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Your stdlib service: xena/kcpdwhitelist

This is the README for your service.

A few notes;

package.json is NPM-compatible and contains some stdlib configuration details. .gitignore has also been provided for your convenience.


This is a standard package.json. You'll notice an additional "stdlib" field. You can configure your service for the stdlib registry using;

name - The name to register on stdlib, in the format of <username>/<service>. In order to compile to the registry you must have permission to compile to the provided username's account.

defaultFunction - Execute if provided no function route (root service). If not specified, your base service route will provide a list of available functions in JSON format.

timeout - The time in ms at which to kill service execution. Free accounts are limited to 30 seconds (30000).

publish - Whether to publish releases (versioned) to the stdlib public directory. Packages pushed to the registry in non-release environments will never be published.


Environment configuration for your service. Each top level key (i.e. "dev" and "release") specifies their own set of key-value pairs for a specific execution environment. The keys and values specified are automatically added to the process.env variable in Node.js.

"dev" is the non-configurable name of the local environment, but can also be used as an environment name for compilation (i.e. $ lib up development).

"release" is the non-configurable name of the production environment when you create releases with $ lib release.

You can add additional environments and key-value pairs, and use them for compilation with lib up <environment>. Note that free accounts are restricted to one compilation environment (aside from "release").

We recommend against checking this file in to version control. It will be saved with your tarball and is privately retrievable from the stdlib registry using your account credentials. It has been added to .gitignore by default.


This is your function definition file. The following fields can be used for execution configuration of specific functions within your service.

name - The function name. This maps to an execution route over HTTP. For example, xena/kcpdwhitelist/main would map to the first function you've created.

description - A brief description of the function. To provide detailed information about function execution, overwrite this README.

args - An Array describing each argument as you expect them to be passed to params.args.

kwargs - An Object describing each keyword argument as you expect them to be passed to params.kwargs

http - Information to provide to function requests over HTTP.

http.headers - HTTP headers to return in the response. Examples are "Content-Type" to specify file type if your function returns a Buffer or "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" to restrict browser-based function requests.


The entry point to your function described in f/main/function.json. This is non-configurable. You may add as many subdirectories and supportive files as you like, but index.js will remain the entry point and must export a function to be active.