
2.4 KiB

Shou implements most of the IRC commands you may be familiar with. Here's a list of commands you can use:


Clear the current screen.

Example: /clear


Close the current window.

Example: /close



Connect to a new network.

Example: /connect



Remove op (-o) from a user in the current channel.

Example: /deop john


Remove voice (-v) from a user in the current channel.

Example: /devoice john


Disconnect from the current network.

Example: /disconnect


Invite a user to the specified channel.

Example: /invite john #chan


Join a channel.

Example: /join #chan


Kick a user from the specified channel.

Example: /kick john


Leave the current channel or query.

Example: /leave



Send an ACTION message to the current channel.

Example: /me likes chocolate


Set the user mode in the current channel.

Example: /mode +o john


Send a message to the specified channel.

Example: /msg #chan Hello!


Change your nickname on the current network.

Example: /nick john


Sends a notice message to the specified user.

Example: /notice john Hello!


Make user op (+o) in the current channel.

Example: /op john


Leave the current channel.

Example: /part


Send a private message to the specified user.

Example: /query john Hello!


Disconnect from the current network.

Example: /quit


Example: /quote



Send a raw message to the current IRC network.

Example: /raw



Send a message to the current channel.

Example: /say Hello!


Example: /send



Connect to a new network.

Example: /server



Slap someone in the current channel. With a trout!

Example: /slap john


Set the topic in the current channel.

Example: /topic Hello!


Give a user voice (+v) in the current channel.

Example: /voice john


Whois a user on the current network.

Example: /whois john