2 Miau/Riltash
Mai edited this page 2022-05-07 22:07:39 +00:00

The village nearest my villa is named Riltash, it grows a lot of crops that are found valuable including onions, beets, hay and alfalfa. After every season they grow some hemp to help rejuvenate the soil (arable soil is valued highly in a desert). The hemp is used for clothes, rope making and its flowers are regarded as a symbol of fertility and shared between couples.

There are some livestock raised, but they are well-valued and hard to replace. The vast majority of it are chickens, chicken eggs form the vast majority of their diet.

The name Riltash comes from a word that roughly means "delta" (river friendship, rila tashel). A lot of names in Miau are geographical descriptions that have worn down into names with enough time and repetition. I guess "friendship" isn't the right translation here. The root word "tash" means something like bond, knot or joining. A friendship is a joining of people together, so i guess the name is more like "where the rivers join".

I have no need to participate in their economy, but I sometimes juice cactuses and mix it with cool oasis water to create a nectar that I barter with. I use a ratio of 2:1 of water and cactus innards to create something more drinkable, however raw cactus juice makes for a great topping on pancakes.

I am anonymous in the town, only known for the juice I barter with; but to those that know me I am a friend. I could teleport to the town in an instant, but I choose to walk the four kilometers each way in the sand, carrying only what fits in my backpack. The sands have a meditative feeling with each step. It is a lovely feeling to let the sand filter through my paws, almost like a warm massage with each footfall.

It is a lovely place, my favorite in my world.