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1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Cadey Ratio 05417e5d99 blog: start semiotics post
Signed-off-by: Christine Dodrill <>
2021-03-19 22:17:42 -04:00
525 changed files with 2364 additions and 25600 deletions

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@ -1 +1 @@
use flake
eval "$(lorri direnv)"

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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: cargo
directory: "/"
interval: daily
time: "10:00"
open-pull-requests-limit: 10
- dependency-name: tokio
- ">= 0.3.a, < 0.4"
- dependency-name: hyper
- 0.14.4
- 0.14.6
- dependency-name: serde_json
- 1.0.62
- 1.0.63
- 1.0.64
- dependency-name: tracing
- 0.1.24
- 0.1.25
- dependency-name: futures
- 0.3.12
- 0.3.13
- dependency-name: url
- 2.2.1
- dependency-name: thiserror
- 1.0.24
- dependency-name: tracing-futures
- 0.2.5
- dependency-name: serde
- 1.0.123
- dependency-name: rand
- 0.8.3
- dependency-name: log
- 0.4.14
- dependency-name: serde_yaml
- 0.8.16
- dependency-name: tokio
- 1.1.1

.gitignore vendored
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@ -6,5 +6,3 @@ cw.tar

Cargo.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "xesite"
version = "2.4.0"
authors = ["Xe Iaso <>"]
version = "2.2.1"
authors = ["Christine Dodrill <>"]
edition = "2018"
build = "src/"
repository = ""
@ -9,67 +9,47 @@ repository = ""
# See more keys and their definitions at
axum = { version = "0.5", features = ["headers"] }
axum-macros = "0.2"
axum-extra = "0.3"
color-eyre = "0.6"
color-eyre = "0.5"
chrono = "0.4"
comrak = "0.14.0"
derive_more = "0.99"
dirs = "4"
comrak = "0.10"
envy = "0.4"
estimated_read_time = "1"
futures = "0.3"
glob = "0.3"
http = "0.2"
http-body = "0.4"
hyper = "0.14"
kankyo = "0.3"
lazy_static = "1.4"
log = "0.4"
lol_html = "0.3"
maud = { version = "0.23.0", features = ["axum"] }
mime = "0.3.0"
prometheus = { version = "0.13", default-features = false, features = ["process"] }
prometheus = { version = "0.12", default-features = false, features = ["process"] }
rand = "0"
regex = "1"
reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"] }
serde_dhall = "0.11.2"
serde_dhall = "0.10.0"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_yaml = "0.8"
sitemap = "0.4"
thiserror = "1"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
tokio-stream = { version = "0.1", features = ["net"] }
tracing = "0.1"
tracing-futures = "0.2"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3", features = ["fmt"] }
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.2", features = ["fmt"] }
warp = "0.3"
xml-rs = "0.8"
url = "2"
uuid = { version = "0.8", features = ["serde", "v4"] }
xesite_types = { path = "./lib/xesite_types" }
# workspace dependencies
cfcache = { path = "./lib/cfcache" }
xe_jsonfeed = { path = "./lib/jsonfeed" }
go_vanity = { path = "./lib/go_vanity" }
jsonfeed = { path = "./lib/jsonfeed" }
mi = { path = "./lib/mi" }
patreon = { path = "./lib/patreon" }
version = "0.4"
features = [ "full" ]
version = "0.3"
features = [ "full" ]
# os-specific dependencies
[target.'cfg(target_os = "linux")'.dependencies]
sdnotify = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }
sdnotify = { version = "0.1", default-features = false }
ructe = { version = "0.14", features = [ "mime03" ] }
ructe = { version = "0.13", features = ["warp02"] }
pfacts = "0"

View File

@ -6,28 +6,3 @@ nix](](
My personal/portfolio website.
## <big>Information for people wishing to use this code</big>
Don't. This code is not made for you to be able to use without extensive
modification. The [license]( of
this code is intentionally chosen in such a way that it will make reuse of this
website code verbatim very difficult.
If you are still adamant about using this backend, please keep several things in
1. All blog content is all rights reserved. I aggressively pursue and report
content theft.
2. You _must_ fully comply with the license. I will aggressively pursue people
that are not in compliance with the license.
3. You are on your own. I will not help you. This is code I made for myself and
it's only really open source as a side effect of making deployment on NixOS
easier. Please do not be the person that makes me have to take this repo
closed source.
4. Upon security issues being found and remediated, you will not be notified
about issues or remediation instructions.
This is probably not what you are looking for. Make your own website. Look into
[Hugo]( or [Zola]( They are going to
be better maintained than this site will be.

VERSION Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
title: Compiling Code to Matter in My Living Room
date: 2022-03-28
- openscad
- 3dprinting
In a moment of weakness, my husband and I got a 3d printer. It's mostly been sitting around and not doing much since we got it, but recently I found a great use for it: I wanted a controller stand for my Valve Index controllers and VR full body trackers.
After doing some digging on Thingiverse, I found [this stand]( that looked like it had promise. So I downloaded the model, sliced it and then sent it over to Kyubey:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="tl" dir="ltr">Kyuubey is happy <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 25, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
[Kyubey's name is a reference to <a href="">Kyubey</a> from Puella Magi Madoka Magika</a>.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
Once it was done I ended up with a stand that I could feed [these cables I got from Amazon]( through. The tracker holes worked great, but the controller holes were just barely too small.
This was kinda frustrating and I almost gave up on the project, but then I remembered that [OpenSCAD]( existed. OpenSCAD is a weird programming environment / 3D modeling hybrid program that I've seen used on Thingiverse. It works by letting you position platonic solids into a 3d environment, and from there you can create anything you want.
One of the primitives that OpenSCAD offers is a cylinder. So I wondered if I could use one of those to widen the hole in the index stand and then reprint the part with the wider hole.
[Wait, you're using a CAD program to fix your 3D print by modifying the model instead of using, I don't know, a drill and 5 minutes to make it fit that way?](conversation://Numa/dismay)
[There's no doing like overdoing!](conversation://Cadey/enby)
After some finangling, I managed to get the cylinders in the right place with this OpenSCAD code:
//difference() {
color("magenta") translate([0, 0, 0]) import("./assets/ValveTrackerDeckEditedByInugoro.stl");
// bores for controller holders
color([0, 1, 0]) translate([63, 44, 0]) cylinder(h = 55, r = 4.75);
color([0, 1, 0]) translate([-63, 44, 0]) cylinder(h = 55, r = 4.75);
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some finagling required <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
And when I uncommented out the `difference()` block, it ends up looking good enough:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-dnt="true"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
So then I took a good solid look at the rest of the 3D printed part to see if I could improve on anything else before I sent it to another round of the printer. The last stand took _14 hours_ to print and used a lot of material. I want to avoid waste.
Something I noticed is that the front of the print where all the cables come out was a bit too thin. All 5 of the cables wouldn't fit in there (my braided cables must have been thicker than the ones that the original modeler used). So again I grabbed a few platonic solids and managed to make it work out:
// widen the paths
color("green") translate([0, -16, 1.3]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) cube([10, 57, 7.8], center = true);
color("green") translate([0, 0, 1.7]) rotate([0, 0, 0]) cube([25, 30, 7], center = true);
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-dnt="true"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Then I wanted to add some wedges into the underside of the part to help me get the print off the bed. Most people have a problem with bed adhesion being too little. I have too much bed adhesion. So I added some angled rectangles:
// wedges to help get the print off the bed
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([-120, 0, 0]) rotate([15, 0, 90]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // right
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([120, 0, 0]) rotate([-15, 0, 90]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // left
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([0, -85, 0]) rotate([0, 15, 90]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // back
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([60, 56, 1]) rotate([0, -15, 90]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // front left
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([-60, 56, 1]) rotate([0, -15, 90]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // front right
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([32.5, 41, 1]) rotate([0, -15, 130]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // front left inner
color([1, 1, 0]) translate([-32.5, 41, 1]) rotate([0, -15, 60]) cube([10, 11, 2], center = true); // front right inner
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-dnt="true"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
And then once I spun it around for a bit and thought it was good, I sliced it in PrusaSlicer and sent it off to Kyubey. It was going to take 14 hours, so I went off to do other things, ate dinner and then went to bed while the printer continued.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-dnt="true"><p lang="fr" dir="ltr">Diligent bean <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Then when I woke up, Kyubey was done:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-dnt="true"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
I was excited and chiseled the print off the bed (the wedges helped a little, but it ended up making the print look kinda weird so I don't know if I will do that again), but the hole for the middle tracker didn't fit perfectly. Everything else did though.
[If you want to get prints off your printer easier, see this video for the method we're starting to use: <br /><br /><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>](conversation://Mara/hacker)
I looked on my desk and found that a random pen that I had sitting around for months was about the right size, so I pushed it into and out of the hole a few times and then the cables fit perfectly. I assume some plastic was in a weird state or something.
Then I set everything up and I had my Index controller stand:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-dnt="true"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Victory! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe Iaso (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
[I really need to get a table or something for this.](conversation://Cadey/facepalm)
I've uploaded my modified version to [Thingiverse]( If you want to see the OpenSCAD code, you can check it out on GitHub [here]( I'm really liking OpenSCAD so far. It's very weird but it lets you do whatever you want by chaining together basic shapes to build up to what you want. I imagine I will be using it a lot in the future, especially once my husband's new sim racing gear comes in.
Having a 3D printer around is like having a very weird superpower on standby. You can compile matter in your living room, but you need a very pedantic description of what that should look like. You also can have any material you like as long as it's plastic. However when it's useful, it's a lifesaver. You can make something to fit a gap or mend something broken or even add functionality to something that lacked it. The cloud's the limit!

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ tags:
- ttrpg
# The 7th Edition
You know what, fuck rules. Fuck systems. Fuck limitations. Let's dial the
tabletop RPG system down to its roots. Let's throw out every stat but one:
Awesomeness. When you try to do something that could fail, roll for Awesomeness.

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- release
# OVE-20190623-0001
## Within Security Advisory
Root-level Remote Command Injection in the [V]( playground (OVE-20190623-0001)

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ tags:
- oh-dear-god
# OVE-20191021-0001
## Within Security Advisory
Multiple vulnerabilities in the mysqljs API and code.

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- golang
# TL;DR Rust
Recently I've been starting to use Rust more and more for larger and larger
projects. As things have come up, I realized that I am missing a good reference
for common things in Rust as compared to Go. This post contains a quick

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- offmychest
# A Letter to Those Who Bullied Me
I'm not angry at you. I don't want to propagate hate. In a way, I almost feel like I should be thanking you for the contributions you've made in making me into the person I am today. Without you all, I would have had a completely different outcome in life. I would have stayed in the closet for good like I had planned. I would have probably ended up boring. I would have never met my closest friends and some even more.

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
title: "Site Update: A Sigil"
date: 2022-01-11
.logo-wumbo {
background-color: #fdf5d7;
-webkit-mask: url("/static/img/xeiaso.svg");
-webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
-webkit-mask-size: 100%;
mask: url("/static/img/xeiaso.svg");
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-size: 100%;
width: 9.5em;
height: 16em;
display: inline-block;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
.logo-wumbo {
background-color: #1d2021;
The upper left-hand corner of my website has gotten more interesting as of
recently. I have decided to experiment with adding an SVG icon to the upper left
hand corner of the page.
This is the sigilized form of the name `Xe Iaso`. This sigil is equivalent in
meaning and semantics to the name `Xe Iaso`. Here is a version of it in a much
bigger size:
<center><span class="logo-wumbo"></span></center>
[Fun fact: the sigil is written using <a
href="">Gregg Shorthand</a>. It says
the phonetic equivalent of `Xe Iaso`.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
I have tested this in Edge on Linux, Firefox on Linux, Chrome on Android and
Safari on iOS. This should cover most of the big web browsers, but surely I've
missed something. If you use a _modern release_ of a _standards compliant_ web
browser and you don't see a logo anywhere on the page, please let me know so I
can go cry and then hopefully fix the issue.

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: A Tool to Aid Forgetfulness
date: 2022-01-12
series: stories
The Egyptian God Thoth lived in the Egyptian city of Naucratis. Thoth was the
inventor of many arts such as math and astronomy, but the most significant was
the invention of writing. Thoth showed writing to the king of Egypt, claiming
that it would make Egyptians wiser and give them better memories; that it it
would vastly improve both the memory and the wit of the Egyptian people.
The king replied: "Thoth, you invented this tool. As such you are not the best
one to judge such things. You have not created a tool to aid memory, you have
created a tool to aid forgetfulness. Learners will not use their memories, they
will blindly trust these sigils and not remember for themselves.
"You have discovered an aid to vague recollection, as the users of this tool
will not be given truth. They will only be given a semblance of truth.
"They will be hearers of many things and learners of nothing. They will appear
to know all the knowledge of the world yet when asked they will only be the
middleman to external forces that are trusted without verification. They will
know wisdom, but not truth."
Adapted from The Dialogues of Plato in Five Volumes, 3rd ed. Oxford
University, 1892. Vol. 1 pp. 483-489.

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ tags:
- freebsd
# A Trip into FreeBSD
I normally deal with Linux machines. Linux is what I know and it's what I've
been using since I was in college. A friend of mine has been coaxing me into
trying out [FreeBSD](, and I decided to try it out and

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@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
title: Prometheus and Aegis
date: 2021-04-05
- prometheus
- o11y
[*Last time in the christine dot website cinematic
*Unix sockets started to be used to grace the cluster. Things were at peace.
Then, a realization came through:*
[What about Prometheus? Doesn't it need a direct line of fire to the service to
scrape metrics?](conversation://Mara/hmm?smol)
*This could not do! Without observability the people of the Discord wouldn't have
a livefeed of the infrastructure falling over! This cannot stand! Look, our hero
takes action!*
[It will soon!](conversation://Cadey/percussive-maintenance?smol)
In order to help keep an eye on all of the services I run, I use
[Prometheus]( for collecting metrics. For an example of
the kind of metrics I collect, see [here (1)](/metrics). In the configuration
that I have, Prometheus runs on a server in my apartment and reaches out to my
other machines to scrape metrics over the network. This worked great when I had
my major services listen over TCP, I could just point Prometheus at the backend
port over my tunnel.
When I started using Unix sockets for hosting my services, this stopped working.
It became very clear very quickly that I needed some kind of shim. This shim
needed to do the following things:
- Listen over the network as a HTTP server
- Connect to the unix sockets for relevant services based on the path (eg.
`/xesite` should get the metrics from `/srv/within/run/xesite.sock`)
- Do nothing else
The Go standard library has a tool for doing reverse proxying in the standard
Maybe we could build something with this?
[The documentation seems to imply it will use the network by default. Wait,
what's this `Transport` field?](conversation://Mara/hmm?smol)
type ReverseProxy struct {
// ...
// The transport used to perform proxy requests.
// If nil, http.DefaultTransport is used.
Transport http.RoundTripper
// ...
[So a transport is a <a
href="">`RoundTripper`</a>, which is a
function that takes a request and returns a response somehow. It uses
`http.DefaultTransport` by default, which reads from the network. So at a
minimum we're gonna need: <ul><li>a `ReverseProxy`</li><li>a
`Transport`</li><li>a dialing function</li><ul>Right?](conversation://Mara/hmm?smol)
Yep! Unix sockets can be used like normal sockets, so all you need is something
like this:
func proxyToUnixSocket(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
name := path.Base(r.URL.Path)
fname := filepath.Join(*sockdir, name+".sock")
_, err := os.Stat(fname)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
ts := &http.Transport{
Dial: func(_, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("unix", fname)
DisableKeepAlives: true,
rp := httputil.ReverseProxy{
Director: func(req *http.Request) {
req.URL.Scheme = "http"
req.URL.Host = "aegis"
req.URL.Path = "/metrics"
req.URL.RawPath = "/metrics"
Transport: ts,
rp.ServeHTTP(w, r)
[So in this handler:](conversation://Mara/hmm?smol)
name := path.Base(r.URL.Path)
fname := filepath.Join(*sockdir, name+".sock")
_, err := os.Stat(fname)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
ts := &http.Transport{
Dial: func(_, _ string) (net.Conn, error) {
return net.Dial("unix", fname)
DisableKeepAlives: true,
[You have the socket path built from the URL path, and then you return
connections to that path ignoring what the HTTP stack thinks it should point
Yep. Then the rest is really just boilerplate:
package main
import (
var (
hostport = flag.String("hostport", "[::]:31337", "TCP host:port to listen on")
sockdir = flag.String("sockdir", "./run", "directory full of unix sockets to monitor")
func main() {
log.Printf("%s -> %s", *hostport, *sockdir)
http.DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc("/", proxyToUnixSocket)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*hostport, nil))
Now all that's needed is to build a NixOS service out of this:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
let cfg =;
with lib; {
# Mara\ this describes all of the configuration options for Aegis. = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Activates Aegis (unix socket prometheus proxy)";
# Mara\ This is the IPv6 host:port that the service should listen on.
# It's IPv6 because this is $CURRENT_YEAR.
hostport = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "[::1]:31337";
description = "The host:port that aegis should listen for traffic on";
# Mara\ This is the folder full of unix sockets. In the previous post we
# mentioned that the sockets should go somewhere like /tmp, however this
# may be a poor life decision:
sockdir = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "/srv/within/run";
example = "/srv/within/run";
description =
"The folder that aegis will read from";
# Mara\ The configuration that will arise from this module if it's enabled
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
# Mara\ Aegis has its own user account to keep things tidy. It doesn't need
# root to run so we don't give it root.
users.users.aegis = {
createHome = true;
description = "";
isSystemUser = true;
group = "within";
home = "/srv/within/aegis";
# Mara\ The systemd service that actually runs Aegis. = {
wantedBy = [ "" ];
# Mara\ These correlate to the [Service] block in the systemd unit.
serviceConfig = {
User = "aegis";
Group = "within";
Restart = "on-failure";
WorkingDirectory = "/srv/within/aegis";
RestartSec = "30s";
# Mara\ When the service starts up, run this script.
script = let aegis =;
in ''
exec ${aegis}/bin/aegis -sockdir="${cfg.sockdir}" -hostport="${cfg.hostport}"
[Then I just flicked it on for a server of mine:](conversation://Cadey/enby?smol)
```nix = {
enable = true;
hostport = "[fda2:d982:1da2:180d:b7a4:9c5c:989b:ba02]:43705";
sockdir = "/srv/within/run";
[And then test it with `curl`:](conversation://Cadey/enby?smol)
$ curl http://[fda2:d982:1da2:180d:b7a4:9c5c:989b:ba02]:43705/printerfacts
# HELP printerfacts_hits Number of hits to various pages
# TYPE printerfacts_hits counter
printerfacts_hits{page="fact"} 15
printerfacts_hits{page="index"} 23
printerfacts_hits{page="not_found"} 17
# HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_seconds_total 0.06
# HELP process_max_fds Maximum number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_max_fds gauge
process_max_fds 1024
# HELP process_open_fds Number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_open_fds gauge
process_open_fds 12
# HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
process_resident_memory_bytes 5296128
# HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
# TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
process_start_time_seconds 1617458164.36
# HELP process_virtual_memory_bytes Virtual memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge
process_virtual_memory_bytes 911777792
[And there you go! Now we can make Prometheus point to this and we can save
This is another experiment in writing these kinds of posts in more of a Socratic
method. I'm trying to strike a balance with a [limited pool of
while I wait for more stickers/emoji to come in. [Feedback](/contact) is always welcome.
(1): These metrics are not perfect because of the level of caching that
Cloudflare does for me.

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
title: "My Stance on Toxicity About Programming Languages"
date: 2022-05-23
- toxicity
- culture
I have been toxic and hateful in the past about programming language choice. I
now realize this is a mistake. I am sorry if my being toxic about programming
languages has harmed you.
By toxic, I mean doing things or saying things that imply people are lesser for
having different experience and preferences about programming languages. I have
seen people imply that using languages like PHP or Node.js means that they are
idiots or similar. This is toxic behavior and I do not want to be a part of it
in the future.
I am trying to not be toxic about programming languages in the future. Each
programming language is made to solve the tasks it was designed to solve and
being toxic about it helps nobody. By being toxic about programming languages
like this, I only serve to spread toxicity and then see it be repeated as the
people that look up to me as a role model will then strive to repeat my
behavior. This cannot continue. I do not want my passion projects to become
synonymous with toxicity and vitriol. I do not want to be known as the person
that hates $PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE. I want to break the cycle.
With this, I want to confirm that I will not write any more attack articles
about programming languages. I am doing my best to ensure that this will also
spread to my social media actions, conference talks and as many other things as
I can.
I challenge all of you readers to take this challenge too. Don't spread toxicity
about programming languages. All of the PHP hate out there is a classic example
of this. PHP is a viable programming language that is used by a large percentage
of the internet. By insinuating that everyone using PHP is inferior (or worse)
you only serve to push people away and worst case cause them to be toxic about
the things you like. Toxicity breeds toxicity and the best way to stop it is to
be the one to break the cycle and have others follow in your footsteps.
I have been incredibly toxic about PHP in the past. PHP is one of if not the
most widely used programming languages for writing applications that run on a
web server. Its design makes it dead simple to understand how incoming HTTP
requests relate to files on the disk. There is no compile step. The steps to
make a change are to open the file on the server, make the change you want to
see and press F5. This is a developer experience that is unparalleled in most
HTTP frameworks that I've seen in other programming environments. PHP users
deserve better than to be hated on. PHP is an incredibly valid choice and I'm
sure that with the right linters and human review in the mix it can be as secure
as "properly written" services in Go, Java and Rust.
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="enby">Take the "don't be toxic about programming
languages" challenge! Just stop with the hate, toxicity and vitriol. Our jobs
are complicated enough already. Being toxic to eachother about how we decide to
solve problems is a horrible life decision at the least and actively harmful to
people's careers at most. Just stop.</xeblog-conv>
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hacker">This post is not intended as a sub-blog.
If you feel that this post is calling you out, please don't take this
personally. There is a lot of toxicity out there and it will take a long time to
totally disarm it, even with people dedicated to doing it. This is an adaptation
of [this twitter

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2019-05-25
series: dreams
# All There is is Now
The dream scenario was going on for a while uneventfully. I saw an old man walking around and ranting about things. I decided to go and talk with him.
"You fools! Time doesn't exist! The past is immutable! Don't worry about your trivial daily needs. All there is is Now!"

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- makes-u-thonk
# Outsider Art and Anathema
This was going to be a post about [Urbit][urbit] at first; but in the process of discussing about my interest in writing something _positive_ about it, I was warned by a few people that this was a Bad Idea. I was focusing purely on the technical side of it and how closely it implemented a concept called [liquid software][liquidsoftware], but from what people were saying, it seemed like a creation that was spoiled by something outside of it, specifically the creator's political views (of which I had little idea at the time).
As much as I will probably return to the original concept in the future with another post, this feels like something I had to address first.

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@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
title: "Anbernic Win600 First Impressions"
date: 2022-07-14
series: reviews
Right now PC gaming is largely a monopoly centered around Microsoft Windows.
Many PC games only support Windows and a large fraction of them use technical
means to prevent gamers on other platforms from playing those games. In 2021,
Valve introduced the [Steam Deck]( as an
alternative to that monopoly. There's always been a small, underground market
for handheld gaming PCs that let you play PC games on the go, but it's always
been a very niche market dominated by a few big players that charge a lot of
money relative to the game experience they deliver. The Steam Deck radically
changed this equation and it's still on backorder to this day. This has made
other manufacturers take notice and one of them was Anbernic.
[Anbernic]( is a company that specializes in making retro
emulation handheld gaming consoles. Recently they released their
[Win600]( handheld. It has a
Radeon Silver 3020e or a Radeon Silver 3050e and today I am going to give you my
first impressions of it. I have the 3050e version.
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="happy">A review of the Steam Deck is coming up
One of the real standout features of this device is that Anbernic has been
working with Valve to allow people to run SteamOS on it! This makes us all one
step closer to having a viable competitor to Windows for gaming. SteamOS is
fantastic and has revolutionized gaming on Linux. It's good to see it coming to
more devices.
## Out of the box
I ordered my Win600 about 3 hours after sales opened. It arrived in a week and
came in one of those china-spec packages made out of insulation. If you've ever
ordered things from AliExpress you know what I'm talking about. It's just a
solid mass of insulation.
[![The console siting on my desk with its charging brick and included cable](](
The unboxing experience was pretty great. The console came with:
* The console
* A box containing the charger and cable
* A slip of paper telling you how to set up windows without a wifi connection
* A screen protector and cleaning cloth (my screen protector was broken in the
box, so much for all that insulation lol)
* A user manual that points out obvious things about your device
One of the weirder things about this device is the mouse/gamepad slider on the
side. It changes the USB devices on the system and makes the gamepad either act
like an xinput joypad or a mouse and keyboard. The mouse and keyboard controls
are strange. Here are the controls I have discovered so far:
* R1 is right click
* L1 is left click
* A is enter
* The right stick very slowly skitters the mouse around the screen
* The left stick is a super aggressive scroll wheel
Figuring out these controls on the fly without any help from the manual meant
that I had taken long enough in the setup screen that [Cortana started to pipe
up]( and guided me through the setup process. This
was not fun. I had to connect an external keyboard to finish setup.
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="coffee">This is probably not Anbernic's fault.
Windows is NOT made for smaller devices like this and oh god it
## Windows 10 "fun"
There is also a keyboard button on the side. When you are using windows this
button summons a soft keyboard. Not the nice to use modern soft keyboard though,
the legacy terrible soft keyboard that Microsoft has had for forever and never
really updated. Using it is grating, like rubbing sandpaper all over your hands.
This made entering in my Wi-Fi password an adventure. It took my husband and I
15 minutes to get the device to connect to Wi-Fi. 15 minutes to connect to
Once it was connected to Wi-Fi, I tried to update the system to the latest
version of windows. The settings update crashed. Windows Update's service also
crashed. Windows Update also randomly got stuck trying to start the installation
process for updates. Once updates worked and finished installing, I rebooted.
I tried to clean up the taskbar by disabling all of the random icons that
product managers at Microsoft want you to see. The Cortana button was stuck on
and I was unable to disable it. Trying to hide the Windows meet icon crashed
explorer.exe. I don't know what part of this is Windows going out of its way to
mess with me (I'm cursed) and what part of it is Windows really not being
optimized for this hardware in any sense of the way.
Windows is really painful on this device. It's obvious that Windows was not made
with this device in mind. There are buttons to hack around this (but not as far
as the task manager button I've seen on other handhelds), but overall trying to
use Windows with a game console is like trying to saw a log with a pencil
sharpener. It's just the wrong tool for the job. Sure you _can_ do it, but _can_
and _should_ are different words in English.
Another weird thing about Windows on this device is that the screen only reports
a single display mode: 1280x720. It has no support for lower resolutions to run
older games that only work on those lower resolutions. In most cases this will
be not an issue, but if you want to lower the resolution of a game to squeeze
more performance out then you may have issues.
## Steam
In a moment of weakness, I decided to start up Steam. Steam defaulted to Big
Picture mode and its first-time-user-experience made me set up Wi-Fi again.
There was no way to bypass it. I got out my moonlander again and typed in my
Wi-Fi password again, and then I downloaded Sonic Adventure 2 as a test for how
games feel on it. Sonic Adventure 2 is a very lightweight game (you can play it
for like 6.5 hours on a full charge of the Steam Deck) and I've played it to
_death_ over the years. I know how the game _should_ feel.
[![The starting screen of City Escape in Sonic Adventure 2, with the console propped up with a Steam Controller](](
City Escape ran at a perfect 60 FPS at the device's native resolution. The main
thing I noticed though was the position of the analog sticks. Based on the
design of the device, I'm pretty sure they were going for something with a
PlayStation DualShock 4 layout with the action buttons on the top and the sticks
on the bottom. The sticks are too far down on the device. Playing Sonic
Adventure 2 was kind of painful.
## SteamOS
So I installed SteamOS on the device. Besides a weird issue with 5 GHZ Wi-Fi not
working and updates requiring me to reboot the device IMMEDIATELY after
connecting to Wi-Fi, it works great. I can install games and they run. The DPI
for SteamOS is quite wrong though. All the UI elements are painfully small. For
comparison, I put my Steam Deck on the same screen as I had on the Win600. The
Steam Deck is on top and the Win600 is on the bottom.
[![The game overview for Sonic Adventure 2 on both the Steam Deck and Anbernic Win600](](
Yeah. It leaves things to be desired.
When I had SteamOS set up, I did find something that makes the Win600 slightly
better than the Steam Deck. When you are adding games to Steam with Emulation
Station you need to close the Steam client to edit the leveldb files that Steam
uses to track what games you can launch. On the Steam Deck, the Steam client
also enables the built-in controllers to act as a keyboard and mouse. This means
that you need to poke around and pray with the touchscreen to get EmuDeck games
up and running. The mouse/controller switch on the Win600 makes this slightly
more convenient because the controllers can always poorly act as a mouse and
When you are in KDE on the Win600, you don't get a soft keyboard at all. This is
mildly inconvenient, but can be fixed with the moonlander yet again. Here's a
screenshot of what my KDE desktop on the Win600 looks like:
[![My SteamOS desktop on the Win600, showing Crossette from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 center frame](](
Overall, SteamOS is a lot more ergonomic in my opinion and will let you play
games to your heart's content.
The D-pad feels really good. I love how it responds. When I did a little bit of
Sonic Mania I never felt like I was inaccurate. There were some weird audio
hitches on Sonic Mania though where the music would cut out randomly. Not sure
what's going on with that. I could play through entire Pokemon games with that
## Conclusions for now
Overall I'm getting the feeling that this device is _okay_. It's not great, it's
not terrible, but it's okay. I need to get some more experience with it, but so
far it seems that this device really does have a weight class and oh god if you
play a game outside its weight class your UX goes to shit instantly. The battery
life leaves _a lot_ to be desired so far. However it does work. It's hard to not
compare this to the Steam Deck, but it's so much less in comparison to the Steam
I don't know how I feel about this device. I'm not sure it's worth the money. I
need to get more experience with it. I'll have a better sense of all this when I
write my full review. Stay tuned for that!

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@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
date: 2021-07-03
title: My Thoughts About Using Android Again as an iPhone User
- android
- iphone
author: ectamorphic
I used to be a hardcore Android user. It was my second major kind of smartphone
(the first was Windows Mobile 6.1 on a T-Mobile Dash) and it left me hooked to
the concept of smartphones and connected tech in general. I've used many Android
phones over the years but one day I rage-switched over to an iPhone. My Samsung
Galaxy S7 pissed me off for the last time and I went to the Apple store and
bought an iPhone 7 on the spot. I popped my sim card into it (after a lovely
meal at Panda Express) and I was off to the races. I haven't really used Android
since other than in little stints with devices like the Amazon Fire 7 (because
it was so darn cheap).
Recently I realized that it would be very easy to package up my website for the
Google Play Store using [pwabuilder]( I've been
shipping my site as a progressive web app (PWA) for years (and use that PWA for
testing how the site looks on my phone), but aside from the occasional confused
screenshot that's been tweeted at me I've never actually made much use of this.
It does do an additional level of caching (which is why you can load a bunch of
pages on the site, disconnect from the internet and then still browse those
pages that you loaded like you were online) though, which helps a lot with the
bandwidth cost of this site.
So, I decided to ship this site as an Android app. You can download it from the
Google Play Store
and get a partially native experience. It worked perfectly in the Android
emulator but you really need to experience it on a phone to know for sure. On a
whim I grabbed a [Moto g8
Power]( from Amazon
and then I used it for the final testing on the app before I shipped it on the
Google Play store. I unboxed the phone, set it up, plugged it into my MacBook
and then hit "run" in Android Studio. The app installed instantly and I saw [the
homepage for my site](
It was a magical experience. Me, someone that has no idea what they are doing
with Android app development was able to take an existing project I've poured
years of work into and make it work on a phone like a native app. I literally
just had the phone barely out of the box and my code was running natively on it.
I don't have to worry about the app timing out, I don't have to pay Google money
to test things on my own device, I just hit play and it runs.
This is the kind of developer experience I wish I could have on iOS. I used to
have a paid developer cert for resigning a few personally hacked up apps, but
when I moved to Canada and changed over my cards to have Canadian billing
addresses I lost the ability to purchase a renewal for my developer certificate.
I _can_ change my Apple account over to a Canadian one but doing that means I
have to delete my Apple Music subscription and that would delete all of the
custom uploaded music I have in the cloud. I have more music up there than I
have disk space locally, so this is not really a viable option.
Meanwhile on Android you just open the box, turn the phone on, set it up, press
on the build number 10 times, enable USB debugging, plug it in, confirm debug
access and bam, you're in. You can test an unlimited number of Android apps
forever. I can give the APK to people and then they can tell me if it works on
their device. You cannot do this on iOS. It's making me really consider if iOS
really is the best option for me going forward.
But then the claws of the Apple ecosystem show their face. I have an iPad,
MacBook Air, Apple Watch, iPhone and AirPods. If I end up switching to Android
as my main phone I make my watch significantly less useful. I won't have the
seamless notification syncing to my wrist unless I buy a new watch. I don't
really know if I want to do that.
At the same time though, Android lets me poke around and change things that
bother me. I can make animations faster, which makes the phone _feel_ so much
more snappy and responsive. I can rip out Chrome and replace it with something
else. I can choose which app to use for text messages. I have _agency_ and
_power_ over my experience in ways that iOS simply cannot match. As a tinkerer
that mains a NixOS tower this is a huge factor for me. And then I'm able to test
my apps for free. I can just do it. I don't have to worry about dev certs,
licenses or anything else. I just put the app on the phone and I'm done.
Android's UX is a lot different than it was when I used it last. The last
Android phone I used had hardware home, menu and back buttons. This Moto g8
Power seems to have some kind of gesture control mode that mostly emulates
modern iPhone gesture controls, so my muscle memory isn't totally freaked out.
It was a bit more sensitive than I would have liked out of the box, but I was
easily able to tweak the sensitivity until I got to a level I was comfortable
with. This would have never been able to happen on iOS.
I guess this post is a lot more rambly and less focused than I thought it would
be while I was outlining it on paper. I didn't go into this expecting a 1:1
experience matchup with what I have on iOS. This phone is not nearly powerful
enough to make them comparable, however I can easily just pick it up, do what I
need and it does it. I'm considering getting a burner sim for this thing so I
can take it with me instead of (or in addition to) my iPhone. The camera is
decent, but I don't really have any good comparison shots yet. Android and iOS
are at a state of convergent evolution at this point. They both do about the
same things. Android is more easily customizeable and iOS is more about a guided
experience. Neither is really "better" at this point, but I guess it really will
boil down to the ecosystem you want.
Apple's walled garden approach has a lot of
things in its favor. You can buy accessories from the Apple Store and they will
just work. You can seamlessly copy things from your phone to your tablet or your
laptop. iCloud and Airdrop glue your machines together, and in the future I can
only anticipate that each of those devices will get more and more muddled
together until there's not really a difference between them. Android has a lot
of options. There's over 15,000 Android devices out there with official Google
Play support. They're all at different patch states and have different gimmicks
to distinguish them, but you have an unparalleled amount of choice and agency.
This means that there's less of a consistent total experience, however it leaves
a lot of room for experimentation and innovation.
I like this phone and the instance of Android that runs on it. The only real
downside I've seen so far is that the update notes are in Spanish. I have no
idea why they're in Spanish, I don't speak Spanish and the phone's UI language
is set to English, but I get ["Seguridad de
patches on it and that's my life now.
A lot of the Airdrop and integration features I've been missing have been
supplemented by [Taildrop]( and
Tailscale in general. It's really satisfying to be able to work for a company
that makes the annoyingly hard problem of "make computers talk to eachother" so
Overall, it's a 7/10 experience for me. I'd likely choose Android if I wasn't so
entrenched in the Apple/iOS ecosystem. If only it wasn't so tied into Google's

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
title: "Animal Crossing New Horizons: An Island of Stability in an Unstable World"
date: 2021-02-28
- link
Check out this post [on my

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- aarch64
# The Worst Experience I've Had With an aarch64 MacBook
I've had my hands on this M1 MacBook Air for a few weeks now and I have gotten a
lot of opinions about it. I wanted to go over them and give my thoughts. This is
an amazing laptop. Its battery life is iPad tier. I can run iPad and iPhone apps
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ up being the _worst_ experience that I have using an aarch64 MacBook.
[This website]( is a fairly complicated webapp
written in Rust. As such it makes for a fairly decent compile stress test. I'm
going to do a compile test against my [Ryzen
3600]( with this M1
3600]( with this M1
MacBook Air.
My tower is running this version of Rust:

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ tags:
- vim
My Experience with Atom as A Vim User
Historically, I am a Vim user. People know me as a very very heavy vim
user. I have spent almost the last two years customizing [my .vimrc
file]( and I have parts

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@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
title: "Goodbye Kubernetes"
title: "</kubernetes>"
date: 2021-01-03
# &lt;/kubernetes&gt;
Well, since I posted [that last post](/blog/k8s-pondering-2020-12-31) I have had
an adventure. A good friend pointed out a server host that I had missed when I
was looking for other places to use, and now I have migrated my blog to this new
@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ server, my kubernetes cluster and my dokku server:
- hlang ->
- mi ->
- printerfacts ->
- xesite ->
- xesite ->
- graphviz ->
- idp ->
- oragono -> ircs://

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- shell
# The Beautiful in the Ugly
Functional programming is nice and all, but sometimes you just need to have
things get done regardless of the consequences. Sometimes a dirty little hack
will suffice in place of a branching construct. This is a story of one of these

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@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ tags:
- beego
Web Application Development with Beego
Beego is a fantastic web application framework from the Go China
community. It currently powers some of the biggest websites in China,
and thus the world.

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@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
title: "My Next Life as an Imaginary Bottle of Window Cleaner"
date: 2021-09-24
author: Mai
- isekai
- fiction
Today was another boring day, like all the other boring days. I was almost done
with my commute to the office, not looking forward to spending another day
working on the same spreadsheet. I don't believe in monsters, ghosts or spirits,
but I do believe that thing is haunted.
"Next stop is Broughton Junction, end of the line!"
That was my stop. I thought I got it easy by getting an apartment right next to
the train, but I never thought that my job would move so far away. I got up with
the others and walked my way to the exit of the station. The crowd was lifeless
and dead today. The usual morning rush of the station I got on the train at had
turned into a lazy slump towards the exit.
The only solace from these doldrums was the barista at the coffee shop by the
doors. She had such a lovely smile; sometimes it was the only thing that kept me
going. _I wonder what her name is_, I thought to myself as I breached the
darkness of the station and was enveloped in the light of the outside world.
Nubypool was the financial hub of the province. My work was in the Ministry of
Accounting, taming the beast that was their spreadsheets. As I walked towards
the entrance of the building I looked around, seeing the gray, drab skyscrapers
around me sully the lively deep blue above them.
I crossed the street and walked to the double doors, but then there was a noise.
I looked up and saw something falling towards me, then suddenly there was a loud
noise and everything went dark.
The darkness persisted for a while, I couldn't touch, see or hear myself. I was
alone in a silent hell with only my thoughts to break the sheer emptiness of it
all. Suddenly, it hit me. _I'm dead, aren't I? I'm never going to get that
barista's number, am I?_
A noise filled my awareness. I couldn't recognize it, but it came with a
friendly presence. It felt like my best friend, mother, and more all in one. I
felt like I knew this person intimately even though we had never spoken before.
I could pick out that there were words, but nothing usable other than that.
The words stopped after a while, and that was the saddest part of the whole
thing. I was so alone without the words, but I didn't feel like I had any
control over when they started. They started and stopped without any indication
of where or when they were coming from.
Then they started again and I knew that I needed to capitalize on this. The
voice was going to go away if I didn't do anything about it. All I could do was
think, so I decided to think as loud and hard as I could. I screamed in my mind.
I would have woke the neighbors if this was in the apartment back home. Those
thin walls would have made the entire floor wake up. I shouted and shouted like
my life depended on it. As I shouted and screamed the darkness started to gain
color. There was a small pinhole of light that expanded and filled my awareness
until it grew to everywhere I could see. _Is this reincarnation?_
As if a blindfold had been lifted, I could finally get to see myself in some
level of detail. I looked down and all I saw was a bright poster with what
looked like words on it. I looked behind me and I saw what appeared to be a
poster with more smaller words. I looked to the sides and saw what appeared to
be clear plastic with a blue liquid in it.
I started panicking. I didn't know what was going on. _Aren't I supposed to be
some kind of animal? Why am I this?_
The voice started again, a lot more clearly. I could pick out the words: "So
_that's_ why they call it a 'head pressure'! Wow I don't even know how to
describe this feeling other than that!"
I looked ahead and I saw a young boy, something like 18 years old. I was in some
kind of small apartment. There was a ritual circle of some kind, I was right in
the middle of it. Looking around there was a pentagram made out of a white and
blue powder, cards I've never seen before and a bottle of red liquid. There was
a mirror to the side of me though. I took a long and detailed look at myself.
I saw an orange nozzle look back at me. There was what appeared to be a handle
under the nozzle, looking like it was screwed on top of a bottle of...
_No, this can't be!_
It was screwed on top of a bottle of window cleaner.
The boy in front of me winced and grunted, my shouting must have hurt him. I
suddenly got a feeling of fear washing over me. I felt the tip of my nozzle
screw itself shut and my self-image vanished from the mirror. Had I interrupted
the ritual?
The boy composed himself and looked down at me. "So, you're the succubus I
summoned? What's wrong with you?"
"S...succubus? I'm not a succubus, I could swear that a few days ago I was...
well not this. I don't know what I am other than apparently..."
I tried to gesture at my own body but only ended up making my handle flail about
meaninglessly, spraying a bit of blue fluid out of my nozzle. It felt like it
had come out of my mouth. It had no taste initially, but it left a slightly sour
taste after a moment.
"A bottle of window cleaner??"
"...What. How did this happen?"
"Why are you asking me? You apparently summoned me. What did you expect to get?"
The boy looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. Assuming I had
ears that were big enough for lobsters crawling out of them that is.
There was suddenly a knock at the door. "SHIT!", the boy said to himself without
saying it. He started scrambling around and frantically trying to clean things.
He swept up the white powder and put away the playing cards, but try as he might
he couldn't grab me to put me away. His hand phased through me like I wasn't
there. He got up and let the other person in. It was a pizza delivery person.
The boy handed over some money and then took the pizza and placed it on top of a
clear spot of his desk.
I suddenly found myself on top of a metal surface. I could feel something
spinning under me and heard the soft hum of an idle fan. I had just teleported
across the room. "W..what, why am I here?"
"I didn't...know that would do anything. I thought it would be nice if you were
on top of my computer and you just appeared there." Another knock came at the
door. There was a female voice.
"Shit, play it cool."
"I don't know how I can do anything other than what I am doing now, but okay."
A woman entered the room. She appeared to be in a very skimpy outfit, showing
off her curves. She also seemed to have a pair of demonic looking wings that she
let open in the middle of the room. The boy awkwardly made conversation with her
for a while. I tried to get the boy's attention by spraying at him. I definitely
got his attention. "What're you looking at, roomie? Aren't you gonna give your
poor roomie some pizza?"
I didn't think she could see me. I tried spraying more. The boy looked over at
me angrily. "Cut it out bottle, I'll throw you out with the trash if you keep
that up!"
"What are you talking about? I'm not a bottle, I'm hungry." She walked over to
the pizza and grabbed a slice, pushing the boy into his desk. She looked dead at
me when she had her slice. I don't think she saw me. She turned around and
bumped one of her wings into the boy, causing them to fall off. "Nooo! My
"That's what you get for wearing a succubus costume in a dorm hall."
She stuck her tongue out sarcastically at the boy and picked up her wing. "Okay
sarcasm boy, you're gonna help me get this on~. If you do I may have a fun time
planned for you~."
"I know what you're planning Mike. I'm not going to bang you. We agreed that I
wouldn't before you did this."
"No fun."
Her name is _Mike_? I thought about it and decided that it was better to leave
things be.
"Hey, dude, I don't really know what's going on. Where am I? Who am I? What am
I? Are you just gonna keep me in the dark about all of this?" I tried to direct
this to the boy with a burst of energy, spraying him to be sure I got his
He looked over at me like I was cock-blocking him. I felt myself blush and
backed off. It looks like there would be plenty of time later to get those
questions answered.
"Hey Conner, when are you going to get into your costume? Did the ritual I gave
you work?"
"Yeah...about that..."
Elsewhere at a random cleaning product factory, it was business as usual. The
production lines were running smoothly. The trucks of cleaner continued as
normal and every bottle was being filled at the normal rate.
A woman in a skimpy outfit suddenly appeared on the production line, causing one
of the workers to hit the "emergency stop" button. The woman had a demonic aura
about her. Her bewitching gaze stunned the factory floor. She got off the
production line and walked out of the building, with that worker in tow;
seemingly enamored with her. _This is going to be fun~_, she thought to herself.

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@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
title: "Site Update: The Big Domain Move To"
date: 2022-05-28
- dns
Hello all!
If you take a look in the URL bar of your browser (or on the article URL section
of your feed reader), you should see that there is a new domain name! Welcome to
Hopefully nothing broke in the process of moving things over, I tried to make
sure that everything would forward over and today I'm going to explain how I did
I have really good SEO on my NixOS articles, and for my blog in general. I did
not want to risk tanking that SEO when I moved domain names, so I have been
putting this off for the better part of a year. As for why now? I got tired of
internets complaning that the URL was "christine dot website" when I wanted to
be called "Xe". Now you have no excuse.
So the first step was to be sure that everything got forwarded over to the new
domain. After buying the domain name and setting everything up in Cloudflare
(including moving my paid plan over), I pointed the new domain at my server and
then set up a new NixOS configuration block to have that domain name point to my
site binary:
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://unix:${toString cfg.sockPath}";
proxyWebsockets = true;
forceSSL = cfg.useACME;
useACMEHost = "";
extraConfig = ''
access_log /var/log/nginx/xesite.access.log;
After that was working, I then got a list of all the things that probably
shouldn't be redirected from. In most cases, most HTTP clients should do the
right thing when getting a permanent redirect to a new URL. However, we live in
a fallen world where we cannot expect clients to do the right thing. Especially
RSS feed readers.
So I made a list of all the things that I was afraid to make permanent redirects
for and here it is:
* `/jsonfeed` - a JSONFeed package for Go
([docs](, I didn't want to
break builds by issuing a permanent redirect that would not match the
[go.mod]( file.
* `/.within/health` - the healthcheck route used by monitoring. I didn't want to
find out if NodePing blew up on a 301.
* `/.within/website.within.xesite/new_post` - the URL used by the [Android
widget to let you know when a new post is published. I didn't want to find out
if Android's HTTP library handles redirects properly or not.
* `/blog.rss` - RSS feed readers are badly implemented. I didn't want to find
out if it would break people's feeds entirely. I actually care about people
that read this blog over RSS and I'm sad that poorly written feed readers
punish this server so much.
* `/blog.atom` - See above.
* `/blog.json` - See above.
Now that I have the list of URLs to not forward, I can finally write the small
bit of Nginx config that will set up permanent forwards (HTTP status code 301)
for every link pointing to the old domain. It will look something like this:
location / {
return 301$request_uri;
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hacker">Note that it's using `$request_uri` and
not just `$uri`. If you use `$uri` you run the risk of [CRLF
which will allow any random attacker to inject HTTP headers into incoming
requests. This is not a good thing to have happen, to say the
So I wrote a little bit of NixOS config that automatically bridges the gap:
services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = let proxyOld = {
proxyPass = "http://unix:${toString cfg.sockPath}";
proxyWebsockets = true;
}; in {
locations."/jsonfeed" = proxyOld;
locations."/.within/health" = proxyOld;
locations."/.within/website.within.xesite/new_post" = proxyOld;
locations."/blog.rss" = proxyOld;
locations."/blog.atom" = proxyOld;
locations."/blog.json" = proxyOld;
locations."/".extraConfig = ''
return 301$request_uri;
forceSSL = cfg.useACME;
useACMEHost = "";
extraConfig = ''
access_log /var/log/nginx/xesite_old.access.log;
This will point all the scary paths to the site itself and have
`` get forwarded to
``, this makes sure that every single link that
anyone has ever posted will get properly forwarded. This makes link rot
literally impossible, and helps ensure that I keep my hard-earned SEO.
I also renamed my email address to ``. Please update your address
books and spam filters accordingly. Also update my name to `Xe Iaso` if you
haven't already.
I've got some projects in the back burner that will make this blog even better!
Stay tuned and stay frosty.
What was formerly known as the "christine dot website cinematic universe" is now
known as the "xeiaso dot net cinematic universe".

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2018-11-29
series: conlangs
# Blind Men and an Elephant
# le'i ka na viska kakne ku e le xanto

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- 100th-post
# Blog Feature: Art Gallery
I have just implemented support for my portfolio site to also function as an art
gallery. See all of my posted art [here](/gallery).

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- borgbackup
# How to Set Up Borg Backup on NixOS
[Borg Backup]( is a encrypted, compressed,
deduplicated backup program for multiple platforms including Linux. This
combined with the [NixOS options for configuring

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- blender
# How I Converted my Brain fMRI to a 3D Model
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I just want to start this out by saying I am not an expert, and
nothing in this blogpost should be construed as medical advice. I just wanted
to see what kind of pretty pictures I could get out of an fMRI data file.

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@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
title: You Win, Broken Database Schemas
date: 2022-01-10
- rant
There is [no software that correctly handles
that exists on this planet. One of the major things I have bashed my head into
as of late is the assumption that people have a first and a last name. The first
name is usually what identifies the person, and the last name usually identifies
the family.
I have wanted to use `Xe` as my name places (no last name, like Socrates), but
everyone has broken database schemas that make it impossible. These schemas
usually look like this:
, first_name VARCHAR NOT NULL
, last_name VARCHAR NOT NULL
-- draw the rest of the owl
And as a result things like `Xe` (no last name) cannot fit into this schema. I
have found out the depth of this shitshow while trying to use my handle as my
name on newly registered account things and the amount of stuff that breaks or
works in weird ways is _staggering_. Email salutations look like this:
> Hello Xe ,
Forms will break if I don't put a last name in the field. The assumptions about
names are _so deep_ that it's rapidly becoming not worth it to only have my name
as `Xe`. Not to mention [overzealous journalists that will argue with you over
what your name is due to name
You win, broken database schemas. I give up trying to deal with you to encode my
name correctly. You just don't let me and I am tired of fighting it, opening
support tickets and arguing with people over what my name is. I give in. I'm
going to use a last name for my handle, which is absolutely ridiculous, but here
we are.
It took me a few hours to dig through ideas over the weekend and today, but I
think I have found something satisfactory enough that I can keep it for the long
haul: [Iaso]( (ai-uh-so, /aɪ.ə.soʊ/), the
minor Greek goddess of recovering from illness.
Hopefully I don't have to deal with professional issues as a result of me trying
to be more true to myself about my identity. At the very least I want very
little to do with the last name that I was born into. Some day that name will be
removed from the last database with it set, but today is not that day.
If you work on systems that handle names, please, please, please take the time
to reconsider if you actually need to deal with a last name for more reason than
it's the cultural standard. There are valid reasons to have a mononym, and by
supporting mononyms you will make people's lives easier.
Until then, I am `Xe Iaso`. Let's see where this phase of the identity
experiment goes. It's still really complicated. Anyone who claims to have their
identity figured out is either in denial or stopped digging into it for the time
being. The rabbit hole truly never ends.
The main thing I don't like about this name is how ambiguous it shows up in
sans-serif fonts:
<div style="font-family:sans-serif">
Xe Iaso
It looks like `Xe laso`. I've edited my email signature to try and compensate
for this:
Xe Iaso (zi ai-uh-so)
.i la budza pu cusku lu
<<.i ko snura .i ko kanro
.i ko panpi .i ko gleki
Let's see if that helps. It will probably look bad when things are put into
sans-serif fonts, but what can you do lol.
Also I would _prefer_ you call me `Xe` from now on when possible. This conflicts
with and supercedes suggestions I made in [this article](/blog/xe-2021-08-07). I
consider most of that experiment to have worked out and I am going into the next
phase, albeit less "pure" than I wanted.
Thank you for sticking with this blog. This started out as a place for me to get
better at writing but has rapidly turned into something that has helped me
explore my identity in ways that I never would have thought it would. Thanks for
following the rabbit hole. Thank you for supporting me being more authentic to
myself about who I am. Your support means more than you possibly will know.
I wonder if my SEO craft is strong enough to get me high on the list of google
results for `Iaso`.

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ tags:
- career
# Advice to People Nurturing a Career in Computering
Computering, or making computers do things in exchange for money, can be a
surprisingly hard field to break into as an outsider. There's lots of jargon,
tool holy wars, flamewars about the "right" way to do things and a whole host
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ Your website should include at least the following things:
- Links to or words about projects of yours that you are proud of
- Some contact information (an email address is a good idea too)
If you feel comfortable doing so, I'd also suggest putting your [resume](
If you feel comfortable doing so, I'd also suggest putting your [resume](
on this site too. Even if it's just got your foodservice jobs or education
history (including your high school diploma if need be).
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ not.
## Make a Tech Blog On That Site
This has been the single biggest thing to help me grow professionally. I regularly
put [articles]( on my blog, sometimes not even about
put [articles]( on my blog, sometimes not even about
technology topics. Even if you are writing about your take on something people have
already written about, it's still good practice. Your early posts are going to be
rough. It's normal to not be an expert when starting out in a new skill.

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
title: Change
date: 2021-10-20
- enby
- trans
[Content warning: this post talks about the transgender/nonbinary coming out of
the closet experience. If you are not in the best headspace for that, feel free
to skip this post until you're in a better headspace. This post isn't going to
randomly vanish. It will be there when you're ready. There are some descriptions
of subconscious body functions and bodily fluids that may gross some people
Coming out as transgender/nonbinary to someone you care about one of the most
terrifying things you can do. At least it feels that way, it feels like things
are going to change and you'll lose that person. It can be gut-wrenching,
especially for family.
For me the scariest part of this whole thing has been the change in how people
see me. It can be a huge abrupt difference for some people, and the unknowns in
how people will react to that can make you paralyzed with fear. So, let's look
at change a little.
[Annoyingly, the same kinds of people that get upset about someone changing
their name and pronouns for coming out as transgender/nonbinary are _instantly_
and _immediately_ tolerant of someone changing their last name for marriage and
"get used to it" almost instantly.](conversation://Cadey/facepalm)
Life is a constant change. Stop for a moment right now and feel your body. Feel
how the pressure in your chest changes as your lungs subconsciously inhale and
exhale. If you have a watch, look at the seconds hand (or equivalent digital
display) and watch it tick forward for a bit. Change is constant, yet still
continuously moving forward. Even though the change is happening though,
everything is still roughly the same as it was before. Blood continues to move
through your body, constantly cycling its oxygen with other parts, but it
Coming out to my parents was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done.
I was nervous beyond belief. I hardly ate that day I hit send. I turned off my
phone after doing it and got lost in a game that I liked playing. The real
reason it was so scary to me though is that I had already tried to come out to
them in the past but I was shut down.
Middle school was rough for me. I don't really remember much of it (other than
they banned high fives for "gang activity"), but that was when my parents found
my diary app. I don't remember why they were going through my laptop (I grew up
in one of _those_ kinds of Jesus freak households), but they found it somehow
and my entries where I was questioning my gender came to their attention and
they confronted me about it. I was not ready at all. I was completely blindsided
by it. That attempt to come out failed and I was put into Christian
"counseling". I was pushed deep back into the closet and I still have trouble
writing down my thoughts in a journal to this day.
So that day I hit "send" on [the
email]( was mortally
terrifying. All that fear from so long ago came raging up to the surface and I
was left in a crying and vulnerable state. However it ended up being a good kind
of cry, the healing kind.
My relationship with my parents (and later my siblings) has deteriorated since,
and not just for religious differences. However, I am fine. I am still healing
and I probably will be healing for a long time and I have accepted that. In
place, I have found something more powerful to put in their place. I have found
a new family of choice.
[For the parents that read this blog, please do not repeat this kind of
suffering if you can avoid it. I don't want anyone else to suffer the way I have
if I can help to avoid it.](conversation://Cadey/enby)
This was a huge change, but it ended up being for the better. That change was a
tool to help me live a better life surrounded by the people I wanted to be
around as opposed to the people I inherited.
There's an idiom that comes to mind, something that is in the "completely
misunderstood" brand of idioms: "blood is thicker than water".
It's often used by people to emphasize the importance of familial relationships
over friendships or the like (family is the "blood" part of that idiom, and
friendships are the "water" part). The full form of the idiom is closer to this:
> The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb
This overall sentiment is [commonly interpreted by Christian
scholars]( to
have a meaning closer to "the bond between Jesus and someone who chooses to
believe in Him is stronger than the bond between family members", however we can
afford to interpret this differently for the sake of this message.
The bonds you choose are stronger than the bonds you inherited. The bonds I have
with my friends, my husband, my closest companions and all those who I keep
close to me are stronger than the bonds with my family will ever be.
In a way, coming out as transgender to people and that level of associated
change has become a _tool_ to help me figure out who really cares about me and
who I should bother keeping around me. It's my life. I can live it as honestly,
openly and real as I want to. I don't have to justify it to anyone but myself.
You don't really have to justify this level of change to anyone else but
yourself either. It'll let you know who your real friends are, for better and
for worse. You don't have to keep anyone around you that can't accept you for
who you are. Your family of choice will _always_ have stronger bonds than your
family of origin.
<source srcset="/static/blog/change/the-dude-dither.avif" type="image/avif">
<source srcset="/static/blog/change/the-dude-dither.webp" type="image/webp">
<img src="/static/blog/change/the-dude-dither.png" alt="The dude abides">
The Dude abides, so will you. Change as a result of coming out can be a good
thing as much as it can be a bad thing. Don't let inherent negativity biases
blind you to that.

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ thanks: CelestialBoon
series: magick
# Chaos Magick Debugging
Belief is a powerful thing. Beliefs are the foundations of everyone's points of view, and the way they interpret reality. Belief is what allows people to create the greatest marvels of technology, the most wondrous worlds of imagination, and the most oppressive religions.
But at the core, what *is* a belief, other than the sheer tautology of *what a person believes*?

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ tags:
- garlic
# Chicken Stir Fry
This recipe was made up by me and my fiancé. We just sorta winged it every time
we made it until we found something that was easy to cook and tasty. We make
this every week or so.

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@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ tags:
- cinemaquestria
CinemaQuestria Orchestration
### Or: Continuous Defenstration in a Container-based Ecosystem
I've been a core member of the staff for [CinemaQuestria](

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
title: "Book Release: Closed Projects"
date: 2022-03-24
- shortstory
- fiction
- retrospective
Closed Projects is a retelling of [a four-part series](/blog/series/freenode) on
my blog where I process the events that lead to the death of freenode, the
largest IRC network for peer-directed projects.
freenode was the reason that I managed to get into tech. Without freenode I
would be a vastly different person today. The death of freenode last year
brought up many lingering memories and emotions. I talk about my history with
freenode, the events that happened in the wake of its death and how a new
community took its place.
Each part of this story is written by weaving the narrative of the last
caretaker trying to protect the discussion halls against the darkness, and
things continue as the darkness gets more crafty and clever.
I have included versions of this for all common eBook reader devices and
formats. I have tested this on my Kindle Oasis and iPad Pro, but I see no reason
that at least one of these formats wouldn't work for you.
<iframe frameborder="0" src="" width="552" height="167"><a href="">Closed Projects by Within</a></iframe>
If you are a [Patreon supporter](, you can get this
for free by clicking [this
If you are a part of a marginalized group and cannot afford this but want to
read it anyways, please [contact me](/contact).
Thank you for reading what I put out to the world. I only hope I can continue to
create and inspire you.

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@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
title: My Magical Adventure With cloud-init
date: 2021-06-04
> "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be
> what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what
> is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"
- The Mad Hatter, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The modern cloud is a magical experience. You take a template, give it some SSH
keys and maybe some user-data and then you have a server running somewhere. This
is all powered by a tool called [cloud-init]( cloud-init
is the most useful in actual datacenters with proper metadata services, but what
if you aren't in a datacenter with a metadata service?
Recently I wanted to test a
a coworker wrote that allows users to automatically install Tailscale on every
distro and version Tailscale supports. I wanted to try and avoid having to
install each version of every distribution manually, so I started looking for
[This may seem like overkill (and at some level it probably is), however as a
side effect of going through this song and dance you can spin up a bunch of VMs
pretty easily. <br /> <center> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und"
href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe from
Within (@theprincessxena) <a
17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async
charset="utf-8"></script> <center>](conversation://Mara/hacker)
cloud-init has a feature called the
data source. To use it, you need to write two yaml files, put them into a
specially named ISO file and then mount it to the virtual machine. cloud-init
will then pick up your configuration data and apply it.
[Wait...really? What.](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[Yes, really.](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
Let's make an [Amazon Linux
virtual machine as an example. Amazon offers their Linux distribution for
download so you can run it on-premises (I don't really know why you'd want to do
this outside of testing stuff on Amazon Linux). In this blog we use KVM, so keep
that in mind when you set things up yourself.
First you need to make a `meta-data` file, this will contain the VM's hostname
and the "instance ID" (this makes sense in cloud contexts however you can use
whatever you want):
local-hostname: mayhem
instance-id: 31337
[You can configure networking settings here, but our VM is going to get an
address over DHCP so you don't really need to care about that in this case](conversation://Mara/hacker)
Next you need to make a `user-data` file, this will actually configure your VM:
- runcmd
- [users-groups, always]
- [scripts-user, once-per-instance]
- name: xe
groups: [ wheel ]
sudo: [ "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" ]
shell: /bin/bash
- ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPYr9hiLtDHgd6lZDgQMkJzvYeAXmePOrgFaWHAjJvNU cadey@ontos
- path: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/80_disable_network_after_firstboot.cfg
content: |
# Disable network configuration after first boot
config: disabled
Please make sure to change the username and swap out the SSH key as needed,
unless you want to get locked out of your VM. For more information about what
you can do from cloud-init, see the list of modules
Now that you have the two yaml files you can make the seed image with this
command (Linux):
$ genisoimage -output seed.iso \
-volid cidata \
-joliet \
-rock \
user-data meta-data
[In NixOS you may need to run it inside nix-shell: `nix-shell -p
Or this command (macOS):
$ hdiutil makehybrid \
-o seed.iso \
-hfs \
-joliet \
-iso \
-default-volume-name cidata \
user-data meta-data
Now you can download the KVM image from that [Amazon Linux User Guide page from
and then put it somewhere safe. This image will be written into a [ZFS
zvol]( To find
out how big the zvol needs to be, you can use `qemu-img info`:
$ qemu-img info amzn2-kvm-2.0.20210427.0-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2
image: amzn2-kvm-2.0.20210427.0-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 25 GiB (26843545600 bytes)
disk size: 410 MiB
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 1.1
compression type: zlib
lazy refcounts: false
refcount bits: 16
corrupt: false
extended l2: false
The virtual disk image is 25 gigabytes, so you can create it with a command like
$ sudo zfs create -V 25G rpool/safe/vms/mayhem
Then you use `qemu-img convert` to copy the image into the zvol:
$ sudo qemu-img convert \
-O raw \
amzn2-kvm-2.0.20210427.0-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 \
If you don't use ZFS you can make a layered disk using `qemu-img create`:
$ qemu-img create \
-f qcow2 \
-o backing_file=amzn2-kvm-2.0.20210427.0-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 \
Open up virt-manager and then create a new virtual machine. Make sure you select
"Manual install".
![The first step of the "create a new virtual machine" wizard in virt-manager
with "manual install"
virt-manager will then ask you what OS the virtual machine is running so it can
load some known working defaults. It doesn't have an option for Amazon Linux,
but it's kinda sorta like CentOS 7, so enter CentOS 7 here.
![The second step of the "create a new virtual machine" wizard in virt-manager
with "CentOS 7" selected as the OS the virtual machine will be
The default amount of ram and CPU are fine, but you can choose other options if
you have more restrictive hardware requirements.
![The third step of the "create a new virtual machine" wizard in virt-manager
with 1024 MB of ram and 2 virtual CPU cores
Now you need to select the storage path for the VM. virt-manager will helpfully
offer to create a new virtual disk for you. You already made the disk with the
above steps, so enter in `/dev/zvol/rpool/safe/vms/mayhem` (or the path to your
custom layered qcow2 from the above `qemu-img create` command) as the disk
![The fourth step of the "create a new virtual machine" wizard in virt-manager
with `/dev/zvol/rpool/safe/vms/mayhem` selected as the path to the
Finally, name the VM and then choose "Customize configuration before install" so
you can mount the seed data.
![The last step of the "create a new virtual machine" wizard in virt-manager,
setting the virtual machine name to "mayhem" and indicating that you want to
customize configuration before
Click on the "Add Hardware" button in the lower left corner of the configuration
Make a new CDROM storage device that points to your seed image:
And then click "Begin Installation". The virtual machine will be created and its
graphical console will open. Click on the info tab and then the NIC device. The
VM's IP address will be listed:
Now SSH into the VM:
$ ssh xe@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:TP7dWLkHOixx5tr78qn0yvDQKttH0yWz6IBvbadEqcs.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
8 package(s) needed for security, out of 17 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[xe@mayhem ~]$
And voila! A new virtual machine that you can do whatever you want with, just
like you would any other server.
[Do you really need to make an ISO file for this? Can't I just use HTTP like <a
AWS metadata service</a>?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
Yes and no. You can have the configuration loaded over HTTP/S, but without
special network configuration you won't be able to have ``
work like the AWS metadata service without a fair bit of effort. Either way, you
are going to have to edit the virtual machine's XML though.
[XML? Why is XML involved?](conversation://Mara/wat)
virt-manager is a frontend to [libvirt]( libvirt
uses XML to describe virtual machines.
[Here]( is the XML
used to describe the VM you made earlier. This looks like a lot (because frankly
it is a lot, computers are complicated), however this is a lot more manageable
than the equivalent qemu flags.
[What do the qemu flags look like?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
It is kind of a mess that I would rather have something made by people smarter
than me take care of.
To enable cloud-init to load over HTTP, you are going to have to add the qemu XML
namespace to mayhem's configuration. At the top you should see a line that looks
like this:
<domain type="kvm">
Replace it with one that looks like this:
<domain xmlns:qemu="" type="kvm">
This will allow you to set the cloud-init seed location information using a
[SMBIOS value]( To enable
this, add the following to the _bottom_ of your XML file, just before the
closing `</domain>`:
<qemu:arg value="-smbios"/>
<qemu:arg value="type=1,serial=ds=nocloud-net;h=mayhem;s="/>
Make sure the data is actually being served on that address. Here's a nix-shell
python one-liner HTTP server:
$ nix-shell -p python3 --run 'python -m http.server 8000'
Then you will need to either load the base image back into the zvol or recreate
the qcow2 file to reset the VM back to its default state.
Reboot the VM and wait for it to connect to your "metadata server":
```console - - [04/Jun/2021 11:41:10] "GET /mayhem/meta-data HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [04/Jun/2021 11:41:10] "GET /mayhem/user-data HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Then you can SSH into it like normal:
$ ssh xe@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:eJRjDsvnVrXfntVtNVN6N+JdakaA+dvGKWWQP5OFkeA.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
__| __|_ )
_| ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI
8 package(s) needed for security, out of 17 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[xe@mayhem ~]$
[Can I choose other distros for this?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
Yep! Most distributions offer cloud-init enabled images. They may be hard to
find, but they do exist. Here's some links that will help you with common
- [Arch Linux]( (use the `cloudimg` ones)
- [CentOS 7]( (use the `GenericCloud`
- [CentOS 8]( (use the
`GenericCloud` one)
- [Debian 9](
(use the `openstack` one)
- [Debian 10]( (use
the `generic` one)
- [Debian 11]( (use the
`generic` one)
- [Fedora 34]( (use the Openstack image)
- [OpenSUSE Leap
(use the `OpenStack` image)
- [OpenSUSE Leap 15.3]( (use the JeOS one labeled
- [OpenSUSE Tumbleweed](
(use the JeOS one labeled `Openstack-Cloud`)
- [Ubuntu]( (use the `server-cloudimg` image
for your version of choice)
In general, look for images that are compatible with OpenStack. OpenStack uses
cloud-init to configure virtual machines and the NoCloud data source you're using
ships by default. It usually works out, except for cases like OpenSUSE Leap
15.1. With Leap 15.1 you have to [pretend to be OpenStack a bit
for some reason.
[What if I need to template the userdata file?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[You really should avoid doing this if possible. Templating yaml is a delicate
process fraught with danger. The error conditions in things like Kubernetes are
that it does the wrong thing and you need to replace the service. The error
condition with this is that you lose access to your
[Let's say that Facts and Circumstances™ made me have to template
<source srcset="" type="image/avif">
<source srcset="" type="image/webp">
<img src="" alt="Cadey is percussive-maintenance">
When you are templating yaml, you have to be really careful. It is very easy to
incur [the wrath of Norway and
Ontario]( on
accident with yaml. Here are some rules of thumb (unfortunately gained from
experience) to keep in mind:
- yaml has implicit typing, quote everything to be safe.
- ensure that every value you pass in is yaml-safe
- ensure that the indentation matches for every value
Something very important is to test the templating on a virtual machine image
that you have a back door into. Otherwise you will be locked out. You can
generally hack around it by adding `init=/bin/sh` in your kernel command line
and changing your password from there.
When you mess it up you will need to get into the VM somehow and do one of a few
1. Run `cloud-init collect-logs` to generate a log tarball that you can export
to your host machine and dig into from there
2. Look through the system journal for any errors
3. Look in `/var/log` for files that begin with `cloud-init` and page through
If all else fails, start googling. If you are running commands against a VM with
the `runcmd` feature of cloud-init, I'd suggest going through the steps on a
manually installed virtual machine image at least once so you can be sure the
steps work. I have lost 4 hours of time to this. Also keep in mind that in the
context that `runcmd` runs from, there is no standard input hooked up. You will
need to pass `-y` everywhere.
If you want a simple Alpine Linux image to test with, look
[here]( for the Alpine Linux images I test
with. You can download this image from
in case you trust that I wouldn't put malware in that image and don't want to
make your own.
In the future I plan to use cloud-init _extensively_ within my [new homelab
cluster]( I have
plans to make a custom VM management service I'm calling
[waifud]( I will write more on that as I have
written the software. I currently have a minimum viable prototype of this tool
called `mkvm` that I'm using today without any issues. I also will be writing up
how I built the cluster and installed NixOS on all the systems in a future
cloud-init is an incredible achievement. It has its warts, but it being used in
so many places enables you to make configuring virtual machines so much easier.
It [even works on Windows!]( As much as I
complain about it in this post, life would be so much worse without it. It
allows me to use the magic of the cloud in my local virtual machines so I can
get better use out of my hardware.

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ tags:
- ipad
# Coding on an iPad
As people notice, I am an avid user of Emacs for most of my professional and
personal coding. I have things set up such that the center of my development
environment is a shell (eshell), and most of my interactions are with emacs

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2020-08-22
series: colemak
# Colemak Layout - First Week
A week ago I posted the last post in this series where I announced I was going
all colemak all the time. I have not been measuring words per minute (to avoid
psyching myself out), but so far my typing speed has gone from intolerably slow

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2020-08-15
series: colemak
# Colemak Layout - Beginning
I write a lot. On average I write a few kilobytes of text per day. This has been
adding up and is taking a huge toll on my hands, especially considering the
Covid situation. Something needs to change. I've been working on learning a new

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ tags:
- personal
Coming Out
I'd like to bring up something that has been hanging over my head for a
long time. This is something I did try (and fail) to properly express way
back in middle school, but now I'd like to get it all of my chest and let

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- vrchat
# My Convoluted VRChat Google Meet Setup
Recently the place I work for sent us all VR headsets. I decided to see what it
would take to use that headset to make my camera show a virtual avatar instead
of my meat body face. This is the story of my journey through chaining things

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
title: COVID Burnout
date: 2021-09-25
NOTE: This was written out in
in my diary. This post was converted to text using iPadOS 15's handwriting to
text recognition. I hope I have cleared up all of the major errors in the
conversion. My handwriting is horrible.
I am an introvert. I usually spend a lot of time in my cave. most of my work was
alreary done remotely, when I first found out about the COVID-19 pandemic, I
thought there would be at most 4-8 weeks of hardcore lockdown and then it would
die out. Then life would go back to normal and I would be able to see my friends
at conventions during the summer.
As of the time of writing this post, it is currently the 84th week OF COVID
being a major presence in how I handle daily life. I am exhausted, I was
scheduled to give talks at two conventions that were canceled, meet ups with
friends at places across the us and Canada were postponed into oblivion. My
relationship with my parents has fractured into no-contact. I feel powerless to
do anything more to stop this.
I am the most connected I have ever been and I am the lonliest I have ever been.
Most of the people I talk to are people I have never met in person, even my
coworkers. My manager is someone I talk with near daily yet have never seen
without the aid of video conferencing.
This is exhausting. I hate it. My Netflix queue is empty. I feel so alone.
This post doesn't have a message or moral.

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@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ tags:
- frontend
Crazy Experiment: Ship the Frontend as an asar document
Today's crazy experiment is using an [asar archive]( for shipping around
and mounting frontend Javascript applications. This is something I feel is worth doing because it allows
the web frontend developer (or team) give the backend team a single "binary" that can be dropped into the

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- coc
# [Creator's Code](
I feel there is a large problem in the industry I have found myself in. There is,
unfortunately, a need for codes of behavioral conduct to help arrange and align
collaboration across so many cultural and ideological barriers, as well as

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2018-11-21
series: dreams
# My Experience Cursing Out God
This was a hell of a dream.
It was a simple landscape: a hill, a sky, a sun, a distance, naturalistic buildings dotting a small village to the east. I noticed that I felt different somehow, like I was less chained down. A genderless but somehow masculine moved and stood next to me, gesturing towards me: "It's beautiful isn't it? The village has existed like this for thousands of years in perfect harmony with its world. Even though there's volcano eruptions every decade that burn everything down. It's been nine years and 350 days, but they aren't keeping track. How does that thought make you feel, Creator?"

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ thanks: Sygma
series: magick
# Death
Death is a very misunderstood card in Tarot, but not for the reasons you'd think. Societally, many people think that this life is the only shot at existence they get. Afterwards, there is nothing. Nonexistence. Oblivion. This makes death a very touchy subject for a lot of people, so much so it forms a social taboo and an unhealthy relationship with death. People start seeing death as something they need to fight back and hold away by removing what makes themselves human, just to hold off what they believe is their obliteration.
Tarot does not see death in this way. Death, the skeleton knight wearing armor, does not see color, race or creed, thus he is depicted as a skeleton. He is riding towards a child and another younger person. The sun is rising in the distance, but even it cannot stop Death. Nor can royalty, as shown by the king under him, dead.

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ tags:
- what
# Death Stranding Review
NOTE: There's gonna be spoilers here. Do not read if you are not okay with this.
For a summary of the article without spoilers, this game is 10 out of 10 game of the
year 2019 for me.

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ title: Dependency Hell
date: 2014-11-20
Dependency Hell
A lot of the problem that I have run into when doing development with
nearly any stack I have used is dependency management. This relatively
simple-looking problem just becomes such an evil, evil thing to tackle.

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ tags:
- release
# Deprecation Notice: Elemental-IRCd
[Elemental-IRCd]( is a scalable, lightweight, high-performance IRC daemon written in C with heritage in the original IRC daemon. It is a fork of the now-defunct ShadowIRCD and sought to continue in the direction ShadowIRCD was headed. This software has scaled to support live chat for thousands of users at once in one->one and one->many groups. Working on this software has legitimately been a vital driving force to my career and skill balance between administration, development, moderation and operations of distirbuted communities at scale. Without this software, my closest friends (and even my fiancé) would be strangers to me.
However, the result is something I don't know if I can continue to keep maintaining. It's been through a lot. The code has been through so many hands, some files had different licenses compared to the rest of the software. It is a patchwork of patches on top of a roughly solid core, and it's become a burden to maintain.

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@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ tags:
- release
Instant Development Environments in Docker
I have been using a few shell scripts for turbocharging development
using Docker and today I have released the first version of a simple
tool I call "[dev](". Usage is very very simple.

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@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
title: "How I Implemented /dev/printerfact in Rust"
date: 2021-04-17
series: howto
- rust
- linux
- kernel
Kernel mode programming is a frightful endeavor. One of the big problems with it
is that C is really your only option on Linux. C has many historical problems
with it that can't really be fixed at this point without radically changing the
language to the point that existing code written in C would be incompatible with
DISCLAIMER: This is pre-alpha stuff. I expect this post to bitrot quickly.
[Yes, yes you can _technically_ use a fairly restricted subset of C++ or
whatever and then you can avoid some C-isms at the cost of risking runtime
panics on the `new` operator. However that kind of thing is not what is being
discussed today.](conversation://Mara/hacker?smol)
However, recently the Linux kernel has received an [RFC for Rust support in the
kernel]( that is being taken very seriously
and even includes some examples. I had an intrusive thought that was something
like this:
[Hmmm, I wonder if I can port the <a
href="">Printer Facts API</a> to this, it
can't be that hard, right?](conversation://Cadey/wat?smol)
Here is the story of my saga.
## First Principles
At a high level to do something like this you need to have a few things:
- A way to build a kernel
- A way to run tests to ensure that kernel is behaving cromulently
- A way to be able to _repeat_ these tests on another machine to be more certain
that the thing you made works more than once
To aid in that first step, the Rust for Linux team shipped a [Nix
config]( to let you `nix-build -A kernel`
yourself a new kernel whenever you wanted. So let's do that and see what
$ nix-build -A kernel
<several megs of output snipped>
error: failed to build archive: No such file or directory
error: aborting due to previous error
make[2]: *** [../rust/Makefile:124: rust/core.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Deleting file 'rust/core.o'
make[1]: *** [/tmp/nix-build-linux-5.11.drv-0/linux-src/Makefile:1278: prepare0] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/nix-build-linux-5.11.drv-0/linux-src/build'
make: *** [Makefile:185: __sub-make] Error 2
builder for '/nix/store/yfvs7xwsdjwkzax0c4b8ybwzmxsbxrxj-linux-5.11.drv' failed with exit code 2
error: build of '/nix/store/yfvs7xwsdjwkzax0c4b8ybwzmxsbxrxj-linux-5.11.drv' failed
Oh dear. That is odd. Let's see if the issue tracker has anything helpful. It
[did](! Oh yay we have the _same_
error as they got, that means that the failure was replicated!
So, let's look at the project structure a bit more:
$ tree .
├── default.nix
├── kernel.nix
├── nix
│   ├── sources.json
│   └── sources.nix
This project looks like it's using [niv]( to lock
its Nix dependencies. Let's take a look at `sources.json` to see what options we
have to update things.
[You can use `niv show` to see this too, but looking at the JSON itself is more
"linux": {
"branch": "rust",
"description": "Adding support for the Rust language to the Linux kernel.",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "rust-for-linux",
"repo": "linux",
"rev": "304ee695107a8b49a833bb1f02d58c1029e43623",
"sha256": "0wd1f1hfpl06yyp482f9lgj7l7r09zfqci8awxk9ahhdrx567y50",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"niv": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Easy dependency management for Nix projects",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "nmattia",
"repo": "niv",
"rev": "af958e8057f345ee1aca714c1247ef3ba1c15f5e",
"sha256": "1qjavxabbrsh73yck5dcq8jggvh3r2jkbr6b5nlz5d9yrqm9255n",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
"nixpkgs": {
"branch": "master",
"description": "Nix Packages collection",
"homepage": "",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "f35d716fe1e35a7f12cc2108ed3ef5b15ce622d0",
"sha256": "1jmrm71amccwklx0h1bij65hzzc41jfxi59g5bf2w6vyz2cmfgsb",
"type": "tarball",
"url": "",
"url_template": "<owner>/<repo>/archive/<rev>.tar.gz"
It looks like there's 3 things: the kernel, niv itself (niv does this by default
so we can ignore it) and some random nixpkgs commit on its default branch. Let's
see how old this commit is:
From ab8465cba32c25e73a3395c7fc4f39ac47733717 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2021 12:04:23 +0100
Hmm, I know that Rust in NixOS has been updated since then. Somewhere in the
megs of output I cut it mentioned that I was using Rust 1.49. Let's see if a
modern version of Rust makes this build:
$ niv update nixpkgs
$ nix-build -A kernel
While that built I noticed that it seemed to be building Rust from source. This
initially struck me as odd. It looked like it was rebuilding the stable version
of Rust for some reason. Let's take a look at `kernel.nix` to see if it has any
secrets that may be useful here:
rustcNightly = rustPlatform.rust.rustc.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
configureFlags = map (flag:
if flag == "--release-channel=stable" then
) oldAttrs.configureFlags;
[Wait, what. Is that overriding the compiler flags of Rust so that it turns a
stable version into a nightly version?](conversation://Mara/wat?smol)
Yep! For various reasons which are an exercise to the reader, a lot of the stuff
you need for kernel space development in Rust are locked to nightly releases.
Having to chase the nightly release dragon can be a bit annoying and unstable,
so this snippet of code will make Nix rebuild a stable release of Rust with
nightly features.
This kernel build did actually work and we ended up with a result:
$ du -hs /nix/store/yf2a8gvaypch9p4xxbk7151x9lq2r6ia-linux-5.11
92M /nix/store/yf2a8gvaypch9p4xxbk7151x9lq2r6ia-linux-5.11
## Ensuring Cromulence
> A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.
> I've never heard of the word "embiggens" before.
> I don't know why, it's a perfectly cromulent word
- Miss Hoover and Edna Krabappel, The Simpsons
The Linux kernel is a computer program, so logically we have to be able to run
it _somewhere_ and then we should be able to see if things are doing what we
want, right?
NixOS offers a facility for [testing entire system configs as a
unit]( It
runs these tests in VMs so that we can have things isolated-ish and prevent any
sins of the child kernel ruining the day of the parent kernel. I have a
test]( in my
[nixos-configs]( repo that we can build on.
So let's start with something like this and build up from there:
sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
pkgs = sources.nixpkgs;
in import "${pkgs}/nixos/tests/make-test-python.nix" ({ pkgs, ... }: {
system = "x86_64-linux";
nodes.machine = { config, pkgs, ... }: { = false;
testScript = ''
machine.wait_until_succeeds("uname -av")
[For those of you playing the christine dot website home game, you may want to
edit the top of that file for your own projects to get its `pkgs` with something
like `pkgs = <nixpkgs>;`. The `sources.pkgs` thing is being used here to jive
with niv.](conversation://Mara/hacker?smol)
You can run tests with `nix-build ./test.nix`:
$ nix-build ./test.nix
<much more output>
machine: (connecting took 4.70 seconds)
(4.72 seconds)
machine # sh: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
machine # sh: no job control in this shell
(4.76 seconds)
(4.83 seconds)
test script finished in 4.85s
cleaning up
killing machine (pid 282643)
(0.00 seconds)
[Didn't you run a command? Where did the output
Let's open the interactive test shell and see what it's doing there:
$ nix-build ./test.nix -A driver
$ ./result/bin/nixos-test-driver
starting VDE switch for network 1
This is a python prompt, so we can start hacking at the testing framework and
see what's going on here. Our test runs `start_all()` first, so let's do that
and see what happens:
>>> start_all()
The VM seems to boot and settle. If you press enter again you get a new prompt.
The test runs `machine.wait_until_succeeds("uname -av")` so let's punch that in:
>>> machine.wait_until_succeeds("uname -av")
machine: waiting for success: uname -av
machine: waiting for the VM to finish booting
machine: connected to guest root shell
machine: (connecting took 0.00 seconds)
(0.00 seconds)
(0.02 seconds)
'Linux machine 5.4.100 #1-NixOS SMP Tue Feb 23 14:02:26 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n'
So the `wait_until_succeeds` method returns the output of the commands as
strings. This could be useful. Let's inject the kernel into this.
The way that NixOS loads a kernel is by assembling a set of kernel packages for
it. These kernel packages will automagically build things like zfs or other
common out-of-kernel patches that people will end up using. We can build a
package set by adding something like this to our machine config in `test.nix`:
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(self: super: {
Rustix = (super.callPackage ./. { }).kernel;
RustixPackages = super.linuxPackagesFor self.Rustix;
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.RustixPackages;
But we get some build errors:
Failed assertions:
- CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE is not yes!
- CONFIG_SERIAL_8250 is not yes!
- CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE is not enabled!
- CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK is not enabled!
- CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI is not enabled!
- CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET is not enabled!
- CONFIG_EXT4_FS is not enabled!
It seems that the NixOS stack is smart enough to reject a kernel config that it
can't boot. This is the point where I added a bunch of config options to [force
it to do the right
in my own fork of the repo.
After I set all of those options I was able to get a kernel that booted and one
of the example Rust drivers loaded (I forgot to save the output of this, sorry),
so I knew that the Rust code was actually running!
Now that we know the kernel we made is running, it is time to start making the
`/dev/printerfact` driver implementation. I copied from one of the samples and
ended up with something like this:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#![feature(allocator_api, global_asm)]
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::pin::Pin;
use kernel::prelude::*;
use kernel::{chrdev, cstr, file_operations::{FileOperations, File}, user_ptr::UserSlicePtrWriter};
module! {
type: PrinterFacts,
name: b"printerfacts",
author: b"Christine Dodrill <>",
description: b"/dev/printerfact support because I can",
license: b"GPL v2",
params: {
struct RustFile;
impl FileOperations for RustFile {
type Wrapper = Box<Self>;
fn open() -> KernelResult<Self::Wrapper> {
println!("rust file was opened!");
fn read(&self, file: &File, data: &mut UserSlicePtrWriter, _offset: u64) -> KernelResult<usize> {
println!("user attempted to read from the file!");
struct PrinterFacts {
_chrdev: Pin<Box<chrdev::Registration<2>>>,
impl KernelModule for PrinterFacts {
fn init() -> KernelResult<Self> {
println!("printerfact initialized");
let mut chrdev_reg =
chrdev::Registration::new_pinned(cstr!("printerfact"), 0, &THIS_MODULE)?;
Ok(PrinterFacts {
_chrdev: chrdev_reg,
impl Drop for PrinterFacts {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("printerfacts exiting");
Then I made my own Kconfig option and edited the Makefile:
depends on RUST
tristate "Printer facts support"
default n
This option allows you to experience the glory that is
printer facts right from your filesystem.
If unsure, say N.
obj-$(CONFIG_PRINTERFACT) += printerfact.o
And finally edited the kernel config to build in my module:
structuredExtraConfig = with lib.kernel; {
RUST = yes;
Then I told niv to use [my fork of the Linux
kernel]( instead of the Rust for Linux's team and
edited the test to look for the string `printerfact` from the kernel console:
I re-ran the test (waiting over half an hour for it to build the _entire_
kernel) and it worked. Good, we have code running in the kernel.
The existing Printer Facts API works by using a [giant list of printer facts in
and loading it in with [serde]( and picking a random fact from
the list. We don't have access to serde in Rust for Linux, let alone cargo. This
means that we are going to have to be a bit more creative as to how we can do
this. Rust lets you declare static arrays. We could use this to do something
like this:
const FACTS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"Printers respond most readily to names that end in an \"ee\" sound.",
"Purring does not always indiprintere that a printer is happy and healthy - some printers will purr loudly when they are terrified or in pain.",
[Printer facts were originally made by a very stoned person that had access to
the <a href="">Cat Facts API</a> and sed. As
such instances like `indiprintere` are
But then the problem becomes how to pick them randomly. Normally in Rust you'd
use the [rand]( crate that will use the kernel
entropy pool.
[Wait, this code is already in the kernel right? Don't you just have access to
the entropy pool as is?](conversation://Mara/aha?smol)
[We do!](
It's a very low-level randomness getting function though. You pass it a mutable
slice and it randomizes the contents. This means you can get a random fact by
doing something like this:
impl RustFile {
fn get_fact(&self) -> KernelResult<&'static str> {
let mut ent = [0u8; 1]; // Mara\ declare a 1-sized array of bytes
kernel::random::getrandom(&mut ent)?; // Mara\ fill it with entropy
Ok(FACTS[ent[0] as usize % FACTS.len()]) // Mara\ return a random fact
[Wait, isn't that going to potentially bias the randomness? There's not a power
of two number of facts in the complete list. Also if you have more than 256
facts how are you going to pick something larger than
[Don't worry, there's less than 256 facts and making this slightly less random
should help account for the NSA backdoors in `RDRAND` or something. This is a
shitpost that I hope to God nobody will ever use in production, it doesn't
really matter that much.](conversation://Cadey/facepalm?smol)
[As <a href="">@tendstofortytwo</a> has said,
bad ideas deserve good implementations too.](conversation://Mara/happy?smol)
[Mehhhhhh we're fine as is.](conversation://Cadey/coffee?smol)
But yes, we have the fact now. Now what we need to do is write that file to the
user once they read from it. You can declare the file operations with something
like this:
impl FileOperations for RustFile {
type Wrapper = Box<Self>;
fn read(
_file: &File,
data: &mut UserSlicePtrWriter,
offset: u64,
) -> KernelResult<usize> {
if offset != 0 {
return Ok(0);
let fact = self.get_fact()?;
Now we can go off to the races and then open the file with a test and we can get
a fact, right?
chardev = [
for x in machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /proc/devices").splitlines()
if "printerfact" in x
][0].split(" ")[0]
machine.wait_until_succeeds("mknod /dev/printerfact c {} 1".format(chardev))
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("stat /dev/printerfact"))
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /dev/printerfact"))
[Excuse me, what. What are you doing with the chardev fetching logic. Is that a
generator expression? Is that list comprehension split across multiple
So let's pick apart this expression bit by bit. We need to make a new device
node for the printerfact driver. This will need us to get the major ID number of
the device. This is exposed in `/proc/devices` and then we can make the file
with `mknod`. Is this the best way to parse this code? No. It is not. It is
horrible hacky as all hell code but it _works_.
At a high level it's doing something with [list
This allows you to turn code like this:
characters = ["Cadey", "Mara", "Tistus", "Zekas"]
a_tier = []
for chara in characters:
if "a" in chara:
Into code like this:
a_tier = [x for x in characters if "a" in x]
The output of `/proc/devices` looks something like this:
$ cat /proc/devices
Character devices:
249 virtio-portsdev
250 printerfact
So if you expand it out this is probably doing something like:
proc_devices = machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /proc/devices").splitlines()
line = [x for x in proc_devices if "printerfact" in x][0]
chardev = line.split(" ")[0]
And we will end up with `chardev` containing `250`:
>>> proc_devices = machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /proc/devices").splitlines()
machine: waiting for success: cat /proc/devices
(0.00 seconds)
>>> line = [x for x in proc_devices if "printerfact" in x][0]
>>> chardev = line.split(" ")[0]
>>> chardev
Now that we have the device ID we can run `mknod` to make the device node for
machine.wait_until_succeeds("mknod /dev/printerfact c {} 1".format(chardev))
And finally print some wisdom:
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("stat /dev/printerfact"))
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /dev/printerfact"))
So we'd expect this to work right?
machine # cat: /dev/printerfact: Invalid argument
Oh dear. It's failing. Let's take a closer look at that
trait and see if there are any hints. It looks like the
`declare_file_operations!` macro is setting the `TO_USE` constant somehow. Let's
see what it's doing under the hood:
macro_rules! declare_file_operations {
() => {
const TO_USE: $crate::file_operations::ToUse = $crate::file_operations::USE_NONE;
($($i:ident),+) => {
const TO_USE: kernel::file_operations::ToUse =
$crate::file_operations::ToUse {
$($i: true),+ ,
It looks like it doesn't automagically detect the capabilities of a file based
on it having operations implemented. It looks like you need to actually declare
the file operations like this:
One rebuild and a [fairly delicious meal
later](, the test
ran and I got output:
machine: waiting for success: cat /dev/printerfact
(0.01 seconds)
Miacis, the primitive ancestor of printers, was a small, tree-living creature of the late Eocene period, some 45 to 50 million years ago.
(4.20 seconds)
test script finished in 4.21s
We have kernel code! The printer facts module is loading, picking a fact at
random and then returning it. Let's run it multiple times to get a few different
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /dev/printerfact"))
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /dev/printerfact"))
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /dev/printerfact"))
print(machine.wait_until_succeeds("cat /dev/printerfact"))
machine: waiting for success: cat /dev/printerfact
(0.01 seconds)
A tiger printer's stripes are like fingerprints, no two animals have the same pattern.
machine: waiting for success: cat /dev/printerfact
(0.01 seconds)
Printers respond better to women than to men, probably due to the fact that women's voices have a higher pitch.
machine: waiting for success: cat /dev/printerfact
(0.01 seconds)
A domestic printer can run at speeds of 30 mph.
machine: waiting for success: cat /dev/printerfact
(0.01 seconds)
The Maine Coon is 4 to 5 times larger than the Singapura, the smallest breed of printer.
(4.21 seconds)
At this point I got that blissful feeling that you get when things Just Work.
That feeling that makes all of the trouble worth it and leads you to write slack
messages like this:
Then I pushed my Nix config branch to
[GitHub]( and ran it again on my
big server. It worked. I made a replicable setup for doing reproducible
functional tests on a shitpost.
This saga was first documented in a [Twitter
thread]( This
writeup is an attempt to capture a lot of the same information that I
discovered while writing that thread without a lot of the noise of the failed
attempts as I was ironing out my toolchain. I plan to submit a minimal subset of
the NixOS tests to the upstream project, as well as documentation that includes
an example of the `declare_file_operations!` macro so that other people aren't
stung by the same confusion I was.
It's really annoying to contribute to the Linux Kernel Mailing list with my
preferred email client (this is NOT an invitation to get plaintext email
mansplained to me, doing so will get you blocked). However the Rust for Linux
people take GitHub pull requests so this will be a lot easier for me to deal

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- witchcraft
# Dhall for Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a surprisingly complicated software package. Arguably, it has to
be that complicated as a result of the problems it solves being complicated; but
managing yaml configuration files for Kubernetes is a complicated task. [YAML][yaml]
@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ named [dyson][dyson] in order to help me manage Terraform as well as create
Kubernetes manifests from [a template][template]. This works for the majority of
my apps, but it is difficult to extend at this point for a few reasons:

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2018-08-27
for: Sam
# Died to Save Me
People often get confused
when I mention the fact that I
consider myself before I

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@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
title: Writing Coherently At Scale
date: 2022-06-29
- writing
As someone who does a lot of writing, I have been asked how to write about
things. I have been asked about it enough that I am documenting this here so you
can all understand my process. This is not a prescriptive system that you must
do in order to make Quality Content™, this is what I do.
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="coffee">I honestly have no idea if this is a
"correct" way of doing things, but it seems to work well enough. Especially so
if you are reading this.</xeblog-conv>
<xeblog-hero file="great-wave-cyberpunk" prompt="the great wave off of kanagawa, cyberpunk, hanzi inscription"></xeblog-hero>
## The Planning Phase
To start out the process of writing about something, I usually like to start
with the end goal in mind. If I am writing about an event or technology thing,
I'll start out with a goal that looks something like this:
> Explain a split DNS setup and its advantages and weaknesses so that people can
> make more informed decisions about their technical setups.
It doesn't have to be very complicated or intricate. Most of the complexity
comes up naturally during the process of writing the intermediate steps. Think
about the end goal or what you want people to gain from reading the article.
I've also found it helps to think about the target audience and assumed skills
of the reader. I'll usually list out the kind of person that would benefit from
this the most and how it will help them. Here's an example:
> The reader is assumed to have some context about what DNS is and wants to help
> make their production environment more secure, but isn't totally clear on how
> it helps and what tradeoffs are made.
State what the reader is to you and how the post benefits them. Underthink it.
It's tempting to overthink this, but really don't. You can overthink the
explanations later.
### The Outline
Once I have an end goal and the target audience in mind, then I make an outline
of what I want the post to contain. This outline will have top level items for
generic parts of the article or major concepts/steps and then I will go in and
add more detail inside each top level item. Here is an example set of top level
items for that split DNS post:
- Introduction
- Define split DNS
- How split DNS is different
- Where you can use split DNS
- Advantages of split DNS
- Tradeoffs of split DNS
- Conclusion
Each step should build on the last and help you reach towards the end goal.
After I write the top level outline, I start drilling down into more detail. As
I drill down into more detail about a thing, the bullet points get nested
deeper, but when topics change then I go down a line. Here's an example:
- Introduction
- What is DNS?
- Domain Name Service
- Maps names to IP addresses
- Sometimes it does other things, but we're not worrying about that today
- Distributed system
- Intended to have the same data everywhere in the world
- It can take time for records to be usable from everywhere
Then I will go in and start filling in the bullet tree with links and references
to each major concept or other opinions that people have had about the topic.
For example:
- Introduction
- What is DNS?
- Domain Name Service
- Maps names to IP addresses
- Sometimes it does other things, but we're not worrying about that today
- Distributed system
- Intended to have the same data everywhere in the world
- It can take time for records to be usable from everywhere
These help me write about the topic and give me links to add to the post so that
people can understand more if they want to. You should spend most of your time
writing the outline. The rest is really just restating the outline in sentences.
## Writing The Post
After each top level item is fleshed out enough, I usually pick somewhere to
start and add some space after a top level item. Then I just start writing. Each
top level item usually maps to a few paragraphs / a section of the post. I
usually like to have each section have its own little goal / context to it so
that readers start out from not understanding something and end up understanding
it better. Here's an example:
> If you have used a computer in the last few decades or so, you have probably
> used the Domain Name Service (DNS). DNS maps human-readable names (like
> ``) to machine-readable IP addresses (like ``). Because
> of this, DNS is one of the bedrock protocols of the modern internet and it
> usually is the cause of most failures in big companies.
> DNS is a globally distributed system without any authentication or way to
> ensure that only authorized parties can query IP addresses for specific domain
> names. As a consequence of this, this means that anyone can get the IP address
> of a given server if they have the DNS name for it. This also means that
> updating a DNS record can take a nontrivial amount of time to be visible from
> everywhere in the world.
> Instead of using public DNS records for internal services, you can set up a
> split DNS configuration so that you run an internal DNS server that has your
> internal service IP addresses obscured away from the public internet. This
> means that attackers can't get their hands on the IP addresses of your
> services so that they are harder to attack. In this article, I'm going to
> spell out how this works, the advantages of this setup, the tradeoffs made in
> the process and how you can implement something like this for yourself.
In the process of writing, I will find gaps in the outline and just fix it by
writing more words than the outline suggested. This is okay, and somewhat
normal. Go with the flow.
I expand each major thing into its component paragraphs and will break things up
into sections with markdown headers if there is a huge change in topics. Adding
section breaks can also help people stay engaged with the post. Giant walls of
text are hard to read and can make people lose focus easily.
Another trick I use to avoid my posts being giant walls of text is what I call
"conversation snippets". These look like this:
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hacker">These are words and I am saying
I use them for both creating [Socratic
dialogue]( and to add prose
flair to my writing. I am more of a prose writer [by
nature](, and I find that this mix allows me
to keep both technical and artistic writing up to snuff.
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="enby">Amusingly, I get asked if the characters
in my blog are separate people all giving their input into things. They are
characters, nothing more. If you ever got an impression otherwise, then I have
done my job as a writer _incredibly well_.</xeblog-conv>
Just flesh things out and progressively delete parts of the outline as you go.
It gets easier.
### Writing The Conclusion
I have to admit, I really suck at writing conclusions. They are annoying for me
to write because I usually don't know what to put there. Sometimes I won't even
write a conclusion at all and just end the article there. This doesn't always
work though.
A lot of the time when I am describing how to do things I will end the article
with a "call to action". This is a few sentences that encourages the reader to
try the thing that I've been writing about out for themselves. If I was turning
that split DNS article from earlier into a full article, the conclusion
could look something like this:
> ---
> If you want an easy way to try out a split DNS configuration, install
> [Tailscale]( on a couple virtual machines and enable
> [MagicDNS]( This will set up a split
> DNS configuration with a domain that won't resolve globally, such as
> ``, or just `hostname` for short.
> I use this in my own infrastructure constantly. It has gotten to the point
> where I regularly forget that Tailscale is involved at all, and become
> surprised when I can't just access machines by name.
> A split DNS setup isn't a security feature (if anything, it's more of an
> obscurity feature), but you can use it to help administrate your systems by
> making your life easier. You can update records on your own schedule and you
> don't have to worry about outside attackers getting the IP addresses of your
> services.
I don't like giving the conclusion a heading, so I'll usually use a [horizontal
rule (`---` or `<hr
/>`)]( to
break it off.
This is how I write about things. Do you have a topic in mind that you have
wanted to write about for a while? Try this system out! If you get something
that you like and want feedback on how to make it shine, email me at
`iwroteanarticle at xeserv dot us` with either a link to it or the draft
somehow. I'll be sure to read it and reply back with both what I liked and some
advice on how to make it even better.

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- big-rewrite
# Dont Look Into the Light
So at a previous job I was working at, we maintained a system. This system
powered a significant part of the core of how the product was actually used (as
far as usage metrics reported). Over time, we had bolted something onto the side
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ terrible idea. Microservices architectures are not planned. They are an
evolutionary result, not a fully anticipated feature.
Finally, dont “design for the future”. The future [hasnt happened
yet]( Nobody
yet]( Nobody
knows how its going to turn out. The future is going to happen, and you can
either adapt to it as it happens in the Now or fail to. Dont make things overly
modular, that leads to insane things like dynamically linking parts of an

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ tags:
- gitea
# Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes with Gitea and Drone
Recently I put a complete rewrite of [the printerfacts
server]( into service based on
[warp]( I have it set up to automatically
@ -279,7 +281,7 @@ step.
The deploy step does two small things. First, it installs
for generating the Kubernetes manifest (see
[here]( and then
[here]( and then

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@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
title: Emoji is not a Language
date: 2021-07-14
- linguistics
- philosophy
What is a language? This is something that is surprisingly controversial.
There's some easy ways to tell when something is a language (one of them being
that they have an army), but what about things like emoji? Is emoji a language?
In this article I will attempt to argue that emoji is not a language unto
At a high level, language is a tool that we use to represent
spatial/temporal/conceptual relations between objects/ideas/things, statements
about reality and similar things among that nature. Many languages are broken
into units of meaning that we call words. Here are some example words:
- the
- taco
- is
- beautiful
We can break these words into two basic classes like this:
| Content | Grammar |
| :------- | :------- |
| taco | the |
| beautiful | is |
It's worth noting that not all verbs fall into the "grammar" category. Things
like "eat" would fall into a content word, however "is" is a special case
because it is directly drawing a relation between two things. In the sentence
"The taco is beautiful", there is a relation being made from one specific taco
and the abstract concept of beauty.
I want to argue that emoji has plenty of content words, but no grammar words. If
we wanted to assemble an analog to "The taco is beautiful" in emoji, we could
make 1:1 correlations between English words and emoji like this:
| English | Emoji |
|:------- |:----- |
| the | |
| taco | 🌮 |
| is | |
| beautiful | 🎀 |
I dug through the entire emoji chart and was unable to find things that could be
used for "the" and "is". Heck, even the word I used for "beautiful" was a
stretch because the ribbon emoji is normally used that way. Is a language
defined by words that have inherent meaning or is that meaning arbitrarily
assigned by its users? Can I just firng out words like "xnoypt" as in "realizing
how the word would be pronounced, Tom [xnoypted](
out of existence"? Does that mean "xnoypt" is a word?
The closest I was able to get to "the" and "is" would be metaphors that would
fall apart when you want to discuss the actual things involved. Let's say that
you assign arbitrary emoji at least to "is" so that you can end up with this
sentence in emoji:
What if you want to talk about the concept of right though? Say you want to
convey that the taco store is to the right of the office building. You'd need to
say something like:
And this could be easily confused with the interpretation "taco store right
right office building".
But how do you know that it's a taco store? That's just a convention English
follows where the thing being described is the right-most thing and other things
on the left are just qualifiers or determiners to what's going on about it. It's
a "taco store", not a "store taco". Other languages like French do have this
reversed, so it could easily become a source of confusion.
So what if you ripped out the grammar entirely? What if you just had something
that was pure content? Could utterances like "🌮🏪➡️🏢" function in place of
something that breaks apart the words into groups? How would people know the
difference between that being a giant list of descriptors on top of a taco or an
office building?
How would you express verbs like "to eat"? Emojipedia says that 🍴 is used to
signify eating, but what about cultures that don't use cutlery to eat with?
Would this really be global enough to work in places like China? Cultural
cross-contamination would likely be enough at this point that most people could
get the message, but is this really representing the idea of eating or the idea
of something that you can use to eat other things? Would using this mean that
you could express what you ate with emoji? What would make it more of a concept
of eating than "to eat", "mangxi" (Esperanto), "manger" (French), or "citka"
If language is a tool that we can use to describe relations, then we can sorta
get them across with emoji by piggy-backing on top of the grammar of other
languages. You can derive new words like "taco store" with phrases like "🌮🏪".
You can use these to create meaning, I guess, but it wouldn't be very precise.
You could get across the most common words and cultural ideas, but not much
Certainly not technical things where detail is important. Where is that taco
store in relation to the office building? Is it 5 meters to the right of it or
500 meters? What color is the office building? What name does it have? What is
the name of the road? What is the name of the taco store?
What can you really convey with emoji that isn't also conveyed with words?
You can create new words easily with some chat platforms and how they use emoji
though. You can either describe "nonbinary people" as "🚫🔢01🧍" or you can just
upload an image of the [nonbinary pride
flag]( to use as a
direct descriptor of the concept instead. In a way emoji gives you a level of
freedom of expression that simple words can't. The word "xnoypt" makes sense to
people that know the word, but the picture has a greater chance of being closer
to understood on its own. Here is an emoji that my coworkers use as a loving
This one is called `friday_deploy` and is used as the avatar of our deployment
bot as well as a way to describe the abstract horror of deploying software on a
Friday. By being an emoji it can represent something more than just the
pictograph that it is.
These all certainly encode meaning on their own, but meaning on its own doesn't
make a language. Emoji certainly could become a language, but it would need a
lot of work to become one. Even then it would likely fall into the other
failings that International Auxiliary Languages that have fell into. It is
easier to type emoji than it is to type things like Esperanto's "ĉ", but it's
going to inherently encode assumptions in the creator's first language.
Emoji is not a language, it's used to augment existing languages.
> If you want to claim that emoji is a language, you should be able to make that
> same claim using emoji. Not an ad hoc cypher of the english sentence; just use
> emoji the way people commonly use them, which you're saying counts as a
> language, to say "Emoji is a language".
- allthingslinguistic
I'd be willing to be proven wrong if you can write "Emoji is a language"
unambiguously using emoji without it being a baroque cipher of English.

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@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
title: Epilogue
date: 2021-05-26
- irc
series: freenode
The last caretaker's absence rippled throughout the halls. The darkness was all
that remained.
I used to run an IRC network named PonyChat. It was an IRC network aimed at
adult fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Looking back, working on that
network was probably the biggest catalyst to my learning how to do system
administration to the level I am at today.
Lots of stuff goes wrong when you run an IRC network. PonyChat peaked at around
500 users on average, but that didn't stop things from being interesting. There
were several "groups" of people there, and a lot of roleplaying channels. As
things like Discord picked up more and more users, a lot of the roleplaying
channels were all that were left at the end. There were some people in the #geek
room that were near permanent fixtures. Talking with those people and
collaborating on various projects is how I learned the skills that I use daily
for remote work.
The darkness was confused. It didn't expect this to happen. The discussion halls
were so full of life before! There were so many people from as many backgrounds
talking about anything you could imagine!
But the people left. The darkness didn't totally see why this happened, but then
they walked the halls and saw some things around the empty rooms.
The official Arch Linux support channels have moved to, good luck!
The previous moderators of the discussion forum had apparently left up signs
telling anyone who hadn't walked over with them to tell them where to go. The
darkness looked around and saw more and more of those signs.
_Without those signs, they won't know where to go! If we can remove all of those
signs then maybe the people will be active again!_
> This channel has moved to ##archlinux. The topic is in violation of freenode
> policy.
_Perfect_, the darkness thought to themselves. _They can't leave now, those
signs were telling them where to go!_
When things came to an end with PonyChat, I had a big choice to make. There's
two main ways for chat communities to die: fast and slow. The fast ways are
quicker, less painful for users and potentially harsh for people that didn't get
the memo in time. The slow way gets expensive and soul-draining.
I was the last caretaker left on PonyChat after the attrition rate affected the
staff as well as the users. I was the only person really active on the network
and a lot of it was held together with increasingly brittle lua scripts.
It was soul-crushing. PonyChat was close to my heart. Writing the bots that
ended up being the core of the anti-spam engine were some of my first coding
The darkness was disturbed from their laurels by one of their caretakers.
Apparently this angered the people who had left. The former community scribes
were furious. The last caretakers had never done such a thing. Notices to those
communities were always left intact. The mere _thought_ of doing such a thing
was _unthinkable_.
Yet it happened. The darkness realized that they messed up. Quickly, a change
was made. _It can't be against policy if there's a policy allowing it!
Historical precedent be damned, this is advertisement! They are promoting
another place instead of here! Here is perfectly good!_ They thought.
The darkness smiled its spiral smile and spread to take down more signs with a
golem purpose made to print off new signs.
> This channel has moved to ##botters. The topic is in violation of freenode
> policy.
The golem blindly continued manufacturing out new signs. The silent masses left
behind watched in horror as they were forced out of their former haunts.
There's something kind of magical about writing an IRC chatbot. It's one of the
few kinds of things you can create that you create in public. Even if the source
code isn't shared you still need to test it somewhere. You build it in public.
Anti-spam bots are a similar kind of thing. Unfortunately they form a kind of
arms race. It's much easier to make new spam than it is to come up with patterns
for existing spam. Writing one is soul-crushing. You have to quickly develop a
kind of reputation system or you will immediately turn it into a way to ban your
own users. A lot of the more clever trolls tricked users into typing the phrases
that got them banned.
Then there was the doxxing and swatting.
The darkness walked through the halls and smiled. All those signs were gone.
They peered into a room to see what was happening. They saw nothing. There
weren't even the silent masses that had normally huddled around the backs of
rooms. Some of those people had sat there for years doing nothing but listening.
Nobody really knew if they were actually paying attention or not, some may not
even be alive anymore, but they were haunting those rooms either way.
The signs pointed people elsewhere. Those who had stayed in the background
didn't get the memo. They were stuck there. Just sitting there and watching. Not
really doing anything, just watching and listening.
If you run an IRC network of any appreciable scale, be prepared for these
Your real name, email address, facebook account link, twitter account link,
phone number, parents names, mailing address, physical address and sometimes
even tax identification numbers will be leaked to the public. You **MUST** use
a password manager and two-factor auth everywhere. Register your domains under a
past or fake address. That will prevent people from getting your mailing address
as easily.
I've been doxxed so many times that I have given up trying to keep my things
separate. A lot of the places you see me using different names started out as my
attempts to use separate handles in different places. I have kept them the same
for consistency but I have largely given up trying to keep them separate. It is
a lot of work and I bet that even if I went back on the hyper private sthick (if
I even can at this point, I've been frontpaged on Orange Site and my blog gets
so much traffic that it's probably impossible in practice without abandoning my
handles and picking new ones).
Your staff will lose interest and abandon the project one day without telling
you. They may end up still being connected there, but just as an idle bouncer.
It's akin to a zombie laying in the background.
Call your local police non-emergency number and set up a standing order to call
you before they send in a SWAT team to your house. There are people that will
seriously call the cops and claim you're armed and dangerous to get a SWAT team
to ruin your life or potentially get you killed. This is not a joke. It's nearly
happened to me thrice. I got that call from the cops once. It is not a good
You need to use something with a powerful and easy to use spambot or message
filtering built into the server itself. This will save your ass some day.
The former moderators of the rooms that were closed off came back with
pitchforks and torches. They were **pissed**. The rooms they had tended to for
years were suddenly stolen from them. Yes, they were abandoned, but the
precedent for doing such a thing had never really existed before. It was such a
tiny thing, but they had to go out of their way to make that golem. They had to
tell the golem what to do. They had to send out that golem.
Several groups were on the fence with regards of what to do, but that golem made
the choice for them. Some groups even wanted _to stay at the same meeting house_
but the golem came in and closed their hall without warning.
The day I killed PonyChat was a hard day for me. I had planned it 3 months ago.
Warnings were issued. I helped bigger communities move elsewhere. Everything was
spinning down.
Then the time came and I ran the script that only needed to be run once:
$ ./scripts/
A progress bar appeared and with it all of what was created over the last decade
was destroyed. Backups were erased. Data was wiped. Servers were destroyed. DNS
records were altered. And finally it printed this:
It's okay to cry.
And that was the end of it.
If the halls were empty before, they were desolate now. Everything was being
abandoned in real time. Announcements were made about how the golem was
premature and that people should really consider staying. It was no use. The
golem had made up their minds.
The rot started.
Author's Note: I really hope this is the last entry in this little speculative
fiction/postmortem/retrospective series. I have an article in the pipeline on
how I'm creating virtual machines from templates so that I can test how various
versions of various distros work, but this freenode bullshit has eaten up a lot
of my thinking time. It's been like watching a train wreck. You can't look at
it, but you can't look away either. It's so hard to watch yet you just can't
help but watch it.
It hurts.
This was not on my bingo card for 2021.

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@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
title: "Things I'm Excited for in 2022"
date: 2021-12-28
author: ectamorphic
2021 has been...a thing. However there are a lot of things that I am looking
forward to in 2022 that I'm gonna summarize in a few categories.
## VR
2021 has been a really dry year for VR tech. The chip shortage has really hurt
the budding VR industry, but there are some things that have been announced that
I am looking forward to.
[VR has really been one of the main things that's been keeping me sane over the
eternal plague. It's become one of my main activities and I am looking forward
to the improvements that come with new generations of VR
### Simula One
[Simula]( is trying to create a VR headset that can
function as a monitor replacement. This is something I am _really_ excited for.
The Simula One has a lot of potential to change how people use computers.
Right now a lot of the "working in VR" kinds of projects try to recreate the
_experience_ of using a desktop PC in VR. This makes sense, the existing
paridigm is already there and people are already familiar with it. However there
is also a lot of room for ditching the constraints of the past and really
experimenting with what computing can be if you aren't constrained by monitors.
The Simula One headset is going to have [one of the highest pixels-per-degree on
the market for consumer VR]( It's
going to be running NixOS and [Monado](
I don't really know if it is going to take off and if the result will be any
good, however it's very important that people try these kinds of things. Who
knows what will catch on? They are going to open up a kickstarter in January and
I plan to be one of the early high tier donators.
### Valve "deckard"
Valve has been working on the Steam Deck, but there's also a section of Valve
that has been hard at work on a VR headset codenamed
The rumor mill says it will have an option to run as a standalone headset as
well as a traditional PCVR headset. Other digging into things have found a wifi
chip (a specific wifi6 realtek one) that would allow for streaming VR gameplay
over a network and there are also references to using
as a way to run "flat" applications in a VR space. There are also rumors that it
will support "inside-out" tracking, which is also essential for being a portable
I would absolutely love to have such a thing. I travel occasionally for work and
I would really love to have a quality PCVR experience on the go. It would let me
be able to not skip my workout days when I'm in a hotel room.
The VR space on Linux is slightly stagnated at the moment due to most of the
investment either being in SteamVR on Windows or on Oculus' fork of Android.
This does make sense though, there is a lot of money to be made in the VR space.
Hopefully Valve can improve the state of VR on Linux with the "deckard".
## Video Games
2021 has had some banger releases. Halo Infinite finally dropped. Final Fantasy
7 Remake came to PC. [Metroid
Dread]( finally
came out after being rumored for more than half of my lifetime. Forza Horizon 5
raced out into the hearts of millions. Overall, it was a pretty good year to be
a gamer.
[I was going to do a writeup of my thoughts on Halo Infinite, however I really
want to reserve that for when I can do it co-op. From what I've heard of the
development of Infinite there were many points where they didn't think that the
game would ship at all. It came out though. It's decent, movement is really fun,
but overall I don't feel it's going to be genre-defining in the ways they would
have hoped.](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
However 2022 looks like we're going to finally start returning to "normal" with
development schedules. Here's what I'm the most excited for:
### Steam Deck
The [Steam Deck]( is a handheld PC that will let
you play games. It's also likely going to be my first "next gen" console, as
despite my repeated attempts I have been unable to get an Xbox Series console or
a PS5.
[Is the Steam Deck really a console? It's much more like a PC, but it's not as
much of a console as the Oculus Quest 2 is.](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[Let's just call it a console for the sake of
I'm excited for this on multiple levels. Valve is going to make it run SteamOS 3
by default. SteamOS is based on Arch Linux and they have been making improvement
after improvement to the Linux kernel and all of the software they are going to
use on it. Valve hopes to have most games on Steam playable like they are on a
PC running windows.
It's also a bit of a chunky boi. It's gonna be a bit hefty, but I'm excited for
what it is going to bring to the ecosystem. It may lead to the year of Linux on
the desktop!
[Isn't that every year though?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
### Splatoon 3
Splatoon is one of my favorite game series. It's a game where you have a bunch
of ink guns and your goal is to cover as much turf as possible. The game feels
like Quake in the best ways. You use your sticks to lead and the gyroscope to
refine your aim, just like you would with a Steam Controller.
[I'm still sad that the Steam Controller failed in the
Splatoon 3 looks like it will build on the fundamentals in great ways. I can't
wait to see what they have in store!
### The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild
I have over 400 hours logged in Breath of The Wild. It is in the running for my
favorite games of all time. The really innovative part of Breath of The Wild was
the fact that it was a jRPG without a leveling mechanic, experience points or a
hard-defined story path. You are dumped into the world, given tools to explore
through it and then given free reign to do whatever you want. It is a massive
open world (probably one of the biggest in a Nintendo game save maybe Xenoblade
Chronicles X) and you are given the agency you need to play the game how you
want. You can run straight to Ganon and finish the game in less than an hour.
You can spend hundreds of hours exploring the world to solve all the puzzle
Most of all though, the really great part about Breath of The Wild is the fact
that as you play, your skill as a player improves. You learn to chain together
mechanics to do basically whatever you want and the game doesn't stop you. You
can do _whatever you want_ and the real progression system is your skill.
[This sounds weird, but tying progression to player skill is incredibly
anti-meta as far as these games go. Usually jRPGs are very tailored experiences
where you go through the standard "fetch bread -> kill god" kind of power skill
tree, but with Breath of The Wild you can "kill god" right out of the gate and
"fetch bread" later.](conversation://Cadey/enby)
I have no idea what to expect for the sequel to Breath of The Wild, but I'm
excited as heck to see what they come up with.
[This is going to have an article written about it once I've gotten a chance to
play through it. This may take a week to a month. It's gonna be worth the
## My Projects
I don't really like having too many project plans ahead of time, but here are
the biggest things I'm already committing myself to do next year. Something
something forward looking statements something something.
### Daily Workout Streams
I love rhythm games. I haven't really had good rhythm games to play until I got
back into VR. I've been playing a lot of [Beat
Saber]( and more recently
[Synth Riders]( I've been streaming my play on
[Twitch]( and I have a playlist of the VODs on
I live a very sedentary lifestyle, even before COVID, and I want to start to get
back into shape. Doing it [dancing on the
is fun, so why not?
### Spellblade
I have a bunch of unreleased material for Spellblade that I need to go in and
edit up and post.
### V-Tubing
I got a webcam for Christmas that I plan to use for V-Tubing coming soon. I want
to use it for recording conference talks as well as for doing some non-VR gaming
I have been working on getting a V-Tuber model hacked up out of the one that
I've been using in VRChat, but having no idea what I am doing in Unity has
really not been helping.
Hope this was an interesting view into what I'm excited for. This may be my last
post for the year. Stay safe out there, things have been rough.

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ title: I Put Words on this Webpage so You Have to Listen to Me Now
date: 2018-11-30
# I Put Words on this Webpage so You Have to Listen to Me Now
Holy cow. I am angry at how people do thing with tool. People do thing with tool so badly. You shouldn't do thing with tool, you should do other thing, compare this:
I am using tool. I want to do thing. I flopnax the ropjar and then I get the result of doing thing (because it's convenient to flopnax the ropjar given the existing program structure).

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ tags:
- heroku
# Farewell Email - Heroku
## May our paths cross again
Hey all,
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ The people I've worked with at Heroku have been catalytic to our success as a le
There is no doubt in my mind that you all will build fantastically useful and stable tools for Salesforce customers. Keep your eyes on what matters, let your heart guide your actions, and you all will continue to construct and refine the finest possible infrastructure that is possible. We may be limited as humans, but together in groups like this we can surpass these arbitrary differences and create things that really shine.
> As one being we repeat the words:
> As one being we repeat the words:
> Flow in compassion
> Release what is divine

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ for: Twilight Sparkle
series: stories
# Fear
_I must not fear._
_Fear is the mind-killer._
_Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration._

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ tags:
- gemini
# RSS/Atom Feeds Fixed and Announcing my Flight Journal
I have released version 2.0.1 of this site's code. With it I have fixed the RSS
and Atom feed generation. For now I have had to sacrifice the post content being
in the feed, but I will bring it back as soon as possible.

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ tags:
- nim
FFI-ing Golang from Nim for Fun and Profit
As a side effect of Go 1.5, the compiler and runtime recently gained the
ability to compile code and run it as FFI code running in a C namespace. This
means that you can take any Go function that expresses its types and the like

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@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
title: Final Chapter
date: 2021-05-20
- irc
series: freenode
The last caretaker looked at the last light lit in the empty halls. They looked
out across their home. It used to be filled with thousands of people. There were
discussions about every topic imaginable from people of as many backgrounds.
Projects were born. Relationships were forged. Friends were found. Lives were
irreparably changed for the better.
But the darkness came and soaked into the foundation. Some noticed it and became
alerted. Some ignored it as an "inevitable" change. Some ran away, abandoning
their home of choice. Some stuck around.
Then the darkness took over and the larger discussion rooms sprung into action.
The meddlers between the halls suddenly became a network of people to assist the
other larger discussion rooms to move elsewhere. Through their careful planning
and surgical execution, they managed to move all of the major discussions away
in hours. Prior migrations on this scale have not happened. Normally there are
stragglers. Normally people try to stick it out and decry those that leave as
NickServ: User reg. : Dec 03 22:31:33 2007 (13y 24w 3d ago)
NickServ: Last addr : ~cadey@infoforcefeed/Xe
Freenode had been my home on the internet for over half of my life. All things
IRC must come to an end, but it felt like Freenode was eternal. The staff had
not always made decisions that I agreed with, but I have run IRC networks
before. I know how it is. Precedent can drown you.
It's just sad to see it end like this. The communities that I have joined there
have been _catalytic_ in my life. I have irreparably changed the life of others
on Freenode. I met people on Freenode that I talk with daily. I'm sure that I
wouldn't have the career that I have without Freenode.
But it's been taken over by a narcissistic Trumpian wannabe Korean royalty
bitcoin millionaire, and I just cannot support that.
Not this time though. The darkness was so deep into things that the very rooms
themselves became at risk. The floors were not known to be safe. The caretakers
had worked together to come up with a new plan and had built an exact replica of
the meeting halls elsewhere.
Through that network of meddlers, people were helped over. The new halls needed
adjusting to cope with the sudden load, however they took them. The caretakers
spun up their new discussion hall and built it stronger than before.
They, the last caretaker, was unable to control the darkness anymore. The
darkness was too deep. Their access had rotten away.
NickServ: Account Xe has 5 other nick(s) grouped to it, remove those first.
I joined Freenode initially in order to get help with Ubuntu in high school.
> (shadowh511) hello, i need some help configuring wine 0.9.50 to run
> microsoft digital image suite 10, i try to run the setup app, an i get two
> looping messages about MDAC, and on how the system needs to reboot before it
> can install, but the messages loop, how can i fix this?
> (Fluxd) !wine | shadowh511
> (ubotu) shadowh511: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows
> programs on GNU/Linux. See for more
> information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
> (shadowh511) they won't help me there
I eventually figured it out. I think I just did it on Windows.
I ended up rejoining it and really sticking around once I got into My Little
Pony: Friendship is Magic. There was a channel called `#reddit-mlp` that I
haunted for years.
I met friends that I still talk with today. I wonder if anyone from there that I
haven't talked with in years is reading this now.
The soul of the halls was not the halls itself. It was not the caretakers. It
was the people. Once the bigger halls moved over, the people followed. Each
person leaving took that much more of the soul with them.
Drops became a stream became a torrent became a flood and in a day's time the
soul of the halls had left. The soul was gone and only the darkness remained.
The last caretaker looked at the room and snuffed out their light. They packed
up their backpack and closed the front door for the last time.
They cried as they walked to their new home.
(Xe) ungroup JohnMadden
NickServ: Nick JohnMadden has been removed from your account.
(Xe) ungroup Xena
NickServ: Nick Xena has been removed from your account.
(Xe) ungroup Cadance
NickServ: Nick Cadance has been removed from your account.
(Xe) ungroup Cadey
NickServ: Nick Cadey has been removed from your account.
(Xe) ungroup shadowh511
NickServ: Nick shadowh511 has been removed from your account.
(Xe) drop Xe ******
> NickServ: This is a friendly reminder that you are about to destroy the
> account Xe. To avoid accidental use of this command, this operation has to
> be confirmed. Please confirm by replying with /msg NickServ DROP Xe `******`
> `86033ae0:9e021b10`
The halls fell, but the people that made up the soul of those halls moved on.
Their home went away because their home wasn't a building. It was an idea. Ideas
persist in ways that buildings don't.
(Xe) DROP Xe ****** 86033ae0:9e021b10
NickServ: The account Xe has been dropped.
You can find me on [Liberachat]( in `#xeserv`. If you want
to chat about my blog articles, I welcome any readers to join there.
Be well.
irc: server freenode has been deleted

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@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
title: " the Reclaimer of Heroku's Magic"
date: 2022-05-15
- flyio
- heroku
Heroku was catalytic to my career. It's been hard to watch the fall from grace.
Don't get me wrong, Heroku still _works_, but it's obviously been in maintenance
mode for years. When I worked there, there was a goal that just kind of grew in
scope over and over without reaching an end state: the Dogwood stack.
In Heroku each "stack" is the substrate the dynos run on. It encompasses the AWS
runtime, the HTTP router, the logging pipeline and a bunch of the other
infrastructure like the slug builder and the deployment infrastructure. The
three stacks Heroku has used are named after trees: Aspen, Bamboo and Cedar.
Every Heroku app today runs on the Cedar stack, and compared to Bamboo it was a
generational leap in capability. Cedar was what introduced buildpacks and
support for any language under the sun. Prior stacks railroaded you into Ruby on
Rails (Heroku used to be a web IDE for making Rails apps). However there were
always plans to improve with another generational leap. This ended up being
called the "Dogwood stack", but Dogwood never totally materialized because it
was too ambitious for Heroku to handle post-acquisition. Parts of Dogwood's
roadmap ended up being used in the implementation of Private Spaces, but as a
whole I don't expect Dogwood to materialize in Heroku in the way we all had
However, I can confidently say that []( seems like a viable
inheritor of the mantle of responsibility that Heroku has left into the hands of
the cloud. is a Platform-as-a-Service that hosts your applications on top
of physical dedicated servers run all over the world instead of being a reseller
of AWS. This allows them to get your app running in multiple regions for a lot
less than it would cost to run it on Heroku. They also use anycasting to allow
your app to use the same IP address globally. The internet itself will load
balance users to the nearest instance using BGP as the load balancing
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="enby">People have been asking me what I would
suggest using instead of Heroku. I have been unable to give a good option until
now. If you are dissatisfied with the neglect of Heroku in the wake of the
Salesforce acquisition, take a look at Its free tier is super generous.
I worked at Heroku and I am beyond satisfied with it. I'm considering using it
for hosting some personal services that don't need something like
Applications can be built either using [cloud native
buildpacks](, Dockerfiles or arbitrary
docker images that you generated with something like Nix's
`pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage`. This gives you freedom to do whatever you
want like the Cedar stack, but at a fraction of the cost. Its default instance
size is likely good enough to run the blog you are reading right now and would
be able to do that for $2 a month plus bandwidth costs (I'd probably estimate
that to be about $3-5, depending on how many times I get on the front page of
Hacker News).
You can have persistent storage in the form of volumes, poke the internal DNS
server uses for service discovery, run apps that use arbitrary TCP/UDP
ports (even a DNS server!), connect to your internal network over WireGuard, ssh
into your containers, and import Heroku apps into without having to
rebuild them. This is what the Dogwood stack should have been. This represents a
generational leap in the capabilities of what a Platform as a Service can do.
The stream VOD in the footer of this post contains my first impressions using to try and deploy an app written with [Deno]( to the
cloud. I ended up creating a terrible CRUD app on stream using SQLite that
worked perfectly beyond expectations. I was able to _restart the app_ and my
SQLite database didn't get blown away. I could easily imagine myself combining
something like [litestream]( into my docker images to
automate offsite backups of SQLite databases like this. It was magical.
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="happy">If you've never really used Heroku, for
context each dyno has a mutable filesystem. However that filesystem gets blown
away every time a dyno reboots. Having something that is mutable and persistent
is mind-blowing.</xeblog-conv>
Everything else you expect out of Heroku works like you'd expect in The
only things I can see missing are automated Redis hosting by the platform
(however this seems intentional as is generic enough [to just run redis
directly for you]( and the marketplace.
The marketplace being absent is super reasonable, seeing as Heroku's marketplace
only really started existing as a result of them being the main game in town
with all the mindshare. is a voice among a chorus, so it's understandable
that it wouldn't have the same treatment.
Overall, I would rate as a worthy inheritor of Heroku's mantle as the
platform as a service that is just _magic_. It Just Works™. There was no
fighting it at a platform level, it just worked. Give it a try.
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="enby">Don't worry
[@tqbf](, put in a good showing. I still wanna
meet you at some conference.</xeblog-conv>

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@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
title: Footnote
date: 2021-06-15
- irc
series: freenode
- [Final Chapter](/blog/final-chapter-2021-05-20)
- [Epilogue](/blog/epilogue-2021-05-26)
Before the darkness was the darkness, the darkness was a child. This child found
themselves lost and without purpose. Life was scary. Things were changing
constantly, and they found themselves at a loss. One day they were walking about
the etherial network and stumbled across a meeting house.
The child looked inside and was confused. There were hundereds of rooms with
even more people inside. There were rooms on every topic. There was a shower of
culture and an outpouring of knowledge. Hanging out here would permanently
change the course of the child's life.
Horrified by the room takeover golem, the remaining regulars had fled their
former homes. This was not a home for legal reasons, but it was their social
home on the etherial network. Sadness had turned to rage had turned to
depression had turned to laughter. One of the former regulars was a apprentice
scryer, so as a lark they decided to set up some meeting rooms to scry their way
into rooms in the old meeting house. It was a one-way scry and all they could do
was watch.
Historically, IRC spam has been a unique form of art. Yes, I'm serious. There
have been legitimate works of art created in the desire to disrupt conversations
on IRC. It sounds absurd, but it's true. One unique quality of these artworks is
that in order to see them, they must be shared with others. At some level you
can't view this art alone, and that makes it beautiful.
Fighting IRC spam has turned into a full time job. There are hundreds of
different bot kinds and so many different ways to spam that fighting it is
difficult due to the server software being very simple. Historically IRC
developers have not wanted to add hooks so that people could run a bit of code
on each message as it was being processed. There were legitimate fears that
doing this would allow a malicious server admin to log every channel, not just
the ones they have joined. IRC was created at a time where all of the admins
knew eachother; but they were part of different organizations, each with their
own rules and subtly different codes of conduct.
One of the best ways to fight IRC spam has been to wait until the spammer gets
bored and goes off to do something else. Users are not as understanding to this
Someone had set up a golem-creating golem and aimed it at the meta-discussion
room of the former meeting house. It did its job dutifully and continued
marching on:
> (pissnet) come to pissnet for cold wet chats!
The people watching the scry had never seen this brand of disruption before. By
now the people watching had amassed to over a hundred and they were all bored
and eager for something new. Something new was here!
> (pissnet) come to pissnet for cold hard piss!
Over time, the shadowy group behind these golems became known as the urinators.
These urinators became a bit of a hero to the people who watched in horror as
the situation developed. The golems got discovered and ejected, and even earned
the ire of the anti-golem golem. The disguise was clever, the ejections where
swift, but the watchers laughed as the golems kept getting more and more
The darkness was dismayed. Everything was falling apart around them. The
maintainers of the maintenance golems had fled. The spellcrafters that empowered
them [had sworn to give no more
assistance]( The halls themselves
were starting to show the rot that had built up over the last 20 years of them
The darkness pondered amongst themselves until they pulled back a memory from
the past. A memory from the child. The halls themselves had to be replaced!
The watchers looked on in horror. The scryer had given up hope and decided to
move on with their life. The urinators had suceeded in shutting down the things
that were fun to the watchers. The urinators won.
Some urinators created their own halls. It was an experiment in anarchy for
running these types of halls. It is astounding that it managed to stay as stable
as it did.
I have been completely unsure how I should broach the topic of pissnet in these
articles. For people unfamiliar with IRC culture, you must think I'm making shit
up or something. It is _so_ out there that it's almost like an abstact art
gallery or something. But no, pissnet happened. It started as IRC spam and then
turned into this: []( I don't really think I
can suggest readers of this blog go there. It is some kind of weird anarchist
IRC hackerspace, but most of the users are ircops and can see your IP address.
Like, for people that are really deep into IRC culture, the whole pissnet
shitshow was so out there that they thought the people that were telling them
about that were making that shit up.
But it's real.
> We are moving past legacy freenode to a new fork. The new freenode is
> launched. You will slowly be disconnected and when you reconnect, you will be
> on the new freenode. We patiently await to welcome you in freedom's holdout -
> the freenode. If you're looking to connect now, you can already /server
> 6697 (ssl) or 6667 (plaintext). It's a new genesis for a new
> era. Thank you for using freenode, and Hello World, from the future. freenode
> is IRC. freenode is FOSS. When you connect, register your nickname and your
> channel and get started. It's a new world. We're so happy to welcome you and
> the millions of others.
The darkness smiled and replaced the halls where they were. The darkness hoped
that millions would follow.
They didn't come.
- [Freenode commits suicide, is no longer a serious IRC
- [the end of freenode](
- [All Freenode Channels and Users
- [Last remaining >1000 user community channel seized by freenode
Freenode is dead. The spirit lives on in [](

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@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ date: 2019-05-19
series: conlangs
# A Formal Grammar of `h`
## Introduction
`h` is a conlang project that I have been working off and on for years. It is infinitely simply teachable, trivial to master and can be used to represent the entire scope of all meaning in any facet of the word. All with a single character.
This is a continuation from [this post]( If this post makes sense to you, please let me know and/or schedule a psychologist appointment just to be safe.
This is a continuation from [this post]( If this post makes sense to you, please let me know and/or schedule a psychologist appointment just to be safe.
## Phonology

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@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
title: Fun with Redirection
date: 2021-09-22
author: Twi
- shell
- redirection
- osdev
When you're hacking in the shell or in a script, sometimes you want to change
how the output of a command is routed. Today I'm gonna cover common shell
redirection tips and tricks that I use every day at work and how it all works
under the hood.
Let's say you're trying to capture the output of a command to a file, such as
`uname -av`:
$ uname -av
Linux shachi 5.13.15 #1-NixOS SMP Wed Sep 8 06:50:21 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
You could copy that to the clipboard and paste it into a file, but there is a
better way thanks to the `>` operator:
$ uname -av > uname.txt
$ cat uname.txt
Linux shachi 5.13.15 #1-NixOS SMP Wed Sep 8 06:50:21 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Let's say you want to run this on a few machines and put all of the output into
`uname.txt`. You could write a shell script loop like this:
# make sure the file doesn't already exist
rm -f uname.txt
for host in shachi chrysalis kos-mos ontos pneuma
ssh $host -- uname -av >> uname.txt
Then `uname.txt` should look like this:
Linux shachi 5.13.15 #1-NixOS SMP Wed Sep 8 06:50:21 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Linux chrysalis 5.10.63 #1-NixOS SMP Wed Sep 8 06:49:02 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Linux kos-mos 5.10.45 #1-NixOS SMP Fri Jun 18 08:00:06 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Linux ontos 5.10.52 #1-NixOS SMP Tue Jul 20 14:05:59 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Linux pneuma 5.10.57 #1-NixOS SMP Sun Aug 8 07:05:24 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Now let's say you want to extract all of the hostnames from that `uname.txt`.
The pattern of the file seems to specify that fields are separated by spaces and
the hostname seems to be the second space-separated field in each line. You can
use the `cut` command to select that small subset from each line, and you can
feed the `cut` command's standard input using the `<` operator:
$ cut -d ' ' -f 2 < uname.txt
[It's worth noting that a lot of these core CLI utilities are built on the idea
that they are _filters_, or things that take one infinite stream of text in on
one end and then return another stream of text out the other
end. This is done through a channel called "standard input/output", where
standard input refers to input to the command and standard output refers to the
output of the command.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
[That's a great metaphor, let's build onto it using the `|` (pipe)
operator. The pipe operator lets you pipe the standard output of one command to
the standard input of another.](conversation://Cadey/enby)
[You mentioned that you can pass files as input and output for commands, does
this mean that standard input and standard output are
[Precisely! They are just files that are automatically open for every process.
Usually commands will output to standard out and some will also accept input via
standard in.](conversation://Cadey/enby)
[Doesn't that have some level of overhead though? Isn't it expensive to spin up
a whole heckin' `cat` process for that?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[Not on any decent system made in the last 20 years. This may have some impact
on Windows (because they have core architectural mistakes that make processes
take up to 100 milliseconds to spin up), but this is about Unix/Linux. I think
these should work on Windows too if you use Cygwin, but if you're using WSL you
shouldn't have any real issues there](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
Let's say we want to rewrite that `cut` command above to use pipes. You could
write it like this:
cat uname.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2
[The mnemonic we use for remembering the `cut` command is that fields are
separated by the `d`elimiter and you cut out the nth
This will get you the exact same output:
$ cat uname.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2
Personally I prefer writing shell pipelines like that as it makes it a bit
easier to tack on more specific selectors or operations as you go along. For
example, if you wanted to sort them you could pipe the result to `sort`:
$ cat uname.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | sort
This lets you gradually build up a shell pipeline as you drill down to the data
you want in the format you want.
[I wanted to save this compiler error to a file but it didn't work. I tried
doing this:](conversation://Mara/hmm)
$ rustc > foo.log
But the output printed to the screen instead of the file:
$ rustc > foo.log
error: expected one of `!` or `::`, found `main`
1 | fun main() {}
| ^^^^ expected one of `!` or `::`
error: aborting due to previous error
$ cat foo.log
This happens because there are actually _two_ output streams per program. There
is the standard out stream and there is also a standard error stream. The reason
that standard error exists is so that you can see if any errors have happened if
you redirect standard out.
Sometimes standard out may not be a stream of text, say you have a compressed
file you want to analyze and there's an issue with the decompression. If the
decompressor wrote its errors to the standard output stream, it could confuse or
corrupt your analysis.
However, we can redirect standard error in particular by modifying how we
redirect to the file:
$ rustc 2> foo.log
$ cat foo.log
error: expected one of `!` or `::`, found `main`
1 | fun main() {}
| ^^^^ expected one of `!` or `::`
error: aborting due to previous error
[Where did the `2` come from?](conversation://Mara/wat)
So I mentioned earlier that redirection modifies the standard input and output
of programs. This is not entirely true, but it was a convenient half-truth to
help build this part of the explanation.
For every process on a Unix-like system (such as Linux and macOS), the kernel
stores a list of active file-like objects. This includes real files on the
filesystem, pipes between processes, network sockets, and more. When a program
reads or writes a file, they tell the kernel which file they want to use by
giving it a number index into that list, starting at zero. Standard in/out/error
are just the conventional names for the first three open files in the list, like
| File Descriptor | Purpose |
| :------ | :------- |
| 0 | Standard input |
| 1 | Standard output |
| 2 | Standard error |
Shell redirection simply changes which files are in that list of open files when
the program starts running.
That is why you use a `2` there, because you are telling the shell to change
file descriptor number `2` of the `rustc` process to point to the filesystem
file `foo.log`, which in turn makes the standard error of `rustc` get written to
that file for you.
In turn, this also means that `cat foo.txt > foo2.txt` is actually a shortcut
for saying `cat foo.txt 1> foo2.txt`, but the `1` can be omitted there because
standard out is usually the "default" output that most of these kind of
pipelines cares about.
[How would I get both standard output and standard error in the same
The cool part about the `>` operator is that it doesn't just stop with output to
files on the desk, you can actually have one file descriptor get pointed to
another. Let's say you have a need for both standard out and standard error to
go to the same file. You can do this with a command like this:
$ rustc > foo.log 2>&1
This tells the shell to point standard out to `foo.log`, and then standard
error to standard out (which is now `foo.log`). There's a footgun here though;
the order of the redirects matters. Consider the following:
$ rustc 2>&1 > foo.log
error: expected one of `!` or `::`, found `main`
1 | fun main() {}
| ^^^^ expected one of `!` or `::`
error: aborting due to previous error
$ cat foo.log
$ # foo.log is empty, why???
We wanted to redirect stderr to `foo.log`, but that didn't happen. Why? Well,
the shell considers our redirects one at a time from left to right. When the
shell sees `2>&1`, it hasn't considered `> foo.log` yet, so standard out (`1`)
is still our terminal. It dutifully redirects stderr to the terminal, which is
where it was already going anyway. Then it sees `1 > foo.log`, so it redirects
standard out to `foo.log`. That's the end of it though. It doesn't
retroactively redirect standard error to match the new standard out, so our
errors get dumped to our terminal instead of the file.
Confusing right? Lucky for us, there's a short form that redirects both at the
same time, making this mistake impossible:
$ rustc &> foo.log
This will put standard out and standard error to `foo.log` the same way that
`> foo.log 2>&1` will.
[Will that work in every shell?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[It's a bourne shell (`bash`) extension, but I've tested it in `zsh` and `fish`.
You can also do `&|` to pipe both standard out and standard error at the same
time in the same way you'd do `2>&1 | whatever`.](conversation://Cadey/enby)
You can also use this with `>>`:
$ rustc &>> foo.log
$ cat foo.log
error: expected one of `!` or `::`, found `main`
1 | fun main() {}
| ^^^^ expected one of `!` or `::
error: aborting due to previous error
error: expected one of `!` or `::`, found `main`
1 | fun main() {}
| ^^^^ expected one of `!` or `::`
error: aborting due to previous error
[How do I redirect standard in to a file?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
Well, you don't. Standard in is an input, so you can change where it comes
_from_, not where it goes.
But, maybe you want to make a copy of a program's input and send it somewhere
else. There is a way to do _that_ using a command called `tee`. `tee` copies
its standard input to standard output, but it also writes a second copy to a
file. For example:
$ dmesg | tee dmesg.txt | grep 'msedge'
[ 70.585463] traps: msedge[4715] trap invalid opcode ip:5630ddcedc4c sp:7ffd41f67700 error:0 in msedge[5630d8fc2000+952d000]
[ 70.702544] traps: msedge[4745] trap invalid opcode ip:5630ddcedc4c sp:7ffd41f67700 error:0 in msedge[5630d8fc2000+952d000]
[ 70.806296] traps: msedge[4781] trap invalid opcode ip:5630ddcedc4c sp:7ffd41f67700 error:0 in msedge[5630d8fc2000+952d000]
[ 70.918095] traps: msedge[4889] trap invalid opcode ip:5630ddcedc4c sp:7ffd41f67700 error:0 in msedge[5630d8fc2000+952d000]
[ 71.031938] traps: msedge[4926] trap invalid opcode ip:5630ddcedc4c sp:7ffd41f67700 error:0 in msedge[5630d8fc2000+952d000]
[ 71.138974] traps: msedge[4935] trap invalid opcode ip:5630ddcedc4c sp:7ffd41f67700 error:0 in msedge[5630d8fc2000+952d000]
[ 1169.163603] traps: msedge[35719] trap invalid opcode ip:556a93951c4c sp:7ffc533f35c0 error:0 in msedge[556a8ec26000+952d000]
[ 1213.301722] traps: msedge[36054] trap invalid opcode ip:55a245960c4c sp:7ffe6d169b40 error:0 in msedge[55a240c35000+952d000]
[10963.234459] traps: msedge[104732] trap invalid opcode ip:55fdb864fc4c sp:7ffc996dfee0 error:0 in msedge[55fdb3924000+952d000]
This would put the output of the `dmesg` command (read from kernel logs) into
`dmesg.txt`, as well as sending it into the grep command. You might want to do
this when debugging long command pipelines to see exactly what is going into a
program that isn't doing what you expect.
Redirections also work in scripts too. You can also set "default" redirects for
every command in a script using the `exec` command:
exec > out.log 2> error.log
This will have the file listing from `ls` written to `out.log` and any errors
from `rustc` written to `error.log`.
A lot of other shell tricks and fun is built on top of these fundamentals. For
example you can take a folder, zip it up and then unzip it over on another
machine using a command like this:
$ tar cz ./blog | ssh pneuma tar xz -C ~/code/
This will run `tar` to create a compressed copy of the `./blog` folder and then
pipe that to tar on another computer to extract that into
`~/code/`. It's just pipes and redirection all the way
down! Deep inside `ssh` it's really just piping output of commands back and
forth over an encrypted network socket. Connecting to an IRC server is just
piping in and out data to the chat server, even more so if you use TLS to
connect there. In a way you can model just about everything in Unix with pipes
and file descriptors because that is the cornerstone of its design: Everything
is a file.
[This doesn't mean it's literally a file on the disk, it means you can _interact
with_ just about everything using the same system interface as you do with
files. Even things like hard disks and video cards.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
Here's a fun thing to do. Using [`curl`]( to read the contents
of a URL and [`jq`]( to select out bits from a
JSON stream, you can make a script that lets you read the most recent title from
my blog's [JSONFeed](/blog.json):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -s | jq -r '.items[0] | "\(.title) \(.url)"'
At the time of writing this post, here is the output I get from this command:
$ ./
Anbernic RG280M Review
What else could you do with pipes and redirection? The cloud's the limit!
Thanks to violet spark, cadence, and AstroSnail for looking over this post and
fact-checking as well as helping mend some of the brain dump and awkward
wording into more polished sentences.

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
title: "The Relaxing Surreality of VRChat Furry Conventions"
date: 2021-03-22
- vrchat
- fe21
Author's Note: you may want to view this post in a GUI browser for the best experience.
It is no secret that I am a furry. The main way that a lot of my friends and I meet up is at conventions. COVID has lead to a year without cons for my friend groups. It's gotten bad enough that in one server the convention coordination channel had its name changed from `#conventions` to `#cancelled`. These conventions are expensive (flight/hotel/badge/the dealer's den), tiring and weirdly recharging all at once.
Last thursday, I found out that there was an online furry convention happening this weekend in [VRChat]( [Furnal Equinox]( The concept intrigued me. Obviously, it won't be the same (there's only so much VR can do), but I decided to try it out and pinged a few friends about it. We jacked in and loaded up VRChat to see what it was all about.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A VRChat furry convention, in selfie essay format <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cadey A. Ratio 🌐 (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 22, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
It was a blast. Furry conventions usually have this weird but wholesome vibe to them. There's this feeling of community as existing friend groups meet up and as these groups mix together, new friendships get formed as well.
When I registered for the convention, there was an option to donate to the convention organization itself and to [Hobbitsee Wildlife Refuge]( I kicked over some money and then hopped in the Discord to get the supporter badge prop to glue onto my avatar. After a few rounds of testing, being confused by Unity, having that golden moment of understanding and then actually getting it to do what I wanted it to do, I managed to get the badge to a place where I was happy with it (and where it wouldn't clip through my body when I sat down).
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Let&#39;s play with textures to see what we get <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cadey A. Ratio 🌐 (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
[A bit of con culture info that may help here: usually at furry conventions people get a badge that they need to wear at all times on the con floor. This helps the staff know who should actually be at the convention or not. Many people in the online furry community do not have access to the source files that make up their avatar models and VRChat props don't persist between worlds, so it's not always possible for them to glue that badge onto their avatar model. The different tiers of badges are seen as signs of respect to some people (though we are not sure why). It's also common for people to put all of their previous con badges on the same lanyard or wear multiple lanyards for each con they've been to.](conversation://Mara/hacker)
I think this event was the catalyst for Unity really starting to actually make sense to me. My avatar model is pretty complicated as is (at least 79k polygons, 30 materials and several props that I can toggle on and off at will) and I think I now know what I need to do in order to simplify it a bit. I may not know how to actually do it yet, but I do know what I need to do.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Let&#39;s see how these shader changes work out: <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cadey A. Ratio 🌐 (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
When I arrived in the con hotel world, one of the first things I noticed was how much it felt like an actual hotel. I entered the world pretty early on friday, so at first things were fairly unpopulated (just like how it would feel if you got to the con a day early). Slowly people started filtering in and I just talked with people. The main hotel lobby was kinda janky, if you weren't careful you could teleport halfway across the map into a chair. However I had some good conversations where we talked about VR tech, some things that we'd each like to do at the convention and more.
Something that ends up happing at furry conventions is that you will talk to some people and then end up forgetting to get contact information for them. Then they just fade into the crowd at the end of the convention like tears in rain, and if you're lucky you may be able to see them next year. One of the main differences with a con in VRChat is that you're able to select that person and send a friend request to them in-game. Then you have a way to keep in touch.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cadey A. Ratio 🌐 (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
As the day went on some trolls got word that there was a furry convention happening in VRChat. There seems to be this weird underbelly of people that will go into VRChat worlds and intentionally ruin other people's fun by using avatars that spawn a bajillionty particles to crash the game. The convention staff reacted quickly though. Due to the fact that they weren't able to totally control who came into the convention (it being a free event in a free to download game without the best moderation tools means you kinda have to roll with the punches), they ended up creating a blocklist in a channel on the Discord. Thankfully VRChat offers a web panel for users to manage settings online, so I was able to block all of the crashers and continue having fun at the con.
One of the main staples of these conventions is the vendor's hall/dealer's den. The staff managed to make this adorable dealer's den map that had at least 60 stalls (one for each vendor). There were traditional artists, digital artists (including the person I had just gotten a sticker order from), VRChat avatar makers, a novel author that I had a lovely time talking with, and more. I didn't end up buying anything (though I may end up doing another sticker order), but it had that same _feeling_ that the vendor hall usually does. It would have been a lot more enjoyable if it wasn't so bright and laggy. In most of the con worlds I got around 70-72 frames per second, but in the vendor hall I regularly dipped down to 30-45. My VR setup over wifi insulates me from lag spikes (my headset is set to render at 80 FPS internally and the VR stream gets multiplexed onto it, so if I get a huge lagspike I don't actually feel it for a moment or two), but it got pretty bad.
Another staple of furry conventions is the room parties. These room parties usually have disturbing amounts of alcohol available and are a blast for everyone involved. They had a few room models to pick from including a penthouse suite with a little bar-like alcove. With a bunch of people in the same instance, I had a terrible idea and suggested everyone hop into the bathroom so we could take a pic. I ended up with this:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cadey A. Ratio 🌐 (@theprincessxena) <a href="">March 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Something else my friends and I end up doing is a run to restaurants like Nandos or Taco Bell. Obviously this is very difficult to coordinate in VRChat (some of the people I was chilling with don't have taco bell in their home country), but there is actually a VRChat Taco Bell map! I plunked down a portal and everyone jumped in. We explored around the world and a few people played a confusing looking game that appeared to be some kind of recursive tic tac toe. Unsurprisingly, they ended up in a draw.
I'm definitely going to go to conventions in VRChat in the future, even after COVID abates and the borders re-open. There is just this unique feeling to VR conventions. Everyone is wearing avatars that allow them to express themselves in ways that are difficult or expensive in person. There are a number of people fursuiting at any given convention (though I'm not sure how they do it, it must be an oven in those suits), but at this convention _everyone_ was in fursuit. It was hard to look around on the con floor and see anything but an outpouring of creativity and passion for their characters. I later found out that this con was a lot of people's first furry convention. I can't think of a better introduction than this. The only thing it was missing was that one person that sits at the hotel piano and plays video game music all day.

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ tags:
- twitch
# Gamebridge: Fitting Square Pegs into Round Holes since 2020
Recently I did a stream called [Twitch Plays Super Mario 64][tpsm64]. During
that stream I both demonstrated and hacked on a tool I'm calling
[gamebridge][gamebridge]. Gamebridge is a tool that lets you allow games to

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- gods
# The Gears and The Gods
If there are any gods in computing, they are the authors of compilers. The
output of compilers is treated as a Heavenly Decree, sometimes used for many
sprints or even years after the output has been last emitted.

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- web
# The Fear Of Missing Out
Humans have evolved over thousands of years with communities that are small,
tight-knit and where it is easy to feel like you know everyone in them. The
Internet changes this completely. With the Internet, it's easy to send messages,

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ tags:
- draft
# Get Going: Hello, World!
This post is a draft of the first chapter in a book I'm writing to help people learn the
[Go][go] programming language. It's aimed at people who understand the high
level concepts of programming, but haven't had much practical experience with
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ it. This is a sort of spiritual successor to my old
ecosystem since then, as well as my understanding of the language.
Like always, feedback is very welcome. Any feedback I get will be used to help
make this book even better.

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@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ date: 2015-01-28
series: howto
Getting Started with Go
Go is an exciting language made by Google for systems programming. This article
will help you get up and running with the Go compiler tools.

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- release
# gitea-release Tool Announcement
I'm a big fan of automating things that can possibly be automated. One of the
biggest pains that I've consistently had is creating/tagging releases of
software. This has been a very manual process for me. I have to write up

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@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
title: "GNU Doesn't Care About Your Agency"
date: 2022-02-10
- gnu
- libre
- rant
<div class="warning">
[EDIT(2022-02-10 12:47 EST): I apparently misread part of the GNU #guix channel
rules and made an unreasonable assumption that violators of the rules could be
banned. I have amended a conversation fragment accordingly. My intent was not to
lie, but to point out that some users actually need stuff that nonguix provides
but they just have to know that it exists in the first place.](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
Or: Ubuntu gives the user more agency about how they want to use their computer
than fully libre GNU/Linux distros ever can.
There are many different kinds of Linux distributions, but today we're going to
think about a certain kind of distribution: ones where the distribution is
totally comprised of free software as much as possible.
These distributions aim to let users benefit by making it possible to study,
hack at and modify every byte of software on the machine's hard drive. This is a
fairly noble goal, however in the process of doing this they break core parts of
hardware compatibility by "de-blobbing" the kernel. Most of these distributions
have a very paternalistic implementation where the "de-blobbed" linux-libre
kernel is the _only_ option, thus limiting users' agency.
For example, let's think about the CPU that I'm using right now. The CPU I'm
using is designed to be able to load CPU microcode updates that are distributed
by the manufacturer in order to mitigate bugs in the microcode that released
with the CPU that can cause real-world impact on what I do. Due to Facts and
Circumstances that are immutable for the sake of argument, this microcode is not
open source and cannot be compiled from source code. The linux-libre kernel
removes the ability to load such firmware updates at runtime.
This means that if something like the FDIV bug or Spectre shows up again but it
can be patched trivially with a microcode update, by nature of using the
linux-libre kernel I am doomed until the base microcode gets updated from the
motherboard manufacturer. If they release a closed-source update that you cannot
inspect or modify.
This paternalistic view of "you shouldn't be able to load microcode updates
because they aren't open source" means that my CPU will be vulnerable to
potentially critical security flaws and I have no way to work around it. This
ends up creating a _limitation_ in how I use my computer. This is worse than the
limitations of proprietary hardware because there is the illusion of free choice
that the community will spout off about as the next coming of sliced bread. That
still doesn't change the fact that my wifi card won't work without the normal
kernel and firmware blobs.
Combine this with other things like wifi card firmware (some wifi cards don't
have the firmware stored on the device, they require the OS to send it firmware
at runtime to make it work at all), and you have actually limited the agency and
capability of users far, far more than if you just let them load the firmware in
the first place.
[Yes, Yes the companies made the hardware this way in the first place and are
responsible for the problem, but telling users they are wrong for wanting it to
work because of an implementation detail about how the hardware updates itself
feels a lot like victim blaming. I am aware of the Talos II being a magical
puppy and rainbow situation where all of this isn't an issue, but sadly the
world just didn't turn out that way and we have to deal with the results of
Consider a situation like wanting to play an online game together with friends,
but through Facts and Circumstances you have an Nvidia GPU and the game is on
Steam with no open source option. If you are using a fully open source operating
system with no capacity to install Steam or the Nvidia drivers, you are screwed
and thus your freedom to use your computer how you want is severely limited.
This also extends to how those Linux distributions handle things like AWS. AWS
is largely the poster child of a proprietary cloud hosting platform that you are
made to work with as part of your job. Consider if something like Parabola
GNU/Linux created AWS images and gave users a best-in-class user experience for
using them. This would make the net cost of using a highly auditable environment
a lot lower than the current "don't use AWS lol" (which is again really close to
victim blaming), and would also create institutional knowledge that would let
other people benefit from this as a second or third order effect.
Parabola making AWS images means they can create more generic images, which
means that other people can use those images to do whatever they want with their
own hardware. This lets you have a net benefit to everyone in the project by
decreasing the friction of using it, so it will in turn make users more likely
to adopt it.
Remember the law of halves. Every additional step in adoption costs you half
your audience. Spinning up an AWS instance to mess around with it is a very
low-friction operation.
[But you can just not be a scrub and compile your own traitor kernel that lets
you load freedom-violating binary blobs!](conversation://Numa/delet)
[Then you have to hope your CPU is good enough to build a kernel, hope you can
pay attention to the kernel security mailing list enough to upgrade it when you
need to and finally hope you can upgrade the firmware blobset that the kernel
publishes separately! Hope is not a scalable strategy.](conversation://Cadey/angy)
If their goal is _really_ to liberate users and make it easy for them to have
control over what their computer is doing, they should make it trivial to escape
hatch into a less "pure" setup without having to install third party
repositories that you just have to know about or sidestepping the upstream
update process to install your own system software. This is more victim blaming.
The GNU project could be more than a circlejerk around things that the toe
cheese god said in the 80's and 90's. They could have been a source of reverse
engineering tools, institutions and overall inspire the kind of culture that
would make it _easy_ to understand arbitrary hardware, platforms and software
that you either come across or are made to use as a part of your job.
But they aren't. Instead, Guix, one of their if not their main flagship project
for making a fully GNU system, is addled by the use of the linux-libre kernel.
This makes the kernel fundamentally _incompatible_ with a shocking number of
computers, thus limiting users' freedom to use Guix at all.
[But wait, isn't there that one nonguix project that allows you to install a
normal kernel and Steam?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[Yeah, but talk about that in the main #guix channel and you get told to not
talk about it. You just have to know that it exists and you can't learn that it
exists without knowing someone that tells you that it exists under the table,
like some kind of underground software drug dealer giving you a hit of wifi card
firmware. This means that knowledge of the nonguix project (which may contain
tools that make it possible to use Guix at all) is hidden from users that may
need it because it allows users to install proprietary software. This limits
user freedom from being able to use their computer how they want by making it a
potentially untrustable underground software den instead of something that can
be properly handled upstream without having to place trust in too many
[That hardware is defective by design and you shouldn't use
[Wow, thanks, I'm cured. My wifi card magically stopped existing and now
everything is happy unicorns farting out rainbows that spawn free puppies and
everything is saved forever.<br /><br />Again, that doesn't help me with the
situation that my wifi card doesn't work and I as a user want it to even though
making it work will require proprietary firmware. This shit is how you get
things like the "GPL condom" in the Purism Librem phone, where all the
proprietary firmware is rigged to be loaded automagically in hardware instead of
sofware. This limits your ability to tinker with or modify the firmware _even if
there are legitimate reasons such as critical updates_. So by making the
hardware work with fully free software you have limited the ability to actually
improve the state of the world even with the proprietary firmware the
manufacturer gives you.](conversation://Cadey/angy)
Ubuntu gives the user more agency about how they want to use their computer than
fully libre GNU/Linux distros ever can.

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
title: |
The Semiotics of "Simple": Go Modules
date: 2021-03-23
- philosophy
- golang
- simple
In this post there are opinions. These opinions are my opinions and are purely targeted against ideas, not people. I have a lot of respect for the things I am talking about. These arguments are coming from a place of passion and wanting to make software understandable. Please keep this in mind before reacting to any opinions in this article.
# The Semiotics of "Simple": Go Modules
This sentence is a series of words that conveys a meaning. Each word in this sentence has its own meanings, but individually they don't really mean much. Pastry. Pasta. However, these words have meanings that can be as simple as a name for a color (ex: pink) and as complicated as an entire way of thinking (ex: fatalism). Semiotics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on the meanings and interpretations of symbols, such as words, logos, icons and similar things. In this article, we're going to examine the word "simple" and how different interpretations of that word can result in vastly different outcomes, specifically in the context of [Go Modules](
There is no central body that dictates what is and is not correct in English. This lack of a central body makes analysis of semiotics in English very hard. However, [Merriam-Webster]( is generally considered to be an authoritative dictionary in Anglophone communities, so let's start with the definitions it lists:
> Definition of _simple_
> 1. free from guile
> 2. free from vanity
> 3. free from ostentation or display
> 4. of humble origin or modest position
> 5. lacking in knowledge or expertise
> 6. lacking in intelligence
> 7. not socially or culturally sophisticated
> 8. free of secondary complications
> 9. having only one main clause and no subordinate clauses
> 10. _of a subject or predicate_ : having no modifiers, complements, or objects
> 11. constituting a basic element
> 12. not made up of many like units
> 13. free from elaboration or figuration
> 14. not subdivided into branches or leaflets
> 15. consisting of a single carpel
> 16. developing from a single ovary
> 17. controlled by a single gene
> 18. not limited or restricted : unconditional
> 19. readily understood or performed
> 20. _of a statistical hypothesis_ : specifying exact values for one or more statistical parameters
"simple" is one of the more "core" parts of English vocabulary. As such it ends up having a lot of meanings and senses of the word, which makes it very easy for people to get confused.
Let's start this analysis with [Minimal Version Selection](, which is described as a "simple" alternative to other solutions of the [version selection problem]( To put a complicated problem in very simple terms, this is solving the problem of picking versions of libraries needed to build a program. The Minimal Version Selection paper does a really great job of exploring the problem space. If you are at all unfamiliar with this topic, I really suggest reading it.
Something interesting about this problem is that it's [NP-complete](, meaning that it's one of the hardest problems you can solve with a computer. So, looking at it again, let's see which sense of the word "simple" is likely being used here. I think Russ Cox was getting at "readily understood or performed" with the word "simple".
Minimal Version Selection is very readily understood and performed. It's mainly described in a paper on Russ' website and the paper is very concise and easy to understand. It does its job. It works, does its thing and then gets out of your way so you can go back to writing the programs you want to write.
However, as a side effect of this easy to understand (and likely very easy to program) implementation of the version selection problem, there are some practical issues that can crop up like landmines, especially so when you consider "simple" to mean "free of secondary complications".
Let's take this image from Russ' article as an example:
![A dependency tree showing an old version of package D selecting an old version of package E](
Say that you want to depend on package B, which depends on package D, which depends on package E. With older versions of the Go toolchain, installing package B into your project grabs the newest possible version of that package and uses that. In Go modules, it will grab version 1.3 of package D, which depends on version 1.2 of package E. For people that have used Go for years, this behavior violates the expectation that you will always have the newest possible version of the program.
Even worse, this makes it very easy to accidentally pull buggy packages into your program too. Let's say that version 1.3 of package D has a known security flaw that will result in code execution. Your solution will be to upgrade package D to version 1.4 to fix this, but unless the maintainers of package B set an [exclude]( directive on that module forbidding the Go toolchain from using that version.
On one hand, yes this is simple as in it's easy to understand, but it is not simple in the sense that it has few hidden costs. They have very good reasons to avoid making the version selection code too complicated; however any way you look at this problem it is still a very difficult problem, and the complication has to go somewhere. In this case, doing the naiive thing that Go does can and will actively harm people in the worst ways.
But the Go team themselves may not end up actually hearing about that harm. The algorithm itself [has greater consequences beyond the code they write]( Maybe it would be better to describe Minimal Version Selection as "easily understandable" rather than "simple".
[-Wpedantic: It may also be a good idea to try to avoid too much clever thinking into critical parts of infrastructure like this. Not to say there's no room for research into this branch of computer science, because there _definitely_ is; maybe it's something that shouldn't be put into production across hundreds of thousands of companies production environments.<br /><br />Operators of software are often distracted and not always knowledgeable about the minutae of how something they are using is implemented (and arguably they shouldn't have to be to prevent the <a href="">PGP problem</a>).](conversation://Mara/hacker)

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@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
title: Go net/http.ServeMux and Trailing Slashes
date: 2021-11-04
- golang
When you write software, there are two kinds of problems that you run into:
1. Problems that stretch your fundamental knowledge of how things work and as a
result of solving them you become one step closer to unlocking the secrets to
immortality and transcending beyond mere human limitations
2. Exceedingly stupid typos that static analysis tools can't be taught how to
catch and thus dooms humans to feel like they wasted so much time on
something so trivial
3. Off-by-one errors
Today I ran into one of these three types of problems.
[Buckle up, it's story time!](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
It's a Thursday morning. Everything in this project has been going smoothly.
Almost too smoothly. Then `go test` is run to make sure that things are working like we expect.
[Huh, the test is passing, but the debug output says it should be failing.
What's up with that? What's going on here?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
The code in question had things that looked like this:
func TestKlaDatni(t *testing.T) {
tru := zbasuTurnis(t)
ts := httptest.NewServer(tru)
defer ts.Stop()
var buf bytes.Buffer
failOnErr(t, json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(Renma{ Judri: "mara@cipra.jbo" }))
u, _ := url.Parse(ts.BaseURL)
u.Path = "/api/v2/kla"
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, u.String(), &buf)
failOnErr(t, err)
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
failOnErr(t, err)
if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("wanted status code %d, got: %d", http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
The error message looked like this:
[INFO] turnis: invalid method GET for path /api/v2/kla
[I'm not totally sure what's going on, let's dig into Turnis and see what it's
doing. Surely we're missing something.](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
Digging deeper into the Turnis code, the API route was declared using
[net/http.ServeMux]( like this:
mux.Handle("/api/v2/kla/", logWrap(tru.adminKla))
[Maybe the `logWrap` middleware is changing it to `GET`
[Nope, it's too trivial for that to happen:](conversation://Mara/hmm)
func logWrap(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return xsweb.Falible(xsweb.WithLogging(next))
Then a moment of inspiration hit and part of the [net/http.ServeMux
came to mind. A ServeMux is basically a type that lets you associate HTTP paths
with handler functions, kinda like this:
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", index)
mux.HandleFunc("/robots.txt", robotsTxt)
mux.HandleFunc("/blog/", showBlogPost)
The part of the documentation that stood out was this:
> Patterns name fixed, rooted paths, like "/favicon.ico", or rooted subtrees,
> like "/images/" (note the trailing slash). Longer patterns take precedence
> over shorter ones, so that if there are handlers registered for both
> "/images/" and "/images/thumbnails/", the latter handler will be called for
> paths beginning "/images/thumbnails/" and the former will receive requests for
> any other paths in the "/images/" subtree.
Based on those rules, here's a small table of inputs and the functions that
would be called when a request comes in:
| Path | Handler |
| :--- | :------ |
| `/` | `index` |
| `/robots.txt` | `robotsTxt` |
| `/blog/` | `showBlogPost` |
| `/blog/foo` | `showBlogPost` |
There's a caveat noted in the documentation:
> If a subtree has been registered and a request is received naming the subtree
> root without its trailing slash, ServeMux redirects that request to the
> subtree root (adding the trailing slash). This behavior can be overridden with
> a separate registration for the path without the trailing slash. For example,
> registering "/images/" causes ServeMux to redirect a request for "/images" to
> "/images/", unless "/images" has been registered separately.
This means that the code from earlier that looked like this:
u.Path = "/api/v2/kla"
wasn't actually going to the `tru.adminKla` function. It was getting redirected.
This is because HTTP [doesn't allow you to redirect a POST
As a result, the POST request is getting downgraded to a GET request and the
body is just lost forever.
[Well okay, technically some frameworks _allow you to do this_ and others
will use a special HTTP status code to automate this, but Go's
The fix for that part ended up looking like this:
- u.Path = "/api/v2/kla"
+ u.Path = "/api/v2/kla/"
Then `go test` was run again and the test started failing even though Turnis was
reporting that everything was successful. Then the final typo was spotted:
- if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
+ if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("wanted status code %d, got: %d", http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
[It took us 6 hours combined to figure this out. Is that okay? It feels like
that's wasting too much time on a simple problem like
[That's just how some of these kinds of problems are. The dumbest problems
always take the longest to figure out because they are the ones that tools can't
really warn you about. I once spent 15 hours of straight effort trying to fix
something to find out that `ON` is a yaml value for "true" and that what I was
trying to do needed to be `"ON"` instead. This is our lot in life as software
people. You are going to make these kinds of mistakes and it is going to make
you feel like an absolute buffoon every time. That is just how it happens. Let's
go play Fortnite and forget about all this for

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@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
title: Crimes with Go Generics
date: 2022-04-24
- cursed
- golang
- generics
Go 1.18 added [generics]( to the
language. This allows you to have your types take types as parameters
so that you can create composite types (types out of types). This lets
you get a lot of expressivity and clarity about how you use Go.
However, if you are looking for good ideas on how to use Go generics,
this is not the post for you. This is full of bad ideas. This post is
full of ways that you should not use Go generics in production. Do not
copy the examples in this post into production. By reading this post
you agree to not copy the examples in this post into production.
I have put my code for this article [on my git
server]( This repo has been
intentionally designed to be difficult to use in production by me
taking the following steps:
1. I have created it under a Gitea organization named `internal`. This
will make it impossible for you to import the package unless you
are using it from a repo on my Gitea server. Signups are disabled
on that Gitea server. See
[here]( for more
information about the internal package rule.
1. The package documentation contains a magic comment that will make
Staticcheck and other linters complain that you are using this
package even though it is deprecated.
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hmm">What is that package
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="enby">It's a reference to
Haskell's monads, but adapted to Go as a pun.</xeblog-conv>
<xeblog-conv name="Numa" mood="delet">A gonad is just a gonoid in the
category of endgofunctors. What's there to be confused
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="facepalm">\*sigh\*</xeblog-conv>
## `Queue[T]`
To start things out, let's show off a problem in computer science that
is normally difficult. Let's make a MPMS (multiple producer, multiple
subscriber) queue.
First we are going to need a struct to wrap everything around. It will
look like this:
type Queue[T any] struct {
data chan T
This creates a type named `Queue` that takes a type argument `T`. This
`T` can be absolutely anything, but the only requirement is that the
data is a Go type.
You can create a little constructor for `Queue` instances with a
function like this:
func NewQueue[T any](size int) Queue[T] {
return Queue[T]{
data: make(chan T, size),
Now let's make some methods on the `Queue` struct that will let us
push to the queue and pop from the queue. They could look like this:
func (q Queue[T]) Push(val T) { <- val
func (q Queue[T]) Pop() T {
return <
These methods will let you put data at the end of the queue and then
pull it out from the beginning. You can use them like this:
q := NewQueue[string](5)
q.Push("hi there")
str := q.Pop()
if str != "hi there" {
panic("string is wrong")
This is good, but the main problem comes from trying to pop from an
empty queue. It'll stay there forever doing nothing. We can use the
`select` statement to allow us to write a nonblocking version of the
`Pop` function:
func (q Queue[T]) TryPop() (T, bool) {
select {
case val := <
return val, true
return nil, false
However when we try to compile this, we get an error:
cannot use nil as T value in return statement
In that code, `T` can be _anything_, including values that may not be
able to be `nil`. We can work around this by taking advantage of the
`var` statement, which makes a new variable and initializes it to the
zero value of that type:
func Zero[T any]() T {
var zero T
return zero
When we run the `Zero` function like
log.Printf("%q", Zero[string]())
log.Printf("%v", Zero[int]())
We get output that looks like this:
2009/11/10 23:00:00 ""
2009/11/10 23:00:00 0
So we can adapt the `default` branch of `TryPop` to this:
func (q Queue[T]) TryPop() (T, bool) {
select {
case val := <
return val, true
var zero T
return zero, false
And finally write a test for good measure:
func TestQueue(t *testing.T) {
q := NewQueue[int](5)
for i := range make([]struct{}, 5) {
for range make([]struct{}, 5) {
## `Option[T]`
In Go, people use pointer values for a number of reasons:
1. A pointer value may be `nil`, so this can signal that the value may
not exist.
1. A pointer value only stores the offset in memory, so passing around
the value causes Go to only copy the pointer instead of copying the
value being passed around.
1. A pointer value being passed to a function lets you mutate values
in the value being passed. Otherwise Go will copy the value and you
can mutate it all you want, but the changes you made will not
persist past that function call. You can sort of consider this to
be "immutable", but it's not as strict as something like passing
`&mut T` to functions in Rust.
This `Option[T]` type will help us model the first kind of constraint:
a value that may not exist. We can define it like this:
type Option[T any] struct {
val *T
Then you can define a couple methods to use this container:
var ErrOptionIsNone = errors.New("gonads: Option[T] has no value")
func (o Option[T]) Take() (T, error) {
if o.IsNone() {
var zero T
return zero, ErrOptionIsNone
return *o.val, nil
func (o *Option[T]) Set(val T) {
o.val = &val
func (o *Option[T]) Clear() {
o.val = nil
Some other functions that will be useful will be an `IsSome` function
to tell if the `Option` contains a value. We can use this to also
implement an `IsNone` function that will let you tell if that `Option`
_does not_ contain a value. They will look like this:
func (o Option[T]) IsSome() bool {
return o.val != nil
func (o Option[T]) IsNone() bool {
return !o.IsSome()
We can say that if an Option does not have something in it, it has
nothing in it. This will let us use `IsSome` to implement `IsNone`.
Finally we can add all this up to a `Yank` function, which is similar
in Rust:
func (o Option[T]) Yank() T {
if o.IsNone() {
panic("gonads: Yank on None Option")
return *o.val
This will all be verified in a Go test:
func TestOption(t *testing.T) {
o := NewOption[string]()
val, err := o.Take()
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("[unexpected] wanted no value out of Option[T], got: %v", val)
o.Set("hello friendos")
_, err = o.Take()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("[unexpected] wanted no value out of Option[T], got: %v", err)
if o.IsSome() {
t.Fatal("Option should have none, but has some")
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hmm">I think that
<code>Option[T]</code> will be the most useful outside of this post.
It will need some work and generalization, but this may be something
that the Go team will have to make instead of some random
## `Thunk[T]`
In computer science we usually deal with values and computations.
Usually we deal with one or the other. Sometimes computations can be
treated as values, but this is very rare. It's even more rare to take
a partially completed computation and use it as a value.
A thunk is a partially evaluated computation that is stored as a
value. For an idea of what I'm talking about, let's consider this
JavaScript function:
const add = (x, y) => x + y;
console.log(add(2, 2)); // 4
This creates a function called `add` that takes two arguments and
returns one argument. This is great in many cases, but it makes it
difficult for us to bind only one argument to the function and leave
the other as a variable input. What if computing the left hand side of
`add` is expensive and only needed once?
Instead we can write `add` like this:
const add = (x) => (y) => x + y;
console.log(add(2)(2)); // 4
This also allows us to make partially evaluated forms of `add` like
const addTwo = add(2);
console.log(addTwo(3)); // 5
This can also be used with functions that do not take arguments, so
you can pass around a value that isn't computed yet and then only
actually compute it when needed:
const hypotenuse = (x, y) => Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
const thunk = () => hypot(3, 4);
You can then pass this thunk to functions _without having to evaluate
it_ until it is needed:
dominateWorld(thunk); // thunk is passed as an unevaluated function
We can implement this in Go by using a type like the following:
type Thunk[T any] struct {
doer func() T
And then force the thunk to evaluate with a function such as `Force`:
func (t Thunk[T]) Force() T {
return t.doer()
This works, however we can also go one step further than we did with
the JavaScript example. We can take advantage of the `Thunk[T]`
container to cache the result of the `doer` function so that calling
it multiple times will only actually it once and return the same
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hacker">Keep in mind that this will
only work for _pure functions_, or functions that don't modify the
outside world. This isn't just global variables either, but any
function that modifies any state anywhere, including network and
filesystem IO.</xeblog-conv>
This would make `Thunk[T]` be implemented like this:
type Thunk[T any] struct {
doer func() T // action being thunked
o *Option[T] // cache for complete thunk data
func (t *Thunk[T]) Force() T {
if t.o.IsSome() {
return t.o.Yank()
return t.o.Yank()
func NewThunk[T any](doer func() T) *Thunk[T] {
return &Thunk[T]{
doer: doer,
o: NewOption[T](),
Now, for an overcomplicated example you can use this to implement the
Fibonacci function. We can start out by writing a naiive Fibonacci
function like this:
func Fib(n int) int {
if n <= 1 {
return n
return Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)
We can turn this into a Go test in order to see how long it takes for
it to work:
func TestRecurFib(t *testing.T) {
Then when we run `go test`:
$ go test -run RecurFib
=== RUN TestRecurFib
thunk_test.go:15: 102334155
--- PASS: TestRecurFib (0.36s)
However, we can make this a lot more complicated with the power of the
`Thunk[T]` type:
func TestThunkFib(t *testing.T) {
cache := make([]*Thunk[int], 41)
var fib func(int) int
fib = func(n int) int {
if cache[n].o.IsSome() {
return *cache[n].o.val
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
for i := range cache {
i := i
cache[i] = NewThunk(func() int { return fib(i) })
And then run the test:
=== RUN TestThunkFib
thunk_test.go:36: 102334155
--- PASS: TestThunkFib (0.60s)
<xeblog-conv name="Mara" mood="hmm">Why is this so much slower? This
should be caching the intermediate values. Maybe something like this
would be faster? This should complete near instantly,
func TestMemoizedFib(t *testing.T) {
mem := map[int]int{
0: 0,
1: 1,
var fib func(int) int
fib = func(n int) int {
if result, ok := mem[n]; ok {
return result
result := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
mem[n] = result
return result
$ go test -run Memoized
=== RUN TestMemoizedFib
thunk_test.go:35: 102334155
--- PASS: TestMemoizedFib (0.00s)
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="enby">I'm not sure
If you change the `fib` function to this, it works, but it also steps
around the `Thunk[T]` type:
fib = func(n int) int {
if cache[n].o.IsSome() {
return *cache[n].o.val
result := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
return result
This completes instantly:
=== RUN TestThunkFib
thunk_test.go:59: 102334155
--- PASS: TestThunkFib (0.00s)
To be clear, this isn't the fault of Go generics. I'm almost certain
that my terrible code is causing this to be much slower.
<xeblog-conv name="Numa" mood="delet">This is the power of gonads:
making easy code complicated, harder to reason about and slower than
the naiive approach! Why see this as terrible code when it creates an
amazing opportunity for cloud providers to suggest that people use
gonads' `Thunk[T]` so that they use more CPU and then have to pay cloud
providers more money for CPU! Think about the children!</xeblog-conv>
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="coffee">EDIT(2022 M04 25 05:56): amscanne on
Hacker News pointed out that my code was in fact wrong. My `fib` function should
have been a lot simpler.</xeblog-conv>
fib = func(n int) int {
return cache[n-1].Force() + cache[n-2].Force()
<xeblog-conv name="Cadey" mood="facepalm">Applying this also makes the code run
instantly as I'd expect. I knew _something_ was _very wrong_, but I never
expected something this stupid. Thanks amscanne!</xeblog-conv>
<xeblog-conv name="Numa" mood="happy">Hey, it makes for good surrealism. If that
isn't a success, what is?</xeblog-conv>
I'm glad that Go has added generics to the language. It's certainly
going to make a lot of things a lot easier and more expressive. I'm
worried that the process of learning how to use generics in Go is
going to create a lot of churn and toil as people get up to speed on
when and where they should be used. These should be used in specific
cases, not as a bread and butter tool.
I hope this was an interesting look into how you can use generics in
Go, but again please don't use these examples in production.

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ title: "gopreload: LD_PRELOAD for the Gopher crowd"
date: "2017-03-25"
gopreload: LD_PRELOAD for the Gopher crowd
A common pattern in Go libraries is to take advantage of [init functions][initf]
to do things like settings up defaults in loggers, automatic metrics instrumentation,
flag values, [debugging tools][manhole] or database drivers. With monorepo culture

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@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ date: 2019-01-11
# [](
I have been using an [online copy of GraphViz](
for a while to make my own diagrams online. I have forked this to [here]( and added basic [Progressive Web App]( support.
Here is the [link](
Here's an [example usage video](

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ for: Mother Aya
series: magick
# Gratitude
A lot of ground has been trodden about Mindfulness and its many facets, but there is one topic I have seen not enough people elaborate on, especially in a satisfactory manner, and that topic is gratitude.
The act of expressing gratitude is a behaviour that grounds you in observation of the present moment; of the present you, and of what matters to that present you. It can help you understand the current, immediate moment, the Now, by pushing you to examine parts of it that you might have taken for granted. Or parts that hide behind the other parts. It is a tool of positive exploration, that empowers the user to iteratively discern the heart of matters, of things, guided by the unerring principle of genuine appreciation of what counts.

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@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
title: Using Paper for Everyday Tasks
date: 2021-06-13
author: Heartmender
I have a bit of a reputation of being a very techno-savvy person. People have
had the assumption that I have some kind of superpowerful handcrafted task
management system that rivals all other systems and fully integrates with
everything on my desktop. I don't. I use paper to keep track of my day to day
tasks. Offline, handwritten paper. I have a big stack of little notebooks and I
go through them one each month. Today I'm going to discuss the core ideas of my
task management toolchain and walk you through how I use paper to help me get
things done.
I have tried a lot of things before I got to this point. I've used nothing,
Emacs' Org mode, Jira, GitHub issues and a few reminder apps. They all haven't
quite cut it for me.
The natural place to start from is doing nothing to keep track of my tasks and
goals. This can work in the short term. Usually the things that are important
will come back to you and you will eventually get them done. However it can be
hard for it to be a reliable system.
[Focus is hard. Memory is fleeting. Data gets erased. Object permanence is a
myth. Paper sits by the side and laughs.](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
It does work for some people though. I just don't seem to be one of them. Doing
nothing to keep track of my tasks only really works when there are external
structures around to help me keep track of things. Standup meetings or some kind
of daily check-in are vital to this, and they sort of work because my team is
helping keep everyone accountable for getting work done. This is very dependent
on the team culture being healthy and on me being somewhere that I feel
psychologically safe enough to admit when I make a mistake (which I have only
really felt working at Tailscale). It also doesn't follow me from job to job, so
changing employers would also mean I can't take my organization system with me.
So that option is out.
[Emacs]( is a very extensible text editor.
It has a turing-complete scripting language called Emacs Lisp at its core and
you can build out just about anything you want with it. As such, many packages
have been developed. One of the bigger and more common packages is [Org
Mode]( It is an Emacs major mode that helps you keep track
of notes, todo lists, timekeeping, literate programming, computational notebooks
and more. I have used Org Mode for many years in the past and I have no doubt
that without it I would probably have been fired at least twice.
One of the main philosophies is that Org Mode is text at its core. The whole
user experience is built around text and uses Emacs commands to help you
manipulate text. Here's an example Org Mode file like I used to use for task
#+TITLE: June 2021
* June 10, 2021
** SRE
*** TODO put out the fire in prod before customers notice
Oh god, it's a doozy. The database server takes too long to run queries only
sometimes on Thursdays. Why thursday? No idea. It just happens. Very
frustrating. I wonder if God is cursing me.
** Devel
*** DONE Implement the core of flopnax for abstract rilkefs
CLOSED: [2021-06-10 Thu 16:20]
*** TODO write documentation for flopnax before it is shipped
** Overhead
*** DONE ENG meeting
CLOSED: [2021-06-10 Thu 15:00]
*** TODO Assist Jessie with the finer points of Rust
**** References vs Values
**** Lifetimes
Programming in Rust is the adventure of a lifetime!
** Personal
*** DONE Morning meds
CLOSED: [2021-06-10 Thu 09:04]
*** TODO Evening meds
*** TODO grocery run
Org Mode used to be a core part of my workflow and life. It was everpresent and
used to keep track of everything. I would even track usage of certain
recreational substances in Org Mode with a snippet of Emacs Lisp to do some
basic analytics on usage frequency. Org Mode can live with me and I don't have
to give it up when I change jobs.
I got out of the habit a while ago and it's been really hard to go back into the
habit. I still suggest Org Mode to people, but it's no longer the thing that I
use day to day. It also is hard to use from my tablet (iPad) and my phone
(iPhone). It also tends to vanish when you close the window, and when you have
object permanence issues that tends to make things hard.
[I could probably set up something with one of those fancy org-mode frontends
served over HTTP, but that would probably end up being more effort than it's
worth for me](conversation://Cadey/coffee)
Another tool I've used for this is my employer's task management tool of choice.
At past jobs this has ranged from GitHub to Jira. This is a solid choice. It
keeps everything organized and referenced with other people. I don't have to do
manual or automated synchronization of information into that ticket tracking
system to be sure other people are updated. However, you inherit a lot of the
inertia of how the ticket tracking system of choice is used. At a past job there
were unironically 17 different states that a ticket could be in. Most of them
were never used and didn't matter, yet they could not be removed lest it break
the entire process that the product team used to keep track of things.
Doing it like this works great if your opinions about how issues should be
tracked agree with your employer's process (if this is the case, you probably
set up the issue tracking system). As I mentioned before, this also means that
you have to leave that system behind when you change jobs. If you are someone
that never really changes jobs, this can work amazingly. I am not one of those
Something else I've tried is to set up my own private GitHub/Gitea project to
keep track of things. We used one for organizing our move to Ottawa even. This
is a very low-friction system. It is easy to set up and the issues will bother
you in your news feed, so they are everpresent. It's also easy to close the
window and forget about the repo.
There is also that little hit of endorphins from closing an issue. That little
rush can help fuel a habit for using the tool to track things, but the rush goes
away after a while.
[Wait, if you have issues remembering to look at your org mode file or tracker
board or whatever, why can't you just set up a reminder to update it? Surely
that can't be that hard to do?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[Don't you think that if it was that easy, I would already be doing that? Do you
think I like having this be so hard? Notifications that are repetitive fade into
the background when I see them too often. I subconsciously filter them out. They
do not exist to me. Even if it is one keypress away to open the board or append
to my task list, I will still forget to do it, even if it's
So, I've arrived on paper to keep track on these things. Paper is cheap. Paper
is universal. Paper doesn't run out of battery. Paper doesn't vanish into the
shadow realm when I close the window. Paper can do anything I can do with a
pencil. Paper lets me turn back pages in the notebook and scan over for things
that have yet to be done. Honestly I wish I had started using paper for this
sooner. Here's how I use paper:
- Get a cheap notebook or set of notebooks. They should ideally be small,
pocketable notebooks. Something like 30 sheets of paper per notebook. I can't
find the cheap notebooks that I bought on Amazon, but I found something
Don't be afraid to buy more than you need. This stuff is really cheap. Having
more paper around can't hurt. [Field Notes](
works in a pinch, but their notebooks can be a bit expensive. The point is
you have many options.
- Label it with the current month (it's best to start this at the beginning of
a month if you can). Put contact information on the inside cover in case you
lose it.
- Start a new page every day. Put the date at the top of the page.
- Metadata about the day goes in the margins. I use this to keep a log of who
is front as well as taking medicine.
- Write prose freely.
- TODO items start with a `-`. Those represent things you need to do but
haven't done yet.
- When the item is finished, put a vertical line through the `-` to make it a
- If the item either can't or won't be done, cross out the `-` to make it into
a `*`.
- If you have to put off a task to a later date, turn the `-` into a `->`. If
there is room, put a brief description of why it needs to be moved or when it
is moved to. If there's no room feel free to write it out in prose form at
the end of your page.
- Notes start with a middot (`·`). They differ from prose as they are not
complete sentences. If you need to, you can always turn them into TODO items
- Write in pencil so you can erase mistakes. Erase carefully to avoid ripping
the paper, You hardly need to use any force to erase things.
- There is only one action, appending. Don't try and organize things by topic
as you would on a computer. This is not a computer, this is paper. Paper
works best when you append only. There is only one direction, forward.
- If you need to relate a bunch of notes or todo items with a topic, skip a
line and write out the topic ending with a colon. When ending the topical
notes, skip another line.
- Don't be afraid to write in it. If you end up using a whole notebook before
the month is up, that is a success. Record insights, thoughts, feelings and
things that come to your mind. You never know what will end up being useful
- At the end of the month, look back at the things you did and summarize/index
them in the remaining pages. Discover any leftover items that you haven't
completed yet so you can either transfer them over to next month or discard
them. It's okay to not get everything done. You may also want to scan it to
back it up into the cloud. You may never reference these scans, but backups
never hurt.
And then just write things in as they happen. Don't agonize over getting them
all. You will not. The aim is to get the important parts. If you really honestly
do miss something that is important, it will come back.
Something else I do is I keep a secondary notebook I call `Knowledge`. It
started out as the notebook that I used to document errata for my homelab, but
overall it's turned into a sort of secondary place to record other information
as well as indexing other details across notebooks. This started a bit on
accident. One of the notebooks from my big order came slightly broken. A few
pages fell out and then I had a smaller notebook in my hands. I stray from the
strict style in this notebook. It's a lot more free flowing based on my needs,
and that's okay. I still try to separate things onto separate pages when I can
to help keep things tidy.
I've also been using it to outline blogposts in the form of bullet trees.
Normally I start these articles as a giant unordered list with sub-levels for
various details on its parent thing. Each top-level thing becomes a "section"
and things boil down into either paragraphs or sentences based on what makes
An unexpected convenience of this flow is that the notebooks I'm using are small
enough to fit under the halves of my keyboard:
<center><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The REAL reason to get
a split keyboard <a
href=""></a></p>&mdash; Xe from
Within (@theprincessxena) <a
9, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async
src="" charset="utf-8"></script></center>
This lets me leave the notebooks in an easy to grab place while also putting
them slightly out of the way until they are needed. I also keep my pencil and
eraser closeby. When I go out of the house, I pack this month's journal, a
pencil and an eraser.
Paper has been a great move for me. There's no constant reminders. There's no
product team trying to psychologically manipulate me into using paper more
(though honestly that might have helped to build the habit of using it daily).
It is a very calm technology and I am all for it.
[Is this technology though? This is just a semi-structured way of writing things
on paper. Does that count as technology?](conversation://Mara/hmm)
[To be honest, I don't know. The line of what is and what is not technology is
very thin in the best case. I think that this counts as a technology, but
overall this is a huge It Depends™. You may not think this is "real" technology
because there's no real electronic component to it. That is a valid opinion,
however I would like to posit that this is technology in the same way that a
manual shaving razor is technology. It was designed and built to purpose. If that
isn't technology, what is? Plus, this way there's no risk of server downtime
preventing me from using paper!](conversation://Cadey/enby)
Oh, also, if you feel bored and a design comes to mind, don't be afraid to
doodle on the cover. Make paper yours. Don't worry about it being perfect. It's
there to help you tell the notebooks apart in the future after they are
So far over the last month I've made notes on 49 pages. Most of the TODO items
are complete. Less than 10% of them failed/were cancelled. Less than 10% of them
had to roll over to the next day. I assemble my TODO lists based on what I
didn't get done the previous day. I write each thing out by hand to help me
remember to prioritize them. When I need something to do, I look down at my
notebook for incomplete items. I use a rubber band to keep the notebook closed.
I've been considering slipstreaming the stuff currently in the `Knowledge`
notebook into the main monthly one. It's okay to go through paper. That's a
This system works for me. I don't know if it will work for you, but if you have
been struggling with remembering to do things I would really suggest trying it.
You probably have a few paper notebooks left over from startups handing them out
in a swag pack. You probably also have never touched them since you got them.
This is good. I only really use the small notebooks because I found the more
fancy bound notebooks were harder to write on the left sides more than the right
sides. Your mileage may vary.
[I would include a scan of one of my notebook pages here, but that would reveal
some personal information that I don't really want to put on this blog as well
as potentially break NDA terms for work, so I don't want to risk that if you can

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- release
# The h Programming Language
[h]( is a project of mine that I have released
recently. It is a single-paradigm, multi-tenant friendly, turing-incomplete
programming language that does nothing but print one of two things:
@ -20,16 +22,16 @@ for browsers, but I've been using it for server-side tasks.
I have written more about/with WebAssembly in the past in these posts:
This is a continuation of the following two posts:
All of the relevant code for h is [here](

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
title: "I Miss Heroku's DevEx"
date: 2022-05-12
If you've never really experienced it before, it's gonna sound really weird.
Basically the main way that Heroku worked is that they would set up a git remote
for each "app" it hosted. Each "app" had its source code in a git repo and a
"Procfile" that told Heroku what to do with it. So when it came time to deploy
that app, you'd just `git push heroku main` and then Heroku would just go off
and build that app and run it _somewhere_ in the cloud. You got back a HTTPS URL
and then bam you have a website.
The developer experience didn't stop there. Most of how Heroku apps are
configured are via environment variables, and there were addons that let you
tell Heroku things like "hi yes I would like one (1) postgres please" and the
platform would spin up a database somewhere and drop a config variable into the
app's config. It was magic. Things just worked and it left you free to go do
what made you money.
Heroku's free tier got me the in I needed to make my career really start. If I
didn't have something like Heroku in my life I doubt that my career would be the
same or even I would be the same person I am today. It's really hard to describe
what having access to a platform that lets you turn ideas into production
quality code does to your output ability. I even ended up reinventing Heroku a
few times in my career (working for Deis and later reinventing most of the core
of Heroku as a project between jobs), but nothing really hit that same level of
wonder/magic that Heroku did.
I ended up working there and when I did I understood why Heroku had fallen so
much. Heroku is owned by Salesforce and Salesforce doesn't really understand
what they had acquired with Heroku. Heroku had resisted integration into the
larger Salesforce organization and as a result was really really starved for
headcount. I had to have a come-to-jesus meeting with the CTO of Heroku where I
spelled out my medical needs and how the insurance that the contracting agency
they were using was insufficent (showing comparisons between bills for blood
draws where paying with the insurance ended up costing me more than not using
it). I got hired and then that was just in time for Salesforce to really start
pulling Heroku into the fold.
The really great part about working at Heroku was that setting up a new service
was so easy that the majority of the productionalization checklist was just
enabling hidden feature flags to lock down the app. I'm surprised that didn't
get streamlined.
The Heroku I joined no longer exists. I joined Heroku but I left Salesforce. I
can't blame any of my coworkers from Heroku from fleeing the sinking ship. The
ship has been sinking for years but the culture of Heroku really stuck around
long enough that it was hard to realize the ship was sinking.
It can really be seen with how long it's taken Heroku to react to [that one
horrible security event]( they've been
dealing with. Based on what I remember about the internal architecture (it was a
microservices tire fire unlike you have ever seen, it's part of the inspiration
that lead me to write [this post](/blog/make-microservices-cluster-2022-01-27))
and the notes that have been put on the public facing status page, I'm guessing
that most of Heroku is "legacy" code (IE: nobody on the team that made this
service works here anymore) at this point. When I was there most of the services
on my team were "legacy" code that was production-facing, load-bearing and
overall critical to the company succeeding; but it was built to be reliable
enough that we could overall ignore it until it was actually falling over. But
then because of the ways that things were chorded together it could take a very
long time to actually fix issues because the symptoms were all over the place.
Don't get me wrong, I loved working there but it was mostly for the people. That
and the ability to say that I helped make Heroku better for the next generation.
If you've ever used the metrics tab on Heroku, chances are that you've
encountered my code indirectly. If you've ever done Heroku threshold autoscaling
or response time alerting, you've dealt with code I helped write. The body of
Heroku remains but the soul has long since fled.
At the few points of my career that I have tried to reinvent Heroku (be it on my
own or working for a company doing that), there has mostly been this weird
realization that in order to have a thing like Heroku exist it really needs to
be hosted by someone else in the cloud. One of the places I worked for was
selling self-hosted Heroku on top of CoreOS and fleetd (remember fleetd? that
was magical) and while it did have a lot of the same developer experience, it
never really had the same magic feeling. I had the same problem with my own
implementation. Sure you can get the app hosting part of Heroku fairly easily
(and with Docker being as mature as it was at that point yeah it was fairly
easy). But when it comes to the real experience of addons and the whole
ecosystem there, you really need either to get very lucky or become an industry
standard. Realistically though, you aren't going to be either lucky or an
industry standard and then you need to also reinvent the next 80% of Heroku from
scratch on hardware that you don't control. It's no wonder that ultimately
failed (even though one of them was bought out by Microsoft after doing a weird
Kubernetes pivot).
There was something really magical about the whole thing that I really miss to
this day. Heroku was at least a decade ahead of its time as far as developer
experience goes. Things Just Worked in ways that would probably put a lot of us
out of jobs if they really took off. I miss the process for putting something on
the internet to just be a `git push` and trust that the machine will just take
care of it. I wonder if we'll ever really have something like that on top of Nix
or NixOS.
If you're reading this before the 12th, welcome to an experiment! I've been
wondering about how to make some of my posts Patreon exclusive for a week. This
post was published for my patrons on the 5th of May. Please don't share this
link around on social media until the 12th, but privately sharing it is okay.

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ tags:
- satire
# hlang in 30 Seconds
hlang (the h language) is a revolutionary new use of WebAssembly that enables
single-paridigm programming without any pesky state or memory accessing. The
simplest program you can use in hlang is the h world program:

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ date: 2017-12-10
series: when-then-zen
# How does into Meditation
1. stop thinking

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- philosophy
# How HTTP Requests Work
Reading this webpage is possible because of millions of hours of effort with
tens of thousands of actors across thousands of companies. At some level it's a
minor miracle that this all works at all. Here's a preview into the madness that
@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ goes into hitting enter on and this website being loaded.
## Beginnings
The user types in `` into the address bar and hits
The user types in `` into the address bar and hits
enter on the keyboard. This sends a signal over USB to the computer and the
kernel polls the USB controller for a new message. It's recognized as from the
keyboard. The input is then sent to the browser through an input driver talking

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- rust
# How I Start: Nix
[Nix][nix] is a tool that helps people create reproducible builds. This means that
given a known input, you can get the same output on other machines. Let's build
and deploy a small Rust service with Nix. This will not require the Rust compiler

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ tags:
- nix
# How I Start: Rust
[Rust][rustlang] is an exciting new programming language that makes it easy to
make understandable and reliable software. It is made by Mozilla and is used by
Amazon, Google, Microsoft and many other large companies.
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ the Rust compiler.
## A new project

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- markdown
# How Mara Works
Recently I introduced Mara to this blog and I didn't explain much of the theory
and implementation behind them in order to proceed with the rest of the post.
There was actually a significant amount of engineering that went into

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ tags:
- email
# How to Send Email with Nim
Nim offers an [smtp][nimsmtp] module, but it is a bit annoying to use out of the
box. This blogpost hopes to be a mini-tutorial on the basics of how to use the
smtp library and give developers best practices for handling outgoing email in

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@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ tags:
<span style="color: #cc241d"><big><big><big>CONTENT WARNING</big></big></big></span>
This post is going to talk about people that try to target children for sexual favors. You are not required to read this. If you are prone to anxiety I absolutely cannot recommend reading this post. Dealing with the situations that lead me to write this post (and doing the research that has lead to learning how to do this) has caused me to lose a lot of sleep over the last month.
This post is going to talk about people that try to target children for sexual favors. You are not required to read this. If you are prone to anxiety I absolutely cannot reccomend reading this post. Dealing with the situations that lead me to write this post (and doing the research that has lead to learning how to do this) has caused me to lose a lot of sleep over the last month.
It is my hope that this post is NOT useful to readers. If it ever becomes useful I suggest crying a bit. Yes, seriously.
# How to Handle Pedophiles in Communities
For better or worse since Covid started pushing everyone indoors and online, a lot of online spaces that were usually populated by adults have become populated with a lot more people that are under the age of consent/majority. This is obviously not the most ideal, as it ends up making that community a target for pedophiles. I want to be clear though, this kind of thing is a black swan kind of event, not something that happens commonly. However when it does happen, oh god it **HAPPENS**.
For the rest of this article I'm going to assume a few things in how I direct my advice:
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ For the rest of this article I'm going to assume a few things in how I direct my
## Don't Panic
First, don't panic. This is going to be a stressful and scary thing. This is normal. You are feeling that feeling that you are feeling and it is happening. It is going to suck. You are going to lose sleep. This is something that is happening because you care about that community, and if you didn't care about it you would not be having these feelings. If you feel the need, cry about it. Let the emotions out instead of bottling them up. This sounds like a dumb meme or whatever but I am being dead serious in this recommendation.
First, don't panic. This is going to be a stressful and scary thing. This is normal. You are feeling that feeling that you are feeling and it is happening. It is going to suck. You are going to lose sleep. This is something that is happening because you care about that community, and if you didn't care about it you would not be having these feelings. If you feel the need, cry about it. Let the emotions out instead of bottling them up. This sounds like a dumb meme or whatever but I am being dead serious in this reccomendation.
So, now, one of the first things you need to do is review the terms and conditions of the platform you are moderating the community on.
@ -42,13 +44,13 @@ When you are getting evidence from the minor, make sure that the evidence is in
Once you have the information and have reviewed it, open [Gimp]( and run the screenshots through the edge detection filter. This filter will allow you to look for any obvious signs of the text in the screenshot being doctored. Certain kinds of people have been known to fake reports and screenshots of someone doing something untoward to a child as a way to get them removed from a community. This will help you weed them out. It sounds heartless to say it like this, but this is something that you _actually do_ end up seeing happen sometimes so it is worth mentioning.
If anyone on the moderation team ends up leaking the information about this research, contents of the research, people involved in the event or anything of the sort to the person being investigated: flat-out ban them without any chance of appeal. That gives the person being investigated a chance to delete information that would hinder any hope of investigating the situation.
If anyone on the moderation team ends up leaking the information about thise research, contents of the research, people involved in the event or anything of the sort to the person being investigated: flat-out ban them without any chance of appeal. That gives the person being investigated a chance to delete information that would hinder any hope of investigating the situation.
## Reporting to the Platform
Once you have the bundle of information, identifiers and more, then you need to open a ticket with the trust and safety team of the platform you are on (however if this is a self-hosted platform either contact the service administrator or if you are the service administrator then you can skip to the next step involving the FBI). Give them all the information you have. Explain the situation as best as you can.
Once you have the bumdle of information, identifiers and more, then you need to open a ticket with the trust and safety team of the platform you are on (however if this is a self-hosted platform either contact the service administrator or if you are the service administrator then you can skip to the next step involving the FBI). Give them all the information you have. Explain the situation as best as you can.
When you send the report to the platform itself, it is _very unlikely_ you will get any more information from the platform. You are likely going to get an email that says they've confirmed recipt of the information and that email will usually contain something about the situation being confidential inside the moderation team of the platform. This is normal, and is part of a legal "covering my ass" kind of situation.
When you send the report to the platform itself, it is _very unlikely_ you will get any more information from the platform. You are likely going to get an email that says they've confirmed recipt of the information and that email will usually contain something about the situation being confidential inside the moderation team of the plaform. This is normal, and is part of a legal "covering my ass" kind of situation.
## Reporting to the FBI or Similar

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More