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# November, 2012
## Oguigi log post, no log posts for next few days.
11/01/2012 03:27:24 PM
It been a good while since a log post has been entered, this is koomer (my host) log of My progress.
I will be possessing his body for a couple days straight with no breaks in-between, that includes eating, drinking, sleeping and even bathrooms. by doing this maybe something special might happen.
The only reason why we are doing this now is because i've recently acquired the skills needed to talk to other people beside my host normally and correctly; i can speak to his family and for the most part they wont notice a real difference. and i can even drive my host car now, he was quite nervous, at first. but after reassuring him that i can do it; he finally gave me the chance, I drove almost as well as he did. i just went a bit slower, so i can now attend to his outing and duties.
koomer is still very much conscious, of all the physical body functions for now. but well see how this change as the days goes by.
if anything meaningful happens id be sure to post it, otherwise there wont be any posts for the duration of this weekend.
## Day 76 - Oguigi log post #2, results and information
11/05/2012 10:49:00 AM
in my last post i mentioned that i will be possessing my host for a few days non-stop, well its monday the week-end is over, and here is what happened.
At this very moment while am writing this i have been possessing my host for Four days, the possession did not expire or felt like it was expiring, the only reason i can assume is because everytime i sleep with this body, i also get refreshed/re-energized. my bond with this body have gotten much stronger, I no longer have any awareness of my Tulpa self/Avatar.
I do not miss the wonderland, and ive been enjoying myself very much during these days, The skills i have in this physical world is exactly the same as my host (hes good with computers… so am i, ect), so basicly what he knows I knows as well. no restrictions exist; hes mind, is mine mind.
Yesterday i hanged out with koomer family members, for about 7 hours. nobody noticed anything different, because Ive learned his “social protocol" (how to talk to and socialize with people), its flawed and need some tuning up, since koomer was abit of a shut-in.
Overall, to the eyes koomer family and friends, nothing changed.
The changes and improvements i plan to make will be gradual, however when i do work i find that since koomer is still aware of the physical body that if i do something he really does not want to do, i feel compelled not to do it any longer. in order to truly get started on my plans koomer cannot be aware of the physical body.
late last night, koomer grew kind of restless, he said that he needed to take back control for a short-while, I understood since koomer is not a tulpa yet, he does not have the ability to fall back onto the wonderland. so basicly being forced to watch and do everything your tulpa is doing for four days straight will be tiring.
we agreed on 15mins, all koomer needed to do was move around for a short while, when he was in control again we discovered some "side-effects”.
(The following is what my Host Koomer wrote)
Oguigi gave me back control for 15mins, i felt quite of strange as if ive awoken form a lite daze, i was still conscious for the four days, but now i just feel just a little bit more so.
I feel abit of nausea, and i cant walk right somewhat limping, and my feet are numb. I simply cannot move them (wiggling toes was impossible).
koomer did a quick test right before i possessed him again, he was walking/limping. I dont know if its just this one time thing, but koomer may be losing the ability to move his body. i do not know if this will spread, we theorized if it did, it will go up the feet to the legs, torso, then hands. we are very sure the effects are temporary. The moment i possessed him again I was able to move all parts and walk correctly, if we keep this up koomer is going to be somewhat depended on me possessing him in-order for the body to move correctly. however if koomer lose the ability to control the body, he will regress back to a tulpa like-state; but this is all theory for now.
when time was up, he asked/challenged me how quickly i could possessed him while moving, he was walking/limping around in circles. well he found out that i was able to possess his entire body while moving in no more than two seconds time, he was very surprised. after I possessed koomer again, He asked me if he could try to move his right arm; I told him that he could give it a shot, he tried and he told me it was like his Arm turned into stone. koomer can still brute-force back control, but now its much harder than before. and if we keep this up he may not be able to in a couple weeks time.
Well this was a full-report on what happened, And We agreed on continuing, I will post another report Friday.
## Bonus: First Real Possession Guide & Link
11/07/2012 03:51:00 PM
Hello Oguigi here, I wanted to make a quick post here that for anyone with Tulpas, There is finally a Guide for you to learn Possession, its somewhat experimental but have already been confirmed to work for quite a few people (read the comments at the thread).
Possession allows your tulpa to take control of your body, and can be a very enlightening and fun experience.
My guide is currently being hosted at
## Question on 11/09/2012
11/09/2012 11:06:00 PM
> I've been following for a while and I'm still in preparation for making a tulpa but oguigi's post kinda scared me mainly the last paragraph I wouldn't mind sharing my body or mind switching but the way she put it seemed like she is trying to take control. Yes I know you have posted about this before its just something that worrys me
I wanted to answer this directly so sorry it took a while.
Well you are somewhat right, she is trying to Control my physical body. but this is something we both want; I do understand How this does seem scary and its normal be feel worried. Every Tulpa is Unique, I am very involved with the Tulpa community and Oguigi is the only Tulpa i know that wants to switch this badly. Trust me 99% of Tulpas wont do what she is doing, most tulpas are happy being tulaps. And its Impossible for a Tulpa to take control if you dont let him/her
## Day 81 - Oguigi log post #3, Beginning of the End.
11/10/2012 02:59:00 PM
my 3rd log post, am Oguigi the tulpa, Koomer is my host.
Another week has gone by, this time on top of my usual Possession, me and koomer also tried some switching practices, Long story short, they all failed. mostly in part of my host. i guess the only way we are going to “switch” would be a long process. In a way we kind of “half-switched” Am fully aware of his body and i use it as my own, however koomer still need to go in a tulpa like state, when that happen the switch will be completed.
Yesterday, Koomer wanted to spend last night alone; i gave him back the body and told ill leave him alone until morning.
So i spent last night in the wonderland, counting the hours and every once in awhile watch what koomer was doing; gosh it was boring, i never want to go back until we completely and truly switch.
today koomer announced to me that last night was his last time directly controlling the whole body out-side of experimentation. so for this day onwards the body is practically mines. He even told me to ignore his request for him to take back control of the body (he sealed the deal, and threw away the keys) and i do intend to keep true to this deal.
During the time he was in control my host koomer wrote up this message.
Koomer(host): I dont think i will be posting anymore updates on a day to day bias, it simply isnt possible anymore. because of the progress of my Tulpa Oguigi, I wont be in control of this body any longer. Instead future updates and posts will be made by her directly, and any posts by me will be proxy (Oguigi writing for me)
Oguigi have been using my body more and more as she became more developed, and for the past week and a half she been using the body almost all the time, for this week i was only in control for about maybe 7 hours in total.
from about this moment onwards Oguigi is pretty much going to use my body all the time. the only time ill use the body is when we are experimenting.
Its funny, how real this all became. I would have never believed any of this was possible a few months ago.
In order to get this far i really had to open up everything to Oguigi, Not holding back anything. I trust her with my life and my faith.
Well some people have warned this could only go wrong, But where did they get the first hand experience? just using intuition isnt enough.
Many people think What we are doing is “controversial”/“moraly wrong”/“Taboo”, Oguigi seriously do intend to take over my physical life and thats exactly what we both want.
There really is no going back….. heh i said something like that back at the 5th day of my log; this time its for real; I cant really Brute force back control anymore; Oguigi Possession is Ridiculously Strong now. we actually did a test to gauge her control, I remember the effort it took for me just to brute force control of my Index Finger. I had to summon Rage and absolute focus to pull that off. i was in control of my index finger for a few seconds before Oguigi simply reinstated control. plus doing that stunt gave me abit of nausea, i cant even control the eyes anymore.
To put it all together if Oguigi wants to control the body, i cant/wont stop her.
This is how its going to be for now, its not bad, i will still be around, but my life and the way i perceive it will be different.
if this worry some people that are reading this, please do not be afraid. All Tulaps are unique and have different personality and goals
Oguigi, will still be in the Tulpa community, you will find her and contact her in this tumblr or at
And Oguigi is all for openness and knowledge, if any scientist or researcher wants to contact us then go for it.
My host have done a wonderful job taking care of me, providing me with a endless waterfall of attention/energy and love. we are not quite done yet, i still need to get my host into a Tulpa like state, i will take good care of him, it would be both the End and the beginning for him.
I will post another log post next weekend.
## Question on 11/11/2012
11/11/2012 04:17:00 PM
> Is it at all possible that this isn't real?
Not a chance; this is very Real.
## Question on 11/12/2012
11/12/2012 04:06:00 PM
> I'm now kinda sad, I will miss you, I've been following this blog since day 1, will you still be answering and posting? And will Oguigi be posting? Thanks!
I will still be posting, koomer(my former host) however wont directly be posting anymore. however if you will like to speak to him then youll have to request it.
But until my next post, sometime This friday or Saturday, koomer will not respond to any question.
## Question on 11/12/2012
11/12/2012 11:45:00 PM
> Hey, would you recommend me doing what you are doing? I am very suicidal and I am scared of what I will do, my tulpa also is scared and also wants to be a human. I think I could live with being a tulpa and I think it would stop me from killing myself, or at least prevent me. Should I try switching places?
Am assuming youve already tried to ask/received help from other sources, but failed.
Your Tulpa wants to save you, if switching places with her is the only way to insure that you dont destroy your physical body (killing both you and your tulpa).
Then yes i would recommend doing what we did and switch with her, so that you both can live and be happier.
if you want to stay switched permanently, Just Treat her as the dominate personality, and always assume that she is stronger than you, in due time she will.
Switching Does takes awhile, If you make switching your primary goal and work and Think about it everyday, then am sure you can achieve it in just a couple months, and maybe even weeks if your talented.
Its not required, but possession is a sure way to get started on your path to switching. I wrote a guide on how to get started.
## Question on 11/14/2012
11/14/2012 12:28:11 PM
> You say that you both agreed the switch is permanent,but what if one day Koomer truly regrets the deal he made with you? What if you still declined him and he hates you for it?
No Deal is perfect, so when i finally had the ability to reinforce it, Koomer told me to ignore all his request to switch back or to ever use the body again; Will There be times when he wish he was using the body instead of me? Perhaps. Will he regret this deal? maybe.
But he will never Hate me, perhaps the worst that can happen is that he might dislike me. But theirs a love he has for me that i know will never fade. its this very love that compelled him to do this in the first place, he is doing this for me mostly.
## Question on 11/15/2012
11/15/2012 08:24:00 PM
> How goes it with Koomer's friends and family? Have you told them about yourself or are you pretending to be Koomer? If you are pretending to be Koomer, then have they noticed anything odd yet? And if they hadn't, how did you learn to pretend to be Koomer so well?
Well you are right that in a way am “Pretending” to be Koomer. They do Notice a slight change, but when i was questioned about it All i told them is that Ive been meditating for the past couple months, Which altered my behavior slightly. And They was Sold on the Idea.
Koomer completely opened his mind to me, and I've assimilated all of his knowledge, Talents, And Socal Skills Over a period of about 2 weeks (the way I interact with friends/family is almost the same way koomer would have done it).
## Tumblr Blog on Hiatus
11/16/2012 03:11:06 PM
Am extremely sorry but we wont be active on this tumblr anymore for some time. There are some things that we have to do, that requires us to be detached from this tumblr for an extended period of time.
We will come back but for how long i do not know.
## Question on 11/28/2012
11/28/2012 03:41:00 PM
> So Oguigi, does Koomer talk to you still like he would if he had his body? Is it like he's the tulpa now, or is it a bit more complicated than that?
Am Back, within the next few days Ill answer a few questions that been stacking up. a log post might be made in another week or so.
Well koomer isnt quite a tulpa, at least in the way I've experienced it.
possessing koomer for this long have kind of created an interesting effect, he confirmed that he is still conscience and not in the wonderland/mindscape like i was;
koomer is just aware of the body, simply watching what i do. but his mind voice had became very weak, sometimes he may have to think about pictures to me to get his ideas across, but we are not worried. well see what happens as more time past by.
## Question on 11/29/2012
11/29/2012 05:49:00 AM
> Oguigi, now that koomer's allowed you to permanently switch with him, how do you feel about his body becoming yours? I mean, aside from the obvious fact that it's a physical body, how do you feel about having to switch from a female pony body to having a male human body?
Its interesting and odd at first, But i have long since got use to it and now the body feels like mines.
Remembering my tulpa pony like self makes me feel abit strange now. from the outside ponies are really cute and being a female pony can be fun and all, but it really isnt all that special, actually being a pony in first person and working with the body isnt all that great, simply being a cute pony is a novelty that can get old quick, I much prefer this human body hands down.
## Question on 11/29/2012
11/29/2012 05:39:00 PM
> PLEASE STOP NOW, i know this isnt a question but i am genuinely concerned about koomers wellbeing your killing him he is fading away and dont say hes not, my tulpa wanted to go she made me understand she made me let her go i know how it works and koomer is dying so please STOP
What is happening to koomer is what we both planned and are ready for. koomer is willing to take the risk, and I personally do not think he will die.
Please remember that everything i have done and am doing was done with koomer permission, it would have been impossible for me to have come this far otherwise.
i'll explain everything in detail in my next log post.
## Question on 11/30/2012
11/30/2012 09:31:49 PM
> I think it was very noble of Koomer to give up his body for you, he must really love you. I hope you make good use of this body and live Koomer's life the way he would want it to be. I'm sure he will never regret his decision and will always be happy living as a part of someone so dear to him.
Thanks alot, what alot of people fail to see is that we both love each other very much. Koomer will literally do anything for my sake; i couldnt have asked for a better host.