
Signed-off-by: Xe Iaso <me@xeiaso.net>
This commit is contained in:
Cadey Ratio 2023-03-02 20:37:32 -05:00
parent 56306b095e
commit e78a5032dc
4 changed files with 173 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -588,12 +588,30 @@ in {
src = ./packages/change-case.el;
tclip = {
enable = true;
after = [ "request" ];
package = (epkgs: epkgs.trivialBuild {
pname = "tclip";
src = ./packages/tclip.el;
xe-chatgpt = {
enable = true;
after = [ "request" ];
package = (epkgs: epkgs.trivialBuild {
pname = "xe-chatgpt";
src = ./packages/xe-chatgpt.el;
xe-tools = {
enable = true;
package = (epkgs: epkgs.trivialBuild {
pname = "xe-tools";
src = ./xe-tools.el;
src = ./packages/xe-tools.el;
config = ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
;;; tclip.el --- tclip client for Emacs -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C)
;; 2023 Tailscale, Inc.
;; Author: Xe Iaso <xe@tailscale.com>
;; Maintainer: Xe Iaso <xe@tailscale.com>
;; Created: 2023-01-13
;; Version: 0.1
;; Keywords: tailscale, pastebin, sharing
;; Homepage: https://github.com/tailscale-dev/tclip
;;; Commentary:
;; This uses request-el to make requests to your tailnet's tclip server. You
;; can install request-el with M-x package-install.
;; This package requires that you have a tclip server set up. This package
;; reaches out to a tclip server over either plain HTTP, or HTTPS should you
;; configure the variable `tclip-server'.
;; Usage:
;; To submit the contents of the current buffer to tclip:
;; M-x tclip-submit-buffer
;; To submit the contents of the currently highlighted region to tclip:
;; M-x tclip-submit-region
;; Customization:
;; To customize the tclip server this package reaches out to:
;; M-x customize-group tclip
;; You can customize the tclip server URL by changing the value of `tclip-server':
;; (setq tclip-server "https://paste.shark-harmonic.ts.net")
;;; Code:
(require 'request)
(defgroup tclip nil
"Tclip server configuration."
:prefix "tclip-"
:group 'tclip)
(defcustom tclip-server "http://paste"
"The server that is running tclip or a service with a compatible API to tclip. This should NOT end with a trailing slash."
:group 'tclip
:type 'string)
(defun tclip--send-paste (fname content)
"Internal function that actually fires off the paste with name FNAME and content CONTENT to the tclip server."
(request (format "%s/api/post" tclip-server)
:type "POST"
:data `(("filename" . ,fname)
("content" . ,content))
:headers '(("Accept" . "text/plain"))
:timeout 60
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key response &allow-other-keys)
(message "%s" (request-response-data response))))))
(defun tclip-submit-buffer ()
"Submits the entire current buffer to tclip."
(let ((fname (format "%s.%s"
(file-name-base (buffer-file-name))
(file-name-extension (buffer-file-name))))
(content (buffer-string)))
(tclip--send-paste fname content)))
(defun tclip-submit-region ()
"Submits the highlighted region to tclip."
(let ((fname (format "%s.%s"
(file-name-base (buffer-file-name))
(file-name-extension (buffer-file-name))))
(content (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))))
(tclip--send-paste fname content)))
(provide 'tclip)
;;; tclip.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
;;; xe-tools --- Xe's chatgpt bindings
;;; Commentary:
;;; I guess we're gonna have to deal with this shit,
;;; so I might as well try and learn how to use it.
;;; Code:
(setf lexical-binding t)
(eval-when-compile '(require 'cl))
(require 'request)
(defcustom xe/chatgpt-base-prompt
"You are an assistant that helps Xe Iaso with programming. You will return answers and code that helps Xe program things."
"The default system message for ChatGPT."
:type 'string)
(defun xe/chatgpt--chomp (str)
"Chomp leading and tailing whitespace from STR."
(while (string-match "\\`\n+\\|^\\s-+\\|\\s-+$\\|\n+\\'"
(setq str (replace-match "" t t str)))
(defun xe/chatgpt--read-file (fname)
"Reads FNAME and returns its contents as a string."
(insert-file-contents fname)
(xe/chatgpt--chomp (buffer-string))))
(defun xe/chatgpt--make-request (question)
"Internal function to ask ChatGPT a QUESTION and insert the result text of the first response to the current buffer."
(let* ((req `(("model" . "gpt-3.5-turbo")
("messages" . ((("role" . "system") ("content" . ,xe/chatgpt-base-prompt))
(("role" . "user") ("content" . ,question))))))
(auth-key (xe/chatgpt--read-file
(format "%s/.openai-token" (getenv "HOME"))))
(headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/json")
("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" auth-key)))))
:type "POST"
:data (json-encode req)
:headers headers
:parser 'json-read
:encoding 'utf-8
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "%S" data)
(let* ((choice (aref (alist-get 'choices data) 0))
(message (alist-get 'message choice))
(content (alist-get 'content message)))
(message "ChatGPT reply: %s" content)
(insert content)))))))
(defun xe/chatgpt-ask (question)
"Ask ChatGPT a QUESTION and get the response put into your current buffer."
(interactive "squestion> ")
(message "ChatGPT ask: %s" question)
(xe/chatgpt--make-request prompt))
(defun xe/chatgpt-ask-with-mode (question)
"Ask ChatGPT a QUESTION and get the response put into your current buffer. This will add the context of what editor major mode you are in."
(interactive "squestion> ")
(message "ChatGPT ask: %s" question)
(let* ((editor-mode (string-join (split-string (symbol-name major-mode) "-") " "))
(prompt (format "%s\nUser is in %s. Only include the code." question editor-mode)))
(xe/chatgpt--make-request prompt)))
(provide 'xe-chatgpt)
;;; xe-chatgpt.el ends here