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PLATYPUS Language Specification
2. Lexical Specification (INCOMPLETE)
NOTE: This is incredibly incomplete and broken, I am simply writing this down and will fix it as I read along the informal language specification provided to me
2.1 Input Elements and Tokens
<input character> ->
ASCII characters but not SEOF
<input> ->
<input elements> SEOF
<input elements> ->
<input element> | <input elements> <input element>
<token> ->
<variable identifier> | <keyword> | <floating-point literal>
| <integer literal> | <string literal> | <separator> | <operator>
2.2 White Space
<white space> ->
ASCII SP character (space)
| ASCII HT character (horizontal tab)
| ASCII VT character (vertical tab)
| ASCII FF character (form feed)
| <line terminator>
<line terminator> ->
<comment> ->
!< <opt_characters in line> <line terminator>
<characters in line> ->
<comment character> | <characters in line> <comment character>
<comment character> ->
<input character> but not <line terminator>
2.4 Variable Identifiers
<variable identifier> ->
<arithmetic variable identifier> | <string variable identifier>
<arithmetic identifier> ->
<letter> <opt_letters or digits>
<letters or digits> ->
<letter or digit> | <letters or digits> <letter or digit>
<letter> -> one of
<letter or digit> -> one of
<string variable identifier> ->
<arithmetic variable identifier>#
2.5 Keywords
<keyword> ->
2.6 Integer Literals
<integer literal> ->
<decimal integer literal> | <octal integer literal>
<decimal integer literal> ->
0 | <non-zero digit> <opt_digits>
<digits> ->
<digit> | <digits> <digit>
<digit> ->
0 | <non-zero digit>
<non-zero digit> -> one of
<octal integer literal> ->
0 <octal digit> <octal digits>
<octal digit> ->
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
<octal digits> ->
<octal digit> | <octal digits> <octal digit>
2.7 Floating-point Literals
<floating-point literal> ->
<decimal integer literal> . <opt_digits>
2.8 String Literals
<string literal> ->
"<opt_string characters>"
<string chacters> ->
<input character> | <string characters> <input character>
2.9 Separators
<separator> -> one of
( ) { } , ; " .
2.10 Operators
<operator> ->
<arithmetic operator> | <string concatenation operator>
| <relational operator> | <logical operator>
| <assignment operator>
<arithmetic operator> -> one of
+ - * /
<string concatenation operator> -> one of
> < == <>
<logical operator> ->
.AND. | .OR.
<assignment operator> ->
3. The PLATYPUS Syntatic Specification
3.1 PLATYPUS Program
<program> ->
PLATYPUS {<opt_statements>} SEOF
<statements> ->
<statement> | <statements> <statement>
3.2 Statements
<statement> ->
<assignment statement>
| <selection statement>
| <iteration statement>
| <input statement>
| <output statement>
3.3 Assignment Statement
<assignment statement> ->
<assignment expression>
<assignment expression> ->
AVID = <arithmetic expression>
| SVID = <string expression>
3.2.2 Selection Statement (if
<selection statement> ->
IF (<conditional expression>) THEN <statements>
ELSE {<opt_statements>};
3.2.3 Iteration Statement (the loop statement)
<iteration statement> ->
3.2.4 Input Statement
<input statement> ->
INPUT (<variable list>);
<variable list> ->
<variable identifier> | <variable list>,<variable identifier>
3.2.5 Output Statement
<output statement> ->
3.3 Expressions
3.3.1 Arithmetic Expressions
<arithmetic expression> ->
<unary arithmetic expression>
| <additive arithmetic expression>
<unary arithmetic expression> ->
- <primary arithmetic expression>
| + <primary arithmetic expression
<additive arithmetic expression> ->
<additive arithmetic expression> + <multiplicative arithmetic expression>
| <additive arithmetic expression> - <multiplicative arithmetic expression>
| <multiplicative arithmetic expression>
<multiplicative arithmetic expression> ->
<multiplicative arithmetic expression> * <primary arithmetic expression>
| <multiplicative arithmetic expression> / <primary arithmetic expression>
| <primary arithmetic expression>
<primary arithmetic expression> ->
<variable identifier>
| <floating-point literal>
| <integer literal>
| (<arithmetic expression>)
3.3.2 String Expression
<string expression> ->
<primary string expression>
| <string expression> << <primary string expression>
<primary string expression> ->
<string variable identifier>
| <string literal>
3.3.3 Conditional Expression
<conditional expression> ->
<logical OR expression>
<logical OR expression> ->
<logical AND expression> ->
3.3.4 Relational Expression
<relational expression> ->
<primary a_relational expression> == <primary a_relational expression>
| <primary a_relational expression> <= <primary a_relational expression>
| <primary a_relational expression> > <primary a_relational expression>
| <primary a_relational expression> < <primary a_relational expression>
| <primary s_relational expression> == <primary s_relational expression>
| <primary s_relational expression> <= <primary s_relational expression>
| <primary s_relational expression> > <primary s_relational expression>
| <primary s_relational expression> < <primary s_relational expression>
<primary a_relational expression> ->
<floating-point literal>
| <integer literal>
| <variable identifier>
<primary s_relational expression> ->