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2014-09-16 17:35:35 +00:00
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Integer trait and functions.
pub trait Integer: Num + PartialOrd
+ Div<Self, Self>
+ Rem<Self, Self> {
/// Floored integer division.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert!(( 8i).div_floor(& 3) == 2);
/// assert!(( 8i).div_floor(&-3) == -3);
/// assert!((-8i).div_floor(& 3) == -3);
/// assert!((-8i).div_floor(&-3) == 2);
/// assert!(( 1i).div_floor(& 2) == 0);
/// assert!(( 1i).div_floor(&-2) == -1);
/// assert!((-1i).div_floor(& 2) == -1);
/// assert!((-1i).div_floor(&-2) == 0);
/// ~~~
fn div_floor(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
/// Floored integer modulo, satisfying:
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// # let n = 1i; let d = 1i;
/// assert!(n.div_floor(&d) * d + n.mod_floor(&d) == n)
/// ~~~
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert!(( 8i).mod_floor(& 3) == 2);
/// assert!(( 8i).mod_floor(&-3) == -1);
/// assert!((-8i).mod_floor(& 3) == 1);
/// assert!((-8i).mod_floor(&-3) == -2);
/// assert!(( 1i).mod_floor(& 2) == 1);
/// assert!(( 1i).mod_floor(&-2) == -1);
/// assert!((-1i).mod_floor(& 2) == 1);
/// assert!((-1i).mod_floor(&-2) == -1);
/// ~~~
fn mod_floor(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
/// Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(6i.gcd(&8), 2);
/// assert_eq!(7i.gcd(&3), 1);
/// ~~~
fn gcd(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
/// Lowest Common Multiple (LCM).
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(7i.lcm(&3), 21);
/// assert_eq!(2i.lcm(&4), 4);
/// ~~~
fn lcm(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
/// Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead.
#[deprecated = "function renamed to `is_multiple_of`"]
fn divides(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` if `other` is a multiple of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(9i.is_multiple_of(&3), true);
/// assert_eq!(3i.is_multiple_of(&9), false);
/// ~~~
fn is_multiple_of(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` if the number is even.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(3i.is_even(), false);
/// assert_eq!(4i.is_even(), true);
/// ~~~
fn is_even(&self) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` if the number is odd.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(3i.is_odd(), true);
/// assert_eq!(4i.is_odd(), false);
/// ~~~
fn is_odd(&self) -> bool;
/// Simultaneous truncated integer division and modulus.
/// Returns `(quotient, remainder)`.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(( 8i).div_rem( &3), ( 2, 2));
/// assert_eq!(( 8i).div_rem(&-3), (-2, 2));
/// assert_eq!((-8i).div_rem( &3), (-2, -2));
/// assert_eq!((-8i).div_rem(&-3), ( 2, -2));
/// assert_eq!(( 1i).div_rem( &2), ( 0, 1));
/// assert_eq!(( 1i).div_rem(&-2), ( 0, 1));
/// assert_eq!((-1i).div_rem( &2), ( 0, -1));
/// assert_eq!((-1i).div_rem(&-2), ( 0, -1));
/// ~~~
fn div_rem(&self, other: &Self) -> (Self, Self) {
(*self / *other, *self % *other)
/// Simultaneous floored integer division and modulus.
/// Returns `(quotient, remainder)`.
/// # Examples
/// ~~~
/// # use num::Integer;
/// assert_eq!(( 8i).div_mod_floor( &3), ( 2, 2));
/// assert_eq!(( 8i).div_mod_floor(&-3), (-3, -1));
/// assert_eq!((-8i).div_mod_floor( &3), (-3, 1));
/// assert_eq!((-8i).div_mod_floor(&-3), ( 2, -2));
/// assert_eq!(( 1i).div_mod_floor( &2), ( 0, 1));
/// assert_eq!(( 1i).div_mod_floor(&-2), (-1, -1));
/// assert_eq!((-1i).div_mod_floor( &2), (-1, 1));
/// assert_eq!((-1i).div_mod_floor(&-2), ( 0, -1));
/// ~~~
fn div_mod_floor(&self, other: &Self) -> (Self, Self) {
(self.div_floor(other), self.mod_floor(other))
/// Simultaneous integer division and modulus
#[inline] pub fn div_rem<T: Integer>(x: T, y: T) -> (T, T) { x.div_rem(&y) }
/// Floored integer division
#[inline] pub fn div_floor<T: Integer>(x: T, y: T) -> T { x.div_floor(&y) }
/// Floored integer modulus
#[inline] pub fn mod_floor<T: Integer>(x: T, y: T) -> T { x.mod_floor(&y) }
/// Simultaneous floored integer division and modulus
#[inline] pub fn div_mod_floor<T: Integer>(x: T, y: T) -> (T, T) { x.div_mod_floor(&y) }
/// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`. The
/// result is always positive.
#[inline(always)] pub fn gcd<T: Integer>(x: T, y: T) -> T { x.gcd(&y) }
/// Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`.
#[inline(always)] pub fn lcm<T: Integer>(x: T, y: T) -> T { x.lcm(&y) }
macro_rules! impl_integer_for_int {
($T:ty, $test_mod:ident) => (
impl Integer for $T {
/// Floored integer division
fn div_floor(&self, other: &$T) -> $T {
// Algorithm from [Daan Leijen. _Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists_,
// December 2001](
match self.div_rem(other) {
(d, r) if (r > 0 && *other < 0)
|| (r < 0 && *other > 0) => d - 1,
(d, _) => d,
/// Floored integer modulo
fn mod_floor(&self, other: &$T) -> $T {
// Algorithm from [Daan Leijen. _Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists_,
// December 2001](
match *self % *other {
r if (r > 0 && *other < 0)
|| (r < 0 && *other > 0) => r + *other,
r => r,
/// Calculates `div_floor` and `mod_floor` simultaneously
fn div_mod_floor(&self, other: &$T) -> ($T,$T) {
// Algorithm from [Daan Leijen. _Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists_,
// December 2001](
match self.div_rem(other) {
(d, r) if (r > 0 && *other < 0)
|| (r < 0 && *other > 0) => (d - 1, r + *other),
(d, r) => (d, r),
/// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and
/// `other`. The result is always positive.
fn gcd(&self, other: &$T) -> $T {
// Use Euclid's algorithm
let mut m = *self;
let mut n = *other;
while m != 0 {
let temp = m;
m = n % temp;
n = temp;
/// Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and
/// `other`.
fn lcm(&self, other: &$T) -> $T {
// should not have to recalculate abs
((*self * *other) / self.gcd(other)).abs()
/// Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead.
#[deprecated = "function renamed to `is_multiple_of`"]
fn divides(&self, other: &$T) -> bool { return self.is_multiple_of(other); }
/// Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`.
fn is_multiple_of(&self, other: &$T) -> bool { *self % *other == 0 }
/// Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`
fn is_even(&self) -> bool { self & 1 == 0 }
/// Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`
fn is_odd(&self) -> bool { !self.is_even() }
mod $test_mod {
use Integer;
/// Checks that the division rule holds for:
/// - `n`: numerator (dividend)
/// - `d`: denominator (divisor)
/// - `qr`: quotient and remainder
fn test_division_rule((n,d): ($T,$T), (q,r): ($T,$T)) {
assert_eq!(d * q + r, n);
fn test_div_rem() {
fn test_nd_dr(nd: ($T,$T), qr: ($T,$T)) {
let (n,d) = nd;
let separate_div_rem = (n / d, n % d);
let combined_div_rem = n.div_rem(&d);
assert_eq!(separate_div_rem, qr);
assert_eq!(combined_div_rem, qr);
test_division_rule(nd, separate_div_rem);
test_division_rule(nd, combined_div_rem);
test_nd_dr(( 8, 3), ( 2, 2));
test_nd_dr(( 8, -3), (-2, 2));
test_nd_dr((-8, 3), (-2, -2));
test_nd_dr((-8, -3), ( 2, -2));
test_nd_dr(( 1, 2), ( 0, 1));
test_nd_dr(( 1, -2), ( 0, 1));
test_nd_dr((-1, 2), ( 0, -1));
test_nd_dr((-1, -2), ( 0, -1));
fn test_div_mod_floor() {
fn test_nd_dm(nd: ($T,$T), dm: ($T,$T)) {
let (n,d) = nd;
let separate_div_mod_floor = (n.div_floor(&d), n.mod_floor(&d));
let combined_div_mod_floor = n.div_mod_floor(&d);
assert_eq!(separate_div_mod_floor, dm);
assert_eq!(combined_div_mod_floor, dm);
test_division_rule(nd, separate_div_mod_floor);
test_division_rule(nd, combined_div_mod_floor);
test_nd_dm(( 8, 3), ( 2, 2));
test_nd_dm(( 8, -3), (-3, -1));
test_nd_dm((-8, 3), (-3, 1));
test_nd_dm((-8, -3), ( 2, -2));
test_nd_dm(( 1, 2), ( 0, 1));
test_nd_dm(( 1, -2), (-1, -1));
test_nd_dm((-1, 2), (-1, 1));
test_nd_dm((-1, -2), ( 0, -1));
fn test_gcd() {
assert_eq!((10 as $T).gcd(&2), 2 as $T);
assert_eq!((10 as $T).gcd(&3), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((0 as $T).gcd(&3), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).gcd(&3), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((56 as $T).gcd(&42), 14 as $T);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).gcd(&-3), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((-6 as $T).gcd(&3), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((-4 as $T).gcd(&-2), 2 as $T);
fn test_lcm() {
assert_eq!((1 as $T).lcm(&0), 0 as $T);
assert_eq!((0 as $T).lcm(&1), 0 as $T);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).lcm(&1), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((-1 as $T).lcm(&1), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).lcm(&-1), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((-1 as $T).lcm(&-1), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((8 as $T).lcm(&9), 72 as $T);
assert_eq!((11 as $T).lcm(&5), 55 as $T);
fn test_even() {
assert_eq!((-4 as $T).is_even(), true);
assert_eq!((-3 as $T).is_even(), false);
assert_eq!((-2 as $T).is_even(), true);
assert_eq!((-1 as $T).is_even(), false);
assert_eq!((0 as $T).is_even(), true);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).is_even(), false);
assert_eq!((2 as $T).is_even(), true);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).is_even(), false);
assert_eq!((4 as $T).is_even(), true);
fn test_odd() {
assert_eq!((-4 as $T).is_odd(), false);
assert_eq!((-3 as $T).is_odd(), true);
assert_eq!((-2 as $T).is_odd(), false);
assert_eq!((-1 as $T).is_odd(), true);
assert_eq!((0 as $T).is_odd(), false);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).is_odd(), true);
assert_eq!((2 as $T).is_odd(), false);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).is_odd(), true);
assert_eq!((4 as $T).is_odd(), false);
impl_integer_for_int!(i8, test_integer_i8)
impl_integer_for_int!(i16, test_integer_i16)
impl_integer_for_int!(i32, test_integer_i32)
impl_integer_for_int!(i64, test_integer_i64)
impl_integer_for_int!(int, test_integer_int)
macro_rules! impl_integer_for_uint {
($T:ty, $test_mod:ident) => (
impl Integer for $T {
/// Unsigned integer division. Returns the same result as `div` (`/`).
fn div_floor(&self, other: &$T) -> $T { *self / *other }
/// Unsigned integer modulo operation. Returns the same result as `rem` (`%`).
fn mod_floor(&self, other: &$T) -> $T { *self % *other }
/// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`
fn gcd(&self, other: &$T) -> $T {
// Use Euclid's algorithm
let mut m = *self;
let mut n = *other;
while m != 0 {
let temp = m;
m = n % temp;
n = temp;
/// Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`.
fn lcm(&self, other: &$T) -> $T {
(*self * *other) / self.gcd(other)
/// Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead.
#[deprecated = "function renamed to `is_multiple_of`"]
fn divides(&self, other: &$T) -> bool { return self.is_multiple_of(other); }
/// Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`.
fn is_multiple_of(&self, other: &$T) -> bool { *self % *other == 0 }
/// Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`.
fn is_even(&self) -> bool { self & 1 == 0 }
/// Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`.
fn is_odd(&self) -> bool { !self.is_even() }
mod $test_mod {
use Integer;
fn test_div_mod_floor() {
assert_eq!((10 as $T).div_floor(&(3 as $T)), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((10 as $T).mod_floor(&(3 as $T)), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((10 as $T).div_mod_floor(&(3 as $T)), (3 as $T, 1 as $T));
assert_eq!((5 as $T).div_floor(&(5 as $T)), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((5 as $T).mod_floor(&(5 as $T)), 0 as $T);
assert_eq!((5 as $T).div_mod_floor(&(5 as $T)), (1 as $T, 0 as $T));
assert_eq!((3 as $T).div_floor(&(7 as $T)), 0 as $T);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).mod_floor(&(7 as $T)), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).div_mod_floor(&(7 as $T)), (0 as $T, 3 as $T));
fn test_gcd() {
assert_eq!((10 as $T).gcd(&2), 2 as $T);
assert_eq!((10 as $T).gcd(&3), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((0 as $T).gcd(&3), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).gcd(&3), 3 as $T);
assert_eq!((56 as $T).gcd(&42), 14 as $T);
fn test_lcm() {
assert_eq!((1 as $T).lcm(&0), 0 as $T);
assert_eq!((0 as $T).lcm(&1), 0 as $T);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).lcm(&1), 1 as $T);
assert_eq!((8 as $T).lcm(&9), 72 as $T);
assert_eq!((11 as $T).lcm(&5), 55 as $T);
assert_eq!((99 as $T).lcm(&17), 1683 as $T);
fn test_is_multiple_of() {
assert!((6 as $T).is_multiple_of(&(6 as $T)));
assert!((6 as $T).is_multiple_of(&(3 as $T)));
assert!((6 as $T).is_multiple_of(&(1 as $T)));
fn test_even() {
assert_eq!((0 as $T).is_even(), true);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).is_even(), false);
assert_eq!((2 as $T).is_even(), true);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).is_even(), false);
assert_eq!((4 as $T).is_even(), true);
fn test_odd() {
assert_eq!((0 as $T).is_odd(), false);
assert_eq!((1 as $T).is_odd(), true);
assert_eq!((2 as $T).is_odd(), false);
assert_eq!((3 as $T).is_odd(), true);
assert_eq!((4 as $T).is_odd(), false);
impl_integer_for_uint!(u8, test_integer_u8)
impl_integer_for_uint!(u16, test_integer_u16)
impl_integer_for_uint!(u32, test_integer_u32)
impl_integer_for_uint!(u64, test_integer_u64)
impl_integer_for_uint!(uint, test_integer_uint)