2.8 KiB
Miau Campaign Ideas
A campaign for The Source by Mai.
Goal: return an amulet that controls the sandstorms that have been buffering the city of Cihan so that trade can be restored and stuff.
Takes place in the desert of Miau, where the cat people have lived in harmony with the land. Think Gerudo from Breath of the Wild.
Suggested Characters
- Fighter
- Cleric
- Wizard
- Thief/Wildcard
Cat people have communication bonus of +1 in Cihan due to the citizens trusting their own kind more. This applies to the shapeshifter's current form too.
- Ci /tʃi/ - safe, water (archaic)
- Cihan /tʃi.hʌn/ - new-safe
- Lum /lum/ - sand, desert
- Ag /ʌɡ/ - water
- Sivu /si.vu/ - hello
- Miau /miʌu/ - home
- Mihari /mi.hʌ.ri/ - name of a goddess of the desert, usually clad in decorative gold armor
- Armor shop, light armor suggested
- Sandshoes
- Sand robe
- Light armor
- Maiden armor
- Weapon shop, has rumor of the elemental wand cave
- Iron Dagger
- Sword of two truths
- Shield
- Torch
- Longbow
- Arrows
- Market, be sure to get a hydroflask
- Flask
- Cactus fruit
- Hydroflask
- Rations
- Alleys, more rumors of an elemental cave
Desert Wasteland
Sandstorms have a 1d6=1 chance of causing damage to everyone, more sandstorms when you get closer to Bandit's Den or Elemental Cave
- Dunes
- Statues of heroes
- Shal'tash
- Tosen
- Ruins of the ancient city of Ci (-han is a suffix for new?)
- Cactus fruit, found on cactuses randomly, risky to try and take one, sells for 1g
- (Very randomly) treasure chest with any one of the Cihan or Wasteland items, or a healing item
- Basic Boomerang, +1 damage, 1d6=1 chance of flying away when thrown by a player, sells for 1g
- Super Boomerang, +2 damage, 1d6=1 chance of flying away when thrown by a player, sells for 5g
Ruins of Ci
Open air dungeon, some treasure chests (randomly choose between the legendary items in this quest)
- Statue of Mihari
- Some fluff text about what Mihari did for the land and a puzzle to get Mihari's amulet
Elemental Cave
- Torch near entrance, without a torch in the party risky moves get -2
- Rocks, 1d4 damage when thrown at an enemy, does not sell
- Elemental wand, +2 damage to matching elemental spells, -1 to any other kind of elemental spell, 1 gear slot, sells for 15g
- Elemental rod, 1 damage plus elemental effect on a 12, 7 or below has a chance of breaking it
- *Elemental arrows, +2 damage plus an elemental effect on a 12
- Mihari's armor (legendary), -4 damage to Felines person, 2 gear slots, does not sell
- Shrine to Ma
- Ice water refreshments
- Can refill flasks here
Bandit's Den
Simple dungeon that has a boss fight and the sandstorm amulet