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module App.Layout where
import App.BlogEntry as BlogEntry
import App.BlogIndex as BlogIndex
import App.Counter as Counter
import App.Resume as Resume
import Pux.Html as H
import App.Routes (Route(..))
import Control.Monad.RWS (state)
import DOM (DOM)
import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX)
import Prelude (($), (#), map, pure)
import Pux (EffModel, noEffects, mapEffects, mapState)
import Pux.DocumentTitle (documentTitle)
import Pux.Html (style, Html, a, code, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, li, nav, p, pre, text, ul, img, span)
import Pux.Html (Html, a, code, div, h1, h3, h4, li, nav, p, pre, text, ul)
import Pux.Html.Attributes (attr, target, href, classID, className, id_, role, src, rel, title)
import Pux.Router (link)
data Action
= Child (Counter.Action)
| BIChild (BlogIndex.Action)
| BEChild (BlogEntry.Action)
| REChild (Resume.Action)
| PageView Route
type State =
{ route :: Route
, count :: Counter.State
, bistate :: BlogIndex.State
, bestate :: BlogEntry.State
, restate :: Resume.State }
init :: State
init =
{ route: NotFound
, count: Counter.init
, bistate: BlogIndex.init
, bestate: BlogEntry.init
, restate: Resume.init }
update :: Action -> State -> EffModel State Action (ajax :: AJAX, dom :: DOM)
update (PageView route) state = routeEffects route $ state { route = route }
update (BIChild action) state = BlogIndex.update action state.bistate
# mapState (state { bistate = _ })
# mapEffects BIChild
update (BEChild action) state = BlogEntry.update action state.bestate
# mapState (state { bestate = _ })
# mapEffects BEChild
update (REChild action) state = Resume.update action state.restate
# mapState ( state { restate = _ })
# mapEffects REChild
update (Child action) state = noEffects $ state { count = Counter.update action state.count }
update _ state = noEffects $ state
routeEffects :: Route -> State -> EffModel State Action (dom :: DOM, ajax :: AJAX)
routeEffects (BlogIndex) state = { state: state
, effects: [ pure BlogIndex.RequestPosts ] } # mapEffects BIChild
routeEffects (Resume) state = { state: state
, effects: [ pure Resume.RequestResume ] } # mapEffects REChild
routeEffects (BlogPost page') state = { state: state { bestate = BlogEntry.init { name = page' } }
, effects: [ pure BlogEntry.RequestPost ] } # mapEffects BEChild
routeEffects _ state = noEffects $ state
view :: State -> Html Action
view state =
[ navbar state
, div
[ className "container" ]
[ page state.route state ]
navbar :: State -> Html Action
navbar state =
[ className "pink lighten-1", role "navigation" ]
[ div
[ className "nav-wrapper container" ]
[ link "/" [ className "brand-logo", id_ "logo-container" ] [ text "Christine Dodrill" ]
, H.link [ rel "stylesheet", href "/static/css/about/main.css" ] []
, ul
[ className "right hide-on-med-and-down" ]
[ li [] [ link "/blog" [] [ text "Blog" ] ]
-- , li [] [ link "/projects" [] [ text "Projects" ] ]
, li [] [ link "/resume" [] [ text "Resume" ] ]
, li [] [ link "/contact" [] [ text "Contact" ] ]
contact :: Html Action
contact =
[ className "row" ]
[ documentTitle [ title "Contact - Christine Dodrill" ] []
, div
[ className "col s6" ]
[ h3 [] [ text "Email" ]
, div [ className "email" ] [ text "me@christine.website" ]
, p []
[ text "My GPG fingerprint is "
, code [] [ text "799F 9134 8118 1111" ]
, text ". If you get an email that appears to be from me and the signature does not match that fingerprint, it is not from me. You may download a copy of my public key "
, a [ href "/static/gpg.pub" ] [ text "here" ]
, text "."
, h3 [] [ text "Social Media" ]
, ul
[ className "browser-default" ]
[ li [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/Xe" ] [ text "Github" ] ]
, li [] [ a [ href "https://twitter.com/theprincessxena"] [ text "Twitter" ] ]
, li [] [ a [ href "https://keybase.io/xena" ] [ text "Keybase" ] ]
, li [] [ a [ href "https://www.coinbase.com/christinedodrill" ] [ text "Coinbase" ] ]
, li [] [ a [ href "https://www.facebook.com/chrissycade1337" ] [ text "Facebook" ] ]
, div
[ className "col s6" ]
[ h3 [] [ text "Other Information" ]
, p []
[ text "To send me donations, my bitcoin address is "
, code [] [ text "1Gi2ZF2C9CU9QooH8bQMB2GJ2iL6shVnVe" ]
, text "."
, div []
[ h4 [] [ text "IRC" ]
, p [] [ text "I am on many IRC networks. On Freenode I am using the nick Xe but elsewhere I will use the nick Xena or Cadey." ]
, div []
[ h4 [] [ text "Telegram" ]
, a [ href "https://telegram.me/miamorecadenza" ] [ text "@miamorecadenza" ]
, div []
[ h4 [] [ text "Discord" ]
, pre [] [ text "Cadey~#1932" ]
index :: Html Action
index =
[ className "row panel" ]
[ documentTitle [ title "Christine Dodrill" ] []
, div [] [ div
[ className "col m4 bg_blur valign-wrapper center-align" ]
[ div
[ className "valign center-align fb_wrap" ]
[ link "/contact"
[ className "btn follow_btn" ]
[ text "Contact Me" ]
, div
[ className "col m8" ]
[ div
[ className "header" ]
[ h1 [] [ text "Christine Dodrill" ]
, h4 [] [ text "Rockstar Hacker, Freelance Programmer, Gopher, Cloud Architect" ]
, span [] [ text "I am a GitHub power user. I am constantly learning new languages and tools. I strongly believe in knowing many languages and ways to do things so I can pick the right tool for the job." ]
, h2 [] [ text "Skills" ]
, ul
[ className "browser-default" ]
[ li [] [ text "Go, Moonscript, Lua, Python, C, Nim, Haskell" ]
, li [] [ text "Docker deployments" ]
, li [] [ text "Research, Development and Experimentation" ]
, h2 [] [ text "Side Projects" ]
, ul
[ className "browser-default" ]
[ li [] [ text "Real-time globally distributed chat server maintenance" ]
, li [] [ text "Mashups of chat, video and music" ]
page :: Route -> State -> Html Action
page NotFound _ = h1 [] [ text "not found" ]
page Home _ = index
page Resume state = map REChild $ Resume.view state.restate
page BlogIndex state = map BIChild $ BlogIndex.view state.bistate
page (BlogPost _) state = map BEChild $ BlogEntry.view state.bestate
page ContactPage _ = contact
page _ _ = h1 [] [ text "not implemented yet" ]