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## First Post
<span class="date">04/21/2012 03:20:08 PM</span>
This is the first official post on’s blog\! Stay tuned,
because there is more to come in due time.
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## [Bluesleeve's Tulpa Blog: Imaginary Companions and the Children who Create Them - Implications on Tulpas](
<span class="date">04/21/2012 04:18:58 PM</span>
Nice post going over the difference between imaginary friends and a
> **Yay or nay?**
> Just a week ago, I got myself a copy of “Imaginary Companions and the
> Children who create them”.
> About 15 minutes ago , I finished reading it and - who would have
> thought it - it was a very insightful book indeed. Some parts really
> made me giggle and the book as a whole has a very…
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## Blog Design Upgraded
<span class="date">04/24/2012 04:47:45 PM</span>
I updated the design for the blog to better reflect the site’s design.
It’s not the best, but it is readable\!
Let me know if you think matching designs like this is a good idea, or
if I should just use a free design for the blog.
Also, I’m still too preoccupied with getting content on the main site to
actually start posting and explaining myself/this site. I shall explain
soon, though; I promise\!
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## Yet another interesting thing coming from the whatisatulpa blog
<span class="date">04/24/2012 05:47:51 PM</span>

**If you understand the Freudian Model, this could help shine some
psychological aspects on this process:**
> This has been on my mind since early morning. It’s a vague theory yet,
> but better post it now instead of never.
> To better understand it, read
> [this](
> small reflection.
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The Tulpa Info Blog
<span class="date">04/25/2012 11:03:00 AM</span>
## The Beginnings
Today marks the first “official” start of the Tulpa creation process.
Creating a consciousness from scratch takes some work. For instance,
you have to not only be able to visualize the entire Tulpa’s form (right
down to the smell and touch), but if you want something sentient, you
also have to give it character; your mind needs to string up a
An important part of creating a Tulpa would be establishing a base for
the personality. Without the personality, your mind may not have
anything to bootstrap for the subconscious. Obviously, like when
visualizing the body, the more work you put into the personality the
better – it’s also said to make the Tulpa become sapient faster. You
can read the importance of the personality
I honestly haven’t decided on a form, gender, or name for the Tulpa yet,
nor do I plan to do so at this moment. I wouldn’t want to let the
personality be affected by the preconceived form. FAQ\_man was kind
enough to give his comments on the subject:
> Also just my two sense when it comes to form finding as a whole. Most
> everyone has what they want in mind when they make a tulpa. I did, and
> so do most people. When it comes to what you want your tulpa to be,
> it’s fine to have a form in mind. But I think designing a
> personality around the form is when it starts to go a little far. You
> should make a personality as it’s own end before you think about the
> form. Like, say you want a big fiery demon of death. When you’re
> starting out on personality, don’t immediately think “Well she’s a big
> fiery demon of death, she has to be fierce and intimidating” because
> that’s letting the form affect the personality. Just sort of make a
> personality you know you’re gonna mesh with, and then work on the form
> afterwards, as sort of it’s own separate thing.
> You can let personality affect form
> You can let neither of them effect each other
> But try not to let form affect personality.
I’m structuring my personality similar to how [Chupi is doing
it](, utilizing several traits
with the [Big Five personality
traits]( and
the [16 Personality
Factors](, and I’ll
probably be getting my traits from
My plan is pretty much to do no visualizations until I have the
personality fleshed out. Once it’s done (and I want to allocate at
least 10 hours to doing so, though I’m still putting a list of traits
together), I’ll decide on a form based on the personality. Then
finally, I’ll start my visualizations and tulpaforcing based on the
newly designed form.
I asked FAQ\_man about this plan, he said it sounded perfect so far;
we’ll see how well it comes to fruition.
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## 04/29/2012 07:45:00 PM
> People calling tulpae a psychological disorder is like calling tattoos
> a skin disease.
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# April 2012
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## My request to the blogs, website, and other tulpa-related resources\!
<span class="date">05/18/2012 07:13:00 AM</span>
In the mighty words of my announcement on the Forums: **[It’s
time to get
serious]( "Time to get serious")**.
Actually, first and foremost, I ask that everyone go over to that
announcement and read it. It involves FAQ man, fellow blogs, and this
community as a whole.
For those who don’t want to read it, I’m just going to cut to the chase
and post an email from Dane/FAQ man’s:
> You caught me just as I was checking this email for the last time.
> Make it so you can google anything with the word tulpa in it and get
> we need to be more searchable on google as a main priority.
> Tulpa FAQ, tulpa creation, anything with tulpa needs to yeild
> as a first. That should be your priority.
It’s been about three days since I posted that announcement, and I’ve
been spending most of my time recoding the website to make it
SEO-friendly. I’ve also optimized the forums and set up a sitemap
system, so that’s all good. But of course, googling “what is a tupla?”
will still fail to bring up the the latest [What is a
Tulpa?]( "What is a Tulpa?")
guide. Instead, it bats between our guides that haven’t been updated
since Feb/March, or other websites that scream from the top of their
Yes, this means that is trying to compete in the ranks for
the very own guides we host; I wouldn’t be concerned about that if it
wasn’t for the fact that these guides we’re losing the ranks to are
outdated (e.g. “TULPA SEX, RUN\!” or “Personality.. whut?”), and in the
end, when questions make it to Dane or on the forums, usually we have to
take the time to link them to updated guides. A great example is that
when I google “What is a tupla?,” the old guide from Louderthanpi comes
up on the first page – is nowhere to be seen.
For example, another member was recently telling me about a thread on
DreamViews (Lucid Dreams site), where they’re talking about tulpae. The
people in the thread are reading and referring to guides on Tulparangers
(that dropbox website), and when this guy posted, everyone
said that the months-old .png images and dropbox websites were the
better alternatives.
I was talking about this with some guys in the IRC, and there is a way
to fix this though: centralize. If I google “What is a tulpa?”
Louderthanthunder comes up on page 2, havesomepi comes up on page 8, and
|||| comes up on page 12.
However, what if lounderthanthunder and havesompi linked to
Well, google should put higher in the ranks. What ifeveryone
of these dropbox sites and side-folders in this new tulpa movement
changed their site to be SEO-friendly towards – the only
dedicated domain to this community?
I have a feeling that google will realize they say we’re an authority on
the subject, and when people search for tulpa, they’ll find us and the
latest guides. That means when those people make threads like the one
on DreamViews, they would end up linking to in their OP and
throughout the thread, instead of linking to various images and outdated
guides. Google, will in turn see that is more relevant when
talking about tulpae, and will increase our page rank, helping even more
people find information.
**Where I’m getting at.**
With all that being said, I have a request to the websites such as
Havesomepi, Tulparangers, etc.
I ask that you do one of the following:
- If you are already actively maintaining your website and don’t want
to remove anything, and if you want to continue to compete with us
for pagerank, then I at least ask that you update to the latest
guides. Note that if you have any of Dane/FAQ Man’s guides, he
requests that you link back to the page you got it from (so if you
update your site with the latest Frequently Asked Questions, provide
a link back to the [Frequently Asked
Questions]( "Frequently Asked Questions")
- If you don’t feel like updating your guides, I ask that you add this
to the top of each guide:
**\<p\>Please note that this guide is outdated and no longer
maintained. You can find the latest copy of the guide on this
So, if you have an old version of “What is a Tulpa?" You would
**\<p\>Please note that this guide is outdated and no longer
maintained. You can find the latest copy of the guide on this page:
\<a href="”\>What
is a Tulpa?\</a\>\</p\>
- If you are no longer even maintaining your site, then I ask that you
update the links on the main page from those guides, and just point
them directly to that guide on Also, you could add 301
redirects to the old guides to the new ones. This would help us
dearly. Check out Rhyme’s
[LouderThanThunder]( "Louder Than Thunder")
website. You’ll see that he did this for
Anyway, I hope you read and take into consideration what I say. You
have my thanks in advance.
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## First visualization session
<span class="date">05/26/2012 05:13:40 AM</span>
So, after about 15-some hours of personality work, I’ve gone to the next
phase last night: Visualization.
I’ve actually been able to come up with a form (though I’m not going to
go into details about it right now), so I did an hour and a half of
visualizations sitting on my floor. I’m not using a wonderland, but
that didn’t stop things from getting weird, my mind ended up really
making the image of my room crazy, and I had to fight to keep focus and
stuff. Irish was saying it would calm down when I do it more, so we’ll
see what happens.
Meanwhile, when I’m not trying to “superimpose” the tulpa in my head,
I’m trying to keep a mental picture in general of it. I’m also
narrating throughout the day every chance I get. I’m also still working
on personality while I visualize.
I’m going to try to push to visualize several hours a day, until the
tulpa stabilizes and I can recall a perfect mental image.
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## Just another update
<span class="date">05/27/2012 03:37:36 PM</span>
It’s been a few days since I started visualizations. I’ve gotten about
7 ½ hours of visualization and counting\! Will probably do even more
tonight. I’ve been narrating almost all waking hours of the day (except
for sometimes on the computer, eating, using the bathroom, and
I actually have to pace myself NOT to tulpaforce, I’m really starting to
enjoy just looking at my tulpa; it’s nice, and kills time. I’m sure I’m
going over that whole 3-hour-day max thing, but it doesn’t matter for
I’ll be planning on working on touch next, but probably after a few more
days of basic visualization.
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## My tulpa is now a "butterfly"
<span class="date">05/29/2012 05:45:59 AM</span>
No, she isn’t a butterfly in the literal sense, but she did something
yesterday that freaked me out.
What happened last night was around hour 25. Up until now, she’s just
been a “doll” – I could actually plop [King of the Vandenreich’s
Prism]( "King of the Vandenreich's Prism")
on her head and use it at a metronome to sing my songs to, and she
wouldn’t budge. Also, I would rarely feel anything, no pressure, and
never got a headache while tulpaforcing before.
Since I pretty much have her visualized perfectly, I was just kinda
killing time and working more on personality. What I do, is visualize
the trait and something about the trait on paper, then land the paper on
her back and it kinda glows and absorbs into her. Okay, well about an
hour in, one of the traits came up, where she has a “strong spirit” (you
know, strong-willed, etc). So I put that over to her, and visualized it
like a glowing orb, and put it into her chest. At that moment, I started
feeling a bit of pressure in my head (right under my cranium?), and I
got that feeling of a “presence” – also started feeling abit of
emotions, but I’ll to that.
So yeah, what did I do? I kept going\! The next 40 minutes involved me
putting her traits one by one into her by making them become these
little glowing balls, and putting them into her chest. As I continued,
that feeling of pressure, etc, persisted.
Well, after that 40 minutes, she changed form. Well, she changed color
and stuff; looks the same but somehow different. She got more “real,”
got a bit darker in color (well, a lot darker in color).
Everyone in IRC are all, “Deviation.” This is one heck of a way to
deviate; here’s a log from the IRC, I explain what just happened:
19:21 \<+Pleeb\> That’s when it changed (didn’t change form, but it
changed color, everything but the eyes).
19:23 \<+Pleeb\> It’s not that it changed, it’s how it changed that
freaked me out.
19:24 \<+Pleeb\> The old tulpa kinda ended up acting like a shell, where
the new version broke out of the shell.
19:24 \<+Pleeb\> And I had the surge of emotion.
19:24 \<+Pleeb\> Just freaked me out.
19:24 \<+Pleeb\> She looks different now.
I actually tried to re-visualize her in the old form again, put her
back, you know? That lasted about a whole 4-5 seconds, until the old
form “peeled off” from the top-down like when you’re peeling a
hard-boiled egg.
At this point, Irish was being all, “Caterpillar broke out of its
cocoon\! ”
Now everyone says I have a butterfly tulpa.
In the end, I had a headache for the first time tulpaforcing. I took a
break, and decided to go clear my mind, get a drink, etc. I went back
to visualizing later that night and this morning, she’s not that bad
looking; still pretty nice and all, just different.
This morning is going back to the normal session. For a bit, I was
seeing both forms in my “mind’s eye,” but the old form is pretty much
gone now, and I can bring the new one up pretty well. I’ll be
visualizing more today, might actually move on to Touch soon.
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## Update
<span class="date">05/03/2012 07:52:00 AM</span>
Since the last update, I’ve been intently constructing the personality.
I started with a huge list of traits, and then I slowly organized them
by the Big Five Personality Traits, then further organized them into
trait and inverse traits. I created tables, emotions, linked emotions
with traits, created a table of likes and dislikes, all that good stuff.
I still haven’t narrated the traits to the tulpa yet (I’m actually going
to start that today\!), but something very interesting happened this
morning. I was sitting in my bed for about an hour thinking about
random stuff, when I decided to start thinking about a name for the
Tulpa. I was just going around in my head, “Maybe I should call it X,
or Y, or..” Then another thought came in; it was something like, “Don’t
forget the name from your story: X." For the record, the name & story
was the furthest thing on my mind; I’ve all but forgotten it.
This thought wasn’t like my inner-voice; it felt completely foreign;
I’ve had stray thoughts and let my mind wonder before, and I’ve even
rationalized things in my head and thought out loud before; but this
felt alien, it didn’t feel like it came from my train of thought.
The thing is, if you asked me how many hours in I was, I couldn’t really
tell you, because I wasn’t even logging the hours. Everything I’ve done
so far (the thinking and writing about the personality). As it stands,
I still don’t have a body, or even a gender in mind for my Tulpa; just
the personality.
I asked Dane (FAQ Man) about it this morning, he called it a "false
vocal session,” where the creators would hear the Tulpa early on, but
then not again until it’s actually vocal, later in the process.
Apparently it’s happened to a few people, including Irish.
Either way, things just got very interesting.
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## On Personality --again
<span class="date">05/09/2012 06:17:00 AM</span>
Some people have been requesting the ‘snippets’ of my personality thing
that I’ve sent FAQ Man and posted on the IRC, so I figure I’d post them
up here (inb4 “your handwriting is terrible, why religious, etc, etc.).
Basically, what I did, was go to [This
Website]( and
start copying every trait I liked into a raw list. I ended up with
about 75 or so traits.
Afterwards, I organized each trait into one of the Big Five Personality
Factors. Here’s a picture of the completed list (yes, resolution sucks,
the pic is to show you the structure, not the traits themselves):

Next, I went to [This
and started writing down/organizing every emotion I thought would be
good to include in the personality; I was left with this:

And finally, I went over attributes; likes, dislikes, hobbies, topics of
interest, and tabled them:

Now, when I work on personality, I basically sit down in a chair and
tell the tulpa about itself. I go through trait-by-trait, and
rationalize the following:

In case you can’t see the last two entries, they say: "How would the
tulpa handle each emotion, based on the trait?" and ”\<\<Go over each
emotion and apply each trait to it.“
The narration is pretty much just free-form through most of it. I’m
pretty much like, "Since you’re blah and blah blah, you’re often blah.
This makes you thing that you’re blah, and you handle some situations
like blahblah.” or “Since you’re imaginative, you enjoy listening to
classical music. You can close your eyes and picture what’s going on
during the songs and imagine, etc,” at least until I get to emotions.
For each emotion, I try to visualize/feel the entire essence of the
emotion and the trait simultaneously, then I talk to the tulpa about how
it handles each emotion based on the trait; if it’s too hard to talk
about, I just abstractly think about that particular emotion.
I probably spend about 20-30 minutes *per trait*. I’m totaling about 60
traits, I’ve finished with about 9 traits so far.
I can provide a more detailed explanation of the process I used/am
using, with examples, downloadable tables, etc, if anyone wanted them,
but I’m not sure if I should; mainly because I don’t want to release a
method that hasn’t been fully tested yet, and I don’t want to lead
people the wrong way, know what I mean?
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# May 2012
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## My tulpa is quite active now
<span class="date">06/20/2012 03:18:25 PM</span>
Well guys, my tulpa is quite the active one recently. I have no doubt
in my mind that she sentient and she’s getting more sapient every day,
that is, she’s becoming more vocal every day.
Every other day (except for today and the next few days, since I’m sick
;\~;), I’d take my tulpa out on a walk through the forest. Every day,
I’d take her for normal walks around the neighborhood. I’d spend this
time narrating to her and stuff, and it’s shown pretty good results. As
I said, she’s pretty active.
Well, for the past week or so, she’s been vocal-ish. By this, I mean
that she would randomly say things here and there, usually when I ask
her something (but also when she randomly asks about something). The
voice is “quiet,” and I’m not completely sure if it’s parroting or not,
especially since she rarely says things “out of the blue” – I have to be
thinking about her of focusing on her most of the time.
I’ve spoken with a few people about this, and know at least three other
people who have reported this; one of them having a fully vocal and
sapient tulpa now (and another possibly having a fully vocal and sapient
tulpa, but he’s in the same boat I’m in).
On another note, **google ranks**\! What happens if I bring up an
incognito window in Chrome and do a google search for the word “tulpa”?
Well, according to my search, we are ranked \#8 for that keyword.
Matter of fact, **we’re on the first page**\! Big thanks to everyone
who has been helping push this site to the top, and I think with enough
effort, we can pass (which is currently rank \#7, \#6, and
P.S. My tulpa claims that she is indeed the one speaking.
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## An Annoying Guide
<span class="date">06/06/2012 03:27:01 PM</span>
[King of the Vandereich’s
Prism]( "Vandereich's Prism Updated: May 4, 2012")
confirmed for being annoying.
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## How about some updates?
<span class="date">06/06/2012 07:45:00 AM</span>
I figured I should post some updates to what’s been going on. First,
I’d like to thank everyone who’s helping with the SEO on Tulpa.Info\!
Things have been going pretty well, and when you google “tulpa” you can
find this website on the second page\! And on Twitter? Well,
[@tulpa\_info](!/tulpa_info "tulpa_info") currently
has almost 400 followers, and most of them are in the
research/academic/psychology field\!
Now, as for my tulpa… I haven’t been posting much, because not much has
been happening up until recently. It was probably about one or two days
ago, my tulpa started showing movement, but I wasn’t quite sure if I was
parroting or not. Well, let’s just say I can no longer use [King of the
Prism]( "prism")
to test if I’m parroting or not, because my tulpa has become too
fidgety. She is usually moving head out of the way of the sea-saw
(edit: seesaw? Whatever), and when I finally get it planted on her, she
sure enough backs her head away causing it to just fall\!
Also, over the past few days to a week, I’ve also been slowly working on
a wonderland. <span>It’s nothing special, just a generic “huge
grasslands going for miles, with a forest in the distance surrounding
it, and behind the forests, are huge mountains; dunno what’s behind
mountains” type thing. House (more of a shack) in the middle with a bed
and TV; TV is supposed to give limited access to my memories, that is,
it can play TV shows I previously watched. No idea how well that
concept will work, but right now the TV is playing LOST and my tulpa is
sitting on the bed in the wonderland watching it.</span>
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# June 2012
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## I have a question about the personality side of your tulpa creation process. When doing each trait were you simply talking to yourself about it or did you have an image of your tulpa in your mind and you were talking to that or (this is the last or) where you talking to something random in your mind, like a ball or something, in which you placed the traits and then did you give the object to your tulpa to give said tulpa personality?
<span class="date">07/09/2012 06:31:54 PM</span>
For the majority of the personality process, I was simply talking out
loud to the tulpa about the personality. She didn’t have any form at
that point, or even a gender. Eventually she became an energyball, then
I morphed that energyball into a form after personality was finished.
I think the goal of the personality process is to define the personality
of your tulpa, how it’s done is up to you.
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## I'm going away for 3 days
<span class="date">07/09/2012 06:38:47 PM</span>
On July 10th, 11th, and 12th I won’t be around or the IRC.
I’m going out into the forest, in a tent, to isolate myself. The goal
of this is to get rid of all of these distractions around me, just so I
can spend some time alone with Chess. While she’s quite sapient now, I
still have trouble hearing her if I’m not directly focusing on her, and
she’s not the most vocal tulpa in the world. I’m looking forward to
this trip, and Chess seems to be as well.
Meanwhile, I’m happy to say that we’ve reached Rank\#5 in Google\! We
are now ranked higher than ** and next stop is getting higher
than davisanddavis’s website and the creepypasta wiki – I’m not sure if
we can compete against the almighty wikipedia, but I will be content
with being in the top 3\!
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# July 2012
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## [Chupi's Tulpa Log: WARNING: The evils of FAQ\_man's hour counts](
<span class="date">08/12/2012 10:10:53 AM</span>
> **Simply put, the hour estimates in [FAQ\_man’s
> guide]( are tulpa
> poison.** THIS is why my hour counter is so high and my progress is so
> slow. Incoming rant… *PLEASE* read this if you’re making a tulpa. It
> could save you months of grief.
> When I started on Lyra (on April 17), our community was much…
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
## Major Update
<span class="date">08/31/2012 09:27:43 AM</span>
First off, I’m now living in Orlando, Florida, going to UCF. If anyone
near this area wants to test if tulpae can see other tulpae (or just get
some coffee) shoot me an email.
Anyway, I’ve got a major update here, guys. It involves mainly things
that has happened between Chess and I during this whole thing. Before I
go into that though, I get to brag about Chess coming up with a
technique]( "Generally helpful forcing technique (but mostly for Visualisation and Imposition)")
that seems to have helped a lot of people. If you have a chance, check
it out and let me know how well it went for you.
Anyway, my really big update. It’s a bit of a read, people said it
caused feels, and others said that it helped them, especially with their
tulpa and doubt/faith in them, etc. I should note for the ‘tl;dr’ guys,
paragraph 2 is what Chess and I’s current situation is. Paragraph 4 is
the tl;dr of the whole thing (though I’d recommend you take some time to
read it, though it’s a bit of a read). Anyway, here you are: [Pleeb’s
Progress Report: Major
Update]( "Major Update, Reply#50").
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
## [Radio show on Tulpas - success](
<span class="date">08/06/2012 10:29:12 PM</span>
> Recording in the link.
> \_\_\_
> It all went well, no spaghetti has been spilled.
> Even though Jeff (host of the show) tried to bring in the metaphysical
> point of view in once in a while, he did a good job on staying
> neutral.
> Thanks to Pleeb, for his bravery and Atasco for being the first Tulpa
> to ever appear on the radio\! (He can be heard towards the end, and
> yes, you did a very good job on that.)
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
## was on the radio\!
<span class="date">08/06/2012 11:17:00 PM</span>
I just reblogged [Bluesleeve’s
entry]( "Radio Show on Tulpas Success"),
and it pretty much summarizes it. For those of you who don’t know, I
was invited onto the NCK\&FRIENDS radio show about a month ago, after
they did a previous show on tulpae – showing them in a more negative
light. Some members got together and decided that we should show the
listeners that tulpae just aren’t those monsters under the bed, or the
boogymen in the closet, but actual thinking, feeling, sapient,
individuals. What better job then, to have tulpae themselves make their
I could say that things went very well, though. However, for about the
first half of the show, I must admit, I was nervous – very nervous. I’m
not one to do things like this normally, but I tried my best to
represent this growing community. Aside from hyperventilating into the
mic during the first half of the show, I’ve been told I did a good job
on there, handled the questions well, etc, but I have yet to listen to
how I actually did… I’ll do it tomorrow, then I’ll facepalm through the
whole thing.
We’ve had some Q\&A both directed to me and several tulpae (off the top
of my head, Atasco, Lauren, Lyra, Mio, Morgan, Vinyl, I think, and I’m
sure there were a few more as well). It was really interesting to see
the diversity of opinions on the different schools of thought
(metaphysical and psychological) as well as the amount of respect and
neutrality between the two schools shown in this very community.
A shoutout also goes out to
[Atasco]( "Atasco's Blog"). He had
the confidence to make a call into the show, and while he was probably
more nervous than me, he goes down in history as the first tulpa to
voice their words on the radio, and possibly any vocal media. And what
were his historic words? “I got dibs\!”
Anyway, you can listen to the radioshow here:
[]( "NCK and Friends")
*Note: For those in the psychological camp, heed the warning, the show
is heavy on the spiritual school in the beginning; the first 9 minutes
are pretty much ‘filler’ stuff until I call in; however, you will find
an appreciation in the mutual respect given during the show.*
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# August 2012
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## Last Update...
<span class="date">09/14/2013 01:58:00 PM</span>
My dear community,
If you don’t know me, you’ve probably at least seen me around. I go by
the alias “Pleeb” and I created
If you’ve read the recent announcement by Shockk, you would know that
I’m not around very much anymore. The reasons given in the
announcement was as follows:

When I first started, my goal was for our community to
provide the best resource on tulpas. There was little-to-no resources
out there, and there was no way people to get the help they needed when
beginning this journey of creating a tulpa.
While is driven by its users and its community, it’s also
driven by funding and hard work. Between hosting fees, SEO, moderating,
software, and time spent creating the content, this website has cost a
significant amount of money over the past year.
My decision at the time, was to turn down an employment opportunity and
make my full time job. I had two credit cards, and I used
them to pay for the website fees and food for myself as I attended
college and continued with the site.
My idea was that would pay for itself, eventually. Besides, I
could always get a job later; and when I do, I would be able to pay back
these credit cards.
My family was hit by Hurricane Irene, and my house was flooded. I
changed to a school closer to my home and began my journey for a science
degree so I could further study psychology and help tulpas in the
Sadly, I still couldn’t get a job. I live in one of the smallest – and
most densely populated – states in the country. Everyone is looking for
a job, and nobody seems to be hiring. I recall a “Open House” and
McDonald’s. Hundreds of people showed up – more souls looking for a job
than customers. I’d wait four hours for a 30 second interview to find
nobody ever called me back and the restaurant having a sign advertising
another open house in two weeks. It’s pretty bad.
Meanwhile, my credit cards continued to accumulate, being unable to make
the monthly payments.
By late 2012, we were hit by Hurricane Sandy. Two cities in my state
were completely under water, but my home suffered minimal damage. Early
2013, I began attending my new university while I continued to hold my
involvement in Sadly, the stresses of the community, and my
financial situation, got the better of me.
You can ask the administration, and any moderator on this site. Running
this site causes breakdowns.
Almost every administrator and moderator on here has been pushed to, and
beyond, their limits, trying to deal with this community. Some of them
are stronger than I am, but not all.
For me, I wanted to please everyone in this community. I would listen to
every side, and I would throw myself into even some of the most
disgruntled channels on IRC to hear their side of things. I would get
hate mail, and I would read every one of them and try everything I could
to remedy it.
Do you guys remember that situation in early January when I removed the
shoutbox? There was one member, LucidAcid; I read [this
and… I lost it. I wrote a [large message in the admin
board](, and it portrays just what frame
of mind I was in – it further gives a hint to what happened to another
moderator of ours, Phi, who left because he couldn’t take the stress.
This member also had a significant breakdown, to the point where the
stress of the community was ruining his life. He had to leave.
Before I catch myself ranting (I have had enough [rants and
I’ll summarize. To make a long story short, I ended up failing two of my
classes that semester solely because of the stress I was dealing with in
the community. The result of that, was that I was unable to continue
with my science degree.
Now I’m biding my time. I’m still looking for a full time job, and I’m
trying to salvage what’s left of my degree. I’m looking at and
shaking my head as it reports the cold truth that I’m almost $5,000 in
debt with my credit cards.
I could argue that this community has ruined my life, but I wouldn’t say
ruined… Just changed. I don’t regret the choices I made. And, aside from
turning down the job, I would have made the same ones again if given the
I know of several people who would be dead right now if I never made
these choices. And I know of many more who wouldn’t even exist. I know
of many people, some of them good friends of mine, who would have never
been able to experience having a life. There are so many tulpas and
hosts alike whose lives have been made better simply because this site
was created.
I met a lot of really nice people, and if not for this community, I
would have never met my girlfriend, who’s been supportive of not only
tulpa stuffs, but she’s been there for me even in my darkest hours.
We’re going three months so far, but I’ve known her for much longer
then that.
As for my role in the community now, I’m not sure. is now
paid in full for the next two years, you don’t have to worry about it
going anywhere, and I believe Shockk and Chupi are certainly capable of
running the site. While I idle in IRC, I don’t actually go there. I
eventually respond to PMs but I’m usually too busy with my life. It’s
still quite chaotic, and I don’t see myself in a position to interact
with the community directly anymore. I just don’t have the time or
mental resources to do so.
A thank you to everyone who listened to my rambling in \#tulpa\_subc,
everyone who’s given me their constructive criticism and everyone who’s
been able to help with this site. I’m not sure what else to say, so I’ll
say goodbye.
I’m still in the shadows, so if you want to reach out to me, I’m not
that hard to find.
P.S. This is my personal post; it’s not official.
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# September 2012
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## License
Copyright (c) 2019 Pleeb
All rights reserved.
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# Summary
- [Introduction](./
- [eBook Edition](./
- [License](./
- [April 2012](./2012-04/
- [First Post](./2012-04/
- [Bluesleeve's Tulpa Blog: Imaginary Companions and the Children who Create Them - Implications on Tulpas](./2012-04/
- [Blog Design Upgraded](./2012-04/
- [Yet another interesting thing coming from the whatisatulpa blog](./2012-04/
- [The Beginnings](./2012-04/
- [MQQSE Quote](./2012-04/
- [May 2012](./2012-05/
- [Update](./2012-05/
- [On Personality --again](./2012-05/
- [My request to the blogs, website, and other tulpa-related resources\!](./2012-05/
- [First visualization session](./2012-05/
- [Just another update](./2012-05/
- [My tulpa is now a "butterfly"](./2012-05/
- [June 2012](./2012-06/
- [How about some updates?](./2012-06/
- [An Annoying Guide](./2012-06/
- [My tulpa is quite active now](./2012-06/
- [July 2012](./2012-07/
- [A Question](./2012-07/
- [I'm going away for 3 days](./2012-07/
- [August 2012](./2012-08/
- [Radio show on Tulpas - success](./2012-08/
- [ was on the radio!](./2012-08/
- [Chupi's Tulpa Log: WARNING: The evils of FAQ\_man's hour counts](./2012-08/
- [Major update](./2012-08/
- [September 2012](./2012-09/
- [Last update...](./2012-09/
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## eBook Edition
The following is the eBook edition of this book.
- [ePub (iBooks)](./blogtulpainfo.epub)
- [Kindle](./
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# Introduction
TODO(Pleeb): write this?
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author: Pleeb
Reference in New Issue