# Test and release a new Nim version
ask() {
echo "$1 Enter to continue, Ctrl-C to stop"
read _
ask "Ensure that https://travis-ci.org/nim-lang/Nim is green"
ask "Ensure the last build on http://ci.nim-lang.org/ is successful"
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
cd $tmp_dir
# Clone repos
#git clone https://github.com/nim-lang/nim.git --depth 1
cp -a /tmp/nim .
cd nim
#git clone https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble.git --depth 1
cp -a /tmp/nimble .
#git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nim-lang/csources
cp -a /tmp/csources .
# Build Nim
cd csources && sh build.sh
cd ..
bin/nim c koch
./koch boot -d:release
# Run the full testsuite (tests\testament\tester all) and ensure it's green; actually ensure travis is green (Usually the case these days)
# Set version
old_version=$(grep ^version compiler.nimble | cut -d'"' -f2)
ask "Old version is $old_version - new version is $new_version"
# Update the version
sed -i "s/^ NimMajor\*: int = [0-9]*$/ NimMajor*: int = $nim_major/" lib/system.nim
sed -i "s/^ NimMinor\*: int = [0-9]*$/ NimMinor*: int = $nim_minor/" lib/system.nim
sed -i "s/^ NimPatch\*: int = [0-9]*$/ NimPatch*: int = $nim_patch/" lib/system.nim
sed -i "s/version = .*/version = \"$new_version\"/" compiler.nimble
sed -i "s/version = .*/version = \"$new_version\"/" lib/stdlib.nimble
git diff | cat -n
ask "Ensure the version was updated in 3 files"
# Update news.txt
# write a news ticker entry
# Generate the full docs
./koch web0
# Generate the installers
./koch csource -d:release
./koch xz -d:release
./koch nsis