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# gluatemplate
Text template for [gopher-lua](
This product is based on [Go Text Template](
If you are not familiar with the syntax, please read the documentation.
## Installation
go get
## API
### `template.dostring(text, table)`
Returns string generated by text template with the table values. If this function fails, it returns `nil`, plus a string describing the error.
### `template.dofile(file, table)`
Returns string generated by file template with the table values. If this function fails, it returns `nil`, plus a string describing the error.
## Usage
package main
import (
func main() {
L := lua.NewState()
defer L.Close()
L.PreloadModule("template", gluatemplate.Loader)
if err := L.DoString(`
local template = require("template")
local text = template.dostring([[
This is a text template library.
Created by {{.first_name}} {{.last_name}}
]], {
first_name = "kohki",
last_name = "makimoto",
-- This is a text template library.
-- Created by kohki makimoto
`); err != nil {
## Author
Kohki Makimoto <>
## License
MIT license.