Player: pre retro platformer script

Signed-off-by: Xe Iaso <>
This commit is contained in:
Cadey Ratio 2022-07-20 06:46:18 -04:00
parent b7928a2af3
commit 992bdac15e
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ script = ExtResource( 2 )
[node name="AnimatedSprite" type="AnimatedSprite" parent="."]
frames = SubResource( 8 )
animation = "idle"
frame = 1
playing = true
[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="."]
@ -67,6 +66,9 @@ shape = SubResource( 9 )
[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."]
current = true
limit_left = -64
limit_top = -64
limit_smoothed = true
drag_margin_h_enabled = true
drag_margin_v_enabled = true
drag_margin_left = 0.15